| // Portions copyright 2012 Google, Inc |
| |
| // Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Grant Galitz |
| // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as |
| // published by the Free Software Foundation. |
| // The full license is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html |
| // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| // See the GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| // The code has been adapted for use as a benchmark by Google. |
| |
| var GameboyBenchmark = new BenchmarkSuite('Gameboy', 18000000, |
| [new Benchmark('Gameboy', |
| runGameboy, |
| setupGameboy, |
| tearDownGameboy, |
| 4)]); |
| |
| var decoded_gameboy_rom = null; |
| |
| function setupGameboy() { |
| |
| // Check if all the types required by the code are supported. |
| // If not, throw exception and quit. |
| if (!(typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" && |
| typeof Int8Array != "undefined" && |
| typeof Float32Array != "undefined" && |
| typeof Int32Array != "undefined") ) { |
| throw "TypedArrayUnsupported"; |
| } |
| decoded_gameboy_rom = base64_decode(gameboy_rom); |
| rom = null; |
| } |
| |
| function runGameboy() { |
| start(new GameBoyCanvas(), decoded_gameboy_rom); |
| |
| gameboy.instructions = 0; |
| gameboy.totalInstructions = 250000; |
| |
| while (gameboy.instructions <= gameboy.totalInstructions) { |
| gameboy.run(); |
| GameBoyAudioNode.run(); |
| } |
| |
| resetGlobalVariables(); |
| } |
| |
| function tearDownGameboy() { |
| decoded_gameboy_rom = null; |
| expectedGameboyStateStr = null; |
| } |
| |
| var expectedGameboyStateStr = |
| '{"registerA":160,"registerB":255,"registerC":255,"registerE":11,' + |
| '"registersHL":51600,"programCounter":24309,"stackPointer":49706,' + |
| '"sumROM":10171578,"sumMemory":3435856,"sumMBCRam":234598,"sumVRam":0}'; |
| |
| // Start of browser emulation. |
| |
| GameBoyWindow = { }; |
| |
| function GameBoyContext() { |
| this.createBuffer = function() { |
| return new Buffer(); |
| } |
| this.createImageData = function (w, h) { |
| var result = {}; |
| result.data = new Uint8Array(w * h); |
| return result; |
| } |
| this.putImageData = function (buffer, x, y) { |
| var sum = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < buffer.data.length; i++) { |
| sum += i * buffer.data[i]; |
| sum = sum % 1000; |
| } |
| } |
| this.drawImage = function () { } |
| }; |
| |
| function GameBoyCanvas() { |
| this.getContext = function() { |
| return new GameBoyContext(); |
| } |
| this.width = 160; |
| this.height = 144; |
| this.style = { visibility: "visibile" }; |
| } |
| |
| function cout(message, colorIndex) { |
| } |
| |
| function clear_terminal() { |
| } |
| |
| var GameBoyAudioNode = { |
| bufferSize : 0, |
| onaudioprocess : null , |
| connect : function () {}, |
| run: function() { |
| var event = {outputBuffer : this.outputBuffer}; |
| this.onaudioprocess(event); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| function GameBoyAudioContext () { |
| this.createBufferSource = function() { |
| return { noteOn : function () {}, connect : function() {}}; |
| } |
| this.sampleRate = 48000; |
| this.destination = {} |
| this.createBuffer = function (channels, len, sampleRate) { |
| return { gain : 1, |
| numberOfChannels : 1, |
| length : 1, |
| duration : 0.000020833333110203966, |
| sampleRate : 48000} |
| } |
| this.createJavaScriptNode = function (bufferSize, inputChannels, outputChannels) { |
| GameBoyAudioNode.bufferSize = bufferSize; |
| GameBoyAudioNode.outputBuffer = { |
| getChannelData : function (i) {return this.channelData[i];}, |
| channelData : [] |
| }; |
| for (var i = 0; i < outputChannels; i++) { |
| GameBoyAudioNode.outputBuffer.channelData[i] = new Float32Array(bufferSize); |
| } |
| return GameBoyAudioNode; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var mock_date_time_counter = 0; |
| |
| function new_Date() { |
| return { |
| getTime: function() { |
| mock_date_time_counter += 16; |
| return mock_date_time_counter; |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| // End of browser emulation. |
| |
| // Start of helper functions. |
| |
| function checkFinalState() { |
| function sum(a) { |
| var result = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { |
| result += a[i]; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| var state = { |
| registerA: gameboy.registerA, |
| registerB: gameboy.registerB, |
| registerC: gameboy.registerC, |
| registerE: gameboy.registerE, |
| registerF: gameboy.registerF, |
| registersHL: gameboy.registersHL, |
| programCounter: gameboy.programCounter, |
| stackPointer: gameboy.stackPointer, |
| sumROM : sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.ROM)), |
| sumMemory: sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.memory)), |
| sumMBCRam: sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.MBCRam)), |
| sumVRam: sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.VRam)) |
| } |
| var stateStr = JSON.stringify(state); |
| if (typeof expectedGameboyStateStr != "undefined") { |
| if (stateStr != expectedGameboyStateStr) { |
| alert("Incorrect final state of processor:\n" + |
| " actual " + stateStr + "\n" + |
| " expected " + expectedGameboyStateStr); |
| } |
| } else { |
| alert(stateStr); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| function resetGlobalVariables () { |
| //Audio API Event Handler: |
| audioContextHandle = null; |
| audioNode = null; |
| audioSource = null; |
| launchedContext = false; |
| audioContextSampleBuffer = []; |
| resampled = []; |
| webAudioMinBufferSize = 15000; |
| webAudioMaxBufferSize = 25000; |
| webAudioActualSampleRate = 44100; |
| XAudioJSSampleRate = 0; |
| webAudioMono = false; |
| XAudioJSVolume = 1; |
| resampleControl = null; |
| audioBufferSize = 0; |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| resampleBufferEnd = 0; |
| resampleBufferSize = 2; |
| |
| gameboy = null; //GameBoyCore object. |
| gbRunInterval = null; //GameBoyCore Timer |
| } |
| |
| |
| // End of helper functions. |
| |
| // Original code from Grant Galitz follows. |
| // Modifications by Google are marked in comments. |
| |
| // Start of js/other/base64.js file. |
| |
| var toBase64 = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", |
| "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", |
| "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+" , "/", "="]; |
| var fromBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; |
| function base64(data) { |
| try { |
| // The following line was modified for benchmarking: |
| var base64 = GameBoyWindow.btoa(data); //Use this native function when it's available, as it's a magnitude faster than the non-native code below. |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| //Defaulting to non-native base64 encoding... |
| var base64 = ""; |
| var dataLength = data.length; |
| if (dataLength > 0) { |
| var bytes = [0, 0, 0]; |
| var index = 0; |
| var remainder = dataLength % 3; |
| while (data.length % 3 > 0) { |
| //Make sure we don't do fuzzy math in the next loop... |
| data[data.length] = " "; |
| } |
| while (index < dataLength) { |
| //Keep this loop small for speed. |
| bytes = [data.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF, data.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF, data.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF]; |
| base64 += toBase64[bytes[0] >> 2] + toBase64[((bytes[0] & 0x3) << 4) | (bytes[1] >> 4)] + toBase64[((bytes[1] & 0xF) << 2) | (bytes[2] >> 6)] + toBase64[bytes[2] & 0x3F]; |
| } |
| if (remainder > 0) { |
| //Fill in the padding and recalulate the trailing six-bit group... |
| base64[base64.length - 1] = "="; |
| if (remainder == 2) { |
| base64[base64.length - 2] = "="; |
| base64[base64.length - 3] = toBase64[(bytes[0] & 0x3) << 4]; |
| } |
| else { |
| base64[base64.length - 2] = toBase64[(bytes[1] & 0xF) << 2]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return base64; |
| } |
| function base64_decode(data) { |
| try { |
| // The following line was modified for benchmarking: |
| var decode64 = GameBoyWindow.atob(data); //Use this native function when it's available, as it's a magnitude faster than the non-native code below. |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| //Defaulting to non-native base64 decoding... |
| var decode64 = ""; |
| var dataLength = data.length; |
| if (dataLength > 3 && dataLength % 4 == 0) { |
| var sixbits = [0, 0, 0, 0]; //Declare this out of the loop, to speed up the ops. |
| var index = 0; |
| while (index < dataLength) { |
| //Keep this loop small for speed. |
| sixbits = [fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++)), fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++)), fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++)), fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++))]; |
| decode64 += String.fromCharCode((sixbits[0] << 2) | (sixbits[1] >> 4)) + String.fromCharCode(((sixbits[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | (sixbits[2] >> 2)) + String.fromCharCode(((sixbits[2] & 0x03) << 6) | sixbits[3]); |
| } |
| //Check for the '=' character after the loop, so we don't hose it up. |
| if (sixbits[3] >= 0x40) { |
| decode64.length -= 1; |
| if (sixbits[2] >= 0x40) { |
| decode64.length -= 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return decode64; |
| } |
| function to_little_endian_dword(str) { |
| return to_little_endian_word(str) + String.fromCharCode((str >> 16) & 0xFF, (str >> 24) & 0xFF); |
| } |
| function to_little_endian_word(str) { |
| return to_byte(str) + String.fromCharCode((str >> 8) & 0xFF); |
| } |
| function to_byte(str) { |
| return String.fromCharCode(str & 0xFF); |
| } |
| function arrayToBase64(arrayIn) { |
| var binString = ""; |
| var length = arrayIn.length; |
| for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) { |
| if (typeof arrayIn[index] == "number") { |
| binString += String.fromCharCode(arrayIn[index]); |
| } |
| } |
| return base64(binString); |
| } |
| function base64ToArray(b64String) { |
| var binString = base64_decode(b64String); |
| var outArray = []; |
| var length = binString.length; |
| for (var index = 0; index < length;) { |
| outArray.push(binString.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF); |
| } |
| return outArray; |
| } |
| |
| // End of js/other/base64.js file. |
| |
| // Start of js/other/resampler.js file. |
| |
| //JavaScript Audio Resampler (c) 2011 - Grant Galitz |
| function Resampler(fromSampleRate, toSampleRate, channels, outputBufferSize, noReturn) { |
| this.fromSampleRate = fromSampleRate; |
| this.toSampleRate = toSampleRate; |
| this.channels = channels | 0; |
| this.outputBufferSize = outputBufferSize; |
| this.noReturn = !!noReturn; |
| this.initialize(); |
| } |
| Resampler.prototype.initialize = function () { |
| //Perform some checks: |
| if (this.fromSampleRate > 0 && this.toSampleRate > 0 && this.channels > 0) { |
| if (this.fromSampleRate == this.toSampleRate) { |
| //Setup a resampler bypass: |
| this.resampler = this.bypassResampler; //Resampler just returns what was passed through. |
| this.ratioWeight = 1; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Setup the interpolation resampler: |
| this.compileInterpolationFunction(); |
| this.resampler = this.interpolate; //Resampler is a custom quality interpolation algorithm. |
| this.ratioWeight = this.fromSampleRate / this.toSampleRate; |
| this.tailExists = false; |
| this.lastWeight = 0; |
| this.initializeBuffers(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| throw(new Error("Invalid settings specified for the resampler.")); |
| } |
| } |
| Resampler.prototype.compileInterpolationFunction = function () { |
| var toCompile = "var bufferLength = Math.min(buffer.length, this.outputBufferSize);\ |
| if ((bufferLength % " + this.channels + ") == 0) {\ |
| if (bufferLength > 0) {\ |
| var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeight;\ |
| var weight = 0;"; |
| for (var channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "var output" + channel + " = 0;" |
| } |
| toCompile += "var actualPosition = 0;\ |
| var amountToNext = 0;\ |
| var alreadyProcessedTail = !this.tailExists;\ |
| this.tailExists = false;\ |
| var outputBuffer = this.outputBuffer;\ |
| var outputOffset = 0;\ |
| var currentPosition = 0;\ |
| do {\ |
| if (alreadyProcessedTail) {\ |
| weight = ratioWeight;"; |
| for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "output" + channel + " = 0;" |
| } |
| toCompile += "}\ |
| else {\ |
| weight = this.lastWeight;"; |
| for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "output" + channel + " = this.lastOutput[" + channel + "];" |
| } |
| toCompile += "alreadyProcessedTail = true;\ |
| }\ |
| while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < bufferLength) {\ |
| amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition;\ |
| if (weight >= amountToNext) {"; |
| for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "output" + channel + " += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;" |
| } |
| toCompile += "currentPosition = actualPosition;\ |
| weight -= amountToNext;\ |
| }\ |
| else {"; |
| for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "output" + channel + " += buffer[actualPosition" + ((channel > 0) ? (" + " + channel) : "") + "] * weight;" |
| } |
| toCompile += "currentPosition += weight;\ |
| weight = 0;\ |
| break;\ |
| }\ |
| }\ |
| if (weight == 0) {"; |
| for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = output" + channel + " / ratioWeight;" |
| } |
| toCompile += "}\ |
| else {\ |
| this.lastWeight = weight;"; |
| for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) { |
| toCompile += "this.lastOutput[" + channel + "] = output" + channel + ";" |
| } |
| toCompile += "this.tailExists = true;\ |
| break;\ |
| }\ |
| } while (actualPosition < bufferLength);\ |
| return this.bufferSlice(outputOffset);\ |
| }\ |
| else {\ |
| return (this.noReturn) ? 0 : [];\ |
| }\ |
| }\ |
| else {\ |
| throw(new Error(\"Buffer was of incorrect sample length.\"));\ |
| }"; |
| this.interpolate = Function("buffer", toCompile); |
| } |
| Resampler.prototype.bypassResampler = function (buffer) { |
| if (this.noReturn) { |
| //Set the buffer passed as our own, as we don't need to resample it: |
| this.outputBuffer = buffer; |
| return buffer.length; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Just return the buffer passsed: |
| return buffer; |
| } |
| } |
| Resampler.prototype.bufferSlice = function (sliceAmount) { |
| if (this.noReturn) { |
| //If we're going to access the properties directly from this object: |
| return sliceAmount; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Typed array and normal array buffer section referencing: |
| try { |
| return this.outputBuffer.subarray(0, sliceAmount); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| try { |
| //Regular array pass: |
| this.outputBuffer.length = sliceAmount; |
| return this.outputBuffer; |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| //Nightly Firefox 4 used to have the subarray function named as slice: |
| return this.outputBuffer.slice(0, sliceAmount); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| Resampler.prototype.initializeBuffers = function () { |
| //Initialize the internal buffer: |
| try { |
| this.outputBuffer = new Float32Array(this.outputBufferSize); |
| this.lastOutput = new Float32Array(this.channels); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| this.outputBuffer = []; |
| this.lastOutput = []; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // End of js/other/resampler.js file. |
| |
| // Start of js/other/XAudioServer.js file. |
| |
| /*Initialize here first: |
| Example: |
| Stereo audio with a sample rate of 70 khz, a minimum buffer of 15000 samples total, a maximum buffer of 25000 samples total and a starting volume level of 1. |
| var parentObj = this; |
| this.audioHandle = new XAudioServer(2, 70000, 15000, 25000, function (sampleCount) { |
| return parentObj.audioUnderRun(sampleCount); |
| }, 1); |
| |
| The callback is passed the number of samples requested, while it can return any number of samples it wants back. |
| */ |
| function XAudioServer(channels, sampleRate, minBufferSize, maxBufferSize, underRunCallback, volume) { |
| this.audioChannels = (channels == 2) ? 2 : 1; |
| webAudioMono = (this.audioChannels == 1); |
| XAudioJSSampleRate = (sampleRate > 0 && sampleRate <= 0xFFFFFF) ? sampleRate : 44100; |
| webAudioMinBufferSize = (minBufferSize >= (samplesPerCallback << 1) && minBufferSize < maxBufferSize) ? (minBufferSize & ((webAudioMono) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFFFFFFE)) : (samplesPerCallback << 1); |
| webAudioMaxBufferSize = (Math.floor(maxBufferSize) > webAudioMinBufferSize + this.audioChannels) ? (maxBufferSize & ((webAudioMono) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFFFFFFE)) : (minBufferSize << 1); |
| this.underRunCallback = (typeof underRunCallback == "function") ? underRunCallback : function () {}; |
| XAudioJSVolume = (volume >= 0 && volume <= 1) ? volume : 1; |
| this.audioType = -1; |
| this.mozAudioTail = []; |
| this.audioHandleMoz = null; |
| this.audioHandleFlash = null; |
| this.flashInitialized = false; |
| this.mozAudioFound = false; |
| this.initializeAudio(); |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.MOZWriteAudio = function (buffer) { |
| //mozAudio: |
| this.MOZWriteAudioNoCallback(buffer); |
| this.MOZExecuteCallback(); |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.MOZWriteAudioNoCallback = function (buffer) { |
| //mozAudio: |
| this.writeMozAudio(buffer); |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.callbackBasedWriteAudio = function (buffer) { |
| //Callback-centered audio APIs: |
| this.callbackBasedWriteAudioNoCallback(buffer); |
| this.callbackBasedExecuteCallback(); |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.callbackBasedWriteAudioNoCallback = function (buffer) { |
| //Callback-centered audio APIs: |
| var length = buffer.length; |
| for (var bufferCounter = 0; bufferCounter < length && audioBufferSize < webAudioMaxBufferSize;) { |
| audioContextSampleBuffer[audioBufferSize++] = buffer[bufferCounter++]; |
| } |
| } |
| /*Pass your samples into here! |
| Pack your samples as a one-dimenional array |
| With the channel samplea packed uniformly. |
| examples: |
| mono - [left, left, left, left] |
| stereo - [left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right] |
| */ |
| XAudioServer.prototype.writeAudio = function (buffer) { |
| if (this.audioType == 0) { |
| this.MOZWriteAudio(buffer); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 1) { |
| this.callbackBasedWriteAudio(buffer); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 2) { |
| if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) { |
| this.callbackBasedWriteAudio(buffer); |
| } |
| else if (this.mozAudioFound) { |
| this.MOZWriteAudio(buffer); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| /*Pass your samples into here if you don't want automatic callback calling: |
| Pack your samples as a one-dimenional array |
| With the channel samplea packed uniformly. |
| examples: |
| mono - [left, left, left, left] |
| stereo - [left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right] |
| Useful in preventing infinite recursion issues with calling writeAudio inside your callback. |
| */ |
| XAudioServer.prototype.writeAudioNoCallback = function (buffer) { |
| if (this.audioType == 0) { |
| this.MOZWriteAudioNoCallback(buffer); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 1) { |
| this.callbackBasedWriteAudioNoCallback(buffer); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 2) { |
| if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) { |
| this.callbackBasedWriteAudioNoCallback(buffer); |
| } |
| else if (this.mozAudioFound) { |
| this.MOZWriteAudioNoCallback(buffer); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Developer can use this to see how many samples to write (example: minimum buffer allotment minus remaining samples left returned from this function to make sure maximum buffering is done...) |
| //If -1 is returned, then that means metric could not be done. |
| XAudioServer.prototype.remainingBuffer = function () { |
| if (this.audioType == 0) { |
| //mozAudio: |
| return this.samplesAlreadyWritten - this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset(); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 1) { |
| //WebKit Audio: |
| return (((resampledSamplesLeft() * resampleControl.ratioWeight) >> (this.audioChannels - 1)) << (this.audioChannels - 1)) + audioBufferSize; |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 2) { |
| if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) { |
| //Webkit Audio / Flash Plugin Audio: |
| return (((resampledSamplesLeft() * resampleControl.ratioWeight) >> (this.audioChannels - 1)) << (this.audioChannels - 1)) + audioBufferSize; |
| } |
| else if (this.mozAudioFound) { |
| //mozAudio: |
| return this.samplesAlreadyWritten - this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset(); |
| } |
| } |
| //Default return: |
| return 0; |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.MOZExecuteCallback = function () { |
| //mozAudio: |
| var samplesRequested = webAudioMinBufferSize - this.remainingBuffer(); |
| if (samplesRequested > 0) { |
| this.writeMozAudio(this.underRunCallback(samplesRequested)); |
| } |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.callbackBasedExecuteCallback = function () { |
| //WebKit /Flash Audio: |
| var samplesRequested = webAudioMinBufferSize - this.remainingBuffer(); |
| if (samplesRequested > 0) { |
| this.callbackBasedWriteAudioNoCallback(this.underRunCallback(samplesRequested)); |
| } |
| } |
| //If you just want your callback called for any possible refill (Execution of callback is still conditional): |
| XAudioServer.prototype.executeCallback = function () { |
| if (this.audioType == 0) { |
| this.MOZExecuteCallback(); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 1) { |
| this.callbackBasedExecuteCallback(); |
| } |
| else if (this.audioType == 2) { |
| if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) { |
| this.callbackBasedExecuteCallback(); |
| } |
| else if (this.mozAudioFound) { |
| this.MOZExecuteCallback(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //DO NOT CALL THIS, the lib calls this internally! |
| XAudioServer.prototype.initializeAudio = function () { |
| try { |
| throw (new Error("Select initializeWebAudio case")); // Line added for benchmarking. |
| this.preInitializeMozAudio(); |
| if (navigator.platform == "Linux i686") { |
| //Block out mozaudio usage for Linux Firefox due to moz bugs: |
| throw(new Error("")); |
| } |
| this.initializeMozAudio(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| try { |
| this.initializeWebAudio(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| try { |
| this.initializeFlashAudio(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| throw(new Error("Browser does not support real time audio output.")); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.preInitializeMozAudio = function () { |
| //mozAudio - Synchronous Audio API |
| this.audioHandleMoz = new Audio(); |
| this.audioHandleMoz.mozSetup(this.audioChannels, XAudioJSSampleRate); |
| this.samplesAlreadyWritten = 0; |
| var emptySampleFrame = (this.audioChannels == 2) ? [0, 0] : [0]; |
| var prebufferAmount = 0; |
| if (navigator.platform != "MacIntel" && navigator.platform != "MacPPC") { //Mac OS X doesn't experience this moz-bug! |
| while (this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset() == 0) { |
| //Mozilla Audio Bugginess Workaround (Firefox freaks out if we don't give it a prebuffer under certain OSes): |
| prebufferAmount += this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(emptySampleFrame); |
| } |
| var samplesToDoubleBuffer = prebufferAmount / this.audioChannels; |
| //Double the prebuffering for windows: |
| for (var index = 0; index < samplesToDoubleBuffer; index++) { |
| this.samplesAlreadyWritten += this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(emptySampleFrame); |
| } |
| } |
| this.samplesAlreadyWritten += prebufferAmount; |
| webAudioMinBufferSize += this.samplesAlreadyWritten; |
| this.mozAudioFound = true; |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.initializeMozAudio = function () { |
| //Fill in our own buffering up to the minimum specified: |
| this.writeMozAudio(getFloat32(webAudioMinBufferSize)); |
| this.audioType = 0; |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.initializeWebAudio = function () { |
| if (launchedContext) { |
| resetCallbackAPIAudioBuffer(webAudioActualSampleRate, samplesPerCallback); |
| this.audioType = 1; |
| } |
| else { |
| throw(new Error("")); |
| } |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.initializeFlashAudio = function () { |
| var existingFlashload = document.getElementById("XAudioJS"); |
| if (existingFlashload == null) { |
| var thisObj = this; |
| var mainContainerNode = document.createElement("div"); |
| mainContainerNode.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; width: 8px; height: 8px; overflow: hidden; z-index: -1000; "); |
| var containerNode = document.createElement("div"); |
| containerNode.setAttribute("style", "position: static; border: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; visibility: hidden; margin: 8px; padding: 0px;"); |
| containerNode.setAttribute("id", "XAudioJS"); |
| mainContainerNode.appendChild(containerNode); |
| document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(mainContainerNode); |
| swfobject.embedSWF( |
| "XAudioJS.swf", |
| "XAudioJS", |
| "8", |
| "8", |
| "9.0.0", |
| "", |
| {}, |
| {"allowscriptaccess":"always"}, |
| {"style":"position: static; visibility: hidden; margin: 8px; padding: 0px; border: none"}, |
| function (event) { |
| if (event.success) { |
| thisObj.audioHandleFlash = event.ref; |
| } |
| else { |
| thisObj.audioType = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| ); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.audioHandleFlash = existingFlashload; |
| } |
| this.audioType = 2; |
| } |
| XAudioServer.prototype.changeVolume = function (newVolume) { |
| if (newVolume >= 0 && newVolume <= 1) { |
| XAudioJSVolume = newVolume; |
| if (this.checkFlashInit()) { |
| this.audioHandleFlash.changeVolume(XAudioJSVolume); |
| } |
| if (this.mozAudioFound) { |
| this.audioHandleMoz.volume = XAudioJSVolume; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Moz Audio Buffer Writing Handler: |
| XAudioServer.prototype.writeMozAudio = function (buffer) { |
| var length = this.mozAudioTail.length; |
| if (length > 0) { |
| var samplesAccepted = this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(this.mozAudioTail); |
| this.samplesAlreadyWritten += samplesAccepted; |
| this.mozAudioTail.splice(0, samplesAccepted); |
| } |
| length = Math.min(buffer.length, webAudioMaxBufferSize - this.samplesAlreadyWritten + this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset()); |
| var samplesAccepted = this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(buffer); |
| this.samplesAlreadyWritten += samplesAccepted; |
| for (var index = 0; length > samplesAccepted; --length) { |
| //Moz Audio wants us saving the tail: |
| this.mozAudioTail.push(buffer[index++]); |
| } |
| } |
| //Checks to see if the NPAPI Adobe Flash bridge is ready yet: |
| XAudioServer.prototype.checkFlashInit = function () { |
| if (!this.flashInitialized && this.audioHandleFlash && this.audioHandleFlash.initialize) { |
| this.flashInitialized = true; |
| this.audioHandleFlash.initialize(this.audioChannels, XAudioJSVolume); |
| resetCallbackAPIAudioBuffer(44100, samplesPerCallback); |
| } |
| return this.flashInitialized; |
| } |
| /////////END LIB |
| function getFloat32(size) { |
| try { |
| return new Float32Array(size); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| return new Array(size); |
| } |
| } |
| function getFloat32Flat(size) { |
| try { |
| var newBuffer = new Float32Array(size); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| var newBuffer = new Array(size); |
| var audioSampleIndice = 0; |
| do { |
| newBuffer[audioSampleIndice] = 0; |
| } while (++audioSampleIndice < size); |
| } |
| return newBuffer; |
| } |
| //Flash NPAPI Event Handler: |
| var samplesPerCallback = 2048; //Has to be between 2048 and 4096 (If over, then samples are ignored, if under then silence is added). |
| var outputConvert = null; |
| function audioOutputFlashEvent() { //The callback that flash calls... |
| resampleRefill(); |
| return outputConvert(); |
| } |
| function generateFlashStereoString() { //Convert the arrays to one long string for speed. |
| var copyBinaryStringLeft = ""; |
| var copyBinaryStringRight = ""; |
| for (var index = 0; index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd; ++index) { |
| //Sanitize the buffer: |
| copyBinaryStringLeft += String.fromCharCode(((Math.min(Math.max(resampled[resampleBufferStart++] + 1, 0), 2) * 0x3FFF) | 0) + 0x3000); |
| copyBinaryStringRight += String.fromCharCode(((Math.min(Math.max(resampled[resampleBufferStart++] + 1, 0), 2) * 0x3FFF) | 0) + 0x3000); |
| if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) { |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| return copyBinaryStringLeft + copyBinaryStringRight; |
| } |
| function generateFlashMonoString() { //Convert the array to one long string for speed. |
| var copyBinaryString = ""; |
| for (var index = 0; index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd; ++index) { |
| //Sanitize the buffer: |
| copyBinaryString += String.fromCharCode(((Math.min(Math.max(resampled[resampleBufferStart++] + 1, 0), 2) * 0x3FFF) | 0) + 0x3000); |
| if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) { |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| return copyBinaryString; |
| } |
| //Audio API Event Handler: |
| var audioContextHandle = null; |
| var audioNode = null; |
| var audioSource = null; |
| var launchedContext = false; |
| var audioContextSampleBuffer = []; |
| var resampled = []; |
| var webAudioMinBufferSize = 15000; |
| var webAudioMaxBufferSize = 25000; |
| var webAudioActualSampleRate = 44100; |
| var XAudioJSSampleRate = 0; |
| var webAudioMono = false; |
| var XAudioJSVolume = 1; |
| var resampleControl = null; |
| var audioBufferSize = 0; |
| var resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| var resampleBufferEnd = 0; |
| var resampleBufferSize = 2; |
| function audioOutputEvent(event) { //Web Audio API callback... |
| var index = 0; |
| var buffer1 = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); |
| var buffer2 = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1); |
| resampleRefill(); |
| if (!webAudioMono) { |
| //STEREO: |
| while (index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd) { |
| buffer1[index] = resampled[resampleBufferStart++] * XAudioJSVolume; |
| buffer2[index++] = resampled[resampleBufferStart++] * XAudioJSVolume; |
| if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) { |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //MONO: |
| while (index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd) { |
| buffer2[index] = buffer1[index] = resampled[resampleBufferStart++] * XAudioJSVolume; |
| ++index; |
| if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) { |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Pad with silence if we're underrunning: |
| while (index < samplesPerCallback) { |
| buffer2[index] = buffer1[index] = 0; |
| ++index; |
| } |
| } |
| function resampleRefill() { |
| if (audioBufferSize > 0) { |
| //Resample a chunk of audio: |
| var resampleLength = resampleControl.resampler(getBufferSamples()); |
| var resampledResult = resampleControl.outputBuffer; |
| for (var index2 = 0; index2 < resampleLength; ++index2) { |
| resampled[resampleBufferEnd++] = resampledResult[index2]; |
| if (resampleBufferEnd == resampleBufferSize) { |
| resampleBufferEnd = 0; |
| } |
| if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferEnd) { |
| ++resampleBufferStart; |
| if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) { |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| audioBufferSize = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| function resampledSamplesLeft() { |
| return ((resampleBufferStart <= resampleBufferEnd) ? 0 : resampleBufferSize) + resampleBufferEnd - resampleBufferStart; |
| } |
| function getBufferSamples() { |
| //Typed array and normal array buffer section referencing: |
| try { |
| return audioContextSampleBuffer.subarray(0, audioBufferSize); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| try { |
| //Regular array pass: |
| audioContextSampleBuffer.length = audioBufferSize; |
| return audioContextSampleBuffer; |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| //Nightly Firefox 4 used to have the subarray function named as slice: |
| return audioContextSampleBuffer.slice(0, audioBufferSize); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Initialize WebKit Audio /Flash Audio Buffer: |
| function resetCallbackAPIAudioBuffer(APISampleRate, bufferAlloc) { |
| audioContextSampleBuffer = getFloat32(webAudioMaxBufferSize); |
| audioBufferSize = webAudioMaxBufferSize; |
| resampleBufferStart = 0; |
| resampleBufferEnd = 0; |
| resampleBufferSize = Math.max(webAudioMaxBufferSize * Math.ceil(XAudioJSSampleRate / APISampleRate), samplesPerCallback) << 1; |
| if (webAudioMono) { |
| //MONO Handling: |
| resampled = getFloat32Flat(resampleBufferSize); |
| resampleControl = new Resampler(XAudioJSSampleRate, APISampleRate, 1, resampleBufferSize, true); |
| outputConvert = generateFlashMonoString; |
| } |
| else { |
| //STEREO Handling: |
| resampleBufferSize <<= 1; |
| resampled = getFloat32Flat(resampleBufferSize); |
| resampleControl = new Resampler(XAudioJSSampleRate, APISampleRate, 2, resampleBufferSize, true); |
| outputConvert = generateFlashStereoString; |
| } |
| } |
| //Initialize WebKit Audio: |
| (function () { |
| if (!launchedContext) { |
| try { |
| // The following line was modified for benchmarking: |
| audioContextHandle = new GameBoyAudioContext(); //Create a system audio context. |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| try { |
| audioContextHandle = new AudioContext(); //Create a system audio context. |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| try { |
| audioSource = audioContextHandle.createBufferSource(); //We need to create a false input to get the chain started. |
| audioSource.loop = false; //Keep this alive forever (Event handler will know when to ouput.) |
| XAudioJSSampleRate = webAudioActualSampleRate = audioContextHandle.sampleRate; |
| audioSource.buffer = audioContextHandle.createBuffer(1, 1, webAudioActualSampleRate); //Create a zero'd input buffer for the input to be valid. |
| audioNode = audioContextHandle.createJavaScriptNode(samplesPerCallback, 1, 2); //Create 2 outputs and ignore the input buffer (Just copy buffer 1 over if mono) |
| audioNode.onaudioprocess = audioOutputEvent; //Connect the audio processing event to a handling function so we can manipulate output |
| audioSource.connect(audioNode); //Send and chain the input to the audio manipulation. |
| audioNode.connect(audioContextHandle.destination); //Send and chain the output of the audio manipulation to the system audio output. |
| audioSource.noteOn(0); //Start the loop! |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| return; |
| } |
| launchedContext = true; |
| } |
| })(); |
| |
| // End of js/other/XAudioServer.js file. |
| |
| // Start of js/other/resize.js file. |
| |
| //JavaScript Image Resizer (c) 2012 - Grant Galitz |
| function Resize(widthOriginal, heightOriginal, targetWidth, targetHeight, blendAlpha, interpolationPass) { |
| this.widthOriginal = Math.abs(parseInt(widthOriginal) || 0); |
| this.heightOriginal = Math.abs(parseInt(heightOriginal) || 0); |
| this.targetWidth = Math.abs(parseInt(targetWidth) || 0); |
| this.targetHeight = Math.abs(parseInt(targetHeight) || 0); |
| this.colorChannels = (!!blendAlpha) ? 4 : 3; |
| this.interpolationPass = !!interpolationPass; |
| this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels = this.targetWidth * this.colorChannels; |
| this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels = this.widthOriginal * this.colorChannels; |
| this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels = this.heightOriginal * this.colorChannels; |
| this.widthPassResultSize = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels * this.heightOriginal; |
| this.finalResultSize = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels * this.targetHeight; |
| this.initialize(); |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.initialize = function () { |
| //Perform some checks: |
| if (this.widthOriginal > 0 && this.heightOriginal > 0 && this.targetWidth > 0 && this.targetHeight > 0) { |
| if (this.widthOriginal == this.targetWidth) { |
| //Bypass the width resizer pass: |
| this.resizeWidth = this.bypassResizer; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Setup the width resizer pass: |
| this.ratioWeightWidthPass = this.widthOriginal / this.targetWidth; |
| if (this.ratioWeightWidthPass < 1 && this.interpolationPass) { |
| this.initializeFirstPassBuffers(true); |
| this.resizeWidth = (this.colorChannels == 4) ? this.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBA : this.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGB; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.initializeFirstPassBuffers(false); |
| this.resizeWidth = (this.colorChannels == 4) ? this.resizeWidthRGBA : this.resizeWidthRGB; |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.heightOriginal == this.targetHeight) { |
| //Bypass the height resizer pass: |
| this.resizeHeight = this.bypassResizer; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Setup the height resizer pass: |
| this.ratioWeightHeightPass = this.heightOriginal / this.targetHeight; |
| if (this.ratioWeightHeightPass < 1 && this.interpolationPass) { |
| this.initializeSecondPassBuffers(true); |
| this.resizeHeight = this.resizeHeightInterpolated; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.initializeSecondPassBuffers(false); |
| this.resizeHeight = (this.colorChannels == 4) ? this.resizeHeightRGBA : this.resizeHeightRGB; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| throw(new Error("Invalid settings specified for the resizer.")); |
| } |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeWidthRGB = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightWidthPass; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var amountToNext = 0; |
| var actualPosition = 0; |
| var currentPosition = 0; |
| var line = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputOffset = 0; |
| var nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth = this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels - 2; |
| var nextLineOffsetTargetWidth = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels - 2; |
| var output = this.outputWidthWorkBench; |
| var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer; |
| do { |
| for (line = 0; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| } |
| weight = ratioWeight; |
| do { |
| amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition; |
| if (weight >= amountToNext) { |
| for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) { |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * amountToNext; |
| } |
| currentPosition = actualPosition = actualPosition + 3; |
| weight -= amountToNext; |
| } |
| else { |
| for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) { |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * weight; |
| } |
| currentPosition += weight; |
| break; |
| } |
| } while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
| for (line = 0, pixelOffset = outputOffset; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetTargetWidth) { |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| } |
| outputOffset += 3; |
| } while (outputOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGB = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = (this.widthOriginal - 1) / this.targetWidth; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var finalOffset = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer; |
| for (var targetPosition = 0; targetPosition < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; targetPosition += 3, weight += ratioWeight) { |
| //Calculate weightings: |
| secondWeight = weight % 1; |
| firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight; |
| //Interpolate: |
| for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * 3; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) { |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset] = (buffer[pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 4] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 5] * secondWeight); |
| } |
| } |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeWidthRGBA = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightWidthPass; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var amountToNext = 0; |
| var actualPosition = 0; |
| var currentPosition = 0; |
| var line = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputOffset = 0; |
| var nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth = this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels - 3; |
| var nextLineOffsetTargetWidth = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels - 3; |
| var output = this.outputWidthWorkBench; |
| var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer; |
| do { |
| for (line = 0; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| output[line++] = 0; |
| } |
| weight = ratioWeight; |
| do { |
| amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition; |
| if (weight >= amountToNext) { |
| for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) { |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * amountToNext; |
| } |
| currentPosition = actualPosition = actualPosition + 4; |
| weight -= amountToNext; |
| } |
| else { |
| for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) { |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight; |
| output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * weight; |
| } |
| currentPosition += weight; |
| break; |
| } |
| } while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
| for (line = 0, pixelOffset = outputOffset; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetTargetWidth) { |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| outputBuffer[pixelOffset] = output[line++] / ratioWeight; |
| } |
| outputOffset += 4; |
| } while (outputOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBA = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = (this.widthOriginal - 1) / this.targetWidth; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var finalOffset = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer; |
| for (var targetPosition = 0; targetPosition < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; targetPosition += 4, weight += ratioWeight) { |
| //Calculate weightings: |
| secondWeight = weight % 1; |
| firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight; |
| //Interpolate: |
| for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * 4; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) { |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset] = (buffer[pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 4] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 5] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 6] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset + 3] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 7] * secondWeight); |
| } |
| } |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeHeightRGB = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightHeightPass; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var amountToNext = 0; |
| var actualPosition = 0; |
| var currentPosition = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputOffset = 0; |
| var output = this.outputHeightWorkBench; |
| var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer; |
| do { |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| } |
| weight = ratioWeight; |
| do { |
| amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition; |
| if (weight >= amountToNext) { |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| } |
| currentPosition = actualPosition; |
| weight -= amountToNext; |
| } |
| else { |
| for (pixelOffset = 0, amountToNext = actualPosition; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| } |
| currentPosition += weight; |
| break; |
| } |
| } while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.widthPassResultSize); |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| } |
| } while (outputOffset < this.finalResultSize); |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeHeightInterpolated = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = (this.heightOriginal - 1) / this.targetHeight; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var finalOffset = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var pixelOffsetAccumulated = 0; |
| var pixelOffsetAccumulated2 = 0; |
| var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer; |
| do { |
| //Calculate weightings: |
| secondWeight = weight % 1; |
| firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight; |
| //Interpolate: |
| pixelOffsetAccumulated = Math.floor(weight) * this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; |
| pixelOffsetAccumulated2 = pixelOffsetAccumulated + this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; ++pixelOffset) { |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated + pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated2 + pixelOffset] * secondWeight); |
| } |
| weight += ratioWeight; |
| } while (finalOffset < this.finalResultSize); |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeHeightRGBA = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightHeightPass; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var amountToNext = 0; |
| var actualPosition = 0; |
| var currentPosition = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputOffset = 0; |
| var output = this.outputHeightWorkBench; |
| var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer; |
| do { |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
| } |
| weight = ratioWeight; |
| do { |
| amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition; |
| if (weight >= amountToNext) { |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext; |
| } |
| currentPosition = actualPosition; |
| weight -= amountToNext; |
| } |
| else { |
| for (pixelOffset = 0, amountToNext = actualPosition; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight; |
| } |
| currentPosition += weight; |
| break; |
| } |
| } while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.widthPassResultSize); |
| for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight); |
| } |
| } while (outputOffset < this.finalResultSize); |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resizeHeightInterpolatedRGBA = function (buffer) { |
| var ratioWeight = (this.heightOriginal - 1) / this.targetHeight; |
| var weight = 0; |
| var finalOffset = 0; |
| var pixelOffset = 0; |
| var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer; |
| while (pixelOffset < this.finalResultSize) { |
| //Calculate weightings: |
| secondWeight = weight % 1; |
| firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight; |
| //Interpolate: |
| for (pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * 4; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += 4) { |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 4] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 5] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 6] * secondWeight); |
| outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 7] * secondWeight); |
| } |
| weight += ratioWeight; |
| } |
| return outputBuffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.resize = function (buffer) { |
| return this.resizeHeight(this.resizeWidth(buffer)); |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.bypassResizer = function (buffer) { |
| //Just return the buffer passsed: |
| return buffer; |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.initializeFirstPassBuffers = function (BILINEARAlgo) { |
| //Initialize the internal width pass buffers: |
| this.widthBuffer = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.widthPassResultSize); |
| if (!BILINEARAlgo) { |
| this.outputWidthWorkBench = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels); |
| } |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.initializeSecondPassBuffers = function (BILINEARAlgo) { |
| //Initialize the internal height pass buffers: |
| this.heightBuffer = this.generateUint8Buffer(this.finalResultSize); |
| if (!BILINEARAlgo) { |
| this.outputHeightWorkBench = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
| } |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.generateFloatBuffer = function (bufferLength) { |
| //Generate a float32 typed array buffer: |
| try { |
| return new Float32Array(bufferLength); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.generateUint8Buffer = function (bufferLength) { |
| //Generate a uint8 typed array buffer: |
| try { |
| return this.checkForOperaMathBug(new Uint8Array(bufferLength)); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| } |
| Resize.prototype.checkForOperaMathBug = function (typedArray) { |
| typedArray[0] = -1; |
| typedArray[0] >>= 0; |
| if (typedArray[0] != 0xFF) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| else { |
| return typedArray; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // End of js/other/resize.js file. |
| |
| // Start of js/GameBoyCore.js file. |
| |
| "use strict"; |
| /* |
| * JavaScript GameBoy Color Emulator |
| * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Grant Galitz |
| * |
| * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
| * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. |
| * The full license is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html |
| * |
| * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * GNU General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| */ |
| function GameBoyCore(canvas, ROMImage) { |
| //Params, etc... |
| this.canvas = canvas; //Canvas DOM object for drawing out the graphics to. |
| this.drawContext = null; // LCD Context |
| this.ROMImage = ROMImage; //The game's ROM. |
| //CPU Registers and Flags: |
| this.registerA = 0x01; //Register A (Accumulator) |
| this.FZero = true; //Register F - Result was zero |
| this.FSubtract = false; //Register F - Subtraction was executed |
| this.FHalfCarry = true; //Register F - Half carry or half borrow |
| this.FCarry = true; //Register F - Carry or borrow |
| this.registerB = 0x00; //Register B |
| this.registerC = 0x13; //Register C |
| this.registerD = 0x00; //Register D |
| this.registerE = 0xD8; //Register E |
| this.registersHL = 0x014D; //Registers H and L combined |
| this.stackPointer = 0xFFFE; //Stack Pointer |
| this.programCounter = 0x0100; //Program Counter |
| //Some CPU Emulation State Variables: |
| this.CPUCyclesTotal = 0; //Relative CPU clocking to speed set, rounded appropriately. |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalBase = 0; //Relative CPU clocking to speed set base. |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent = 0; //Relative CPU clocking to speed set, the directly used value. |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff = 0; //Clocking per iteration rounding catch. |
| this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration = 0; //CPU clocks per iteration at 1x speed. |
| this.remainingClocks = 0; //HALT clocking overrun carry over. |
| this.inBootstrap = true; //Whether we're in the GBC boot ROM. |
| this.usedBootROM = false; //Updated upon ROM loading... |
| this.usedGBCBootROM = false; //Did we boot to the GBC boot ROM? |
| this.halt = false; //Has the CPU been suspended until the next interrupt? |
| this.skipPCIncrement = false; //Did we trip the DMG Halt bug? |
| this.stopEmulator = 3; //Has the emulation been paused or a frame has ended? |
| this.IME = true; //Are interrupts enabled? |
| this.IRQLineMatched = 0; //CPU IRQ assertion. |
| this.interruptsRequested = 0; //IF Register |
| this.interruptsEnabled = 0; //IE Register |
| this.hdmaRunning = false; //HDMA Transfer Flag - GBC only |
| this.CPUTicks = 0; //The number of clock cycles emulated. |
| this.doubleSpeedShifter = 0; //GBC double speed clocking shifter. |
| this.JoyPad = 0xFF; //Joypad State (two four-bit states actually) |
| this.CPUStopped = false; //CPU STOP status. |
| //Main RAM, MBC RAM, GBC Main RAM, VRAM, etc. |
| this.memoryReader = []; //Array of functions mapped to read back memory |
| this.memoryWriter = []; //Array of functions mapped to write to memory |
| this.memoryHighReader = []; //Array of functions mapped to read back 0xFFXX memory |
| this.memoryHighWriter = []; //Array of functions mapped to write to 0xFFXX memory |
| this.ROM = []; //The full ROM file dumped to an array. |
| this.memory = []; //Main Core Memory |
| this.MBCRam = []; //Switchable RAM (Used by games for more RAM) for the main memory range 0xA000 - 0xC000. |
| this.VRAM = []; //Extra VRAM bank for GBC. |
| this.GBCMemory = []; //GBC main RAM Banks |
| this.MBC1Mode = false; //MBC1 Type (4/32, 16/8) |
| this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = false; //MBC RAM Access Control. |
| this.currMBCRAMBank = 0; //MBC Currently Indexed RAM Bank |
| this.currMBCRAMBankPosition = -0xA000; //MBC Position Adder; |
| this.cGBC = false; //GameBoy Color detection. |
| this.gbcRamBank = 1; //Currently Switched GameBoy Color ram bank |
| this.gbcRamBankPosition = -0xD000; //GBC RAM offset from address start. |
| this.gbcRamBankPositionECHO = -0xF000; //GBC RAM (ECHO mirroring) offset from address start. |
| this.RAMBanks = [0, 1, 2, 4, 16]; //Used to map the RAM banks to maximum size the MBC used can do. |
| this.ROMBank1offs = 0; //Offset of the ROM bank switching. |
| this.currentROMBank = 0; //The parsed current ROM bank selection. |
| this.cartridgeType = 0; //Cartridge Type |
| this.name = ""; //Name of the game |
| this.gameCode = ""; //Game code (Suffix for older games) |
| this.fromSaveState = false; //A boolean to see if this was loaded in as a save state. |
| this.savedStateFileName = ""; //When loaded in as a save state, this will not be empty. |
| this.STATTracker = 0; //Tracker for STAT triggering. |
| this.modeSTAT = 0; //The scan line mode (for lines 1-144 it's 2-3-0, for 145-154 it's 1) |
| this.spriteCount = 252; //Mode 3 extra clocking counter (Depends on how many sprites are on the current line.). |
| this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if LY==LYC? |
| this.mode2TriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 2? |
| this.mode1TriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 1? |
| this.mode0TriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 0? |
| this.LCDisOn = false; //Is the emulated LCD controller on? |
| this.LINECONTROL = []; //Array of functions to handle each scan line we do (onscreen + offscreen) |
| this.DISPLAYOFFCONTROL = [function (parentObj) { |
| //Array of line 0 function to handle the LCD controller when it's off (Do nothing!). |
| }]; |
| this.LCDCONTROL = null; //Pointer to either LINECONTROL or DISPLAYOFFCONTROL. |
| this.initializeLCDController(); //Compile the LCD controller functions. |
| //RTC (Real Time Clock for MBC3): |
| this.RTCisLatched = false; |
| this.latchedSeconds = 0; //RTC latched seconds. |
| this.latchedMinutes = 0; //RTC latched minutes. |
| this.latchedHours = 0; //RTC latched hours. |
| this.latchedLDays = 0; //RTC latched lower 8-bits of the day counter. |
| this.latchedHDays = 0; //RTC latched high-bit of the day counter. |
| this.RTCSeconds = 0; //RTC seconds counter. |
| this.RTCMinutes = 0; //RTC minutes counter. |
| this.RTCHours = 0; //RTC hours counter. |
| this.RTCDays = 0; //RTC days counter. |
| this.RTCDayOverFlow = false; //Did the RTC overflow and wrap the day counter? |
| this.RTCHALT = false; //Is the RTC allowed to clock up? |
| //Gyro: |
| this.highX = 127; |
| this.lowX = 127; |
| this.highY = 127; |
| this.lowY = 127; |
| //Sound variables: |
| this.audioHandle = null; //XAudioJS handle |
| this.numSamplesTotal = 0; //Length of the sound buffers. |
| this.sampleSize = 0; //Length of the sound buffer for one channel. |
| this.dutyLookup = [ //Map the duty values given to ones we can work with. |
| [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true], |
| [true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true], |
| [true, false, false, false, false, true, true, true], |
| [false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false] |
| ]; |
| this.currentBuffer = []; //The audio buffer we're working on. |
| this.bufferContainAmount = 0; //Buffer maintenance metric. |
| this.LSFR15Table = null; |
| this.LSFR7Table = null; |
| this.noiseSampleTable = null; |
| this.initializeAudioStartState(); |
| this.soundMasterEnabled = false; //As its name implies |
| this.channel3PCM = null; //Channel 3 adjusted sample buffer. |
| //Vin Shit: |
| this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 8; //Computed post-mixing volume. |
| this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 8; //Computed post-mixing volume. |
| //Channel paths enabled: |
| this.leftChannel1 = false; |
| this.leftChannel2 = false; |
| this.leftChannel3 = false; |
| this.leftChannel4 = false; |
| this.rightChannel1 = false; |
| this.rightChannel2 = false; |
| this.rightChannel3 = false; |
| this.rightChannel4 = false; |
| //Channel output level caches: |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeft = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRight = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeft = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRight = 0; |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeft = 0; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRight = 0; |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeft = 0; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRight = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = 0; |
| this.mixerOutputCache = 0; |
| //Pre-multipliers to cache some calculations: |
| this.initializeTiming(); |
| this.machineOut = 0; //Premultiplier for audio samples per instruction. |
| //Audio generation counters: |
| this.audioTicks = 0; //Used to sample the audio system every x CPU instructions. |
| this.audioIndex = 0; //Used to keep alignment on audio generation. |
| this.rollover = 0; //Used to keep alignment on the number of samples to output (Realign from counter alias). |
| //Timing Variables |
| this.emulatorTicks = 0; //Times for how many instructions to execute before ending the loop. |
| this.DIVTicks = 56; //DIV Ticks Counter (Invisible lower 8-bit) |
| this.LCDTicks = 60; //Counter for how many instructions have been executed on a scanline so far. |
| this.timerTicks = 0; //Counter for the TIMA timer. |
| this.TIMAEnabled = false; //Is TIMA enabled? |
| this.TACClocker = 1024; //Timer Max Ticks |
| this.serialTimer = 0; //Serial IRQ Timer |
| this.serialShiftTimer = 0; //Serial Transfer Shift Timer |
| this.serialShiftTimerAllocated = 0; //Serial Transfer Shift Timer Refill |
| this.IRQEnableDelay = 0; //Are the interrupts on queue to be enabled? |
| var dateVar = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking. |
| this.lastIteration = dateVar.getTime();//The last time we iterated the main loop. |
| dateVar = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking. |
| this.firstIteration = dateVar.getTime(); |
| this.iterations = 0; |
| this.actualScanLine = 0; //Actual scan line... |
| this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0; //Last rendered scan line... |
| this.queuedScanLines = 0; |
| this.totalLinesPassed = 0; |
| this.haltPostClocks = 0; //Post-Halt clocking. |
| //ROM Cartridge Components: |
| this.cMBC1 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC1? |
| this.cMBC2 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC2? |
| this.cMBC3 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC3? |
| this.cMBC5 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC5? |
| this.cMBC7 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC7? |
| this.cSRAM = false; //Does the cartridge use save RAM? |
| this.cMMMO1 = false; //... |
| this.cRUMBLE = false; //Does the cartridge use the RUMBLE addressing (modified MBC5)? |
| this.cCamera = false; //Is the cartridge actually a GameBoy Camera? |
| this.cTAMA5 = false; //Does the cartridge use TAMA5? (Tamagotchi Cartridge) |
| this.cHuC3 = false; //Does the cartridge use HuC3 (Hudson Soft / modified MBC3)? |
| this.cHuC1 = false; //Does the cartridge use HuC1 (Hudson Soft / modified MBC1)? |
| this.cTIMER = false; //Does the cartridge have an RTC? |
| this.ROMBanks = [ // 1 Bank = 16 KBytes = 256 Kbits |
| 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 |
| ]; |
| this.ROMBanks[0x52] = 72; |
| this.ROMBanks[0x53] = 80; |
| this.ROMBanks[0x54] = 96; |
| this.numRAMBanks = 0; //How many RAM banks were actually allocated? |
| ////Graphics Variables |
| this.currVRAMBank = 0; //Current VRAM bank for GBC. |
| this.backgroundX = 0; //Register SCX (X-Scroll) |
| this.backgroundY = 0; //Register SCY (Y-Scroll) |
| this.gfxWindowDisplay = false; //Is the windows enabled? |
| this.gfxSpriteShow = false; //Are sprites enabled? |
| this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = true; //Are we doing 8x8 or 8x16 sprites? |
| this.bgEnabled = true; //Is the BG enabled? |
| this.BGPriorityEnabled = true; //Can we flag the BG for priority over sprites? |
| this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = 0; //The current bank of the character map the window uses. |
| this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = 0; //The current bank of the character map the BG uses. |
| this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = 0x80; //Fast mapping of the tile numbering/ |
| this.windowY = 0; //Current Y offset of the window. |
| this.windowX = 0; //Current X offset of the window. |
| this.drewBlank = 0; //To prevent the repeating of drawing a blank screen. |
| this.drewFrame = false; //Throttle how many draws we can do to once per iteration. |
| this.midScanlineOffset = -1; //mid-scanline rendering offset. |
| this.pixelEnd = 0; //track the x-coord limit for line rendering (mid-scanline usage). |
| this.currentX = 0; //The x-coord we left off at for mid-scanline rendering. |
| //BG Tile Pointer Caches: |
| this.BGCHRBank1 = null; |
| this.BGCHRBank2 = null; |
| this.BGCHRCurrentBank = null; |
| //Tile Data Cache: |
| this.tileCache = null; |
| //Palettes: |
| this.colors = [0xEFFFDE, 0xADD794, 0x529273, 0x183442]; //"Classic" GameBoy palette colors. |
| this.OBJPalette = null; |
| this.BGPalette = null; |
| this.gbcOBJRawPalette = null; |
| this.gbcBGRawPalette = null; |
| this.gbOBJPalette = null; |
| this.gbBGPalette = null; |
| this.gbcOBJPalette = null; |
| this.gbcBGPalette = null; |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette = null; |
| this.gbOBJColorizedPalette = null; |
| this.cachedBGPaletteConversion = null; |
| this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion = null; |
| this.updateGBBGPalette = this.updateGBRegularBGPalette; |
| this.updateGBOBJPalette = this.updateGBRegularOBJPalette; |
| this.colorizedGBPalettes = false; |
| this.BGLayerRender = null; //Reference to the BG rendering function. |
| this.WindowLayerRender = null; //Reference to the window rendering function. |
| this.SpriteLayerRender = null; //Reference to the OAM rendering function. |
| this.frameBuffer = []; //The internal frame-buffer. |
| this.swizzledFrame = null; //The secondary gfx buffer that holds the converted RGBA values. |
| this.canvasBuffer = null; //imageData handle |
| this.pixelStart = 0; //Temp variable for holding the current working framebuffer offset. |
| //Variables used for scaling in JS: |
| this.onscreenWidth = this.offscreenWidth = 160; |
| this.onscreenHeight = this.offScreenheight = 144; |
| this.offscreenRGBCount = this.onscreenWidth * this.onscreenHeight * 4; |
| //Initialize the white noise cache tables ahead of time: |
| this.intializeWhiteNoise(); |
| } |
| |
| // Start of code changed for benchmarking (removed ROM): |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.GBBOOTROM = []; |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.GBCBOOTROM = []; |
| // End of code changed for benchmarking. |
| |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.ffxxDump = [ //Dump of the post-BOOT I/O register state (From gambatte): |
| 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01, |
| 0x80, 0xBF, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xFF, |
| 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, 0x77, 0xF3, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, |
| 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, |
| 0x91, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xFE, |
| 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, |
| 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, |
| 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, |
| 0xCE, 0xED, 0x66, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x73, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0D, |
| 0x00, 0x08, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0x0E, 0xDC, 0xCC, 0x6E, 0xE6, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xD9, 0x99, |
| 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x67, 0x63, 0x6E, 0x0E, 0xEC, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xDC, 0x99, 0x9F, 0xBB, 0xB9, 0x33, 0x3E, |
| 0x45, 0xEC, 0x52, 0xFA, 0x08, 0xB7, 0x07, 0x5D, 0x01, 0xFD, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x08, 0xFC, 0x00, 0xE5, |
| 0x0B, 0xF8, 0xC2, 0xCE, 0xF4, 0xF9, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x3D, 0xFE, 0x46, 0x97, 0x33, 0x5E, |
| 0x08, 0xEF, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x86, 0x83, 0x24, 0x74, 0x12, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x9F, 0xB4, 0xB7, 0x06, 0xD5, |
| 0xD0, 0x7A, 0x00, 0x9E, 0x04, 0x5F, 0x41, 0x2F, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x36, 0x75, 0x81, 0xAA, 0x70, 0x3A, |
| 0x98, 0xD1, 0x71, 0x02, 0x4D, 0x01, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xD3, 0x05, 0xF9, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x00 |
| ]; |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.OPCODE = [ |
| //NOP |
| //#0x00: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do Nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD BC, nn |
| //#0x01: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //LD (BC), A |
| //#0x02: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWrite((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC, parentObj.registerA); |
| }, |
| //INC BC |
| //#0x03: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = ((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC) + 1; |
| parentObj.registerB = (temp_var >> 8) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.registerC = temp_var & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //INC B |
| //#0x04: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //DEC B |
| //#0x05: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //LD B, n |
| //#0x06: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //RLCA |
| //#0x07: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | (parentObj.registerA >> 7); |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //LD (nn), SP |
| //#0x08: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWrite(temp_var, parentObj.stackPointer & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.memoryWrite((temp_var + 1) & 0xFFFF, parentObj.stackPointer >> 8); |
| }, |
| //ADD HL, BC |
| //#0x09: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registersHL + ((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > (dirtySum & 0xFFF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = dirtySum & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //LD A, (BC) |
| //#0x0A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC); |
| }, |
| //DEC BC |
| //#0x0B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = (((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC) - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.registerB = temp_var >> 8; |
| parentObj.registerC = temp_var & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //INC C |
| //#0x0C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //DEC C |
| //#0x0D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //LD C, n |
| //#0x0E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //RRCA |
| //#0x0F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA >> 1) | ((parentObj.registerA & 1) << 7); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //STOP |
| //#0x10: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.cGBC) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] & 0x01) == 0x01) { //Speed change requested. |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] > 0x7F) { //Go back to single speed mode. |
| cout("Going into single clock speed mode.", 0); |
| parentObj.doubleSpeedShifter = 0; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] &= 0x7F; //Clear the double speed mode flag. |
| } |
| else { //Go to double speed mode. |
| cout("Going into double clock speed mode.", 0); |
| parentObj.doubleSpeedShifter = 1; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] |= 0x80; //Set the double speed mode flag. |
| } |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] &= 0xFE; //Reset the request bit. |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.handleSTOP(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.handleSTOP(); |
| } |
| }, |
| //LD DE, nn |
| //#0x11: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //LD (DE), A |
| //#0x12: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWrite((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE, parentObj.registerA); |
| }, |
| //INC DE |
| //#0x13: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = ((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE) + 1; |
| parentObj.registerD = (temp_var >> 8) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.registerE = temp_var & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //INC D |
| //#0x14: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //DEC D |
| //#0x15: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //LD D, n |
| //#0x16: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //RLA |
| //#0x17: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var carry_flag = (parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0; |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | carry_flag; |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //JR n |
| //#0x18: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //ADD HL, DE |
| //#0x19: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registersHL + ((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > (dirtySum & 0xFFF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = dirtySum & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //LD A, (DE) |
| //#0x1A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE); |
| }, |
| //DEC DE |
| //#0x1B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = (((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE) - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.registerD = temp_var >> 8; |
| parentObj.registerE = temp_var & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //INC E |
| //#0x1C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //DEC E |
| //#0x1D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //LD E, n |
| //#0x1E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //RRA |
| //#0x1F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var carry_flag = (parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0; |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 1) == 1); |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA >> 1) | carry_flag; |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //JR NZ, n |
| //#0x20: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FZero) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //LD HL, nn |
| //#0x21: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //LDI (HL), A |
| //#0x22: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerA); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //INC HL |
| //#0x23: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //INC H |
| //#0x24: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var H = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 8) + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (H == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((H & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.registersHL = (H << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //DEC H |
| //#0x25: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var H = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 8) - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (H == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((H & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| parentObj.registersHL = (H << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD H, n |
| //#0x26: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //DAA |
| //#0x27: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FSubtract) { |
| if (parentObj.FCarry || parentObj.registerA > 0x99) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0x60) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FCarry = true; |
| } |
| if (parentObj.FHalfCarry || (parentObj.registerA & 0xF) > 0x9) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0x06) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.FCarry && parentObj.FHalfCarry) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0x9A) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0xA0) & 0xFF; |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.FHalfCarry) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0xFA) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| } |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| }, |
| //JR Z, n |
| //#0x28: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FZero) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //ADD HL, HL |
| //#0x29: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > 0x7FF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //LDI A, (HL) |
| //#0x2A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //DEC HL |
| //#0x2B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //INC L |
| //#0x2C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var L = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (L == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((L & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | L; |
| }, |
| //DEC L |
| //#0x2D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var L = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (L == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((L & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | L; |
| }, |
| //LD L, n |
| //#0x2E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //CPL |
| //#0x2F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| }, |
| //JR NC, n |
| //#0x30: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //LD SP, nn |
| //#0x31: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //LDD (HL), A |
| //#0x32: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerA); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //INC SP |
| //#0x33: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //INC (HL) |
| //#0x34: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| }, |
| //DEC (HL) |
| //#0x35: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), n |
| //#0x36: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter)); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //SCF |
| //#0x37: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //JR C, n |
| //#0x38: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //ADD HL, SP |
| //#0x39: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registersHL + parentObj.stackPointer; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > (dirtySum & 0xFFF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = dirtySum & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //LDD A, (HL) |
| //#0x3A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //DEC SP |
| //#0x3B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //INC A |
| //#0x3C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //DEC A |
| //#0x3D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA - 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) == 0xF); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //LD A, n |
| //#0x3E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //CCF |
| //#0x3F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = !parentObj.FCarry; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //LD B, B |
| //#0x40: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD B, C |
| //#0x41: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerC; |
| }, |
| //LD B, D |
| //#0x42: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerD; |
| }, |
| //LD B, E |
| //#0x43: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerE; |
| }, |
| //LD B, H |
| //#0x44: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registersHL >> 8; |
| }, |
| //LD B, L |
| //#0x45: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //LD B, (HL) |
| //#0x46: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| }, |
| //LD B, A |
| //#0x47: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerA; |
| }, |
| //LD C, B |
| //#0x48: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerB; |
| }, |
| //LD C, C |
| //#0x49: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD C, D |
| //#0x4A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerD; |
| }, |
| //LD C, E |
| //#0x4B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerE; |
| }, |
| //LD C, H |
| //#0x4C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registersHL >> 8; |
| }, |
| //LD C, L |
| //#0x4D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //LD C, (HL) |
| //#0x4E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| }, |
| //LD C, A |
| //#0x4F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerA; |
| }, |
| //LD D, B |
| //#0x50: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerB; |
| }, |
| //LD D, C |
| //#0x51: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerC; |
| }, |
| //LD D, D |
| //#0x52: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD D, E |
| //#0x53: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerE; |
| }, |
| //LD D, H |
| //#0x54: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registersHL >> 8; |
| }, |
| //LD D, L |
| //#0x55: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //LD D, (HL) |
| //#0x56: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| }, |
| //LD D, A |
| //#0x57: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerA; |
| }, |
| //LD E, B |
| //#0x58: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerB; |
| }, |
| //LD E, C |
| //#0x59: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerC; |
| }, |
| //LD E, D |
| //#0x5A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerD; |
| }, |
| //LD E, E |
| //#0x5B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD E, H |
| //#0x5C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registersHL >> 8; |
| }, |
| //LD E, L |
| //#0x5D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //LD E, (HL) |
| //#0x5E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| }, |
| //LD E, A |
| //#0x5F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerA; |
| }, |
| //LD H, B |
| //#0x60: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerB << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD H, C |
| //#0x61: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerC << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD H, D |
| //#0x62: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerD << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD H, E |
| //#0x63: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerE << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD H, H |
| //#0x64: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD H, L |
| //#0x65: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) * 0x101; |
| }, |
| //LD H, (HL) |
| //#0x66: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD H, A |
| //#0x67: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerA << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //LD L, B |
| //#0x68: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerB; |
| }, |
| //LD L, C |
| //#0x69: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerC; |
| }, |
| //LD L, D |
| //#0x6A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerD; |
| }, |
| //LD L, E |
| //#0x6B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerE; |
| }, |
| //LD L, H |
| //#0x6C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| }, |
| //LD L, L |
| //#0x6D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do nothing... |
| }, |
| //LD L, (HL) |
| //#0x6E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| }, |
| //LD L, A |
| //#0x6F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerA; |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), B |
| //#0x70: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerB); |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), C |
| //#0x71: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerC); |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), D |
| //#0x72: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerD); |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), E |
| //#0x73: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerE); |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), H |
| //#0x74: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), L |
| //#0x75: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //HALT |
| //#0x76: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //See if there's already an IRQ match: |
| if ((parentObj.interruptsEnabled & parentObj.interruptsRequested & 0x1F) > 0) { |
| if (!parentObj.cGBC && !parentObj.usedBootROM) { |
| //HALT bug in the DMG CPU model (Program Counter fails to increment for one instruction after HALT): |
| parentObj.skipPCIncrement = true; |
| } |
| else { |
| //CGB gets around the HALT PC bug by doubling the hidden NOP. |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //CPU is stalled until the next IRQ match: |
| parentObj.calculateHALTPeriod(); |
| } |
| }, |
| //LD (HL), A |
| //#0x77: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerA); |
| }, |
| //LD A, B |
| //#0x78: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerB; |
| }, |
| //LD A, C |
| //#0x79: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerC; |
| }, |
| //LD A, D |
| //#0x7A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerD; |
| }, |
| //LD A, E |
| //#0x7B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerE; |
| }, |
| //LD A, H |
| //#0x7C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registersHL >> 8; |
| }, |
| //LD A, L |
| //#0x7D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF; |
| }, |
| //LD, A, (HL) |
| //#0x7E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| }, |
| //LD A, A |
| //#0x7F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Do Nothing... |
| }, |
| //ADD A, B |
| //#0x80: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerB; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, C |
| //#0x81: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerC; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, D |
| //#0x82: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerD; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, E |
| //#0x83: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerE; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, H |
| //#0x84: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, L |
| //#0x85: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, (HL) |
| //#0x86: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADD A, A |
| //#0x87: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x8) == 0x8); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, B |
| //#0x88: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerB + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerB & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, C |
| //#0x89: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerC + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerC & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, D |
| //#0x8A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerD + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerD & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, E |
| //#0x8B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerE + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerE & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, H |
| //#0x8C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var tempValue = (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, L |
| //#0x8D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var tempValue = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, (HL) |
| //#0x8E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var tempValue = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, A |
| //#0x8F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //shift left register A one bit for some ops here as an optimization: |
| var dirtySum = (parentObj.registerA << 1) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0x1E) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0)) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, B |
| //#0x90: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerB; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, C |
| //#0x91: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerC; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, D |
| //#0x92: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerD; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, E |
| //#0x93: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerE; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, H |
| //#0x94: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, L |
| //#0x95: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, (HL) |
| //#0x96: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SUB A, A |
| //#0x97: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //number - same number == 0 |
| parentObj.registerA = 0; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, B |
| //#0x98: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerB - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerB & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, C |
| //#0x99: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerC - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerC & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, D |
| //#0x9A: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerD - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerD & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, E |
| //#0x9B: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerE - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerE & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, H |
| //#0x9C: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.registersHL >> 8; |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - temp_var - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (temp_var & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, L |
| //#0x9D: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, (HL) |
| //#0x9E: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - temp_var - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (temp_var & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //SBC A, A |
| //#0x9F: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Optimized SBC A: |
| if (parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.FZero = false; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = true; |
| parentObj.registerA = 0xFF; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FZero = true; |
| parentObj.registerA = 0; |
| } |
| }, |
| //AND B |
| //#0xA0: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerB; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND C |
| //#0xA1: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerC; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND D |
| //#0xA2: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerD; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND E |
| //#0xA3: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerE; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND H |
| //#0xA4: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND L |
| //#0xA5: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registersHL; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND (HL) |
| //#0xA6: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //AND A |
| //#0xA7: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //number & same number = same number |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR B |
| //#0xA8: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerB; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR C |
| //#0xA9: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerC; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR D |
| //#0xAA: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerD; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR E |
| //#0xAB: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerE; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR H |
| //#0xAC: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR L |
| //#0xAD: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR (HL) |
| //#0xAE: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //XOR A |
| //#0xAF: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //number ^ same number == 0 |
| parentObj.registerA = 0; |
| parentObj.FZero = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR B |
| //#0xB0: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerB; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR C |
| //#0xB1: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerC; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR D |
| //#0xB2: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerD; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR E |
| //#0xB3: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerE; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR H |
| //#0xB4: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR L |
| //#0xB5: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR (HL) |
| //#0xB6: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //OR A |
| //#0xB7: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //number | same number == same number |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //CP B |
| //#0xB8: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerB; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP C |
| //#0xB9: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerC; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP D |
| //#0xBA: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerD; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP E |
| //#0xBB: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerE; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP H |
| //#0xBC: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP L |
| //#0xBD: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP (HL) |
| //#0xBE: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //CP A |
| //#0xBF: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //RET !FZ |
| //#0xC0: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FZero) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| }, |
| //POP BC |
| //#0xC1: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //JP !FZ, nn |
| //#0xC2: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FZero) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //JP nn |
| //#0xC3: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| }, |
| //CALL !FZ, nn |
| //#0xC4: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FZero) { |
| var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //PUSH BC |
| //#0xC5: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerB); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerC); |
| }, |
| //ADD, n |
| //#0xC6: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //RST 0 |
| //#0xC7: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0; |
| }, |
| //RET FZ |
| //#0xC8: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FZero) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| }, |
| //RET |
| //#0xC9: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //JP FZ, nn |
| //#0xCA: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FZero) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //Secondary OP Code Set: |
| //#0xCB: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var opcode = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| //Increment the program counter to the next instruction: |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| //Get how many CPU cycles the current 0xCBXX op code counts for: |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += parentObj.SecondaryTICKTable[opcode]; |
| //Execute secondary OP codes for the 0xCB OP code call. |
| parentObj.CBOPCODE[opcode](parentObj); |
| }, |
| //CALL FZ, nn |
| //#0xCC: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FZero) { |
| var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //CALL nn |
| //#0xCD: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc; |
| }, |
| //ADC A, n |
| //#0xCE: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var tempValue = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x8 |
| //#0xCF: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x8; |
| }, |
| //RET !FC |
| //#0xD0: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| }, |
| //POP DE |
| //#0xD1: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //JP !FC, nn |
| //#0xD2: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //0xD3 - Illegal |
| //#0xD3: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xD3 called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //CALL !FC, nn |
| //#0xD4: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (!parentObj.FCarry) { |
| var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //PUSH DE |
| //#0xD5: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerD); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerE); |
| }, |
| //SUB A, n |
| //#0xD6: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x10 |
| //#0xD7: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x10; |
| }, |
| //RET FC |
| //#0xD8: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| }, |
| //RETI |
| //#0xD9: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| //Immediate for HALT: |
| parentObj.IRQEnableDelay = (parentObj.IRQEnableDelay == 2 || parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) == 0x76) ? 1 : 2; |
| }, |
| //JP FC, nn |
| //#0xDA: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FCarry) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 4; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //0xDB - Illegal |
| //#0xDB: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xDB called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //CALL FC, nn |
| //#0xDC: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.FCarry) { |
| var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc; |
| parentObj.CPUTicks += 12; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| } |
| }, |
| //0xDD - Illegal |
| //#0xDD: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xDD called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //SBC A, n |
| //#0xDE: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - temp_var - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (temp_var & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x18 |
| //#0xDF: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x18; |
| }, |
| //LDH (n), A |
| //#0xE0: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryHighWrite(parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter), parentObj.registerA); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //POP HL |
| //#0xE1: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //LD (0xFF00 + C), A |
| //#0xE2: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryHighWriter[parentObj.registerC](parentObj, parentObj.registerC, parentObj.registerA); |
| }, |
| //0xE3 - Illegal |
| //#0xE3: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xE3 called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //0xE4 - Illegal |
| //#0xE4: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xE4 called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //PUSH HL |
| //#0xE5: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registersHL >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| }, |
| //AND n |
| //#0xE6: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x20 |
| //#0xE7: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x20; |
| }, |
| //ADD SP, n |
| //#0xE8: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_value2 = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24; |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| var temp_value = (parentObj.stackPointer + temp_value2) & 0xFFFF; |
| temp_value2 = parentObj.stackPointer ^ temp_value2 ^ temp_value; |
| parentObj.stackPointer = temp_value; |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_value2 & 0x100) == 0x100); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_value2 & 0x10) == 0x10); |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //JP, (HL) |
| //#0xE9: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.programCounter = parentObj.registersHL; |
| }, |
| //LD n, A |
| //#0xEA: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWrite((parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter), parentObj.registerA); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //0xEB - Illegal |
| //#0xEB: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xEB called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //0xEC - Illegal |
| //#0xEC: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xEC called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //0xED - Illegal |
| //#0xED: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xED called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //XOR n |
| //#0xEE: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x28 |
| //#0xEF: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x28; |
| }, |
| //LDH A, (n) |
| //#0xF0: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryHighRead(parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter)); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //POP AF |
| //#0xF1: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer); |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = ((temp_var & 0x40) == 0x40); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0x20) == 0x20); |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x10) == 0x10); |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //LD A, (0xFF00 + C) |
| //#0xF2: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryHighReader[parentObj.registerC](parentObj, parentObj.registerC); |
| }, |
| //DI |
| //#0xF3: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.IME = false; |
| parentObj.IRQEnableDelay = 0; |
| }, |
| //0xF4 - Illegal |
| //#0xF4: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xF4 called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //PUSH AF |
| //#0xF5: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerA); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, ((parentObj.FZero) ? 0x80 : 0) | ((parentObj.FSubtract) ? 0x40 : 0) | ((parentObj.FHalfCarry) ? 0x20 : 0) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x10 : 0)); |
| }, |
| //OR n |
| //#0xF6: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x30 |
| //#0xF7: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x30; |
| }, |
| //LDHL SP, n |
| //#0xF8: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24; |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.stackPointer + temp_var) & 0xFFFF; |
| temp_var = parentObj.stackPointer ^ temp_var ^ parentObj.registersHL; |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x100) == 0x100); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0x10) == 0x10); |
| parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| }, |
| //LD SP, HL |
| //#0xF9: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = parentObj.registersHL; |
| }, |
| //LD A, (nn) |
| //#0xFA: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter)); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF; |
| }, |
| //EI |
| //#0xFB: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| //Immediate for HALT: |
| parentObj.IRQEnableDelay = (parentObj.IRQEnableDelay == 2 || parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) == 0x76) ? 1 : 2; |
| }, |
| //0xFC - Illegal |
| //#0xFC: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xFC called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //0xFD - Illegal |
| //#0xFD: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| cout("Illegal op code 0xFD called, pausing emulation.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| }, |
| //CP n |
| //#0xFE: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter); |
| parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF)); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0); |
| parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0); |
| parentObj.FSubtract = true; |
| }, |
| //RST 0x38 |
| //#0xFF: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8); |
| parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.programCounter = 0x38; |
| } |
| ]; |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.CBOPCODE = [ |
| //RLC B |
| //#0x00: |
| function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerB > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.registerB << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //RLC C |
| //#0x01: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerC > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.registerC << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //RLC D |
| //#0x02: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerD > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.registerD << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //RLC E |
| //#0x03: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerE > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.registerE << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //RLC H |
| //#0x04: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFE00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x100 : 0) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //RLC L |
| //#0x05: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x80) == 0x80); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //RLC (HL) |
| //#0x06: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (temp_var > 0x7F); |
| temp_var = ((temp_var << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| } |
| //RLC A |
| //#0x07: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC B |
| //#0x08: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerB >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC C |
| //#0x09: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerC >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC D |
| //#0x0A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerD >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC E |
| //#0x0B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerE >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC H |
| //#0x0C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x8000 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //RRC L |
| //#0x0D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC (HL) |
| //#0x0E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| temp_var = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (temp_var >> 1); |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| } |
| //RRC A |
| //#0x0F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerA >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //RL B |
| //#0x10: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerB > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.registerB << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //RL C |
| //#0x11: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerC > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.registerC << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //RL D |
| //#0x12: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerD > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.registerD << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //RL E |
| //#0x13: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerE > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.registerE << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //RL H |
| //#0x14: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFE00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x100 : 0) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //RL L |
| //#0x15: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x80) == 0x80); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //RL (HL) |
| //#0x16: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| var newFCarry = (temp_var > 0x7F); |
| temp_var = ((temp_var << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| } |
| //RL A |
| //#0x17: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //RR B |
| //#0x18: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerB >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //RR C |
| //#0x19: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerC >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //RR D |
| //#0x1A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerD >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //RR E |
| //#0x1B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerE >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //RR H |
| //#0x1C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x8000 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //RR L |
| //#0x1D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //RR (HL) |
| //#0x1E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| var newFCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| temp_var = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (temp_var >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| } |
| //RR A |
| //#0x1F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerA >> 1); |
| parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA B |
| //#0x20: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerB > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA C |
| //#0x21: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerC > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA D |
| //#0x22: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerD > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA E |
| //#0x23: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerE > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA H |
| //#0x24: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFE00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //SLA L |
| //#0x25: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0080) == 0x0080); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA (HL) |
| //#0x26: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FCarry = (temp_var > 0x7F); |
| temp_var = (temp_var << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| } |
| //SLA A |
| //#0x27: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA B |
| //#0x28: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerB >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA C |
| //#0x29: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerC >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA D |
| //#0x2A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerD >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA E |
| //#0x2B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerE >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA H |
| //#0x2C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0x80FF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //SRA L |
| //#0x2D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0001) == 0x0001); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF80) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA (HL) |
| //#0x2E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| temp_var = (temp_var & 0x80) | (temp_var >> 1); |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| } |
| //SRA A |
| //#0x2F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerA >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //SWAP B |
| //#0x30: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.registerB & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerB >> 4); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP C |
| //#0x31: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.registerC & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerC >> 4); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP D |
| //#0x32: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.registerD & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerD >> 4); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP E |
| //#0x33: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.registerE & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerE >> 4); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP H |
| //#0x34: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF00) << 4) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF000) >> 4) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP L |
| //#0x35: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF) << 4) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF0) >> 4); |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP (HL) |
| //#0x36: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| temp_var = ((temp_var & 0xF) << 4) | (temp_var >> 4); |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var); |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SWAP A |
| //#0x37: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerA >> 4); |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| } |
| //SRL B |
| //#0x38: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerB >>= 1; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0); |
| } |
| //SRL C |
| //#0x39: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerC >>= 1; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0); |
| } |
| //SRL D |
| //#0x3A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerD >>= 1; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0); |
| } |
| //SRL E |
| //#0x3B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerE >>= 1; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0); |
| } |
| //SRL H |
| //#0x3C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100); |
| parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100); |
| } |
| //SRL L |
| //#0x3D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0001) == 0x0001); |
| parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0); |
| } |
| //SRL (HL) |
| //#0x3E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL); |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var >> 1); |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (temp_var < 2); |
| } |
| //SRL A |
| //#0x3F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.registerA >>= 1; |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, B |
| //#0x40: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, C |
| //#0x41: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, D |
| //#0x42: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, E |
| //#0x43: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, H |
| //#0x44: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, L |
| //#0x45: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0001) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, (HL) |
| //#0x46: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x01) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 0, A |
| //#0x47: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, B |
| //#0x48: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x02) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, C |
| //#0x49: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x02) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, D |
| //#0x4A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x02) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, E |
| //#0x4B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x02) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, H |
| //#0x4C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0200) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, L |
| //#0x4D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0002) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, (HL) |
| //#0x4E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x02) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 1, A |
| //#0x4F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x02) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, B |
| //#0x50: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x04) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, C |
| //#0x51: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x04) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, D |
| //#0x52: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x04) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, E |
| //#0x53: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x04) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, H |
| //#0x54: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0400) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, L |
| //#0x55: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0004) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, (HL) |
| //#0x56: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x04) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 2, A |
| //#0x57: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x04) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, B |
| //#0x58: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x08) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, C |
| //#0x59: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x08) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, D |
| //#0x5A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x08) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, E |
| //#0x5B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x08) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, H |
| //#0x5C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0800) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, L |
| //#0x5D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0008) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, (HL) |
| //#0x5E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x08) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 3, A |
| //#0x5F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x08) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, B |
| //#0x60: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x10) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, C |
| //#0x61: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x10) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, D |
| //#0x62: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x10) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, E |
| //#0x63: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x10) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, H |
| //#0x64: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x1000) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, L |
| //#0x65: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0010) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, (HL) |
| //#0x66: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x10) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 4, A |
| //#0x67: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x10) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, B |
| //#0x68: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x20) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, C |
| //#0x69: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x20) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, D |
| //#0x6A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x20) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, E |
| //#0x6B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x20) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, H |
| //#0x6C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x2000) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, L |
| //#0x6D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0020) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, (HL) |
| //#0x6E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x20) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 5, A |
| //#0x6F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x20) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, B |
| //#0x70: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x40) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, C |
| //#0x71: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x40) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, D |
| //#0x72: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x40) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, E |
| //#0x73: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x40) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, H |
| //#0x74: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x4000) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, L |
| //#0x75: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0040) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, (HL) |
| //#0x76: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x40) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 6, A |
| //#0x77: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x40) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, B |
| //#0x78: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x80) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, C |
| //#0x79: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x80) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, D |
| //#0x7A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x80) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, E |
| //#0x7B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x80) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, H |
| //#0x7C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x8000) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, L |
| //#0x7D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0080) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, (HL) |
| //#0x7E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x80) == 0); |
| } |
| //BIT 7, A |
| //#0x7F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.FHalfCarry = true; |
| parentObj.FSubtract = false; |
| parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x80) == 0); |
| } |
| //RES 0, B |
| //#0x80: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xFE; |
| } |
| //RES 0, C |
| //#0x81: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xFE; |
| } |
| //RES 0, D |
| //#0x82: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xFE; |
| } |
| //RES 0, E |
| //#0x83: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xFE; |
| } |
| //RES 0, H |
| //#0x84: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFEFF; |
| } |
| //RES 0, L |
| //#0x85: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFFE; |
| } |
| //RES 0, (HL) |
| //#0x86: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xFE); |
| } |
| //RES 0, A |
| //#0x87: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xFE; |
| } |
| //RES 1, B |
| //#0x88: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| //RES 1, C |
| //#0x89: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| //RES 1, D |
| //#0x8A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| //RES 1, E |
| //#0x8B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| //RES 1, H |
| //#0x8C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFDFF; |
| } |
| //RES 1, L |
| //#0x8D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFFD; |
| } |
| //RES 1, (HL) |
| //#0x8E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xFD); |
| } |
| //RES 1, A |
| //#0x8F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| //RES 2, B |
| //#0x90: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xFB; |
| } |
| //RES 2, C |
| //#0x91: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xFB; |
| } |
| //RES 2, D |
| //#0x92: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xFB; |
| } |
| //RES 2, E |
| //#0x93: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xFB; |
| } |
| //RES 2, H |
| //#0x94: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFBFF; |
| } |
| //RES 2, L |
| //#0x95: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFFB; |
| } |
| //RES 2, (HL) |
| //#0x96: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xFB); |
| } |
| //RES 2, A |
| //#0x97: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xFB; |
| } |
| //RES 3, B |
| //#0x98: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xF7; |
| } |
| //RES 3, C |
| //#0x99: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xF7; |
| } |
| //RES 3, D |
| //#0x9A: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xF7; |
| } |
| //RES 3, E |
| //#0x9B: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xF7; |
| } |
| //RES 3, H |
| //#0x9C: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xF7FF; |
| } |
| //RES 3, L |
| //#0x9D: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFF7; |
| } |
| //RES 3, (HL) |
| //#0x9E: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xF7); |
| } |
| //RES 3, A |
| //#0x9F: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xF7; |
| } |
| //RES 3, B |
| //#0xA0: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xEF; |
| } |
| //RES 4, C |
| //#0xA1: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xEF; |
| } |
| //RES 4, D |
| //#0xA2: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xEF; |
| } |
| //RES 4, E |
| //#0xA3: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xEF; |
| } |
| //RES 4, H |
| //#0xA4: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xEFFF; |
| } |
| //RES 4, L |
| //#0xA5: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFEF; |
| } |
| //RES 4, (HL) |
| //#0xA6: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xEF); |
| } |
| //RES 4, A |
| //#0xA7: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xEF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, B |
| //#0xA8: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xDF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, C |
| //#0xA9: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xDF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, D |
| //#0xAA: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xDF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, E |
| //#0xAB: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xDF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, H |
| //#0xAC: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xDFFF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, L |
| //#0xAD: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFDF; |
| } |
| //RES 5, (HL) |
| //#0xAE: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xDF); |
| } |
| //RES 5, A |
| //#0xAF: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xDF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, B |
| //#0xB0: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0xBF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, C |
| //#0xB1: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0xBF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, D |
| //#0xB2: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0xBF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, E |
| //#0xB3: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0xBF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, H |
| //#0xB4: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xBFFF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, L |
| //#0xB5: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFBF; |
| } |
| //RES 6, (HL) |
| //#0xB6: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xBF); |
| } |
| //RES 6, A |
| //#0xB7: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0xBF; |
| } |
| //RES 7, B |
| //#0xB8: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB &= 0x7F; |
| } |
| //RES 7, C |
| //#0xB9: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC &= 0x7F; |
| } |
| //RES 7, D |
| //#0xBA: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD &= 0x7F; |
| } |
| //RES 7, E |
| //#0xBB: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE &= 0x7F; |
| } |
| //RES 7, H |
| //#0xBC: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0x7FFF; |
| } |
| //RES 7, L |
| //#0xBD: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFF7F; |
| } |
| //RES 7, (HL) |
| //#0xBE: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x7F); |
| } |
| //RES 7, A |
| //#0xBF: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA &= 0x7F; |
| } |
| //SET 0, B |
| //#0xC0: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x01; |
| } |
| //SET 0, C |
| //#0xC1: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x01; |
| } |
| //SET 0, D |
| //#0xC2: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x01; |
| } |
| //SET 0, E |
| //#0xC3: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x01; |
| } |
| //SET 0, H |
| //#0xC4: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0100; |
| } |
| //SET 0, L |
| //#0xC5: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x01; |
| } |
| //SET 0, (HL) |
| //#0xC6: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x01); |
| } |
| //SET 0, A |
| //#0xC7: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x01; |
| } |
| //SET 1, B |
| //#0xC8: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x02; |
| } |
| //SET 1, C |
| //#0xC9: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x02; |
| } |
| //SET 1, D |
| //#0xCA: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x02; |
| } |
| //SET 1, E |
| //#0xCB: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x02; |
| } |
| //SET 1, H |
| //#0xCC: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0200; |
| } |
| //SET 1, L |
| //#0xCD: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x02; |
| } |
| //SET 1, (HL) |
| //#0xCE: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x02); |
| } |
| //SET 1, A |
| //#0xCF: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x02; |
| } |
| //SET 2, B |
| //#0xD0: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x04; |
| } |
| //SET 2, C |
| //#0xD1: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x04; |
| } |
| //SET 2, D |
| //#0xD2: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x04; |
| } |
| //SET 2, E |
| //#0xD3: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x04; |
| } |
| //SET 2, H |
| //#0xD4: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0400; |
| } |
| //SET 2, L |
| //#0xD5: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x04; |
| } |
| //SET 2, (HL) |
| //#0xD6: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x04); |
| } |
| //SET 2, A |
| //#0xD7: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x04; |
| } |
| //SET 3, B |
| //#0xD8: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x08; |
| } |
| //SET 3, C |
| //#0xD9: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x08; |
| } |
| //SET 3, D |
| //#0xDA: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x08; |
| } |
| //SET 3, E |
| //#0xDB: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x08; |
| } |
| //SET 3, H |
| //#0xDC: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0800; |
| } |
| //SET 3, L |
| //#0xDD: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x08; |
| } |
| //SET 3, (HL) |
| //#0xDE: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x08); |
| } |
| //SET 3, A |
| //#0xDF: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x08; |
| } |
| //SET 4, B |
| //#0xE0: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x10; |
| } |
| //SET 4, C |
| //#0xE1: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x10; |
| } |
| //SET 4, D |
| //#0xE2: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x10; |
| } |
| //SET 4, E |
| //#0xE3: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x10; |
| } |
| //SET 4, H |
| //#0xE4: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x1000; |
| } |
| //SET 4, L |
| //#0xE5: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x10; |
| } |
| //SET 4, (HL) |
| //#0xE6: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x10); |
| } |
| //SET 4, A |
| //#0xE7: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x10; |
| } |
| //SET 5, B |
| //#0xE8: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x20; |
| } |
| //SET 5, C |
| //#0xE9: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x20; |
| } |
| //SET 5, D |
| //#0xEA: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x20; |
| } |
| //SET 5, E |
| //#0xEB: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x20; |
| } |
| //SET 5, H |
| //#0xEC: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x2000; |
| } |
| //SET 5, L |
| //#0xED: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x20; |
| } |
| //SET 5, (HL) |
| //#0xEE: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x20); |
| } |
| //SET 5, A |
| //#0xEF: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x20; |
| } |
| //SET 6, B |
| //#0xF0: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x40; |
| } |
| //SET 6, C |
| //#0xF1: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x40; |
| } |
| //SET 6, D |
| //#0xF2: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x40; |
| } |
| //SET 6, E |
| //#0xF3: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x40; |
| } |
| //SET 6, H |
| //#0xF4: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x4000; |
| } |
| //SET 6, L |
| //#0xF5: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x40; |
| } |
| //SET 6, (HL) |
| //#0xF6: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x40); |
| } |
| //SET 6, A |
| //#0xF7: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x40; |
| } |
| //SET 7, B |
| //#0xF8: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerB |= 0x80; |
| } |
| //SET 7, C |
| //#0xF9: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerC |= 0x80; |
| } |
| //SET 7, D |
| //#0xFA: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerD |= 0x80; |
| } |
| //SET 7, E |
| //#0xFB: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerE |= 0x80; |
| } |
| //SET 7, H |
| //#0xFC: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x8000; |
| } |
| //SET 7, L |
| //#0xFD: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registersHL |= 0x80; |
| } |
| //SET 7, (HL) |
| //#0xFE: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x80); |
| } |
| //SET 7, A |
| //#0xFF: |
| ,function (parentObj) { |
| parentObj.registerA |= 0x80; |
| } |
| ]; |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.TICKTable = [ //Number of machine cycles for each instruction: |
| /* 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F*/ |
| 4, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 20, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //0 |
| 4, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 12, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //1 |
| 8, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //2 |
| 8, 12, 8, 8, 12, 12, 12, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //3 |
| |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //4 |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //5 |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //6 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //7 |
| |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //8 |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //9 |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //A |
| 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //B |
| |
| 8, 12, 12, 16, 12, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16, 12, 0, 12, 24, 8, 16, //C |
| 8, 12, 12, 4, 12, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16, 12, 4, 12, 4, 8, 16, //D |
| 12, 12, 8, 4, 4, 16, 8, 16, 16, 4, 16, 4, 4, 4, 8, 16, //E |
| 12, 12, 8, 4, 4, 16, 8, 16, 12, 8, 16, 4, 0, 4, 8, 16 //F |
| ]; |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.SecondaryTICKTable = [ //Number of machine cycles for each 0xCBXX instruction: |
| /* 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F*/ |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //0 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //1 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //2 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //3 |
| |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //4 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //5 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //6 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //7 |
| |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //8 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //9 |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //A |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //B |
| |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //C |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //D |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //E |
| 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8 //F |
| ]; |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.saveSRAMState = function () { |
| if (!this.cBATT || this.MBCRam.length == 0) { |
| //No battery backup... |
| return []; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Return the MBC RAM for backup... |
| return this.fromTypedArray(this.MBCRam); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.saveRTCState = function () { |
| if (!this.cTIMER) { |
| //No battery backup... |
| return []; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Return the MBC RAM for backup... |
| return [ |
| this.lastIteration, |
| this.RTCisLatched, |
| this.latchedSeconds, |
| this.latchedMinutes, |
| this.latchedHours, |
| this.latchedLDays, |
| this.latchedHDays, |
| this.RTCSeconds, |
| this.RTCMinutes, |
| this.RTCHours, |
| this.RTCDays, |
| this.RTCDayOverFlow, |
| this.RTCHALT |
| ]; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.saveState = function () { |
| return [ |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.ROM), |
| this.inBootstrap, |
| this.registerA, |
| this.FZero, |
| this.FSubtract, |
| this.FHalfCarry, |
| this.FCarry, |
| this.registerB, |
| this.registerC, |
| this.registerD, |
| this.registerE, |
| this.registersHL, |
| this.stackPointer, |
| this.programCounter, |
| this.halt, |
| this.IME, |
| this.hdmaRunning, |
| this.CPUTicks, |
| this.doubleSpeedShifter, |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.memory), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.MBCRam), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.VRAM), |
| this.currVRAMBank, |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.GBCMemory), |
| this.MBC1Mode, |
| this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled, |
| this.currMBCRAMBank, |
| this.currMBCRAMBankPosition, |
| this.cGBC, |
| this.gbcRamBank, |
| this.gbcRamBankPosition, |
| this.ROMBank1offs, |
| this.currentROMBank, |
| this.cartridgeType, |
| this.name, |
| this.gameCode, |
| this.modeSTAT, |
| this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT, |
| this.mode2TriggerSTAT, |
| this.mode1TriggerSTAT, |
| this.mode0TriggerSTAT, |
| this.LCDisOn, |
| this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition, |
| this.gfxWindowDisplay, |
| this.gfxSpriteShow, |
| this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight, |
| this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition, |
| this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset, |
| this.TIMAEnabled, |
| this.DIVTicks, |
| this.LCDTicks, |
| this.timerTicks, |
| this.TACClocker, |
| this.serialTimer, |
| this.serialShiftTimer, |
| this.serialShiftTimerAllocated, |
| this.IRQEnableDelay, |
| this.lastIteration, |
| this.cMBC1, |
| this.cMBC2, |
| this.cMBC3, |
| this.cMBC5, |
| this.cMBC7, |
| this.cSRAM, |
| this.cMMMO1, |
| this.cRUMBLE, |
| this.cCamera, |
| this.cTAMA5, |
| this.cHuC3, |
| this.cHuC1, |
| this.drewBlank, |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.frameBuffer), |
| this.bgEnabled, |
| this.BGPriorityEnabled, |
| this.channel1FrequencyTracker, |
| this.channel1FrequencyCounter, |
| this.channel1totalLength, |
| this.channel1envelopeVolume, |
| this.channel1envelopeType, |
| this.channel1envelopeSweeps, |
| this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast, |
| this.channel1consecutive, |
| this.channel1frequency, |
| this.channel1SweepFault, |
| this.channel1ShadowFrequency, |
| this.channel1timeSweep, |
| this.channel1lastTimeSweep, |
| this.channel1numSweep, |
| this.channel1frequencySweepDivider, |
| this.channel1decreaseSweep, |
| this.channel2FrequencyTracker, |
| this.channel2FrequencyCounter, |
| this.channel2totalLength, |
| this.channel2envelopeVolume, |
| this.channel2envelopeType, |
| this.channel2envelopeSweeps, |
| this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast, |
| this.channel2consecutive, |
| this.channel2frequency, |
| this.channel3canPlay, |
| this.channel3totalLength, |
| this.channel3patternType, |
| this.channel3frequency, |
| this.channel3consecutive, |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.channel3PCM), |
| this.channel4FrequencyPeriod, |
| this.channel4lastSampleLookup, |
| this.channel4totalLength, |
| this.channel4envelopeVolume, |
| this.channel4currentVolume, |
| this.channel4envelopeType, |
| this.channel4envelopeSweeps, |
| this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast, |
| this.channel4consecutive, |
| this.channel4BitRange, |
| this.soundMasterEnabled, |
| this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume, |
| this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume, |
| this.leftChannel1, |
| this.leftChannel2, |
| this.leftChannel3, |
| this.leftChannel4, |
| this.rightChannel1, |
| this.rightChannel2, |
| this.rightChannel3, |
| this.rightChannel4, |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeft, |
| this.channel1currentSampleRight, |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeft, |
| this.channel2currentSampleRight, |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeft, |
| this.channel3currentSampleRight, |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeft, |
| this.channel4currentSampleRight, |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary, |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary, |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary, |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary, |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary, |
| this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary, |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary, |
| this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary, |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary, |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary, |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary, |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary, |
| this.mixerOutputCache, |
| this.channel1DutyTracker, |
| this.channel1CachedDuty, |
| this.channel2DutyTracker, |
| this.channel2CachedDuty, |
| this.channel1Enabled, |
| this.channel2Enabled, |
| this.channel3Enabled, |
| this.channel4Enabled, |
| this.sequencerClocks, |
| this.sequencePosition, |
| this.channel3Counter, |
| this.channel4Counter, |
| this.cachedChannel3Sample, |
| this.cachedChannel4Sample, |
| this.channel3FrequencyPeriod, |
| this.channel3lastSampleLookup, |
| this.actualScanLine, |
| this.lastUnrenderedLine, |
| this.queuedScanLines, |
| this.RTCisLatched, |
| this.latchedSeconds, |
| this.latchedMinutes, |
| this.latchedHours, |
| this.latchedLDays, |
| this.latchedHDays, |
| this.RTCSeconds, |
| this.RTCMinutes, |
| this.RTCHours, |
| this.RTCDays, |
| this.RTCDayOverFlow, |
| this.RTCHALT, |
| this.usedBootROM, |
| this.skipPCIncrement, |
| this.STATTracker, |
| this.gbcRamBankPositionECHO, |
| this.numRAMBanks, |
| this.windowY, |
| this.windowX, |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbcOBJRawPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbcBGRawPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbOBJPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbBGPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbcOBJPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbcBGPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbBGColorizedPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.gbOBJColorizedPalette), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.cachedBGPaletteConversion), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.BGCHRBank1), |
| this.fromTypedArray(this.BGCHRBank2), |
| this.haltPostClocks, |
| this.interruptsRequested, |
| this.interruptsEnabled, |
| this.remainingClocks, |
| this.colorizedGBPalettes, |
| this.backgroundY, |
| this.backgroundX, |
| this.CPUStopped |
| ]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.returnFromState = function (returnedFrom) { |
| var index = 0; |
| var state = returnedFrom.slice(0); |
| this.ROM = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.ROMBankEdge = Math.floor(this.ROM.length / 0x4000); |
| this.inBootstrap = state[index++]; |
| this.registerA = state[index++]; |
| this.FZero = state[index++]; |
| this.FSubtract = state[index++]; |
| this.FHalfCarry = state[index++]; |
| this.FCarry = state[index++]; |
| this.registerB = state[index++]; |
| this.registerC = state[index++]; |
| this.registerD = state[index++]; |
| this.registerE = state[index++]; |
| this.registersHL = state[index++]; |
| this.stackPointer = state[index++]; |
| this.programCounter = state[index++]; |
| this.halt = state[index++]; |
| this.IME = state[index++]; |
| this.hdmaRunning = state[index++]; |
| this.CPUTicks = state[index++]; |
| this.doubleSpeedShifter = state[index++]; |
| this.memory = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.MBCRam = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.VRAM = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.currVRAMBank = state[index++]; |
| this.GBCMemory = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.MBC1Mode = state[index++]; |
| this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = state[index++]; |
| this.currMBCRAMBank = state[index++]; |
| this.currMBCRAMBankPosition = state[index++]; |
| this.cGBC = state[index++]; |
| this.gbcRamBank = state[index++]; |
| this.gbcRamBankPosition = state[index++]; |
| this.ROMBank1offs = state[index++]; |
| this.currentROMBank = state[index++]; |
| this.cartridgeType = state[index++]; |
| this.name = state[index++]; |
| this.gameCode = state[index++]; |
| this.modeSTAT = state[index++]; |
| this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = state[index++]; |
| this.mode2TriggerSTAT = state[index++]; |
| this.mode1TriggerSTAT = state[index++]; |
| this.mode0TriggerSTAT = state[index++]; |
| this.LCDisOn = state[index++]; |
| this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = state[index++]; |
| this.gfxWindowDisplay = state[index++]; |
| this.gfxSpriteShow = state[index++]; |
| this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = state[index++]; |
| this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = state[index++]; |
| this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = state[index++]; |
| this.TIMAEnabled = state[index++]; |
| this.DIVTicks = state[index++]; |
| this.LCDTicks = state[index++]; |
| this.timerTicks = state[index++]; |
| this.TACClocker = state[index++]; |
| this.serialTimer = state[index++]; |
| this.serialShiftTimer = state[index++]; |
| this.serialShiftTimerAllocated = state[index++]; |
| this.IRQEnableDelay = state[index++]; |
| this.lastIteration = state[index++]; |
| this.cMBC1 = state[index++]; |
| this.cMBC2 = state[index++]; |
| this.cMBC3 = state[index++]; |
| this.cMBC5 = state[index++]; |
| this.cMBC7 = state[index++]; |
| this.cSRAM = state[index++]; |
| this.cMMMO1 = state[index++]; |
| this.cRUMBLE = state[index++]; |
| this.cCamera = state[index++]; |
| this.cTAMA5 = state[index++]; |
| this.cHuC3 = state[index++]; |
| this.cHuC1 = state[index++]; |
| this.drewBlank = state[index++]; |
| this.frameBuffer = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.bgEnabled = state[index++]; |
| this.BGPriorityEnabled = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1FrequencyTracker = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1FrequencyCounter = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1totalLength = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1envelopeVolume = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1envelopeType = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweeps = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1consecutive = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1frequency = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1SweepFault = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1ShadowFrequency = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1timeSweep = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1lastTimeSweep = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1numSweep = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1frequencySweepDivider = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1decreaseSweep = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2FrequencyTracker = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2FrequencyCounter = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2totalLength = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2envelopeVolume = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2envelopeType = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweeps = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2consecutive = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2frequency = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3canPlay = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3totalLength = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3patternType = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3frequency = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3consecutive = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3PCM = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int8"); |
| this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4lastSampleLookup = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4totalLength = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4envelopeVolume = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4currentVolume = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4envelopeType = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweeps = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4consecutive = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4BitRange = state[index++]; |
| this.soundMasterEnabled = state[index++]; |
| this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = state[index++]; |
| this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = state[index++]; |
| this.leftChannel1 = state[index++]; |
| this.leftChannel2 = state[index++]; |
| this.leftChannel3 = state[index++]; |
| this.leftChannel4 = state[index++]; |
| this.rightChannel1 = state[index++]; |
| this.rightChannel2 = state[index++]; |
| this.rightChannel3 = state[index++]; |
| this.rightChannel4 = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeft = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRight = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeft = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRight = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeft = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRight = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeft = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRight = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = state[index++]; |
| this.mixerOutputCache = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1DutyTracker = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1CachedDuty = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2DutyTracker = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2CachedDuty = state[index++]; |
| this.channel1Enabled = state[index++]; |
| this.channel2Enabled = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3Enabled = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4Enabled = state[index++]; |
| this.sequencerClocks = state[index++]; |
| this.sequencePosition = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3Counter = state[index++]; |
| this.channel4Counter = state[index++]; |
| this.cachedChannel3Sample = state[index++]; |
| this.cachedChannel4Sample = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3FrequencyPeriod = state[index++]; |
| this.channel3lastSampleLookup = state[index++]; |
| this.actualScanLine = state[index++]; |
| this.lastUnrenderedLine = state[index++]; |
| this.queuedScanLines = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCisLatched = state[index++]; |
| this.latchedSeconds = state[index++]; |
| this.latchedMinutes = state[index++]; |
| this.latchedHours = state[index++]; |
| this.latchedLDays = state[index++]; |
| this.latchedHDays = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCSeconds = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCMinutes = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCHours = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCDays = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCDayOverFlow = state[index++]; |
| this.RTCHALT = state[index++]; |
| this.usedBootROM = state[index++]; |
| this.skipPCIncrement = state[index++]; |
| this.STATTracker = state[index++]; |
| this.gbcRamBankPositionECHO = state[index++]; |
| this.numRAMBanks = state[index++]; |
| this.windowY = state[index++]; |
| this.windowX = state[index++]; |
| this.gbcOBJRawPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.gbcBGRawPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.gbOBJPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.gbBGPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.gbcOBJPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.gbcBGPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.gbOBJColorizedPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.cachedBGPaletteConversion = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32"); |
| this.BGCHRBank1 = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.BGCHRBank2 = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8"); |
| this.haltPostClocks = state[index++]; |
| this.interruptsRequested = state[index++]; |
| this.interruptsEnabled = state[index++]; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| this.remainingClocks = state[index++]; |
| this.colorizedGBPalettes = state[index++]; |
| this.backgroundY = state[index++]; |
| this.backgroundX = state[index++]; |
| this.CPUStopped = state[index]; |
| this.fromSaveState = true; |
| this.TICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.TICKTable, "uint8"); |
| this.SecondaryTICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.SecondaryTICKTable, "uint8"); |
| this.initializeReferencesFromSaveState(); |
| this.memoryReadJumpCompile(); |
| this.memoryWriteJumpCompile(); |
| this.initLCD(); |
| this.initSound(); |
| this.noiseSampleTable = (this.channel4BitRange == 0x7FFF) ? this.LSFR15Table : this.LSFR7Table; |
| this.channel4VolumeShifter = (this.channel4BitRange == 0x7FFF) ? 15 : 7; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.returnFromRTCState = function () { |
| if (typeof this.openRTC == "function" && this.cTIMER) { |
| var rtcData = this.openRTC(this.name); |
| var index = 0; |
| this.lastIteration = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCisLatched = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.latchedSeconds = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.latchedMinutes = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.latchedHours = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.latchedLDays = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.latchedHDays = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCSeconds = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCMinutes = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCHours = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCDays = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCDayOverFlow = rtcData[index++]; |
| this.RTCHALT = rtcData[index]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.start = function () { |
| this.initMemory(); //Write the startup memory. |
| this.ROMLoad(); //Load the ROM into memory and get cartridge information from it. |
| this.initLCD(); //Initialize the graphics. |
| this.initSound(); //Sound object initialization. |
| this.run(); //Start the emulation. |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initMemory = function () { |
| //Initialize the RAM: |
| this.memory = this.getTypedArray(0x10000, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.frameBuffer = this.getTypedArray(23040, 0xF8F8F8, "int32"); |
| this.BGCHRBank1 = this.getTypedArray(0x800, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.TICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.TICKTable, "uint8"); |
| this.SecondaryTICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.SecondaryTICKTable, "uint8"); |
| this.channel3PCM = this.getTypedArray(0x20, 0, "int8"); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateCacheArray = function (tileAmount) { |
| var tileArray = []; |
| var tileNumber = 0; |
| while (tileNumber < tileAmount) { |
| tileArray[tileNumber++] = this.getTypedArray(64, 0, "uint8"); |
| } |
| return tileArray; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initSkipBootstrap = function () { |
| //Fill in the boot ROM set register values |
| //Default values to the GB boot ROM values, then fill in the GBC boot ROM values after ROM loading |
| var index = 0xFF; |
| while (index >= 0) { |
| if (index >= 0x30 && index < 0x40) { |
| this.memoryWrite(0xFF00 | index, this.ffxxDump[index]); |
| } |
| else { |
| switch (index) { |
| case 0x00: |
| case 0x01: |
| case 0x02: |
| case 0x05: |
| case 0x07: |
| case 0x0F: |
| case 0xFF: |
| this.memoryWrite(0xFF00 | index, this.ffxxDump[index]); |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.memory[0xFF00 | index] = this.ffxxDump[index]; |
| } |
| } |
| --index; |
| } |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.memory[0xFF6C] = 0xFE; |
| this.memory[0xFF74] = 0xFE; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memory[0xFF48] = 0xFF; |
| this.memory[0xFF49] = 0xFF; |
| this.memory[0xFF6C] = 0xFF; |
| this.memory[0xFF74] = 0xFF; |
| } |
| //Start as an unset device: |
| cout("Starting without the GBC boot ROM.", 0); |
| this.registerA = (this.cGBC) ? 0x11 : 0x1; |
| this.registerB = 0; |
| this.registerC = 0x13; |
| this.registerD = 0; |
| this.registerE = 0xD8; |
| this.FZero = true; |
| this.FSubtract = false; |
| this.FHalfCarry = true; |
| this.FCarry = true; |
| this.registersHL = 0x014D; |
| this.IME = false; |
| this.IRQLineMatched = 0; |
| this.interruptsRequested = 225; |
| this.interruptsEnabled = 0; |
| this.hdmaRunning = false; |
| this.CPUTicks = 12; |
| this.STATTracker = 0; |
| this.modeSTAT = 1; |
| this.spriteCount = 252; |
| this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = false; |
| this.mode2TriggerSTAT = false; |
| this.mode1TriggerSTAT = false; |
| this.mode0TriggerSTAT = false; |
| this.LCDisOn = true; |
| this.channel1FrequencyTracker = 0x2000; |
| this.channel1DutyTracker = 0; |
| this.channel1CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2]; |
| this.channel1totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel1envelopeVolume = 0; |
| this.channel1envelopeType = false; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweeps = 0; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = 0; |
| this.channel1consecutive = true; |
| this.channel1frequency = 1985; |
| this.channel1SweepFault = true; |
| this.channel1ShadowFrequency = 1985; |
| this.channel1timeSweep = 1; |
| this.channel1lastTimeSweep = 0; |
| this.channel1numSweep = 0; |
| this.channel1frequencySweepDivider = 0; |
| this.channel1decreaseSweep = false; |
| this.channel2FrequencyTracker = 0x2000; |
| this.channel2DutyTracker = 0; |
| this.channel2CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2]; |
| this.channel2totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel2envelopeVolume = 0; |
| this.channel2envelopeType = false; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweeps = 0; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = 0; |
| this.channel2consecutive = true; |
| this.channel2frequency = 0; |
| this.channel3canPlay = false; |
| this.channel3totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel3patternType = 4; |
| this.channel3frequency = 0; |
| this.channel3consecutive = true; |
| this.channel3Counter = 0x418; |
| this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = 8; |
| this.channel4totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel4envelopeVolume = 0; |
| this.channel4currentVolume = 0; |
| this.channel4envelopeType = false; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweeps = 0; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = 0; |
| this.channel4consecutive = true; |
| this.channel4BitRange = 0x7FFF; |
| this.channel4VolumeShifter = 15; |
| this.channel1FrequencyCounter = 0x200; |
| this.channel2FrequencyCounter = 0x200; |
| this.channel3Counter = 0x800; |
| this.channel3FrequencyPeriod = 0x800; |
| this.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| this.channel4lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 1; |
| this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 1; |
| this.soundMasterEnabled = true; |
| this.leftChannel1 = true; |
| this.leftChannel2 = true; |
| this.leftChannel3 = true; |
| this.leftChannel4 = true; |
| this.rightChannel1 = true; |
| this.rightChannel2 = true; |
| this.rightChannel3 = false; |
| this.rightChannel4 = false; |
| this.DIVTicks = 27044; |
| this.LCDTicks = 160; |
| this.timerTicks = 0; |
| this.TIMAEnabled = false; |
| this.TACClocker = 1024; |
| this.serialTimer = 0; |
| this.serialShiftTimer = 0; |
| this.serialShiftTimerAllocated = 0; |
| this.IRQEnableDelay = 0; |
| this.actualScanLine = 144; |
| this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0; |
| this.gfxWindowDisplay = false; |
| this.gfxSpriteShow = false; |
| this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = true; |
| this.bgEnabled = true; |
| this.BGPriorityEnabled = true; |
| this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = 0; |
| this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = 0; |
| this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = 0; |
| this.windowY = 0; |
| this.windowX = 0; |
| this.drewBlank = 0; |
| this.midScanlineOffset = -1; |
| this.currentX = 0; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initBootstrap = function () { |
| //Start as an unset device: |
| cout("Starting the selected boot ROM.", 0); |
| this.programCounter = 0; |
| this.stackPointer = 0; |
| this.IME = false; |
| this.LCDTicks = 0; |
| this.DIVTicks = 0; |
| this.registerA = 0; |
| this.registerB = 0; |
| this.registerC = 0; |
| this.registerD = 0; |
| this.registerE = 0; |
| this.FZero = this.FSubtract = this.FHalfCarry = this.FCarry = false; |
| this.registersHL = 0; |
| this.leftChannel1 = false; |
| this.leftChannel2 = false; |
| this.leftChannel3 = false; |
| this.leftChannel4 = false; |
| this.rightChannel1 = false; |
| this.rightChannel2 = false; |
| this.rightChannel3 = false; |
| this.rightChannel4 = false; |
| this.channel2frequency = this.channel1frequency = 0; |
| this.channel4consecutive = this.channel2consecutive = this.channel1consecutive = false; |
| this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 8; |
| this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 8; |
| this.memory[0xFF00] = 0xF; //Set the joypad state. |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.ROMLoad = function () { |
| //Load the first two ROM banks (0x0000 - 0x7FFF) into regular gameboy memory: |
| this.ROM = []; |
| this.usedBootROM = settings[1]; |
| var maxLength = this.ROMImage.length; |
| if (maxLength < 0x4000) { |
| throw(new Error("ROM image size too small.")); |
| } |
| this.ROM = this.getTypedArray(maxLength, 0, "uint8"); |
| var romIndex = 0; |
| if (this.usedBootROM) { |
| if (!settings[11]) { |
| //Patch in the GBC boot ROM into the memory map: |
| for (; romIndex < 0x100; ++romIndex) { |
| this.memory[romIndex] = this.GBCBOOTROM[romIndex]; //Load in the GameBoy Color BOOT ROM. |
| this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Decode the ROM binary for the switch out. |
| } |
| for (; romIndex < 0x200; ++romIndex) { |
| this.memory[romIndex] = this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Load in the game ROM. |
| } |
| for (; romIndex < 0x900; ++romIndex) { |
| this.memory[romIndex] = this.GBCBOOTROM[romIndex - 0x100]; //Load in the GameBoy Color BOOT ROM. |
| this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Decode the ROM binary for the switch out. |
| } |
| this.usedGBCBootROM = true; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Patch in the GBC boot ROM into the memory map: |
| for (; romIndex < 0x100; ++romIndex) { |
| this.memory[romIndex] = this.GBBOOTROM[romIndex]; //Load in the GameBoy Color BOOT ROM. |
| this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Decode the ROM binary for the switch out. |
| } |
| } |
| for (; romIndex < 0x4000; ++romIndex) { |
| this.memory[romIndex] = this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Load in the game ROM. |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //Don't load in the boot ROM: |
| for (; romIndex < 0x4000; ++romIndex) { |
| this.memory[romIndex] = this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Load in the game ROM. |
| } |
| } |
| //Finish the decoding of the ROM binary: |
| for (; romIndex < maxLength; ++romIndex) { |
| this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); |
| } |
| this.ROMBankEdge = Math.floor(this.ROM.length / 0x4000); |
| //Set up the emulator for the cartidge specifics: |
| this.interpretCartridge(); |
| //Check for IRQ matching upon initialization: |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.getROMImage = function () { |
| //Return the binary version of the ROM image currently running: |
| if (this.ROMImage.length > 0) { |
| return this.ROMImage.length; |
| } |
| var length = this.ROM.length; |
| for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { |
| this.ROMImage += String.fromCharCode(this.ROM[index]); |
| } |
| return this.ROMImage; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.interpretCartridge = function () { |
| // ROM name |
| for (var index = 0x134; index < 0x13F; index++) { |
| if (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(index) > 0) { |
| this.name += this.ROMImage[index]; |
| } |
| } |
| // ROM game code (for newer games) |
| for (var index = 0x13F; index < 0x143; index++) { |
| if (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(index) > 0) { |
| this.gameCode += this.ROMImage[index]; |
| } |
| } |
| cout("Game Title: " + this.name + "[" + this.gameCode + "][" + this.ROMImage[0x143] + "]", 0); |
| cout("Game Code: " + this.gameCode, 0); |
| // Cartridge type |
| this.cartridgeType = this.ROM[0x147]; |
| cout("Cartridge type #" + this.cartridgeType, 0); |
| //Map out ROM cartridge sub-types. |
| var MBCType = ""; |
| switch (this.cartridgeType) { |
| case 0x00: |
| //ROM w/o bank switching |
| if (!settings[9]) { |
| MBCType = "ROM"; |
| break; |
| } |
| case 0x01: |
| this.cMBC1 = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC1"; |
| break; |
| case 0x02: |
| this.cMBC1 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC1 + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x03: |
| this.cMBC1 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC1 + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x05: |
| this.cMBC2 = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC2"; |
| break; |
| case 0x06: |
| this.cMBC2 = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC2 + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x08: |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "ROM + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x09: |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "ROM + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x0B: |
| this.cMMMO1 = true; |
| MBCType = "MMMO1"; |
| break; |
| case 0x0C: |
| this.cMMMO1 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "MMMO1 + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x0D: |
| this.cMMMO1 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MMMO1 + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x0F: |
| this.cMBC3 = true; |
| this.cTIMER = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC3 + TIMER + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x10: |
| this.cMBC3 = true; |
| this.cTIMER = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC3 + TIMER + BATT + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x11: |
| this.cMBC3 = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC3"; |
| break; |
| case 0x12: |
| this.cMBC3 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC3 + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x13: |
| this.cMBC3 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC3 + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x19: |
| this.cMBC5 = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC5"; |
| break; |
| case 0x1A: |
| this.cMBC5 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC5 + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x1B: |
| this.cMBC5 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC5 + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x1C: |
| this.cRUMBLE = true; |
| MBCType = "RUMBLE"; |
| break; |
| case 0x1D: |
| this.cRUMBLE = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| MBCType = "RUMBLE + SRAM"; |
| break; |
| case 0x1E: |
| this.cRUMBLE = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "RUMBLE + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0x1F: |
| this.cCamera = true; |
| MBCType = "GameBoy Camera"; |
| break; |
| case 0x22: |
| this.cMBC7 = true; |
| this.cSRAM = true; |
| this.cBATT = true; |
| MBCType = "MBC7 + SRAM + BATT"; |
| break; |
| case 0xFD: |
| this.cTAMA5 = true; |
| MBCType = "TAMA5"; |
| break; |
| case 0xFE: |
| this.cHuC3 = true; |
| MBCType = "HuC3"; |
| break; |
| case 0xFF: |
| this.cHuC1 = true; |
| MBCType = "HuC1"; |
| break; |
| default: |
| MBCType = "Unknown"; |
| cout("Cartridge type is unknown.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| } |
| cout("Cartridge Type: " + MBCType + ".", 0); |
| // ROM and RAM banks |
| this.numROMBanks = this.ROMBanks[this.ROM[0x148]]; |
| cout(this.numROMBanks + " ROM banks.", 0); |
| switch (this.RAMBanks[this.ROM[0x149]]) { |
| case 0: |
| cout("No RAM banking requested for allocation or MBC is of type 2.", 0); |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| cout("1 RAM bank requested for allocation.", 0); |
| break; |
| case 3: |
| cout("4 RAM banks requested for allocation.", 0); |
| break; |
| case 4: |
| cout("16 RAM banks requested for allocation.", 0); |
| break; |
| default: |
| cout("RAM bank amount requested is unknown, will use maximum allowed by specified MBC type.", 0); |
| } |
| //Check the GB/GBC mode byte: |
| if (!this.usedBootROM) { |
| switch (this.ROM[0x143]) { |
| case 0x00: //Only GB mode |
| this.cGBC = false; |
| cout("Only GB mode detected.", 0); |
| break; |
| case 0x32: //Exception to the GBC identifying code: |
| if (!settings[2] && this.name + this.gameCode + this.ROM[0x143] == "Game and Watch 50") { |
| this.cGBC = true; |
| cout("Created a boot exception for Game and Watch Gallery 2 (GBC ID byte is wrong on the cartridge).", 1); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.cGBC = false; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0x80: //Both GB + GBC modes |
| this.cGBC = !settings[2]; |
| cout("GB and GBC mode detected.", 0); |
| break; |
| case 0xC0: //Only GBC mode |
| this.cGBC = true; |
| cout("Only GBC mode detected.", 0); |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.cGBC = false; |
| cout("Unknown GameBoy game type code #" + this.ROM[0x143] + ", defaulting to GB mode (Old games don't have a type code).", 1); |
| } |
| this.inBootstrap = false; |
| this.setupRAM(); //CPU/(V)RAM initialization. |
| this.initSkipBootstrap(); |
| this.initializeAudioStartState(); // Line added for benchmarking. |
| } |
| else { |
| this.cGBC = this.usedGBCBootROM; //Allow the GBC boot ROM to run in GBC mode... |
| this.setupRAM(); //CPU/(V)RAM initialization. |
| this.initBootstrap(); |
| } |
| this.initializeModeSpecificArrays(); |
| //License Code Lookup: |
| var cOldLicense = this.ROM[0x14B]; |
| var cNewLicense = (this.ROM[0x144] & 0xFF00) | (this.ROM[0x145] & 0xFF); |
| if (cOldLicense != 0x33) { |
| //Old Style License Header |
| cout("Old style license code: " + cOldLicense, 0); |
| } |
| else { |
| //New Style License Header |
| cout("New style license code: " + cNewLicense, 0); |
| } |
| this.ROMImage = ""; //Memory consumption reduction. |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.disableBootROM = function () { |
| //Remove any traces of the boot ROM from ROM memory. |
| for (var index = 0; index < 0x100; ++index) { |
| this.memory[index] = this.ROM[index]; //Replace the GameBoy or GameBoy Color boot ROM with the game ROM. |
| } |
| if (this.usedGBCBootROM) { |
| //Remove any traces of the boot ROM from ROM memory. |
| for (index = 0x200; index < 0x900; ++index) { |
| this.memory[index] = this.ROM[index]; //Replace the GameBoy Color boot ROM with the game ROM. |
| } |
| if (!this.cGBC) { |
| //Clean up the post-boot (GB mode only) state: |
| this.GBCtoGBModeAdjust(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.recompileBootIOWriteHandling(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.recompileBootIOWriteHandling(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeTiming = function () { |
| //Emulator Timing: |
| this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration = 0x80000 / 0x7D * settings[6]; |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff = this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration % 4; |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalBase = this.CPUCyclesTotal = (this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration - this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff) | 0; |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent = 0; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.setupRAM = function () { |
| //Setup the auxilliary/switchable RAM: |
| if (this.cMBC2) { |
| this.numRAMBanks = 1 / 16; |
| } |
| else if (this.cMBC1 || this.cRUMBLE || this.cMBC3 || this.cHuC3) { |
| this.numRAMBanks = 4; |
| } |
| else if (this.cMBC5) { |
| this.numRAMBanks = 16; |
| } |
| else if (this.cSRAM) { |
| this.numRAMBanks = 1; |
| } |
| if (this.numRAMBanks > 0) { |
| if (!this.MBCRAMUtilized()) { |
| //For ROM and unknown MBC cartridges using the external RAM: |
| this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = true; |
| } |
| //Switched RAM Used |
| var MBCRam = (typeof this.openMBC == "function") ? this.openMBC(this.name) : []; |
| if (MBCRam.length > 0) { |
| //Flash the SRAM into memory: |
| this.MBCRam = this.toTypedArray(MBCRam, "uint8"); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.MBCRam = this.getTypedArray(this.numRAMBanks * 0x2000, 0, "uint8"); |
| } |
| } |
| cout("Actual bytes of MBC RAM allocated: " + (this.numRAMBanks * 0x2000), 0); |
| this.returnFromRTCState(); |
| //Setup the RAM for GBC mode. |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.VRAM = this.getTypedArray(0x2000, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.GBCMemory = this.getTypedArray(0x7000, 0, "uint8"); |
| } |
| this.memoryReadJumpCompile(); |
| this.memoryWriteJumpCompile(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBCRAMUtilized = function () { |
| return this.cMBC1 || this.cMBC2 || this.cMBC3 || this.cMBC5 || this.cMBC7 || this.cRUMBLE; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.recomputeDimension = function () { |
| initNewCanvas(); |
| //Cache some dimension info: |
| this.onscreenWidth = this.canvas.width; |
| this.onscreenHeight = this.canvas.height; |
| // The following line was modified for benchmarking: |
| if (GameBoyWindow && GameBoyWindow.mozRequestAnimationFrame) { |
| //Firefox slowness hack: |
| this.canvas.width = this.onscreenWidth = (!settings[12]) ? 160 : this.canvas.width; |
| this.canvas.height = this.onscreenHeight = (!settings[12]) ? 144 : this.canvas.height; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.onscreenWidth = this.canvas.width; |
| this.onscreenHeight = this.canvas.height; |
| } |
| this.offscreenWidth = (!settings[12]) ? 160 : this.canvas.width; |
| this.offscreenHeight = (!settings[12]) ? 144 : this.canvas.height; |
| this.offscreenRGBCount = this.offscreenWidth * this.offscreenHeight * 4; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initLCD = function () { |
| this.recomputeDimension(); |
| if (this.offscreenRGBCount != 92160) { |
| //Only create the resizer handle if we need it: |
| this.compileResizeFrameBufferFunction(); |
| } |
| else { |
| //Resizer not needed: |
| this.resizer = null; |
| } |
| try { |
| this.canvasOffscreen = new GameBoyCanvas(); // Line modified for benchmarking. |
| this.canvasOffscreen.width = this.offscreenWidth; |
| this.canvasOffscreen.height = this.offscreenHeight; |
| this.drawContextOffscreen = this.canvasOffscreen.getContext("2d"); |
| this.drawContextOnscreen = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); |
| //Get a CanvasPixelArray buffer: |
| try { |
| this.canvasBuffer = this.drawContextOffscreen.createImageData(this.offscreenWidth, this.offscreenHeight); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Falling back to the getImageData initialization (Error \"" + error.message + "\").", 1); |
| this.canvasBuffer = this.drawContextOffscreen.getImageData(0, 0, this.offscreenWidth, this.offscreenHeight); |
| } |
| var index = this.offscreenRGBCount; |
| while (index > 0) { |
| this.canvasBuffer.data[index -= 4] = 0xF8; |
| this.canvasBuffer.data[index + 1] = 0xF8; |
| this.canvasBuffer.data[index + 2] = 0xF8; |
| this.canvasBuffer.data[index + 3] = 0xFF; |
| } |
| this.graphicsBlit(); |
| this.canvas.style.visibility = "visible"; |
| if (this.swizzledFrame == null) { |
| this.swizzledFrame = this.getTypedArray(69120, 0xFF, "uint8"); |
| } |
| //Test the draw system and browser vblank latching: |
| this.drewFrame = true; //Copy the latest graphics to buffer. |
| this.requestDraw(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| throw(new Error("HTML5 Canvas support required: " + error.message + "file: " + error.fileName + ", line: " + error.lineNumber)); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsBlit = function () { |
| if (this.offscreenWidth == this.onscreenWidth && this.offscreenHeight == this.onscreenHeight) { |
| this.drawContextOnscreen.putImageData(this.canvasBuffer, 0, 0); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.drawContextOffscreen.putImageData(this.canvasBuffer, 0, 0); |
| this.drawContextOnscreen.drawImage(this.canvasOffscreen, 0, 0, this.onscreenWidth, this.onscreenHeight); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.JoyPadEvent = function (key, down) { |
| if (down) { |
| this.JoyPad &= 0xFF ^ (1 << key); |
| if (!this.cGBC && (!this.usedBootROM || !this.usedGBCBootROM)) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x10; //A real GBC doesn't set this! |
| this.remainingClocks = 0; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.JoyPad |= (1 << key); |
| } |
| this.memory[0xFF00] = (this.memory[0xFF00] & 0x30) + ((((this.memory[0xFF00] & 0x20) == 0) ? (this.JoyPad >> 4) : 0xF) & (((this.memory[0xFF00] & 0x10) == 0) ? (this.JoyPad & 0xF) : 0xF)); |
| this.CPUStopped = false; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.GyroEvent = function (x, y) { |
| x *= -100; |
| x += 2047; |
| this.highX = x >> 8; |
| this.lowX = x & 0xFF; |
| y *= -100; |
| y += 2047; |
| this.highY = y >> 8; |
| this.lowY = y & 0xFF; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initSound = function () { |
| this.sampleSize = 0x400000 / 1000 * settings[6]; |
| this.machineOut = settings[13]; |
| if (settings[0]) { |
| try { |
| var parentObj = this; |
| this.audioHandle = new XAudioServer(2, 0x400000 / settings[13], 0, Math.max(this.sampleSize * settings[8] / settings[13], 8192) << 1, null, settings[14]); |
| this.initAudioBuffer(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Audio system cannot run: " + error.message, 2); |
| settings[0] = false; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.audioHandle) { |
| //Mute the audio output, as it has an immediate silencing effect: |
| try { |
| this.audioHandle.changeVolume(0); |
| } |
| catch (error) { } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.changeVolume = function () { |
| if (settings[0] && this.audioHandle) { |
| try { |
| this.audioHandle.changeVolume(settings[14]); |
| } |
| catch (error) { } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initAudioBuffer = function () { |
| this.audioIndex = 0; |
| this.bufferContainAmount = Math.max(this.sampleSize * settings[7] / settings[13], 4096) << 1; |
| this.numSamplesTotal = (this.sampleSize - (this.sampleSize % settings[13])) | 0; |
| this.currentBuffer = this.getTypedArray(this.numSamplesTotal, 0xF0F0, "int32"); |
| this.secondaryBuffer = this.getTypedArray((this.numSamplesTotal << 1) / settings[13], 0, "float32"); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.intializeWhiteNoise = function () { |
| //Noise Sample Tables: |
| var randomFactor = 1; |
| //15-bit LSFR Cache Generation: |
| this.LSFR15Table = this.getTypedArray(0x80000, 0, "int8"); |
| var LSFR = 0x7FFF; //Seed value has all its bits set. |
| var LSFRShifted = 0x3FFF; |
| for (var index = 0; index < 0x8000; ++index) { |
| //Normalize the last LSFR value for usage: |
| randomFactor = 1 - (LSFR & 1); //Docs say it's the inverse. |
| //Cache the different volume level results: |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x08000 | index] = randomFactor; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x10000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x2; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x18000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x3; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x20000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x4; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x28000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x5; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x30000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x6; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x38000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x7; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x40000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x8; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x48000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x9; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x50000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xA; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x58000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xB; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x60000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xC; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x68000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xD; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x70000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xE; |
| this.LSFR15Table[0x78000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xF; |
| //Recompute the LSFR algorithm: |
| LSFRShifted = LSFR >> 1; |
| LSFR = LSFRShifted | (((LSFRShifted ^ LSFR) & 0x1) << 14); |
| } |
| //7-bit LSFR Cache Generation: |
| this.LSFR7Table = this.getTypedArray(0x800, 0, "int8"); |
| LSFR = 0x7F; //Seed value has all its bits set. |
| for (index = 0; index < 0x80; ++index) { |
| //Normalize the last LSFR value for usage: |
| randomFactor = 1 - (LSFR & 1); //Docs say it's the inverse. |
| //Cache the different volume level results: |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x080 | index] = randomFactor; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x100 | index] = randomFactor * 0x2; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x180 | index] = randomFactor * 0x3; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x200 | index] = randomFactor * 0x4; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x280 | index] = randomFactor * 0x5; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x300 | index] = randomFactor * 0x6; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x380 | index] = randomFactor * 0x7; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x400 | index] = randomFactor * 0x8; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x480 | index] = randomFactor * 0x9; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x500 | index] = randomFactor * 0xA; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x580 | index] = randomFactor * 0xB; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x600 | index] = randomFactor * 0xC; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x680 | index] = randomFactor * 0xD; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x700 | index] = randomFactor * 0xE; |
| this.LSFR7Table[0x780 | index] = randomFactor * 0xF; |
| //Recompute the LSFR algorithm: |
| LSFRShifted = LSFR >> 1; |
| LSFR = LSFRShifted | (((LSFRShifted ^ LSFR) & 0x1) << 6); |
| } |
| if (!this.noiseSampleTable && this.memory.length == 0x10000) { |
| //If enabling audio for the first time after a game is already running, set up the internal table reference: |
| this.noiseSampleTable = ((this.memory[0xFF22] & 0x8) == 0x8) ? this.LSFR7Table : this.LSFR15Table; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.audioUnderrunAdjustment = function () { |
| if (settings[0]) { |
| var underrunAmount = this.bufferContainAmount - this.audioHandle.remainingBuffer(); |
| if (underrunAmount > 0) { |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent += (underrunAmount >> 1) * this.machineOut; |
| this.recalculateIterationClockLimit(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeAudioStartState = function () { |
| this.channel1FrequencyTracker = 0x2000; |
| this.channel1DutyTracker = 0; |
| this.channel1CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2]; |
| this.channel1totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel1envelopeVolume = 0; |
| this.channel1envelopeType = false; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweeps = 0; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = 0; |
| this.channel1consecutive = true; |
| this.channel1frequency = 0; |
| this.channel1SweepFault = false; |
| this.channel1ShadowFrequency = 0; |
| this.channel1timeSweep = 1; |
| this.channel1lastTimeSweep = 0; |
| this.channel1numSweep = 0; |
| this.channel1frequencySweepDivider = 0; |
| this.channel1decreaseSweep = false; |
| this.channel2FrequencyTracker = 0x2000; |
| this.channel2DutyTracker = 0; |
| this.channel2CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2]; |
| this.channel2totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel2envelopeVolume = 0; |
| this.channel2envelopeType = false; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweeps = 0; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = 0; |
| this.channel2consecutive = true; |
| this.channel2frequency = 0; |
| this.channel3canPlay = false; |
| this.channel3totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel3patternType = 4; |
| this.channel3frequency = 0; |
| this.channel3consecutive = true; |
| this.channel3Counter = 0x800; |
| this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = 8; |
| this.channel4totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel4envelopeVolume = 0; |
| this.channel4currentVolume = 0; |
| this.channel4envelopeType = false; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweeps = 0; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = 0; |
| this.channel4consecutive = true; |
| this.channel4BitRange = 0x7FFF; |
| this.noiseSampleTable = this.LSFR15Table; |
| this.channel4VolumeShifter = 15; |
| this.channel1FrequencyCounter = 0x2000; |
| this.channel2FrequencyCounter = 0x2000; |
| this.channel3Counter = 0x800; |
| this.channel3FrequencyPeriod = 0x800; |
| this.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| this.channel4lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 8; |
| this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 8; |
| this.mixerOutputCache = 0; |
| this.sequencerClocks = 0x2000; |
| this.sequencePosition = 0; |
| this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = 8; |
| this.channel4Counter = 8; |
| this.cachedChannel3Sample = 0; |
| this.cachedChannel4Sample = 0; |
| this.channel1Enabled = false; |
| this.channel2Enabled = false; |
| this.channel3Enabled = false; |
| this.channel4Enabled = false; |
| this.channel1canPlay = false; |
| this.channel2canPlay = false; |
| this.channel4canPlay = false; |
| this.channel1OutputLevelCache(); |
| this.channel2OutputLevelCache(); |
| this.channel3OutputLevelCache(); |
| this.channel4OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.outputAudio = function () { |
| var sampleFactor = 0; |
| var dirtySample = 0; |
| var averageL = 0; |
| var averageR = 0; |
| var destinationPosition = 0; |
| var divisor1 = settings[13]; |
| var divisor2 = divisor1 * 0xF0; |
| for (var sourcePosition = 0; sourcePosition < this.numSamplesTotal;) { |
| for (sampleFactor = averageL = averageR = 0; sampleFactor < divisor1; ++sampleFactor) { |
| dirtySample = this.currentBuffer[sourcePosition++]; |
| averageL += dirtySample >> 9; |
| averageR += dirtySample & 0x1FF; |
| } |
| this.secondaryBuffer[destinationPosition++] = averageL / divisor2 - 1; |
| this.secondaryBuffer[destinationPosition++] = averageR / divisor2 - 1; |
| } |
| this.audioHandle.writeAudioNoCallback(this.secondaryBuffer); |
| } |
| //Below are the audio generation functions timed against the CPU: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateAudio = function (numSamples) { |
| if (this.soundMasterEnabled && !this.CPUStopped) { |
| for (var samplesToGenerate = 0; numSamples > 0;) { |
| samplesToGenerate = (numSamples < this.sequencerClocks) ? numSamples : this.sequencerClocks; |
| this.sequencerClocks -= samplesToGenerate; |
| numSamples -= samplesToGenerate; |
| while (--samplesToGenerate > -1) { |
| this.computeAudioChannels(); |
| this.currentBuffer[this.audioIndex++] = this.mixerOutputCache; |
| if (this.audioIndex == this.numSamplesTotal) { |
| this.audioIndex = 0; |
| this.outputAudio(); |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.sequencerClocks == 0) { |
| this.audioComputeSequencer(); |
| this.sequencerClocks = 0x2000; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| while (--numSamples > -1) { |
| this.currentBuffer[this.audioIndex++] = 0xF0F0; |
| if (this.audioIndex == this.numSamplesTotal) { |
| this.audioIndex = 0; |
| this.outputAudio(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Generate audio, but don't actually output it (Used for when sound is disabled by user/browser): |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateAudioFake = function (numSamples) { |
| if (this.soundMasterEnabled && !this.CPUStopped) { |
| while (--numSamples > -1) { |
| this.computeAudioChannels(); |
| if (--this.sequencerClocks == 0) { |
| this.audioComputeSequencer(); |
| this.sequencerClocks = 0x2000; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.audioJIT = function () { |
| //Audio Sample Generation Timing: |
| if (settings[0]) { |
| this.generateAudio(this.audioTicks); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.generateAudioFake(this.audioTicks); |
| } |
| this.audioTicks = 0; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.audioComputeSequencer = function () { |
| switch (this.sequencePosition++) { |
| case 0: |
| this.clockAudioLength(); |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| this.clockAudioLength(); |
| this.clockAudioSweep(); |
| break; |
| case 4: |
| this.clockAudioLength(); |
| break; |
| case 6: |
| this.clockAudioLength(); |
| this.clockAudioSweep(); |
| break; |
| case 7: |
| this.clockAudioEnvelope(); |
| this.sequencePosition = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clockAudioLength = function () { |
| //Channel 1: |
| if (this.channel1totalLength > 1) { |
| --this.channel1totalLength; |
| } |
| else if (this.channel1totalLength == 1) { |
| this.channel1totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; //Channel #1 On Flag Off |
| } |
| //Channel 2: |
| if (this.channel2totalLength > 1) { |
| --this.channel2totalLength; |
| } |
| else if (this.channel2totalLength == 1) { |
| this.channel2totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel2EnableCheck(); |
| this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFD; //Channel #2 On Flag Off |
| } |
| //Channel 3: |
| if (this.channel3totalLength > 1) { |
| --this.channel3totalLength; |
| } |
| else if (this.channel3totalLength == 1) { |
| this.channel3totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel3EnableCheck(); |
| this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFB; //Channel #3 On Flag Off |
| } |
| //Channel 4: |
| if (this.channel4totalLength > 1) { |
| --this.channel4totalLength; |
| } |
| else if (this.channel4totalLength == 1) { |
| this.channel4totalLength = 0; |
| this.channel4EnableCheck(); |
| this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xF7; //Channel #4 On Flag Off |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clockAudioSweep = function () { |
| //Channel 1: |
| if (!this.channel1SweepFault && this.channel1timeSweep > 0) { |
| if (--this.channel1timeSweep == 0) { |
| this.runAudioSweep(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.runAudioSweep = function () { |
| //Channel 1: |
| if (this.channel1lastTimeSweep > 0) { |
| if (this.channel1frequencySweepDivider > 0) { |
| if (this.channel1numSweep > 0) { |
| --this.channel1numSweep; |
| if (this.channel1decreaseSweep) { |
| this.channel1ShadowFrequency -= this.channel1ShadowFrequency >> this.channel1frequencySweepDivider; |
| this.channel1frequency = this.channel1ShadowFrequency & 0x7FF; |
| this.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - this.channel1frequency) << 2; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel1ShadowFrequency += this.channel1ShadowFrequency >> this.channel1frequencySweepDivider; |
| this.channel1frequency = this.channel1ShadowFrequency; |
| if (this.channel1ShadowFrequency <= 0x7FF) { |
| this.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - this.channel1frequency) << 2; |
| //Run overflow check twice: |
| if ((this.channel1ShadowFrequency + (this.channel1ShadowFrequency >> this.channel1frequencySweepDivider)) > 0x7FF) { |
| this.channel1SweepFault = true; |
| this.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; //Channel #1 On Flag Off |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel1frequency &= 0x7FF; |
| this.channel1SweepFault = true; |
| this.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; //Channel #1 On Flag Off |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| this.channel1timeSweep = this.channel1lastTimeSweep; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Channel has sweep disabled and timer becomes a length counter: |
| this.channel1SweepFault = true; |
| this.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clockAudioEnvelope = function () { |
| //Channel 1: |
| if (this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast > -1) { |
| if (this.channel1envelopeSweeps > 0) { |
| --this.channel1envelopeSweeps; |
| } |
| else { |
| if (!this.channel1envelopeType) { |
| if (this.channel1envelopeVolume > 0) { |
| --this.channel1envelopeVolume; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweeps = this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast; |
| this.channel1OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = -1; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.channel1envelopeVolume < 0xF) { |
| ++this.channel1envelopeVolume; |
| this.channel1envelopeSweeps = this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast; |
| this.channel1OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = -1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Channel 2: |
| if (this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast > -1) { |
| if (this.channel2envelopeSweeps > 0) { |
| --this.channel2envelopeSweeps; |
| } |
| else { |
| if (!this.channel2envelopeType) { |
| if (this.channel2envelopeVolume > 0) { |
| --this.channel2envelopeVolume; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweeps = this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast; |
| this.channel2OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = -1; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.channel2envelopeVolume < 0xF) { |
| ++this.channel2envelopeVolume; |
| this.channel2envelopeSweeps = this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast; |
| this.channel2OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = -1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Channel 4: |
| if (this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast > -1) { |
| if (this.channel4envelopeSweeps > 0) { |
| --this.channel4envelopeSweeps; |
| } |
| else { |
| if (!this.channel4envelopeType) { |
| if (this.channel4envelopeVolume > 0) { |
| this.channel4currentVolume = --this.channel4envelopeVolume << this.channel4VolumeShifter; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweeps = this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast; |
| this.channel4UpdateCache(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = -1; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.channel4envelopeVolume < 0xF) { |
| this.channel4currentVolume = ++this.channel4envelopeVolume << this.channel4VolumeShifter; |
| this.channel4envelopeSweeps = this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast; |
| this.channel4UpdateCache(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = -1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.computeAudioChannels = function () { |
| //Channel 1 counter: |
| if (--this.channel1FrequencyCounter == 0) { |
| this.channel1FrequencyCounter = this.channel1FrequencyTracker; |
| this.channel1DutyTracker = (this.channel1DutyTracker + 1) & 0x7; |
| this.channel1OutputLevelTrimaryCache(); |
| } |
| //Channel 2 counter: |
| if (--this.channel2FrequencyCounter == 0) { |
| this.channel2FrequencyCounter = this.channel2FrequencyTracker; |
| this.channel2DutyTracker = (this.channel2DutyTracker + 1) & 0x7; |
| this.channel2OutputLevelTrimaryCache(); |
| } |
| //Channel 3 counter: |
| if (--this.channel3Counter == 0) { |
| if (this.channel3canPlay) { |
| this.channel3lastSampleLookup = (this.channel3lastSampleLookup + 1) & 0x1F; |
| } |
| this.channel3Counter = this.channel3FrequencyPeriod; |
| this.channel3UpdateCache(); |
| } |
| //Channel 4 counter: |
| if (--this.channel4Counter == 0) { |
| this.channel4lastSampleLookup = (this.channel4lastSampleLookup + 1) & this.channel4BitRange; |
| this.channel4Counter = this.channel4FrequencyPeriod; |
| this.channel4UpdateCache(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1EnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel1Enabled = ((this.channel1consecutive || this.channel1totalLength > 0) && !this.channel1SweepFault && this.channel1canPlay); |
| this.channel1OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1VolumeEnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel1canPlay = (this.memory[0xFF12] > 7); |
| this.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| this.channel1OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1OutputLevelCache = function () { |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel1) ? this.channel1envelopeVolume : 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel1) ? this.channel1envelopeVolume : 0; |
| this.channel1OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () { |
| if (this.channel1Enabled) { |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel1currentSampleLeft; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel1currentSampleRight; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| } |
| this.channel1OutputLevelTrimaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1OutputLevelTrimaryCache = function () { |
| if (this.channel1CachedDuty[this.channel1DutyTracker]) { |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0; |
| this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = 0; |
| } |
| this.mixerOutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2EnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel2Enabled = ((this.channel2consecutive || this.channel2totalLength > 0) && this.channel2canPlay); |
| this.channel2OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2VolumeEnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel2canPlay = (this.memory[0xFF17] > 7); |
| this.channel2EnableCheck(); |
| this.channel2OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2OutputLevelCache = function () { |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel2) ? this.channel2envelopeVolume : 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel2) ? this.channel2envelopeVolume : 0; |
| this.channel2OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () { |
| if (this.channel2Enabled) { |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel2currentSampleLeft; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel2currentSampleRight; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| } |
| this.channel2OutputLevelTrimaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2OutputLevelTrimaryCache = function () { |
| if (this.channel2CachedDuty[this.channel2DutyTracker]) { |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0; |
| this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = 0; |
| } |
| this.mixerOutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3EnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel3Enabled = (/*this.channel3canPlay && */(this.channel3consecutive || this.channel3totalLength > 0)); |
| this.channel3OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3OutputLevelCache = function () { |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel3) ? this.cachedChannel3Sample : 0; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel3) ? this.cachedChannel3Sample : 0; |
| this.channel3OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () { |
| if (this.channel3Enabled) { |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel3currentSampleLeft; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel3currentSampleRight; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| } |
| this.mixerOutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4EnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel4Enabled = ((this.channel4consecutive || this.channel4totalLength > 0) && this.channel4canPlay); |
| this.channel4OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4VolumeEnableCheck = function () { |
| this.channel4canPlay = (this.memory[0xFF21] > 7); |
| this.channel4EnableCheck(); |
| this.channel4OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4OutputLevelCache = function () { |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel4) ? this.cachedChannel4Sample : 0; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel4) ? this.cachedChannel4Sample : 0; |
| this.channel4OutputLevelSecondaryCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () { |
| if (this.channel4Enabled) { |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel4currentSampleLeft; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel4currentSampleRight; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0; |
| this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = 0; |
| } |
| this.mixerOutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.mixerOutputLevelCache = function () { |
| this.mixerOutputCache = ((((this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary + this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary + this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary + this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary) * this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume) << 9) + |
| ((this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary + this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary + this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary + this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary) * this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume)); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3UpdateCache = function () { |
| this.cachedChannel3Sample = this.channel3PCM[this.channel3lastSampleLookup] >> this.channel3patternType; |
| this.channel3OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3WriteRAM = function (address, data) { |
| if (this.channel3canPlay) { |
| this.audioJIT(); |
| //address = this.channel3lastSampleLookup >> 1; |
| } |
| this.memory[0xFF30 | address] = data; |
| address <<= 1; |
| this.channel3PCM[address] = data >> 4; |
| this.channel3PCM[address | 1] = data & 0xF; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4UpdateCache = function () { |
| this.cachedChannel4Sample = this.noiseSampleTable[this.channel4currentVolume | this.channel4lastSampleLookup]; |
| this.channel4OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.run = function () { |
| //The preprocessing before the actual iteration loop: |
| if ((this.stopEmulator & 2) == 0) { |
| if ((this.stopEmulator & 1) == 1) { |
| if (!this.CPUStopped) { |
| this.stopEmulator = 0; |
| this.drewFrame = false; |
| this.audioUnderrunAdjustment(); |
| this.clockUpdate(); //RTC clocking. |
| if (!this.halt) { |
| this.executeIteration(); |
| } |
| else { //Finish the HALT rundown execution. |
| this.CPUTicks = 0; |
| this.calculateHALTPeriod(); |
| if (this.halt) { |
| this.updateCoreFull(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.executeIteration(); |
| } |
| } |
| //Request the graphics target to be updated: |
| this.requestDraw(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.audioUnderrunAdjustment(); |
| this.audioTicks += this.CPUCyclesTotal; |
| this.audioJIT(); |
| this.stopEmulator |= 1; //End current loop. |
| } |
| } |
| else { //We can only get here if there was an internal error, but the loop was restarted. |
| cout("Iterator restarted a faulted core.", 2); |
| pause(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.executeIteration = function () { |
| //Iterate the interpreter loop: |
| var opcodeToExecute = 0; |
| var timedTicks = 0; |
| while (this.stopEmulator == 0) { |
| //Interrupt Arming: |
| switch (this.IRQEnableDelay) { |
| case 1: |
| this.IME = true; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| case 2: |
| --this.IRQEnableDelay; |
| } |
| //Is an IRQ set to fire?: |
| if (this.IRQLineMatched > 0) { |
| //IME is true and and interrupt was matched: |
| this.launchIRQ(); |
| } |
| //Fetch the current opcode: |
| opcodeToExecute = this.memoryReader[this.programCounter](this, this.programCounter); |
| //Increment the program counter to the next instruction: |
| this.programCounter = (this.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| //Check for the program counter quirk: |
| if (this.skipPCIncrement) { |
| this.programCounter = (this.programCounter - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| this.skipPCIncrement = false; |
| } |
| //Get how many CPU cycles the current instruction counts for: |
| this.CPUTicks = this.TICKTable[opcodeToExecute]; |
| //Execute the current instruction: |
| this.OPCODE[opcodeToExecute](this); |
| //Update the state (Inlined updateCoreFull manually here): |
| //Update the clocking for the LCD emulation: |
| this.LCDTicks += this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //LCD Timing |
| this.LCDCONTROL[this.actualScanLine](this); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control |
| //Single-speed relative timing for A/V emulation: |
| timedTicks = this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //CPU clocking can be updated from the LCD handling. |
| this.audioTicks += timedTicks; //Audio Timing |
| this.emulatorTicks += timedTicks; //Emulator Timing |
| //CPU Timers: |
| this.DIVTicks += this.CPUTicks; //DIV Timing |
| if (this.TIMAEnabled) { //TIMA Timing |
| this.timerTicks += this.CPUTicks; |
| while (this.timerTicks >= this.TACClocker) { |
| this.timerTicks -= this.TACClocker; |
| if (++this.memory[0xFF05] == 0x100) { |
| this.memory[0xFF05] = this.memory[0xFF06]; |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x4; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.serialTimer > 0) { //Serial Timing |
| //IRQ Counter: |
| this.serialTimer -= this.CPUTicks; |
| if (this.serialTimer <= 0) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x8; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| //Bit Shit Counter: |
| this.serialShiftTimer -= this.CPUTicks; |
| if (this.serialShiftTimer <= 0) { |
| this.serialShiftTimer = this.serialShiftTimerAllocated; |
| this.memory[0xFF01] = ((this.memory[0xFF01] << 1) & 0xFE) | 0x01; //We could shift in actual link data here if we were to implement such!!! |
| } |
| } |
| //End of iteration routine: |
| if (this.emulatorTicks >= this.CPUCyclesTotal) { |
| this.iterationEndRoutine(); |
| } |
| // Start of code added for benchmarking: |
| this.instructions += 1; |
| if (this.instructions > this.totalInstructions) { |
| this.iterationEndRoutine(); |
| this.stopEmulator |= 2; |
| checkFinalState(); |
| } |
| // End of code added for benchmarking. |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.iterationEndRoutine = function () { |
| if ((this.stopEmulator & 0x1) == 0) { |
| this.audioJIT(); //Make sure we at least output once per iteration. |
| //Update DIV Alignment (Integer overflow safety): |
| this.memory[0xFF04] = (this.memory[0xFF04] + (this.DIVTicks >> 8)) & 0xFF; |
| this.DIVTicks &= 0xFF; |
| //Update emulator flags: |
| this.stopEmulator |= 1; //End current loop. |
| this.emulatorTicks -= this.CPUCyclesTotal; |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent += this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff; |
| this.recalculateIterationClockLimit(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.handleSTOP = function () { |
| this.CPUStopped = true; //Stop CPU until joypad input changes. |
| this.iterationEndRoutine(); |
| if (this.emulatorTicks < 0) { |
| this.audioTicks -= this.emulatorTicks; |
| this.audioJIT(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.recalculateIterationClockLimit = function () { |
| var endModulus = this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent % 4; |
| this.CPUCyclesTotal = this.CPUCyclesTotalBase + this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent - endModulus; |
| this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent = endModulus; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.scanLineMode2 = function () { //OAM Search Period |
| if (this.STATTracker != 1) { |
| if (this.mode2TriggerSTAT) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| this.STATTracker = 1; |
| this.modeSTAT = 2; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.scanLineMode3 = function () { //Scan Line Drawing Period |
| if (this.modeSTAT != 3) { |
| if (this.STATTracker == 0 && this.mode2TriggerSTAT) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| this.STATTracker = 1; |
| this.modeSTAT = 3; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.scanLineMode0 = function () { //Horizontal Blanking Period |
| if (this.modeSTAT != 0) { |
| if (this.STATTracker != 2) { |
| if (this.STATTracker == 0) { |
| if (this.mode2TriggerSTAT) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| this.modeSTAT = 3; |
| } |
| this.incrementScanLineQueue(); |
| this.updateSpriteCount(this.actualScanLine); |
| this.STATTracker = 2; |
| } |
| if (this.LCDTicks >= this.spriteCount) { |
| if (this.hdmaRunning) { |
| this.executeHDMA(); |
| } |
| if (this.mode0TriggerSTAT) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| this.STATTracker = 3; |
| this.modeSTAT = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clocksUntilLYCMatch = function () { |
| if (this.memory[0xFF45] != 0) { |
| if (this.memory[0xFF45] > this.actualScanLine) { |
| return 456 * (this.memory[0xFF45] - this.actualScanLine); |
| } |
| return 456 * (154 - this.actualScanLine + this.memory[0xFF45]); |
| } |
| return (456 * ((this.actualScanLine == 153 && this.memory[0xFF44] == 0) ? 154 : (153 - this.actualScanLine))) + 8; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clocksUntilMode0 = function () { |
| switch (this.modeSTAT) { |
| case 0: |
| if (this.actualScanLine == 143) { |
| this.updateSpriteCount(0); |
| return this.spriteCount + 5016; |
| } |
| this.updateSpriteCount(this.actualScanLine + 1); |
| return this.spriteCount + 456; |
| case 2: |
| case 3: |
| this.updateSpriteCount(this.actualScanLine); |
| return this.spriteCount; |
| case 1: |
| this.updateSpriteCount(0); |
| return this.spriteCount + (456 * (154 - this.actualScanLine)); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateSpriteCount = function (line) { |
| this.spriteCount = 252; |
| if (this.cGBC && this.gfxSpriteShow) { //Is the window enabled and are we in CGB mode? |
| var lineAdjusted = line + 0x10; |
| var yoffset = 0; |
| var yCap = (this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight) ? 0x8 : 0x10; |
| for (var OAMAddress = 0xFE00; OAMAddress < 0xFEA0 && this.spriteCount < 312; OAMAddress += 4) { |
| yoffset = lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]; |
| if (yoffset > -1 && yoffset < yCap) { |
| this.spriteCount += 6; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.matchLYC = function () { //LYC Register Compare |
| if (this.memory[0xFF44] == this.memory[0xFF45]) { |
| this.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04; |
| if (this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateCore = function () { |
| //Update the clocking for the LCD emulation: |
| this.LCDTicks += this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //LCD Timing |
| this.LCDCONTROL[this.actualScanLine](this); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control |
| //Single-speed relative timing for A/V emulation: |
| var timedTicks = this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //CPU clocking can be updated from the LCD handling. |
| this.audioTicks += timedTicks; //Audio Timing |
| this.emulatorTicks += timedTicks; //Emulator Timing |
| //CPU Timers: |
| this.DIVTicks += this.CPUTicks; //DIV Timing |
| if (this.TIMAEnabled) { //TIMA Timing |
| this.timerTicks += this.CPUTicks; |
| while (this.timerTicks >= this.TACClocker) { |
| this.timerTicks -= this.TACClocker; |
| if (++this.memory[0xFF05] == 0x100) { |
| this.memory[0xFF05] = this.memory[0xFF06]; |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x4; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.serialTimer > 0) { //Serial Timing |
| //IRQ Counter: |
| this.serialTimer -= this.CPUTicks; |
| if (this.serialTimer <= 0) { |
| this.interruptsRequested |= 0x8; |
| this.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| //Bit Shit Counter: |
| this.serialShiftTimer -= this.CPUTicks; |
| if (this.serialShiftTimer <= 0) { |
| this.serialShiftTimer = this.serialShiftTimerAllocated; |
| this.memory[0xFF01] = ((this.memory[0xFF01] << 1) & 0xFE) | 0x01; //We could shift in actual link data here if we were to implement such!!! |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateCoreFull = function () { |
| //Update the state machine: |
| this.updateCore(); |
| //End of iteration routine: |
| if (this.emulatorTicks >= this.CPUCyclesTotal) { |
| this.iterationEndRoutine(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeLCDController = function () { |
| //Display on hanlding: |
| var line = 0; |
| while (line < 154) { |
| if (line < 143) { |
| //We're on a normal scan line: |
| this.LINECONTROL[line] = function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 80) { |
| parentObj.scanLineMode2(); |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 252) { |
| parentObj.scanLineMode3(); |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 456) { |
| parentObj.scanLineMode0(); |
| } |
| else { |
| //We're on a new scan line: |
| parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456; |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker != 3) { |
| //Make sure the mode 0 handler was run at least once per scan line: |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker != 2) { |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker == 0 && parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| } |
| parentObj.incrementScanLineQueue(); |
| } |
| if (parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| parentObj.executeHDMA(); |
| } |
| if (parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| } |
| } |
| //Update the scanline registers and assert the LYC counter: |
| parentObj.actualScanLine = ++parentObj.memory[0xFF44]; |
| //Perform a LYC counter assert: |
| if (parentObj.actualScanLine == parentObj.memory[0xFF45]) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04; |
| if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B; |
| } |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| //Reset our mode contingency variables: |
| parentObj.STATTracker = 0; |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 2; |
| parentObj.LINECONTROL[parentObj.actualScanLine](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else if (line == 143) { |
| //We're on the last visible scan line of the LCD screen: |
| this.LINECONTROL[143] = function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 80) { |
| parentObj.scanLineMode2(); |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 252) { |
| parentObj.scanLineMode3(); |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 456) { |
| parentObj.scanLineMode0(); |
| } |
| else { |
| //Starting V-Blank: |
| //Just finished the last visible scan line: |
| parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456; |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker != 3) { |
| //Make sure the mode 0 handler was run at least once per scan line: |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker != 2) { |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker == 0 && parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| } |
| parentObj.incrementScanLineQueue(); |
| } |
| if (parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| parentObj.executeHDMA(); |
| } |
| if (parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| } |
| } |
| //Update the scanline registers and assert the LYC counter: |
| parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 144; |
| //Perform a LYC counter assert: |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF45] == 144) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04; |
| if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B; |
| } |
| //Reset our mode contingency variables: |
| parentObj.STATTracker = 0; |
| //Update our state for v-blank: |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 1; |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= (parentObj.mode1TriggerSTAT) ? 0x3 : 0x1; |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| //Attempt to blit out to our canvas: |
| if (parentObj.drewBlank == 0) { |
| //Ensure JIT framing alignment: |
| if (parentObj.totalLinesPassed < 144 || (parentObj.totalLinesPassed == 144 && parentObj.midScanlineOffset > -1)) { |
| //Make sure our gfx are up-to-date: |
| parentObj.graphicsJITVBlank(); |
| //Draw the frame: |
| parentObj.prepareFrame(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //LCD off takes at least 2 frames: |
| --parentObj.drewBlank; |
| } |
| parentObj.LINECONTROL[144](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else if (line < 153) { |
| //In VBlank |
| this.LINECONTROL[line] = function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.LCDTicks >= 456) { |
| //We're on a new scan line: |
| parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456; |
| parentObj.actualScanLine = ++parentObj.memory[0xFF44]; |
| //Perform a LYC counter assert: |
| if (parentObj.actualScanLine == parentObj.memory[0xFF45]) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04; |
| if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B; |
| } |
| parentObj.LINECONTROL[parentObj.actualScanLine](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //VBlank Ending (We're on the last actual scan line) |
| this.LINECONTROL[153] = function (parentObj) { |
| if (parentObj.LCDTicks >= 8) { |
| if (parentObj.STATTracker != 4 && parentObj.memory[0xFF44] == 153) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0; //LY register resets to 0 early. |
| //Perform a LYC counter assert: |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF45] == 0) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04; |
| if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B; |
| } |
| parentObj.STATTracker = 4; |
| } |
| if (parentObj.LCDTicks >= 456) { |
| //We reset back to the beginning: |
| parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456; |
| parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.actualScanLine = 0; |
| parentObj.LINECONTROL[0](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ++line; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.DisplayShowOff = function () { |
| if (this.drewBlank == 0) { |
| //Output a blank screen to the output framebuffer: |
| this.clearFrameBuffer(); |
| this.drewFrame = true; |
| } |
| this.drewBlank = 2; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.executeHDMA = function () { |
| this.DMAWrite(1); |
| if (this.halt) { |
| if ((this.LCDTicks - this.spriteCount) < ((4 >> this.doubleSpeedShifter) | 0x20)) { |
| //HALT clocking correction: |
| this.CPUTicks = 4 + ((0x20 + this.spriteCount) << this.doubleSpeedShifter); |
| this.LCDTicks = this.spriteCount + ((4 >> this.doubleSpeedShifter) | 0x20); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.LCDTicks += (4 >> this.doubleSpeedShifter) | 0x20; //LCD Timing Update For HDMA. |
| } |
| if (this.memory[0xFF55] == 0) { |
| this.hdmaRunning = false; |
| this.memory[0xFF55] = 0xFF; //Transfer completed ("Hidden last step," since some ROMs don't imply this, but most do). |
| } |
| else { |
| --this.memory[0xFF55]; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clockUpdate = function () { |
| if (this.cTIMER) { |
| var dateObj = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking. |
| var newTime = dateObj.getTime(); |
| var timeElapsed = newTime - this.lastIteration; //Get the numnber of milliseconds since this last executed. |
| this.lastIteration = newTime; |
| if (this.cTIMER && !this.RTCHALT) { |
| //Update the MBC3 RTC: |
| this.RTCSeconds += timeElapsed / 1000; |
| while (this.RTCSeconds >= 60) { //System can stutter, so the seconds difference can get large, thus the "while". |
| this.RTCSeconds -= 60; |
| ++this.RTCMinutes; |
| if (this.RTCMinutes >= 60) { |
| this.RTCMinutes -= 60; |
| ++this.RTCHours; |
| if (this.RTCHours >= 24) { |
| this.RTCHours -= 24 |
| ++this.RTCDays; |
| if (this.RTCDays >= 512) { |
| this.RTCDays -= 512; |
| this.RTCDayOverFlow = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.prepareFrame = function () { |
| //Copy the internal frame buffer to the output buffer: |
| this.swizzleFrameBuffer(); |
| this.drewFrame = true; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.requestDraw = function () { |
| if (this.drewFrame) { |
| this.dispatchDraw(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.dispatchDraw = function () { |
| var canvasRGBALength = this.offscreenRGBCount; |
| if (canvasRGBALength > 0) { |
| //We actually updated the graphics internally, so copy out: |
| var frameBuffer = (canvasRGBALength == 92160) ? this.swizzledFrame : this.resizeFrameBuffer(); |
| var canvasData = this.canvasBuffer.data; |
| var bufferIndex = 0; |
| for (var canvasIndex = 0; canvasIndex < canvasRGBALength; ++canvasIndex) { |
| canvasData[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++]; |
| canvasData[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++]; |
| canvasData[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++]; |
| } |
| this.graphicsBlit(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.swizzleFrameBuffer = function () { |
| //Convert our dirty 24-bit (24-bit, with internal render flags above it) framebuffer to an 8-bit buffer with separate indices for the RGB channels: |
| var frameBuffer = this.frameBuffer; |
| var swizzledFrame = this.swizzledFrame; |
| var bufferIndex = 0; |
| for (var canvasIndex = 0; canvasIndex < 69120;) { |
| swizzledFrame[canvasIndex++] = (frameBuffer[bufferIndex] >> 16) & 0xFF; //Red |
| swizzledFrame[canvasIndex++] = (frameBuffer[bufferIndex] >> 8) & 0xFF; //Green |
| swizzledFrame[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] & 0xFF; //Blue |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.clearFrameBuffer = function () { |
| var bufferIndex = 0; |
| var frameBuffer = this.swizzledFrame; |
| if (this.cGBC || this.colorizedGBPalettes) { |
| while (bufferIndex < 69120) { |
| frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 248; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| while (bufferIndex < 69120) { |
| frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 239; |
| frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 255; |
| frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 222; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.resizeFrameBuffer = function () { |
| //Return a reference to the generated resized framebuffer: |
| return this.resizer.resize(this.swizzledFrame); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.compileResizeFrameBufferFunction = function () { |
| if (this.offscreenRGBCount > 0) { |
| this.resizer = new Resize(160, 144, this.offscreenWidth, this.offscreenHeight, false, true); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.renderScanLine = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| this.pixelStart = scanlineToRender * 160; |
| if (this.bgEnabled) { |
| this.pixelEnd = 160; |
| this.BGLayerRender(scanlineToRender); |
| this.WindowLayerRender(scanlineToRender); |
| } |
| else { |
| var pixelLine = (scanlineToRender + 1) * 160; |
| var defaultColor = (this.cGBC || this.colorizedGBPalettes) ? 0xF8F8F8 : 0xEFFFDE; |
| for (var pixelPosition = (scanlineToRender * 160) + this.currentX; pixelPosition < pixelLine; pixelPosition++) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = defaultColor; |
| } |
| } |
| this.SpriteLayerRender(scanlineToRender); |
| this.currentX = 0; |
| this.midScanlineOffset = -1; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.renderMidScanLine = function () { |
| if (this.actualScanLine < 144 && this.modeSTAT == 3) { |
| //TODO: Get this accurate: |
| if (this.midScanlineOffset == -1) { |
| this.midScanlineOffset = this.backgroundX & 0x7; |
| } |
| if (this.LCDTicks >= 82) { |
| this.pixelEnd = this.LCDTicks - 74; |
| this.pixelEnd = Math.min(this.pixelEnd - this.midScanlineOffset - (this.pixelEnd % 0x8), 160); |
| if (this.bgEnabled) { |
| this.pixelStart = this.lastUnrenderedLine * 160; |
| this.BGLayerRender(this.lastUnrenderedLine); |
| this.WindowLayerRender(this.lastUnrenderedLine); |
| //TODO: Do midscanline JIT for sprites... |
| } |
| else { |
| var pixelLine = (this.lastUnrenderedLine * 160) + this.pixelEnd; |
| var defaultColor = (this.cGBC || this.colorizedGBPalettes) ? 0xF8F8F8 : 0xEFFFDE; |
| for (var pixelPosition = (this.lastUnrenderedLine * 160) + this.currentX; pixelPosition < pixelLine; pixelPosition++) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = defaultColor; |
| } |
| } |
| this.currentX = this.pixelEnd; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeModeSpecificArrays = function () { |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.gbcOBJRawPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x40, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.gbcBGRawPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x40, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.gbcOBJPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x20, 0x1000000, "int32"); |
| this.gbcBGPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x40, 0, "int32"); |
| this.BGCHRBank2 = this.getTypedArray(0x800, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.BGCHRCurrentBank = (this.currVRAMBank > 0) ? this.BGCHRBank2 : this.BGCHRBank1; |
| this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0xF80); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.gbOBJPalette = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32"); |
| this.gbBGPalette = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32"); |
| this.BGPalette = this.gbBGPalette; |
| this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJPalette; |
| this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0x700); |
| this.sortBuffer = this.getTypedArray(0x100, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.OAMAddressCache = this.getTypedArray(10, 0, "int32"); |
| } |
| this.renderPathBuild(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.GBCtoGBModeAdjust = function () { |
| cout("Stepping down from GBC mode.", 0); |
| this.VRAM = this.GBCMemory = this.BGCHRCurrentBank = this.BGCHRBank2 = null; |
| this.tileCache.length = 0x700; |
| if (settings[4]) { |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32"); |
| this.gbOBJColorizedPalette = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32"); |
| this.cachedBGPaletteConversion = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32"); |
| this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32"); |
| this.BGPalette = this.gbBGColorizedPalette; |
| this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJColorizedPalette; |
| this.gbOBJPalette = this.gbBGPalette = null; |
| this.getGBCColor(); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.gbOBJPalette = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32"); |
| this.gbBGPalette = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32"); |
| this.BGPalette = this.gbBGPalette; |
| this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJPalette; |
| } |
| this.sortBuffer = this.getTypedArray(0x100, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.OAMAddressCache = this.getTypedArray(10, 0, "int32"); |
| this.renderPathBuild(); |
| this.memoryReadJumpCompile(); |
| this.memoryWriteJumpCompile(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.renderPathBuild = function () { |
| if (!this.cGBC) { |
| this.BGLayerRender = this.BGGBLayerRender; |
| this.WindowLayerRender = this.WindowGBLayerRender; |
| this.SpriteLayerRender = this.SpriteGBLayerRender; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.priorityFlaggingPathRebuild(); |
| this.SpriteLayerRender = this.SpriteGBCLayerRender; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.priorityFlaggingPathRebuild = function () { |
| if (this.BGPriorityEnabled) { |
| this.BGLayerRender = this.BGGBCLayerRender; |
| this.WindowLayerRender = this.WindowGBCLayerRender; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.BGLayerRender = this.BGGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging; |
| this.WindowLayerRender = this.WindowGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeReferencesFromSaveState = function () { |
| var tileIndex = 0; |
| if (!this.cGBC) { |
| if (this.colorizedGBPalettes) { |
| this.BGPalette = this.gbBGColorizedPalette; |
| this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJColorizedPalette; |
| this.updateGBBGPalette = this.updateGBColorizedBGPalette; |
| this.updateGBOBJPalette = this.updateGBColorizedOBJPalette; |
| |
| } |
| else { |
| this.BGPalette = this.gbBGPalette; |
| this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJPalette; |
| } |
| this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0x700); |
| for (tileIndex = 0x8000; tileIndex < 0x9000; tileIndex += 2) { |
| this.generateGBOAMTileLine(tileIndex); |
| } |
| for (tileIndex = 0x9000; tileIndex < 0x9800; tileIndex += 2) { |
| this.generateGBTileLine(tileIndex); |
| } |
| this.sortBuffer = this.getTypedArray(0x100, 0, "uint8"); |
| this.OAMAddressCache = this.getTypedArray(10, 0, "int32"); |
| } |
| else { |
| this.BGCHRCurrentBank = (this.currVRAMBank > 0) ? this.BGCHRBank2 : this.BGCHRBank1; |
| this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0xF80); |
| for (; tileIndex < 0x1800; tileIndex += 0x10) { |
| this.generateGBCTileBank1(tileIndex); |
| this.generateGBCTileBank2(tileIndex); |
| } |
| } |
| this.renderPathBuild(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.RGBTint = function (value) { |
| //Adjustment for the GBC's tinting (According to Gambatte): |
| var r = value & 0x1F; |
| var g = (value >> 5) & 0x1F; |
| var b = (value >> 10) & 0x1F; |
| return ((r * 13 + g * 2 + b) >> 1) << 16 | (g * 3 + b) << 9 | (r * 3 + g * 2 + b * 11) >> 1; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.getGBCColor = function () { |
| //GBC Colorization of DMG ROMs: |
| //BG |
| for (var counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++) { |
| var adjustedIndex = counter << 1; |
| //BG |
| this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[counter] = this.RGBTint((this.gbcBGRawPalette[adjustedIndex | 1] << 8) | this.gbcBGRawPalette[adjustedIndex]); |
| //OBJ 1 |
| this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[counter] = this.RGBTint((this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex | 1] << 8) | this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex]); |
| } |
| //OBJ 2 |
| for (counter = 4; counter < 8; counter++) { |
| adjustedIndex = counter << 1; |
| this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[counter] = this.RGBTint((this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex | 1] << 8) | this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex]); |
| } |
| //Update the palette entries: |
| this.updateGBBGPalette = this.updateGBColorizedBGPalette; |
| this.updateGBOBJPalette = this.updateGBColorizedOBJPalette; |
| this.updateGBBGPalette(this.memory[0xFF47]); |
| this.updateGBOBJPalette(0, this.memory[0xFF48]); |
| this.updateGBOBJPalette(1, this.memory[0xFF49]); |
| this.colorizedGBPalettes = true; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBRegularBGPalette = function (data) { |
| this.gbBGPalette[0] = this.colors[data & 0x03] | 0x2000000; |
| this.gbBGPalette[1] = this.colors[(data >> 2) & 0x03]; |
| this.gbBGPalette[2] = this.colors[(data >> 4) & 0x03]; |
| this.gbBGPalette[3] = this.colors[data >> 6]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBColorizedBGPalette = function (data) { |
| //GB colorization: |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette[0] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[data & 0x03] | 0x2000000; |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette[1] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[(data >> 2) & 0x03]; |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette[2] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[(data >> 4) & 0x03]; |
| this.gbBGColorizedPalette[3] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[data >> 6]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBRegularOBJPalette = function (index, data) { |
| this.gbOBJPalette[index | 1] = this.colors[(data >> 2) & 0x03]; |
| this.gbOBJPalette[index | 2] = this.colors[(data >> 4) & 0x03]; |
| this.gbOBJPalette[index | 3] = this.colors[data >> 6]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBColorizedOBJPalette = function (index, data) { |
| //GB colorization: |
| this.gbOBJColorizedPalette[index | 1] = this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[index | ((data >> 2) & 0x03)]; |
| this.gbOBJColorizedPalette[index | 2] = this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[index | ((data >> 4) & 0x03)]; |
| this.gbOBJColorizedPalette[index | 3] = this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[index | (data >> 6)]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBCBGPalette = function (index, data) { |
| if (this.gbcBGRawPalette[index] != data) { |
| this.midScanLineJIT(); |
| //Update the color palette for BG tiles since it changed: |
| this.gbcBGRawPalette[index] = data; |
| if ((index & 0x06) == 0) { |
| //Palette 0 (Special tile Priority stuff) |
| data = 0x2000000 | this.RGBTint((this.gbcBGRawPalette[index | 1] << 8) | this.gbcBGRawPalette[index & 0x3E]); |
| index >>= 1; |
| this.gbcBGPalette[index] = data; |
| this.gbcBGPalette[0x20 | index] = 0x1000000 | data; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Regular Palettes (No special crap) |
| data = this.RGBTint((this.gbcBGRawPalette[index | 1] << 8) | this.gbcBGRawPalette[index & 0x3E]); |
| index >>= 1; |
| this.gbcBGPalette[index] = data; |
| this.gbcBGPalette[0x20 | index] = 0x1000000 | data; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBCOBJPalette = function (index, data) { |
| if (this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index] != data) { |
| //Update the color palette for OBJ tiles since it changed: |
| this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index] = data; |
| if ((index & 0x06) > 0) { |
| //Regular Palettes (No special crap) |
| this.midScanLineJIT(); |
| this.gbcOBJPalette[index >> 1] = 0x1000000 | this.RGBTint((this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index | 1] << 8) | this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index & 0x3E]); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.BGGBLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| var scrollYAdjusted = (this.backgroundY + scanlineToRender) & 0xFF; //The line of the BG we're at. |
| var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 7) << 3; |
| var tileYDown = this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2); //The row of cached tiles we're fetching from. |
| var scrollXAdjusted = (this.backgroundX + this.currentX) & 0xFF; //The scroll amount of the BG. |
| var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + this.currentX; //Current pixel we're working on. |
| var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + ((this.gfxWindowDisplay && (scanlineToRender - this.windowY) >= 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(this.windowX, 0) + this.currentX, this.pixelEnd) : this.pixelEnd); //Make sure we do at most 160 pixels a scanline. |
| var tileNumber = tileYDown + (scrollXAdjusted >> 3); |
| var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| var tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| for (var texel = (scrollXAdjusted & 0x7); texel < 8 && pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | texel++]]; |
| } |
| var scrollXAdjustedAligned = Math.min(pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition, 0x100 - scrollXAdjusted) >> 3; |
| scrollXAdjusted += scrollXAdjustedAligned << 3; |
| scrollXAdjustedAligned += tileNumber; |
| while (tileNumber < scrollXAdjustedAligned) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| if (scrollXAdjusted < 0x100) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| for (texel = tileYLine - 1; pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[++texel]]; |
| } |
| } |
| scrollXAdjustedAligned = ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3) + tileYDown; |
| while (tileYDown < scrollXAdjustedAligned) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown++]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) { |
| case 7: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 6]]; |
| case 6: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 5]]; |
| case 5: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 4]]; |
| case 4: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 3]]; |
| case 3: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 2]]; |
| case 2: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 1]]; |
| case 1: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.BGGBCLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| var scrollYAdjusted = (this.backgroundY + scanlineToRender) & 0xFF; //The line of the BG we're at. |
| var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 7) << 3; |
| var tileYDown = this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2); //The row of cached tiles we're fetching from. |
| var scrollXAdjusted = (this.backgroundX + this.currentX) & 0xFF; //The scroll amount of the BG. |
| var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + this.currentX; //Current pixel we're working on. |
| var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + ((this.gfxWindowDisplay && (scanlineToRender - this.windowY) >= 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(this.windowX, 0) + this.currentX, this.pixelEnd) : this.pixelEnd); //Make sure we do at most 160 pixels a scanline. |
| var tileNumber = tileYDown + (scrollXAdjusted >> 3); |
| var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| var palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| for (var texel = (scrollXAdjusted & 0x7); texel < 8 && pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]]; |
| } |
| var scrollXAdjustedAligned = Math.min(pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition, 0x100 - scrollXAdjusted) >> 3; |
| scrollXAdjusted += scrollXAdjustedAligned << 3; |
| scrollXAdjustedAligned += tileNumber; |
| while (tileNumber < scrollXAdjustedAligned) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| if (scrollXAdjusted < 0x100) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| for (texel = tileYLine - 1; pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[++texel]]; |
| } |
| } |
| scrollXAdjustedAligned = ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3) + tileYDown; |
| while (tileYDown < scrollXAdjustedAligned) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown++]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) { |
| case 7: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]]; |
| case 6: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]]; |
| case 5: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]]; |
| case 4: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]]; |
| case 3: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]]; |
| case 2: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]]; |
| case 1: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.BGGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| var scrollYAdjusted = (this.backgroundY + scanlineToRender) & 0xFF; //The line of the BG we're at. |
| var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 7) << 3; |
| var tileYDown = this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2); //The row of cached tiles we're fetching from. |
| var scrollXAdjusted = (this.backgroundX + this.currentX) & 0xFF; //The scroll amount of the BG. |
| var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + this.currentX; //Current pixel we're working on. |
| var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + ((this.gfxWindowDisplay && (scanlineToRender - this.windowY) >= 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(this.windowX, 0) + this.currentX, this.pixelEnd) : this.pixelEnd); //Make sure we do at most 160 pixels a scanline. |
| var tileNumber = tileYDown + (scrollXAdjusted >> 3); |
| var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| var palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| for (var texel = (scrollXAdjusted & 0x7); texel < 8 && pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]]; |
| } |
| var scrollXAdjustedAligned = Math.min(pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition, 0x100 - scrollXAdjusted) >> 3; |
| scrollXAdjusted += scrollXAdjustedAligned << 3; |
| scrollXAdjustedAligned += tileNumber; |
| while (tileNumber < scrollXAdjustedAligned) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| if (scrollXAdjusted < 0x100) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| for (texel = tileYLine - 1; pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[++texel]]; |
| } |
| } |
| scrollXAdjustedAligned = ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3) + tileYDown; |
| while (tileYDown < scrollXAdjustedAligned) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown++]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) { |
| case 7: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]]; |
| case 6: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]]; |
| case 5: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]]; |
| case 4: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]]; |
| case 3: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]]; |
| case 2: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]]; |
| case 1: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.WindowGBLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| if (this.gfxWindowDisplay) { //Is the window enabled? |
| var scrollYAdjusted = scanlineToRender - this.windowY; //The line of the BG we're at. |
| if (scrollYAdjusted >= 0) { |
| var scrollXRangeAdjusted = (this.windowX > 0) ? (this.windowX + this.currentX) : this.currentX; |
| var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + scrollXRangeAdjusted; |
| var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + this.pixelEnd; |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 0x7) << 3; |
| var tileNumber = (this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2)) + (this.currentX >> 3); |
| var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| var tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| var texel = (scrollXRangeAdjusted - this.windowX) & 0x7; |
| scrollXRangeAdjusted = Math.min(8, texel + pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition); |
| while (texel < scrollXRangeAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | texel++]]; |
| } |
| scrollXRangeAdjusted = tileNumber + ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3); |
| while (tileNumber < scrollXRangeAdjusted) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| tile = this.tileCache[chrCode]; |
| switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) { |
| case 7: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 6]]; |
| case 6: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 5]]; |
| case 5: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 4]]; |
| case 4: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 3]]; |
| case 3: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 2]]; |
| case 2: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 1]]; |
| case 1: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.WindowGBCLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| if (this.gfxWindowDisplay) { //Is the window enabled? |
| var scrollYAdjusted = scanlineToRender - this.windowY; //The line of the BG we're at. |
| if (scrollYAdjusted >= 0) { |
| var scrollXRangeAdjusted = (this.windowX > 0) ? (this.windowX + this.currentX) : this.currentX; |
| var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + scrollXRangeAdjusted; |
| var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + this.pixelEnd; |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 0x7) << 3; |
| var tileNumber = (this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2)) + (this.currentX >> 3); |
| var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| var palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| var texel = (scrollXRangeAdjusted - this.windowX) & 0x7; |
| scrollXRangeAdjusted = Math.min(8, texel + pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition); |
| while (texel < scrollXRangeAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]]; |
| } |
| scrollXRangeAdjusted = tileNumber + ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3); |
| while (tileNumber < scrollXRangeAdjusted) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2); |
| switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) { |
| case 7: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]]; |
| case 6: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]]; |
| case 5: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]]; |
| case 4: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]]; |
| case 3: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]]; |
| case 2: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]]; |
| case 1: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.WindowGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| if (this.gfxWindowDisplay) { //Is the window enabled? |
| var scrollYAdjusted = scanlineToRender - this.windowY; //The line of the BG we're at. |
| if (scrollYAdjusted >= 0) { |
| var scrollXRangeAdjusted = (this.windowX > 0) ? (this.windowX + this.currentX) : this.currentX; |
| var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + scrollXRangeAdjusted; |
| var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + this.pixelEnd; |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 0x7) << 3; |
| var tileNumber = (this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2)) + (this.currentX >> 3); |
| var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| var palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| var texel = (scrollXRangeAdjusted - this.windowX) & 0x7; |
| scrollXRangeAdjusted = Math.min(8, texel + pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition); |
| while (texel < scrollXRangeAdjusted) { |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]]; |
| } |
| scrollXRangeAdjusted = tileNumber + ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3); |
| while (tileNumber < scrollXRangeAdjusted) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| texel = tileYLine; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]]; |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]]; |
| } |
| if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) { |
| chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber]; |
| if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) { |
| chrCode |= 0x100; |
| } |
| attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber]; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2; |
| switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) { |
| case 7: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]]; |
| case 6: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]]; |
| case 5: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]]; |
| case 4: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]]; |
| case 3: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]]; |
| case 2: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]]; |
| case 1: |
| this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.SpriteGBLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| if (this.gfxSpriteShow) { //Are sprites enabled? |
| var lineAdjusted = scanlineToRender + 0x10; |
| var OAMAddress = 0xFE00; |
| var yoffset = 0; |
| var xcoord = 1; |
| var xCoordStart = 0; |
| var xCoordEnd = 0; |
| var attrCode = 0; |
| var palette = 0; |
| var tile = null; |
| var data = 0; |
| var spriteCount = 0; |
| var length = 0; |
| var currentPixel = 0; |
| var linePixel = 0; |
| //Clear our x-coord sort buffer: |
| while (xcoord < 168) { |
| this.sortBuffer[xcoord++] = 0xFF; |
| } |
| if (this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight) { |
| //Draw the visible sprites: |
| for (var length = this.findLowestSpriteDrawable(lineAdjusted, 0x7); spriteCount < length; ++spriteCount) { |
| OAMAddress = this.OAMAddressCache[spriteCount]; |
| yoffset = (lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]) << 3; |
| attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x10) >> 2; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2]]; |
| linePixel = xCoordStart = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1]; |
| xCoordEnd = Math.min(168 - linePixel, 8); |
| xcoord = (linePixel > 7) ? 0 : (8 - linePixel); |
| for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + ((linePixel > 8) ? (linePixel - 8) : 0); xcoord < xCoordEnd; ++xcoord, ++currentPixel, ++linePixel) { |
| if (this.sortBuffer[linePixel] > xCoordStart) { |
| if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) { |
| data = tile[yoffset | xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0) { |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) { |
| data = tile[yoffset | xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) { |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //Draw the visible sprites: |
| for (var length = this.findLowestSpriteDrawable(lineAdjusted, 0xF); spriteCount < length; ++spriteCount) { |
| OAMAddress = this.OAMAddressCache[spriteCount]; |
| yoffset = (lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]) << 3; |
| attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 0x10) >> 2; |
| if ((attrCode & 0x40) == (0x40 & yoffset)) { |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | (this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] & 0xFE)]; |
| } |
| else { |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] | 1]; |
| } |
| yoffset &= 0x3F; |
| linePixel = xCoordStart = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1]; |
| xCoordEnd = Math.min(168 - linePixel, 8); |
| xcoord = (linePixel > 7) ? 0 : (8 - linePixel); |
| for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + ((linePixel > 8) ? (linePixel - 8) : 0); xcoord < xCoordEnd; ++xcoord, ++currentPixel, ++linePixel) { |
| if (this.sortBuffer[linePixel] > xCoordStart) { |
| if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) { |
| data = tile[yoffset | xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0) { |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) { |
| data = tile[yoffset | xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) { |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.findLowestSpriteDrawable = function (scanlineToRender, drawableRange) { |
| var address = 0xFE00; |
| var spriteCount = 0; |
| var diff = 0; |
| while (address < 0xFEA0 && spriteCount < 10) { |
| diff = scanlineToRender - this.memory[address]; |
| if ((diff & drawableRange) == diff) { |
| this.OAMAddressCache[spriteCount++] = address; |
| } |
| address += 4; |
| } |
| return spriteCount; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.SpriteGBCLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) { |
| if (this.gfxSpriteShow) { //Are sprites enabled? |
| var OAMAddress = 0xFE00; |
| var lineAdjusted = scanlineToRender + 0x10; |
| var yoffset = 0; |
| var xcoord = 0; |
| var endX = 0; |
| var xCounter = 0; |
| var attrCode = 0; |
| var palette = 0; |
| var tile = null; |
| var data = 0; |
| var currentPixel = 0; |
| var spriteCount = 0; |
| if (this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight) { |
| for (; OAMAddress < 0xFEA0 && spriteCount < 10; OAMAddress += 4) { |
| yoffset = lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]; |
| if ((yoffset & 0x7) == yoffset) { |
| xcoord = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1] - 8; |
| endX = Math.min(160, xcoord + 8); |
| attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 7) << 2; |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 2]]; |
| xCounter = (xcoord > 0) ? xcoord : 0; |
| xcoord -= yoffset << 3; |
| for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + xCounter; xCounter < endX; ++xCounter, ++currentPixel) { |
| if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) { |
| data = tile[xCounter - xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0) { |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) { |
| data = tile[xCounter - xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) { //Don't optimize for attrCode, as LICM-capable JITs should optimize its checks. |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ++spriteCount; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| for (; OAMAddress < 0xFEA0 && spriteCount < 10; OAMAddress += 4) { |
| yoffset = lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]; |
| if ((yoffset & 0xF) == yoffset) { |
| xcoord = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1] - 8; |
| endX = Math.min(160, xcoord + 8); |
| attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3]; |
| palette = (attrCode & 7) << 2; |
| if ((attrCode & 0x40) == (0x40 & (yoffset << 3))) { |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | (this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] & 0xFE)]; |
| } |
| else { |
| tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] | 1]; |
| } |
| xCounter = (xcoord > 0) ? xcoord : 0; |
| xcoord -= (yoffset & 0x7) << 3; |
| for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + xCounter; xCounter < endX; ++xCounter, ++currentPixel) { |
| if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) { |
| data = tile[xCounter - xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0) { |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) { |
| data = tile[xCounter - xcoord]; |
| if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) { //Don't optimize for attrCode, as LICM-capable JITs should optimize its checks. |
| this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ++spriteCount; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //Generate only a single tile line for the GB tile cache mode: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBTileLine = function (address) { |
| var lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.memory[0x9FFE & address]; |
| var tileBlock = this.tileCache[(address & 0x1FF0) >> 4]; |
| address = (address & 0xE) << 2; |
| tileBlock[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1); |
| tileBlock[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1); |
| tileBlock[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2); |
| tileBlock[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3); |
| tileBlock[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4); |
| tileBlock[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5); |
| tileBlock[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6); |
| tileBlock[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7); |
| } |
| //Generate only a single tile line for the GBC tile cache mode (Bank 1): |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileLineBank1 = function (address) { |
| var lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.memory[0x9FFE & address]; |
| address &= 0x1FFE; |
| var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[address >> 4]; |
| var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0x200 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0x400 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0x600 | (address >> 4)]; |
| address = (address & 0xE) << 2; |
| var addressFlipped = 0x38 - address; |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7); |
| } |
| //Generate all the flip combinations for a full GBC VRAM bank 1 tile: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileBank1 = function (vramAddress) { |
| var address = vramAddress >> 4; |
| var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[address]; |
| var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0x200 | address]; |
| var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0x400 | address]; |
| var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0x600 | address]; |
| var lineCopy = 0; |
| vramAddress |= 0x8000; |
| address = 0; |
| var addressFlipped = 56; |
| do { |
| lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | vramAddress] << 8) | this.memory[vramAddress]; |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7); |
| address += 8; |
| addressFlipped -= 8; |
| vramAddress += 2; |
| } while (addressFlipped > -1); |
| } |
| //Generate only a single tile line for the GBC tile cache mode (Bank 2): |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileLineBank2 = function (address) { |
| var lineCopy = (this.VRAM[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.VRAM[0x1FFE & address]; |
| var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[0x800 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0xA00 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0xC00 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0xE00 | (address >> 4)]; |
| address = (address & 0xE) << 2; |
| var addressFlipped = 0x38 - address; |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7); |
| } |
| //Generate all the flip combinations for a full GBC VRAM bank 2 tile: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileBank2 = function (vramAddress) { |
| var address = vramAddress >> 4; |
| var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[0x800 | address]; |
| var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0xA00 | address]; |
| var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0xC00 | address]; |
| var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0xE00 | address]; |
| var lineCopy = 0; |
| address = 0; |
| var addressFlipped = 56; |
| do { |
| lineCopy = (this.VRAM[0x1 | vramAddress] << 8) | this.VRAM[vramAddress]; |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7); |
| address += 8; |
| addressFlipped -= 8; |
| vramAddress += 2; |
| } while (addressFlipped > -1); |
| } |
| //Generate only a single tile line for the GB tile cache mode (OAM accessible range): |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBOAMTileLine = function (address) { |
| var lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.memory[0x9FFE & address]; |
| address &= 0x1FFE; |
| var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[address >> 4]; |
| var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0x200 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0x400 | (address >> 4)]; |
| var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0x600 | (address >> 4)]; |
| address = (address & 0xE) << 2; |
| var addressFlipped = 0x38 - address; |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6); |
| tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsJIT = function () { |
| if (this.LCDisOn) { |
| this.totalLinesPassed = 0; //Mark frame for ensuring a JIT pass for the next framebuffer output. |
| this.graphicsJITScanlineGroup(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsJITVBlank = function () { |
| //JIT the graphics to v-blank framing: |
| this.totalLinesPassed += this.queuedScanLines; |
| this.graphicsJITScanlineGroup(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsJITScanlineGroup = function () { |
| //Normal rendering JIT, where we try to do groups of scanlines at once: |
| while (this.queuedScanLines > 0) { |
| this.renderScanLine(this.lastUnrenderedLine); |
| if (this.lastUnrenderedLine < 143) { |
| ++this.lastUnrenderedLine; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0; |
| } |
| --this.queuedScanLines; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.incrementScanLineQueue = function () { |
| if (this.queuedScanLines < 144) { |
| ++this.queuedScanLines; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.currentX = 0; |
| this.midScanlineOffset = -1; |
| if (this.lastUnrenderedLine < 143) { |
| ++this.lastUnrenderedLine; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.midScanLineJIT = function () { |
| this.graphicsJIT(); |
| this.renderMidScanLine(); |
| } |
| //Check for the highest priority IRQ to fire: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.launchIRQ = function () { |
| var bitShift = 0; |
| var testbit = 1; |
| do { |
| //Check to see if an interrupt is enabled AND requested. |
| if ((testbit & this.IRQLineMatched) == testbit) { |
| this.IME = false; //Reset the interrupt enabling. |
| this.interruptsRequested -= testbit; //Reset the interrupt request. |
| this.IRQLineMatched = 0; //Reset the IRQ assertion. |
| //Interrupts have a certain clock cycle length: |
| this.CPUTicks = 20; |
| //Set the stack pointer to the current program counter value: |
| this.stackPointer = (this.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| this.memoryWriter[this.stackPointer](this, this.stackPointer, this.programCounter >> 8); |
| this.stackPointer = (this.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF; |
| this.memoryWriter[this.stackPointer](this, this.stackPointer, this.programCounter & 0xFF); |
| //Set the program counter to the interrupt's address: |
| this.programCounter = 0x40 | (bitShift << 3); |
| //Clock the core for mid-instruction updates: |
| this.updateCore(); |
| return; //We only want the highest priority interrupt. |
| } |
| testbit = 1 << ++bitShift; |
| } while (bitShift < 5); |
| } |
| /* |
| Check for IRQs to be fired while not in HALT: |
| */ |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.checkIRQMatching = function () { |
| if (this.IME) { |
| this.IRQLineMatched = this.interruptsEnabled & this.interruptsRequested & 0x1F; |
| } |
| } |
| /* |
| Handle the HALT opcode by predicting all IRQ cases correctly, |
| then selecting the next closest IRQ firing from the prediction to |
| clock up to. This prevents hacky looping that doesn't predict, but |
| instead just clocks through the core update procedure by one which |
| is very slow. Not many emulators do this because they have to cover |
| all the IRQ prediction cases and they usually get them wrong. |
| */ |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.calculateHALTPeriod = function () { |
| //Initialize our variables and start our prediction: |
| if (!this.halt) { |
| this.halt = true; |
| var currentClocks = -1; |
| var temp_var = 0; |
| if (this.LCDisOn) { |
| //If the LCD is enabled, then predict the LCD IRQs enabled: |
| if ((this.interruptsEnabled & 0x1) == 0x1) { |
| currentClocks = ((456 * (((this.modeSTAT == 1) ? 298 : 144) - this.actualScanLine)) - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter; |
| } |
| if ((this.interruptsEnabled & 0x2) == 0x2) { |
| if (this.mode0TriggerSTAT) { |
| temp_var = (this.clocksUntilMode0() - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter; |
| if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) { |
| currentClocks = temp_var; |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.mode1TriggerSTAT && (this.interruptsEnabled & 0x1) == 0) { |
| temp_var = ((456 * (((this.modeSTAT == 1) ? 298 : 144) - this.actualScanLine)) - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter; |
| if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) { |
| currentClocks = temp_var; |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.mode2TriggerSTAT) { |
| temp_var = (((this.actualScanLine >= 143) ? (456 * (154 - this.actualScanLine)) : 456) - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter; |
| if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) { |
| currentClocks = temp_var; |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT && this.memory[0xFF45] <= 153) { |
| temp_var = (this.clocksUntilLYCMatch() - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter; |
| if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) { |
| currentClocks = temp_var; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.TIMAEnabled && (this.interruptsEnabled & 0x4) == 0x4) { |
| //CPU timer IRQ prediction: |
| temp_var = ((0x100 - this.memory[0xFF05]) * this.TACClocker) - this.timerTicks; |
| if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) { |
| currentClocks = temp_var; |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.serialTimer > 0 && (this.interruptsEnabled & 0x8) == 0x8) { |
| //Serial IRQ prediction: |
| if (this.serialTimer <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) { |
| currentClocks = this.serialTimer; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| var currentClocks = this.remainingClocks; |
| } |
| var maxClocks = (this.CPUCyclesTotal - this.emulatorTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter; |
| if (currentClocks >= 0) { |
| if (currentClocks <= maxClocks) { |
| //Exit out of HALT normally: |
| this.CPUTicks = Math.max(currentClocks, this.CPUTicks); |
| this.updateCoreFull(); |
| this.halt = false; |
| this.CPUTicks = 0; |
| } |
| else { |
| //Still in HALT, clock only up to the clocks specified per iteration: |
| this.CPUTicks = Math.max(maxClocks, this.CPUTicks); |
| this.remainingClocks = currentClocks - this.CPUTicks; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //Still in HALT, clock only up to the clocks specified per iteration: |
| //Will stay in HALT forever (Stuck in HALT forever), but the APU and LCD are still clocked, so don't pause: |
| this.CPUTicks += maxClocks; |
| } |
| } |
| //Memory Reading: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryRead = function (address) { |
| //Act as a wrapper for reading the returns from the compiled jumps to memory. |
| return this.memoryReader[address](this, address); //This seems to be faster than the usual if/else. |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighRead = function (address) { |
| //Act as a wrapper for reading the returns from the compiled jumps to memory. |
| return this.memoryHighReader[address](this, address); //This seems to be faster than the usual if/else. |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadJumpCompile = function () { |
| //Faster in some browsers, since we are doing less conditionals overall by implementing them in advance. |
| for (var index = 0x0000; index <= 0xFFFF; index++) { |
| if (index < 0x4000) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x8000) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadROM; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x9800) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMDATAReadCGBCPU : this.VRAMDATAReadDMGCPU; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xA000) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMCHRReadCGBCPU : this.VRAMCHRReadDMGCPU; |
| } |
| else if (index >= 0xA000 && index < 0xC000) { |
| if ((this.numRAMBanks == 1 / 16 && index < 0xA200) || this.numRAMBanks >= 1) { |
| if (this.cMBC7) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadMBC7; |
| } |
| else if (!this.cMBC3) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadMBC; |
| } |
| else { |
| //MBC3 RTC + RAM: |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadMBC3; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index >= 0xC000 && index < 0xE000) { |
| if (!this.cGBC || index < 0xD000) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadGBCMemory; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index >= 0xE000 && index < 0xFE00) { |
| if (!this.cGBC || index < 0xF000) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadECHONormal; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadECHOGBCMemory; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xFEA0) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadOAM; |
| } |
| else if (this.cGBC && index >= 0xFEA0 && index < 0xFF00) { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal; |
| } |
| else if (index >= 0xFF00) { |
| switch (index) { |
| case 0xFF00: |
| //JOYPAD: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0] = this.memoryReader[0xFF00] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xC0 | parentObj.memory[0xFF00]; //Top nibble returns as set. |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF01: |
| //SB |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x01] = this.memoryReader[0xFF01] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return (parentObj.memory[0xFF02] < 0x80) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF01] : 0xFF; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF02: |
| //SC |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x02] = this.memoryReader[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return ((parentObj.serialTimer <= 0) ? 0x7C : 0xFC) | parentObj.memory[0xFF02]; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x02] = this.memoryReader[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return ((parentObj.serialTimer <= 0) ? 0x7E : 0xFE) | parentObj.memory[0xFF02]; |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF04: |
| //DIV |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x04] = this.memoryReader[0xFF04] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF04] = (parentObj.memory[0xFF04] + (parentObj.DIVTicks >> 8)) & 0xFF; |
| parentObj.DIVTicks &= 0xFF; |
| return parentObj.memory[0xFF04]; |
| |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF07: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x07] = this.memoryReader[0xFF07] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xF8 | parentObj.memory[0xFF07]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF0F: |
| //IF |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x0F] = this.memoryReader[0xFF0F] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xE0 | parentObj.interruptsRequested; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF10: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x10] = this.memoryReader[0xFF10] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x80 | parentObj.memory[0xFF10]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF11: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x11] = this.memoryReader[0xFF11] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x3F | parentObj.memory[0xFF11]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF13: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x13] = this.memoryReader[0xFF13] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| break; |
| case 0xFF14: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x14] = this.memoryReader[0xFF14] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF14]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF16: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x16] = this.memoryReader[0xFF16] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x3F | parentObj.memory[0xFF16]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF18: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x18] = this.memoryReader[0xFF18] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| break; |
| case 0xFF19: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x19] = this.memoryReader[0xFF19] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF19]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF1A: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x1A] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1A] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x7F | parentObj.memory[0xFF1A]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF1B: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x1B] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1B] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| break; |
| case 0xFF1C: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x1C] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1C] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x9F | parentObj.memory[0xFF1C]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF1D: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x1D] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1D] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xFF; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF1E: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x1E] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1E] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF1E]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF1F: |
| case 0xFF20: |
| this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| break; |
| case 0xFF23: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x23] = this.memoryReader[0xFF23] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF23]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF26: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x26] = this.memoryReader[0xFF26] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| return 0x70 | parentObj.memory[0xFF26]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF27: |
| case 0xFF28: |
| case 0xFF29: |
| case 0xFF2A: |
| case 0xFF2B: |
| case 0xFF2C: |
| case 0xFF2D: |
| case 0xFF2E: |
| case 0xFF2F: |
| this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| break; |
| case 0xFF30: |
| case 0xFF31: |
| case 0xFF32: |
| case 0xFF33: |
| case 0xFF34: |
| case 0xFF35: |
| case 0xFF36: |
| case 0xFF37: |
| case 0xFF38: |
| case 0xFF39: |
| case 0xFF3A: |
| case 0xFF3B: |
| case 0xFF3C: |
| case 0xFF3D: |
| case 0xFF3E: |
| case 0xFF3F: |
| this.memoryReader[index] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return (parentObj.channel3canPlay) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | (parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup >> 1)] : parentObj.memory[address]; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return (parentObj.channel3canPlay) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | (parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup >> 1)] : parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | address]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF41: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x41] = this.memoryReader[0xFF41] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x80 | parentObj.memory[0xFF41] | parentObj.modeSTAT; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF42: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x42] = this.memoryReader[0xFF42] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.backgroundY; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF43: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x43] = this.memoryReader[0xFF43] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.backgroundX; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF44: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x44] = this.memoryReader[0xFF44] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return ((parentObj.LCDisOn) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF44] : 0); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF4A: |
| //WY |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x4A] = this.memoryReader[0xFF4A] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.windowY; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF4F: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x4F] = this.memoryReader[0xFF4F] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.currVRAMBank; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF55: |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x55] = this.memoryReader[0xFF55] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| if (!parentObj.LCDisOn && parentObj.hdmaRunning) { //Undocumented behavior alert: HDMA becomes GDMA when LCD is off (Worms Armageddon Fix). |
| //DMA |
| parentObj.DMAWrite((parentObj.memory[0xFF55] & 0x7F) + 1); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = 0xFF; //Transfer completed. |
| parentObj.hdmaRunning = false; |
| } |
| return parentObj.memory[0xFF55]; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryReader[0xFF55] = this.memoryReadNormal; |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x55] = this.memoryHighReadNormal; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF56: |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x56] = this.memoryReader[0xFF56] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //Return IR "not connected" status: |
| return 0x3C | ((parentObj.memory[0xFF56] >= 0xC0) ? (0x2 | (parentObj.memory[0xFF56] & 0xC1)) : (parentObj.memory[0xFF56] & 0xC3)); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryReader[0xFF56] = this.memoryReadNormal; |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x56] = this.memoryHighReadNormal; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF6C: |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x6C] = this.memoryReader[0xFF6C] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xFE | parentObj.memory[0xFF6C]; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x6C] = this.memoryReader[0xFF6C] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF70: |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| //SVBK |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x70] = this.memoryReader[0xFF70] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x40 | parentObj.memory[0xFF70]; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x70] = this.memoryReader[0xFF70] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF75: |
| this.memoryHighReader[0x75] = this.memoryReader[0xFF75] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0x8F | parentObj.memory[0xFF75]; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFF76: |
| case 0xFF77: |
| this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryReader[index] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0xFFFF: |
| //IE |
| this.memoryHighReader[0xFF] = this.memoryReader[0xFFFF] = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.interruptsEnabled; |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal; |
| this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryHighReadNormal; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadNormal = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.memory[address]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighReadNormal = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | address]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadROM = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.ROM[parentObj.currentROMBank + address]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadMBC = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //Switchable RAM |
| if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) { |
| return parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition]; |
| } |
| //cout("Reading from disabled RAM.", 1); |
| return 0xFF; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadMBC7 = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //Switchable RAM |
| if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) { |
| switch (address) { |
| case 0xA000: |
| case 0xA060: |
| case 0xA070: |
| return 0; |
| case 0xA080: |
| //TODO: Gyro Control Register |
| return 0; |
| case 0xA050: |
| //Y High Byte |
| return parentObj.highY; |
| case 0xA040: |
| //Y Low Byte |
| return parentObj.lowY; |
| case 0xA030: |
| //X High Byte |
| return parentObj.highX; |
| case 0xA020: |
| //X Low Byte: |
| return parentObj.lowX; |
| default: |
| return parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition]; |
| } |
| } |
| //cout("Reading from disabled RAM.", 1); |
| return 0xFF; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadMBC3 = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //Switchable RAM |
| if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) { |
| switch (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank) { |
| case 0x00: |
| case 0x01: |
| case 0x02: |
| case 0x03: |
| return parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition]; |
| break; |
| case 0x08: |
| return parentObj.latchedSeconds; |
| break; |
| case 0x09: |
| return parentObj.latchedMinutes; |
| break; |
| case 0x0A: |
| return parentObj.latchedHours; |
| break; |
| case 0x0B: |
| return parentObj.latchedLDays; |
| break; |
| case 0x0C: |
| return (((parentObj.RTCDayOverFlow) ? 0x80 : 0) + ((parentObj.RTCHALT) ? 0x40 : 0)) + parentObj.latchedHDays; |
| } |
| } |
| //cout("Reading from invalid or disabled RAM.", 1); |
| return 0xFF; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadGBCMemory = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadOAM = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 1) ? 0xFF : parentObj.memory[address]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadECHOGBCMemory = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPositionECHO]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadECHONormal = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return parentObj.memory[address - 0x2000]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadBAD = function (parentObj, address) { |
| return 0xFF; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMDATAReadCGBCPU = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //CPU Side Reading The VRAM (Optimized for GameBoy Color) |
| return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : ((parentObj.currVRAMBank == 0) ? parentObj.memory[address] : parentObj.VRAM[address & 0x1FFF]); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMDATAReadDMGCPU = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //CPU Side Reading The VRAM (Optimized for classic GameBoy) |
| return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : parentObj.memory[address]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMCHRReadCGBCPU = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //CPU Side Reading the Character Data Map: |
| return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank[address & 0x7FF]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMCHRReadDMGCPU = function (parentObj, address) { |
| //CPU Side Reading the Character Data Map: |
| return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : parentObj.BGCHRBank1[address & 0x7FF]; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.setCurrentMBC1ROMBank = function () { |
| //Read the cartridge ROM data from RAM memory: |
| switch (this.ROMBank1offs) { |
| case 0x00: |
| case 0x20: |
| case 0x40: |
| case 0x60: |
| //Bank calls for 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, and 0x60 are really for 0x01, 0x21, 0x41, and 0x61. |
| this.currentROMBank = (this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) << 14; |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.currentROMBank = ((this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) - 1) << 14; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.setCurrentMBC2AND3ROMBank = function () { |
| //Read the cartridge ROM data from RAM memory: |
| //Only map bank 0 to bank 1 here (MBC2 is like MBC1, but can only do 16 banks, so only the bank 0 quirk appears for MBC2): |
| this.currentROMBank = Math.max((this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) - 1, 0) << 14; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.setCurrentMBC5ROMBank = function () { |
| //Read the cartridge ROM data from RAM memory: |
| this.currentROMBank = ((this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) - 1) << 14; |
| } |
| //Memory Writing: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWrite = function (address, data) { |
| //Act as a wrapper for writing by compiled jumps to specific memory writing functions. |
| this.memoryWriter[address](this, address, data); |
| } |
| //0xFFXX fast path: |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighWrite = function (address, data) { |
| //Act as a wrapper for writing by compiled jumps to specific memory writing functions. |
| this.memoryHighWriter[address](this, address, data); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteJumpCompile = function () { |
| //Faster in some browsers, since we are doing less conditionals overall by implementing them in advance. |
| for (var index = 0x0000; index <= 0xFFFF; index++) { |
| if (index < 0x8000) { |
| if (this.cMBC1) { |
| if (index < 0x2000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x4000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC1WriteROMBank; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x6000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC1WriteRAMBank; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC1WriteType; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.cMBC2) { |
| if (index < 0x1000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable; |
| } |
| else if (index >= 0x2100 && index < 0x2200) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC2WriteROMBank; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.cMBC3) { |
| if (index < 0x2000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x4000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteROMBank; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x6000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteRAMBank; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteRTCLatch; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.cMBC5 || this.cRUMBLE || this.cMBC7) { |
| if (index < 0x2000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x3000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC5WriteROMBankLow; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x4000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC5WriteROMBankHigh; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x6000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cRUMBLE) ? this.RUMBLEWriteRAMBank : this.MBC5WriteRAMBank; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (this.cHuC3) { |
| if (index < 0x2000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x4000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteROMBank; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x6000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.HuC3WriteRAMBank; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x9000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMGBCDATAWrite : this.VRAMGBDATAWrite; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0x9800) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMGBCDATAWrite : this.VRAMGBDATAUpperWrite; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xA000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMGBCCHRMAPWrite : this.VRAMGBCHRMAPWrite; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xC000) { |
| if ((this.numRAMBanks == 1 / 16 && index < 0xA200) || this.numRAMBanks >= 1) { |
| if (!this.cMBC3) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteMBCRAM; |
| } |
| else { |
| //MBC3 RTC + RAM: |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteMBC3RAM; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xE000) { |
| if (this.cGBC && index >= 0xD000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteGBCRAM; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteNormal; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xFE00) { |
| if (this.cGBC && index >= 0xF000) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteECHOGBCRAM; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteECHONormal; |
| } |
| } |
| else if (index <= 0xFEA0) { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteOAMRAM; |
| } |
| else if (index < 0xFF00) { |
| if (this.cGBC) { //Only GBC has access to this RAM. |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteNormal; |
| } |
| else { |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //Start the I/O initialization by filling in the slots as normal memory: |
| this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteNormal; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryHighWriteNormal; |
| } |
| } |
| this.registerWriteJumpCompile(); //Compile the I/O write functions separately... |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBCWriteEnable = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC RAM Bank Enable/Disable: |
| parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = ((data & 0x0F) == 0x0A); //If lower nibble is 0x0A, then enable, otherwise disable. |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC1WriteROMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC1 ROM bank switching: |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs = (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0x60) | (data & 0x1F); |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC1ROMBank(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC1WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC1 RAM bank switching |
| if (parentObj.MBC1Mode) { |
| //4/32 Mode |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0x03; |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000; |
| } |
| else { |
| //16/8 Mode |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs = ((data & 0x03) << 5) | (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0x1F); |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC1ROMBank(); |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC1WriteType = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC1 mode setting: |
| parentObj.MBC1Mode = ((data & 0x1) == 0x1); |
| if (parentObj.MBC1Mode) { |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs &= 0x1F; |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC1ROMBank(); |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = 0; |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = -0xA000; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC2WriteROMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC2 ROM bank switching: |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs = data & 0x0F; |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC2AND3ROMBank(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC3WriteROMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC3 ROM bank switching: |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs = data & 0x7F; |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC2AND3ROMBank(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC3WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data; |
| if (data < 4) { |
| //MBC3 RAM bank switching |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC3WriteRTCLatch = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (data == 0) { |
| parentObj.RTCisLatched = false; |
| } |
| else if (!parentObj.RTCisLatched) { |
| //Copy over the current RTC time for reading. |
| parentObj.RTCisLatched = true; |
| parentObj.latchedSeconds = parentObj.RTCSeconds | 0; |
| parentObj.latchedMinutes = parentObj.RTCMinutes; |
| parentObj.latchedHours = parentObj.RTCHours; |
| parentObj.latchedLDays = (parentObj.RTCDays & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.latchedHDays = parentObj.RTCDays >> 8; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC5WriteROMBankLow = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC5 ROM bank switching: |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs = (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0x100) | data; |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC5ROMBank(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC5WriteROMBankHigh = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC5 ROM bank switching (by least significant bit): |
| parentObj.ROMBank1offs = ((data & 0x01) << 8) | (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.setCurrentMBC5ROMBank(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC5WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC5 RAM bank switching |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0xF; |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.RUMBLEWriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //MBC5 RAM bank switching |
| //Like MBC5, but bit 3 of the lower nibble is used for rumbling and bit 2 is ignored. |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0x03; |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.HuC3WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //HuC3 RAM bank switching |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0x03; |
| parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.cartIgnoreWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //We might have encountered illegal RAM writing or such, so just do nothing... |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteNormal = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[address] = data; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighWriteNormal = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | address] = data; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteMBCRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) { |
| parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteMBC3RAM = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) { |
| switch (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank) { |
| case 0x00: |
| case 0x01: |
| case 0x02: |
| case 0x03: |
| parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition] = data; |
| break; |
| case 0x08: |
| if (data < 60) { |
| parentObj.RTCSeconds = data; |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0x09: |
| if (data < 60) { |
| parentObj.RTCMinutes = data; |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0x0A: |
| if (data < 24) { |
| parentObj.RTCHours = data; |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 0x0B: |
| parentObj.RTCDays = (data & 0xFF) | (parentObj.RTCDays & 0x100); |
| break; |
| case 0x0C: |
| parentObj.RTCDayOverFlow = (data > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.RTCHalt = (data & 0x40) == 0x40; |
| parentObj.RTCDays = ((data & 0x1) << 8) | (parentObj.RTCDays & 0xFF); |
| break; |
| default: |
| cout("Invalid MBC3 bank address selected: " + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteGBCRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition] = data; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteOAMRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 2) { //OAM RAM cannot be written to in mode 2 & 3 |
| if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) { |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[address] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteECHOGBCRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPositionECHO] = data; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteECHONormal = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[address - 0x2000] = data; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBDATAWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3 |
| if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[address] = data; |
| parentObj.generateGBOAMTileLine(address); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBDATAUpperWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3 |
| if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[address] = data; |
| parentObj.generateGBTileLine(address); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBCDATAWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3 |
| if (parentObj.currVRAMBank == 0) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[address] = data; |
| parentObj.generateGBCTileLineBank1(address); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| address &= 0x1FFF; |
| if (parentObj.VRAM[address] != data) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.VRAM[address] = data; |
| parentObj.generateGBCTileLineBank2(address); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBCHRMAPWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3 |
| address &= 0x7FF; |
| if (parentObj.BGCHRBank1[address] != data) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.BGCHRBank1[address] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBCCHRMAPWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3 |
| address &= 0x7FF; |
| if (parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank[address] != data) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank[address] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.DMAWrite = function (tilesToTransfer) { |
| if (!this.halt) { |
| //Clock the CPU for the DMA transfer (CPU is halted during the transfer): |
| this.CPUTicks += 4 | ((tilesToTransfer << 5) << this.doubleSpeedShifter); |
| } |
| //Source address of the transfer: |
| var source = (this.memory[0xFF51] << 8) | this.memory[0xFF52]; |
| //Destination address in the VRAM memory range: |
| var destination = (this.memory[0xFF53] << 8) | this.memory[0xFF54]; |
| //Creating some references: |
| var memoryReader = this.memoryReader; |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| this.graphicsJIT(); |
| var memory = this.memory; |
| //Determining which bank we're working on so we can optimize: |
| if (this.currVRAMBank == 0) { |
| //DMA transfer for VRAM bank 0: |
| do { |
| if (destination < 0x1800) { |
| memory[0x8000 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8001 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8002 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8003 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8004 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8005 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8006 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8007 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8008 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x8009 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x800A | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x800B | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x800C | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x800D | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x800E | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| memory[0x800F | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.generateGBCTileBank1(destination); |
| destination += 0x10; |
| } |
| else { |
| destination &= 0x7F0; |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| destination = (destination + 0x1800) & 0x1FF0; |
| } |
| source &= 0xFFF0; |
| --tilesToTransfer; |
| } while (tilesToTransfer > 0); |
| } |
| else { |
| var VRAM = this.VRAM; |
| //DMA transfer for VRAM bank 1: |
| do { |
| if (destination < 0x1800) { |
| VRAM[destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x1] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x2] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x3] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x4] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x5] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x6] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x7] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x8] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0x9] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0xA] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0xB] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0xC] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0xD] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0xE] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| VRAM[destination | 0xF] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.generateGBCTileBank2(destination); |
| destination += 0x10; |
| } |
| else { |
| destination &= 0x7F0; |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++); |
| destination = (destination + 0x1800) & 0x1FF0; |
| } |
| source &= 0xFFF0; |
| --tilesToTransfer; |
| } while (tilesToTransfer > 0); |
| } |
| //Update the HDMA registers to their next addresses: |
| memory[0xFF51] = source >> 8; |
| memory[0xFF52] = source & 0xF0; |
| memory[0xFF53] = destination >> 8; |
| memory[0xFF54] = destination & 0xF0; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.registerWriteJumpCompile = function () { |
| //I/O Registers (GB + GBC): |
| //JoyPad |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF00] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF00] = (data & 0x30) | ((((data & 0x20) == 0) ? (parentObj.JoyPad >> 4) : 0xF) & (((data & 0x10) == 0) ? (parentObj.JoyPad & 0xF) : 0xF)); |
| } |
| //SB (Serial Transfer Data) |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x1] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF01] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF02] < 0x80) { //Cannot write while a serial transfer is active. |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF01] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| //DIV |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF04] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.DIVTicks &= 0xFF; //Update DIV for realignment. |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF04] = 0; |
| } |
| //TIMA |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x5] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF05] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF05] = data; |
| } |
| //TMA |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF06] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF06] = data; |
| } |
| //TAC |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x7] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF07] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF07] = data & 0x07; |
| parentObj.TIMAEnabled = (data & 0x04) == 0x04; |
| parentObj.TACClocker = Math.pow(4, ((data & 0x3) != 0) ? (data & 0x3) : 4) << 2; //TODO: Find a way to not make a conditional in here... |
| } |
| //IF (Interrupt Request) |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0xF] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF0F] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested = data; |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x10] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF10] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (parentObj.channel1decreaseSweep && (data & 0x08) == 0) { |
| if (parentObj.channel1numSweep != parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider) { |
| parentObj.channel1SweepFault = true; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1lastTimeSweep = (data & 0x70) >> 4; |
| parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider = data & 0x07; |
| parentObj.channel1decreaseSweep = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF10] = data; |
| parentObj.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x11] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF11] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| } |
| else { |
| data &= 0x3F; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1CachedDuty = parentObj.dutyLookup[data >> 6]; |
| parentObj.channel1totalLength = 0x40 - (data & 0x3F); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF11] = data & 0xC0; |
| parentObj.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x12] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF12] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (parentObj.channel1Enabled && parentObj.channel1envelopeSweeps == 0) { |
| //Zombie Volume PAPU Bug: |
| if (((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] ^ data) & 0x8) == 0x8) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] & 0x8) == 0) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] & 0x7) == 0x7) { |
| parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume += 2; |
| } |
| else { |
| ++parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume = (16 - parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume) & 0xF; |
| } |
| else if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] & 0xF) == 0x8) { |
| parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume = (1 + parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume) & 0xF; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1envelopeType = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF12] = data; |
| parentObj.channel1VolumeEnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x13] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF13] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.channel1frequency = (parentObj.channel1frequency & 0x700) | data; |
| parentObj.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel1frequency) << 2; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF13] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x14] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF14] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.channel1consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0); |
| parentObj.channel1frequency = ((data & 0x7) << 8) | (parentObj.channel1frequency & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel1frequency) << 2; |
| if (data > 0x7F) { |
| //Reload 0xFF10: |
| parentObj.channel1timeSweep = parentObj.channel1lastTimeSweep; |
| parentObj.channel1numSweep = parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider; |
| //Reload 0xFF12: |
| var nr12 = parentObj.memory[0xFF12]; |
| parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume = nr12 >> 4; |
| parentObj.channel1OutputLevelCache(); |
| parentObj.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = (nr12 & 0x7) - 1; |
| if (parentObj.channel1totalLength == 0) { |
| parentObj.channel1totalLength = 0x40; |
| } |
| if (parentObj.channel1lastTimeSweep > 0 || parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider > 0) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x1; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; |
| } |
| if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x1; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1ShadowFrequency = parentObj.channel1frequency; |
| //Reset frequency overflow check + frequency sweep type check: |
| parentObj.channel1SweepFault = false; |
| //Supposed to run immediately: |
| parentObj.runAudioSweep(); |
| } |
| parentObj.channel1EnableCheck(); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF14] = data & 0x40; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x16] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF16] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| } |
| else { |
| data &= 0x3F; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel2CachedDuty = parentObj.dutyLookup[data >> 6]; |
| parentObj.channel2totalLength = 0x40 - (data & 0x3F); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF16] = data & 0xC0; |
| parentObj.channel2EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x17] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF17] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (parentObj.channel2Enabled && parentObj.channel2envelopeSweeps == 0) { |
| //Zombie Volume PAPU Bug: |
| if (((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] ^ data) & 0x8) == 0x8) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] & 0x8) == 0) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] & 0x7) == 0x7) { |
| parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume += 2; |
| } |
| else { |
| ++parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume = (16 - parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume) & 0xF; |
| } |
| else if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] & 0xF) == 0x8) { |
| parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume = (1 + parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume) & 0xF; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel2OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| parentObj.channel2envelopeType = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF17] = data; |
| parentObj.channel2VolumeEnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x18] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF18] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.channel2frequency = (parentObj.channel2frequency & 0x700) | data; |
| parentObj.channel2FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel2frequency) << 2; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF18] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x19] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF19] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (data > 0x7F) { |
| //Reload 0xFF17: |
| var nr22 = parentObj.memory[0xFF17]; |
| parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume = nr22 >> 4; |
| parentObj.channel2OutputLevelCache(); |
| parentObj.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = (nr22 & 0x7) - 1; |
| if (parentObj.channel2totalLength == 0) { |
| parentObj.channel2totalLength = 0x40; |
| } |
| if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x2; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel2consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0); |
| parentObj.channel2frequency = ((data & 0x7) << 8) | (parentObj.channel2frequency & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.channel2FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel2frequency) << 2; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF19] = data & 0x40; |
| parentObj.channel2EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x1A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1A] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (!parentObj.channel3canPlay && data >= 0x80) { |
| parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| parentObj.channel3UpdateCache(); |
| } |
| parentObj.channel3canPlay = (data > 0x7F); |
| if (parentObj.channel3canPlay && parentObj.memory[0xFF1A] > 0x7F && !parentObj.channel3consecutive) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x4; |
| } |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF1A] = data & 0x80; |
| //parentObj.channel3EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x1B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1B] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| } |
| parentObj.channel3totalLength = 0x100 - data; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF1B] = data; |
| parentObj.channel3EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x1C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1C] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| data &= 0x60; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF1C] = data; |
| parentObj.channel3patternType = (data == 0) ? 4 : ((data >> 5) - 1); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x1D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1D] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.channel3frequency = (parentObj.channel3frequency & 0x700) | data; |
| parentObj.channel3FrequencyPeriod = (0x800 - parentObj.channel3frequency) << 1; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF1D] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x1E] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1E] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (data > 0x7F) { |
| if (parentObj.channel3totalLength == 0) { |
| parentObj.channel3totalLength = 0x100; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x4; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel3consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0); |
| parentObj.channel3frequency = ((data & 0x7) << 8) | (parentObj.channel3frequency & 0xFF); |
| parentObj.channel3FrequencyPeriod = (0x800 - parentObj.channel3frequency) << 1; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF1E] = data & 0x40; |
| parentObj.channel3EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x20] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF20] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| } |
| parentObj.channel4totalLength = 0x40 - (data & 0x3F); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF20] = data | 0xC0; |
| parentObj.channel4EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x21] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF21] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (parentObj.channel4Enabled && parentObj.channel4envelopeSweeps == 0) { |
| //Zombie Volume PAPU Bug: |
| if (((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] ^ data) & 0x8) == 0x8) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] & 0x8) == 0) { |
| if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] & 0x7) == 0x7) { |
| parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume += 2; |
| } |
| else { |
| ++parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume = (16 - parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume) & 0xF; |
| } |
| else if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] & 0xF) == 0x8) { |
| parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume = (1 + parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume) & 0xF; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel4currentVolume = parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume << parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter; |
| } |
| parentObj.channel4envelopeType = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF21] = data; |
| parentObj.channel4UpdateCache(); |
| parentObj.channel4VolumeEnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x22] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF22] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.channel4FrequencyPeriod = Math.max((data & 0x7) << 4, 8) << (data >> 4); |
| var bitWidth = (data & 0x8); |
| if ((bitWidth == 0x8 && parentObj.channel4BitRange == 0x7FFF) || (bitWidth == 0 && parentObj.channel4BitRange == 0x7F)) { |
| parentObj.channel4lastSampleLookup = 0; |
| parentObj.channel4BitRange = (bitWidth == 0x8) ? 0x7F : 0x7FFF; |
| parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter = (bitWidth == 0x8) ? 7 : 15; |
| parentObj.channel4currentVolume = parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume << parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter; |
| parentObj.noiseSampleTable = (bitWidth == 0x8) ? parentObj.LSFR7Table : parentObj.LSFR15Table; |
| } |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF22] = data; |
| parentObj.channel4UpdateCache(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x23] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF23] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF23] = data; |
| parentObj.channel4consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0); |
| if (data > 0x7F) { |
| var nr42 = parentObj.memory[0xFF21]; |
| parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume = nr42 >> 4; |
| parentObj.channel4currentVolume = parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume << parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter; |
| parentObj.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = (nr42 & 0x7) - 1; |
| if (parentObj.channel4totalLength == 0) { |
| parentObj.channel4totalLength = 0x40; |
| } |
| if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x8; |
| } |
| } |
| parentObj.channel4EnableCheck(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x24] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF24] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && parentObj.memory[0xFF24] != data) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF24] = data; |
| parentObj.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = ((data >> 4) & 0x07) + 1; |
| parentObj.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = (data & 0x07) + 1; |
| parentObj.mixerOutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x25] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF25] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && parentObj.memory[0xFF25] != data) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF25] = data; |
| parentObj.rightChannel1 = ((data & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.rightChannel2 = ((data & 0x02) == 0x02); |
| parentObj.rightChannel3 = ((data & 0x04) == 0x04); |
| parentObj.rightChannel4 = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.leftChannel1 = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10); |
| parentObj.leftChannel2 = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20); |
| parentObj.leftChannel3 = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40); |
| parentObj.leftChannel4 = (data > 0x7F); |
| parentObj.channel1OutputLevelCache(); |
| parentObj.channel2OutputLevelCache(); |
| parentObj.channel3OutputLevelCache(); |
| parentObj.channel4OutputLevelCache(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x26] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF26] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.audioJIT(); |
| if (!parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && data > 0x7F) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] = 0x80; |
| parentObj.soundMasterEnabled = true; |
| parentObj.initializeAudioStartState(); |
| } |
| else if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && data < 0x80) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF26] = 0; |
| parentObj.soundMasterEnabled = false; |
| //GBDev wiki says the registers are written with zeros on power off: |
| for (var index = 0xFF10; index < 0xFF26; index++) { |
| parentObj.memoryWriter[index](parentObj, index, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //0xFF27 to 0xFF2F don't do anything... |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x27] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF27] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x28] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF28] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x29] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF29] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2A] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2B] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2C] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2D] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2E] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2E] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2F] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x30] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF30] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x31] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF31] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x1, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x32] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF32] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x2, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x33] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF33] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x3, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x34] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF34] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x4, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x35] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF35] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x5, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x36] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF36] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x6, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x37] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF37] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x7, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x38] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF38] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x8, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x39] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF39] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x9, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x3A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3A] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xA, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x3B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3B] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xB, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x3C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3C] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xC, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x3D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3D] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xD, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x3E] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3E] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xE, data); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x3F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3F] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xF, data); |
| } |
| //SCY |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x42] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF42] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.backgroundY != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.backgroundY = data; |
| } |
| } |
| //SCX |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x43] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF43] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.backgroundX != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.backgroundX = data; |
| } |
| } |
| //LY |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x44] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF44] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| //Read Only: |
| if (parentObj.LCDisOn) { |
| //Gambatte says to do this: |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 2; |
| parentObj.midScanlineOffset = -1; |
| parentObj.totalLinesPassed = parentObj.currentX = parentObj.queuedScanLines = parentObj.lastUnrenderedLine = parentObj.LCDTicks = parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| //LYC |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x45] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF45] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF45] != data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF45] = data; |
| if (parentObj.LCDisOn) { |
| parentObj.matchLYC(); //Get the compare of the first scan line. |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| //WY |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4A] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.windowY != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.windowY = data; |
| } |
| } |
| //WX |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4B] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF4B] != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF4B] = data; |
| parentObj.windowX = data - 7; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x72] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF72] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF72] = data; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x73] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF73] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF73] = data; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x75] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF75] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF75] = data; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x76] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF76] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x77] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF77] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| //IE (Interrupt Enable) |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0xFF] = this.memoryWriter[0xFFFF] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.interruptsEnabled = data; |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| this.recompileModelSpecificIOWriteHandling(); |
| this.recompileBootIOWriteHandling(); |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.recompileModelSpecificIOWriteHandling = function () { |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| //GameBoy Color Specific I/O: |
| //SC (Serial Transfer Control Register) |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (((data & 0x1) == 0x1)) { |
| //Internal clock: |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = (data & 0x7F); |
| parentObj.serialTimer = ((data & 0x2) == 0) ? 4096 : 128; //Set the Serial IRQ counter. |
| parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = ((data & 0x2) == 0) ? 512 : 16; //Set the transfer data shift counter. |
| } |
| else { |
| //External clock: |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = data; |
| parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = parentObj.serialTimer = 0; //Zero the timers, since we're emulating as if nothing is connected. |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x40] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF40] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF40] != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| var temp_var = (data > 0x7F); |
| if (temp_var != parentObj.LCDisOn) { |
| //When the display mode changes... |
| parentObj.LCDisOn = temp_var; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x78; |
| parentObj.midScanlineOffset = -1; |
| parentObj.totalLinesPassed = parentObj.currentX = parentObj.queuedScanLines = parentObj.lastUnrenderedLine = parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.LCDTicks = parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0; |
| if (parentObj.LCDisOn) { |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 2; |
| parentObj.matchLYC(); //Get the compare of the first scan line. |
| parentObj.LCDCONTROL = parentObj.LINECONTROL; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 0; |
| parentObj.DisplayShowOff(); |
| } |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| parentObj.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) ? 0x400 : 0; |
| parentObj.gfxWindowDisplay = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20); |
| parentObj.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10) ? 0 : 0x80; |
| parentObj.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08) ? 0x400 : 0; |
| parentObj.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = ((data & 0x04) == 0); |
| parentObj.gfxSpriteShow = ((data & 0x02) == 0x02); |
| parentObj.BGPriorityEnabled = ((data & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.priorityFlaggingPathRebuild(); //Special case the priority flagging as an optimization. |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF40] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x41] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF41] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40); |
| parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20); |
| parentObj.mode1TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10); |
| parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] = data & 0x78; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x46] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF46] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF46] = data; |
| if (data < 0xE0) { |
| data <<= 8; |
| address = 0xFE00; |
| var stat = parentObj.modeSTAT; |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 0; |
| var newData = 0; |
| do { |
| newData = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| if (newData != parentObj.memory[address]) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = stat; |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 0; |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = newData; |
| break; |
| } |
| } while (++address < 0xFEA0); |
| if (address < 0xFEA0) { |
| do { |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| } while (address < 0xFEA0); |
| } |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = stat; |
| } |
| } |
| //KEY1 |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4D] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] = (data & 0x7F) | (parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] & 0x80); |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4F] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.currVRAMBank = data & 0x01; |
| if (parentObj.currVRAMBank > 0) { |
| parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank = parentObj.BGCHRBank2; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank = parentObj.BGCHRBank1; |
| } |
| //Only writable by GBC. |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x51] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF51] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF51] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x52] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF52] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF52] = data & 0xF0; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x53] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF53] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF53] = data & 0x1F; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x54] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF54] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF54] = data & 0xF0; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x55] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF55] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) { |
| if ((data & 0x80) == 0) { |
| //DMA |
| parentObj.DMAWrite((data & 0x7F) + 1); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = 0xFF; //Transfer completed. |
| } |
| else { |
| //H-Blank DMA |
| parentObj.hdmaRunning = true; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = data & 0x7F; |
| } |
| } |
| else if ((data & 0x80) == 0) { |
| //Stop H-Blank DMA |
| parentObj.hdmaRunning = false; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF55] |= 0x80; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = data & 0x7F; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x68] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF68] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF69] = parentObj.gbcBGRawPalette[data & 0x3F]; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF68] = data; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x69] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF69] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.updateGBCBGPalette(parentObj.memory[0xFF68] & 0x3F, data); |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF68] > 0x7F) { // high bit = autoincrement |
| var next = ((parentObj.memory[0xFF68] + 1) & 0x3F); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF68] = (next | 0x80); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF69] = parentObj.gbcBGRawPalette[next]; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF69] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6A] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF6B] = parentObj.gbcOBJRawPalette[data & 0x3F]; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] = data; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6B] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.updateGBCOBJPalette(parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] & 0x3F, data); |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] > 0x7F) { // high bit = autoincrement |
| var next = ((parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] + 1) & 0x3F); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] = (next | 0x80); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF6B] = parentObj.gbcOBJRawPalette[next]; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF6B] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| //SVBK |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x70] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF70] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| var addressCheck = (parentObj.memory[0xFF51] << 8) | parentObj.memory[0xFF52]; //Cannot change the RAM bank while WRAM is the source of a running HDMA. |
| if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning || addressCheck < 0xD000 || addressCheck >= 0xE000) { |
| parentObj.gbcRamBank = Math.max(data & 0x07, 1); //Bank range is from 1-7 |
| parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition = ((parentObj.gbcRamBank - 1) << 12) - 0xD000; |
| parentObj.gbcRamBankPositionECHO = parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition - 0x2000; |
| } |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF70] = data; //Bit 6 cannot be written to. |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x74] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF74] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF74] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //Fill in the GameBoy Color I/O registers as normal RAM for GameBoy compatibility: |
| //SC (Serial Transfer Control Register) |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x2] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (((data & 0x1) == 0x1)) { |
| //Internal clock: |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = (data & 0x7F); |
| parentObj.serialTimer = 4096; //Set the Serial IRQ counter. |
| parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = 512; //Set the transfer data shift counter. |
| } |
| else { |
| //External clock: |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = data; |
| parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = parentObj.serialTimer = 0; //Zero the timers, since we're emulating as if nothing is connected. |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x40] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF40] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF40] != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| var temp_var = (data > 0x7F); |
| if (temp_var != parentObj.LCDisOn) { |
| //When the display mode changes... |
| parentObj.LCDisOn = temp_var; |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x78; |
| parentObj.midScanlineOffset = -1; |
| parentObj.totalLinesPassed = parentObj.currentX = parentObj.queuedScanLines = parentObj.lastUnrenderedLine = parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.LCDTicks = parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0; |
| if (parentObj.LCDisOn) { |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 2; |
| parentObj.matchLYC(); //Get the compare of the first scan line. |
| parentObj.LCDCONTROL = parentObj.LINECONTROL; |
| } |
| else { |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 0; |
| parentObj.DisplayShowOff(); |
| } |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested &= 0xFD; |
| } |
| parentObj.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) ? 0x400 : 0; |
| parentObj.gfxWindowDisplay = (data & 0x20) == 0x20; |
| parentObj.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10) ? 0 : 0x80; |
| parentObj.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08) ? 0x400 : 0; |
| parentObj.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = ((data & 0x04) == 0); |
| parentObj.gfxSpriteShow = (data & 0x02) == 0x02; |
| parentObj.bgEnabled = ((data & 0x01) == 0x01); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF40] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x41] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF41] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40); |
| parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20); |
| parentObj.mode1TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10); |
| parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF41] = data & 0x78; |
| if ((!parentObj.usedBootROM || !parentObj.usedGBCBootROM) && parentObj.LCDisOn && parentObj.modeSTAT < 2) { |
| parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2; |
| parentObj.checkIRQMatching(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x46] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF46] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF46] = data; |
| if (data > 0x7F && data < 0xE0) { //DMG cannot DMA from the ROM banks. |
| data <<= 8; |
| address = 0xFE00; |
| var stat = parentObj.modeSTAT; |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 0; |
| var newData = 0; |
| do { |
| newData = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| if (newData != parentObj.memory[address]) { |
| //JIT the graphics render queue: |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = stat; |
| parentObj.graphicsJIT(); |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = 0; |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = newData; |
| break; |
| } |
| } while (++address < 0xFEA0); |
| if (address < 0xFEA0) { |
| do { |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++); |
| } while (address < 0xFEA0); |
| } |
| parentObj.modeSTAT = stat; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x47] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF47] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF47] != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.updateGBBGPalette(data); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF47] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x48] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF48] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF48] != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.updateGBOBJPalette(0, data); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF48] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x49] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF49] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.memory[0xFF49] != data) { |
| parentObj.midScanLineJIT(); |
| parentObj.updateGBOBJPalette(4, data); |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF49] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4D] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] = data; |
| } |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x4F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4F] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; //Not writable in DMG mode. |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x55] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF55] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x68] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF68] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x69] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF69] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6A] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6B] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6C] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x70] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF70] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x74] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF74] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.recompileBootIOWriteHandling = function () { |
| //Boot I/O Registers: |
| if (this.inBootstrap) { |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x50] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF50] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| cout("Boot ROM reads blocked: Bootstrap process has ended.", 0); |
| parentObj.inBootstrap = false; |
| parentObj.disableBootROM(); //Fill in the boot ROM ranges with ROM bank 0 ROM ranges |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF50] = data; //Bits are sustained in memory? |
| } |
| if (this.cGBC) { |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x6C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6C] = function (parentObj, address, data) { |
| if (parentObj.inBootstrap) { |
| parentObj.cGBC = ((data & 0x1) == 0); |
| //Exception to the GBC identifying code: |
| if (parentObj.name + parentObj.gameCode + parentObj.ROM[0x143] == "Game and Watch 50") { |
| parentObj.cGBC = true; |
| cout("Created a boot exception for Game and Watch Gallery 2 (GBC ID byte is wrong on the cartridge).", 1); |
| } |
| cout("Booted to GBC Mode: " + parentObj.cGBC, 0); |
| } |
| parentObj.memory[0xFF6C] = data; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| //Lockout the ROMs from accessing the BOOT ROM control register: |
| this.memoryHighWriter[0x50] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF50] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; |
| } |
| } |
| //Helper Functions |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.toTypedArray = function (baseArray, memtype) { |
| try { |
| // The following line was modified for benchmarking: |
| if (settings[5] || (memtype != "float32" && GameBoyWindow.opera && this.checkForOperaMathBug())) { |
| return baseArray; |
| } |
| if (!baseArray || !baseArray.length) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| var length = baseArray.length; |
| switch (memtype) { |
| case "uint8": |
| var typedArrayTemp = new Uint8Array(length); |
| break; |
| case "int8": |
| var typedArrayTemp = new Int8Array(length); |
| break; |
| case "int32": |
| var typedArrayTemp = new Int32Array(length); |
| break; |
| case "float32": |
| var typedArrayTemp = new Float32Array(length); |
| } |
| for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { |
| typedArrayTemp[index] = baseArray[index]; |
| } |
| return typedArrayTemp; |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not convert an array to a typed array: " + error.message, 1); |
| return baseArray; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.fromTypedArray = function (baseArray) { |
| try { |
| if (!baseArray || !baseArray.length) { |
| return []; |
| } |
| var arrayTemp = []; |
| for (var index = 0; index < baseArray.length; ++index) { |
| arrayTemp[index] = baseArray[index]; |
| } |
| return arrayTemp; |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Conversion from a typed array failed: " + error.message, 1); |
| return baseArray; |
| } |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.getTypedArray = function (length, defaultValue, numberType) { |
| try { |
| if (settings[5]) { |
| throw(new Error("")); |
| } |
| // The following line was modified for benchmarking: |
| if (numberType != "float32" && GameBoyWindow.opera && this.checkForOperaMathBug()) { |
| //Caught Opera breaking typed array math: |
| throw(new Error("")); |
| } |
| switch (numberType) { |
| case "int8": |
| var arrayHandle = new Int8Array(length); |
| break; |
| case "uint8": |
| var arrayHandle = new Uint8Array(length); |
| break; |
| case "int32": |
| var arrayHandle = new Int32Array(length); |
| break; |
| case "float32": |
| var arrayHandle = new Float32Array(length); |
| } |
| if (defaultValue != 0) { |
| var index = 0; |
| while (index < length) { |
| arrayHandle[index++] = defaultValue; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not convert an array to a typed array: " + error.message, 1); |
| var arrayHandle = []; |
| var index = 0; |
| while (index < length) { |
| arrayHandle[index++] = defaultValue; |
| } |
| } |
| return arrayHandle; |
| } |
| GameBoyCore.prototype.checkForOperaMathBug = function () { |
| var testTypedArray = new Uint8Array(1); |
| testTypedArray[0] = -1; |
| testTypedArray[0] >>= 0; |
| if (testTypedArray[0] != 0xFF) { |
| cout("Detected faulty math by your browser.", 2); |
| return true; |
| } |
| else { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // End of js/GameBoyCore.js file. |
| |
| // Start of js/GameBoyIO.js file. |
| |
| "use strict"; |
| var gameboy = null; //GameBoyCore object. |
| var gbRunInterval = null; //GameBoyCore Timer |
| var settings = [ //Some settings. |
| true, //Turn on sound. |
| false, //Boot with boot ROM first? (set to false for benchmarking) |
| false, //Give priority to GameBoy mode |
| [39, 37, 38, 40, 88, 90, 16, 13], //Keyboard button map. |
| true, //Colorize GB mode? |
| false, //Disallow typed arrays? |
| 4, //Interval for the emulator loop. |
| 15, //Audio buffer minimum span amount over x interpreter iterations. |
| 30, //Audio buffer maximum span amount over x interpreter iterations. |
| false, //Override to allow for MBC1 instead of ROM only (compatibility for broken 3rd-party cartridges). |
| false, //Override MBC RAM disabling and always allow reading and writing to the banks. |
| false, //Use the GameBoy boot ROM instead of the GameBoy Color boot ROM. |
| false, //Scale the canvas in JS, or let the browser scale the canvas? |
| 0x10, //Internal audio buffer pre-interpolation factor. |
| 1 //Volume level set. |
| ]; |
| function start(canvas, ROM) { |
| clearLastEmulation(); |
| autoSave(); //If we are about to load a new game, then save the last one... |
| gameboy = new GameBoyCore(canvas, ROM); |
| gameboy.openMBC = openSRAM; |
| gameboy.openRTC = openRTC; |
| gameboy.start(); |
| run(); |
| } |
| function run() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| if (!GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) { |
| gameboy.stopEmulator &= 1; |
| cout("Starting the iterator.", 0); |
| var dateObj = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking. |
| gameboy.firstIteration = dateObj.getTime(); |
| gameboy.iterations = 0; |
| // The following lines are commented out for benchmarking. |
| // gbRunInterval = setInterval(function () { |
| // if (!document.hidden && !document.msHidden && !document.mozHidden && !document.webkitHidden) { |
| // gameboy.run(); |
| // } |
| // }, settings[6]); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("The GameBoy core is already running.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("GameBoy core cannot run while it has not been initialized.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| function pause() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) { |
| clearLastEmulation(); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("GameBoy core has already been paused.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("GameBoy core cannot be paused while it has not been initialized.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| function clearLastEmulation() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) { |
| clearInterval(gbRunInterval); |
| gameboy.stopEmulator |= 2; |
| cout("The previous emulation has been cleared.", 0); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("No previous emulation was found to be cleared.", 0); |
| } |
| } |
| function save() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| try { |
| var state_suffix = 0; |
| while (findValue("FREEZE_" + gameboy.name + "_" + state_suffix) != null) { |
| state_suffix++; |
| } |
| setValue("FREEZE_" + gameboy.name + "_" + state_suffix, gameboy.saveState()); |
| cout("Saved the current state as: FREEZE_" + gameboy.name + "_" + state_suffix, 0); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not save the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| function saveSRAM() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| if (gameboy.cBATT) { |
| try { |
| var sram = gameboy.saveSRAMState(); |
| if (sram.length > 0) { |
| cout("Saving the SRAM...", 0); |
| if (findValue("SRAM_" + gameboy.name) != null) { |
| //Remove the outdated storage format save: |
| cout("Deleting the old SRAM save due to outdated format.", 0); |
| deleteValue("SRAM_" + gameboy.name); |
| } |
| setValue("B64_SRAM_" + gameboy.name, arrayToBase64(sram)); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("SRAM could not be saved because it was empty.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not save the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Cannot save a game that does not have battery backed SRAM specified.", 1); |
| } |
| saveRTC(); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| function saveRTC() { //Execute this when SRAM is being saved as well. |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| if (gameboy.cTIMER) { |
| try { |
| cout("Saving the RTC...", 0); |
| setValue("RTC_" + gameboy.name, gameboy.saveRTCState()); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not save the RTC of the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1); |
| } |
| } |
| function autoSave() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| cout("Automatically saving the SRAM.", 0); |
| saveSRAM(); |
| saveRTC(); |
| } |
| } |
| function openSRAM(filename) { |
| try { |
| if (findValue("B64_SRAM_" + filename) != null) { |
| cout("Found a previous SRAM state (Will attempt to load).", 0); |
| return base64ToArray(findValue("B64_SRAM_" + filename)); |
| } |
| else if (findValue("SRAM_" + filename) != null) { |
| cout("Found a previous SRAM state (Will attempt to load).", 0); |
| return findValue("SRAM_" + filename); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Could not find any previous SRAM copy for the current ROM.", 0); |
| } |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not open the SRAM of the saved emulation state.", 2); |
| } |
| return []; |
| } |
| function openRTC(filename) { |
| try { |
| if (findValue("RTC_" + filename) != null) { |
| cout("Found a previous RTC state (Will attempt to load).", 0); |
| return findValue("RTC_" + filename); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Could not find any previous RTC copy for the current ROM.", 0); |
| } |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not open the RTC data of the saved emulation state.", 2); |
| } |
| return []; |
| } |
| function openState(filename, canvas) { |
| try { |
| if (findValue(filename) != null) { |
| try { |
| clearLastEmulation(); |
| cout("Attempting to run a saved emulation state.", 0); |
| gameboy = new GameBoyCore(canvas, ""); |
| gameboy.savedStateFileName = filename; |
| gameboy.returnFromState(findValue(filename)); |
| run(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| alert(error.message + " file: " + error.fileName + " line: " + error.lineNumber); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Could not find the save state " + filename + "\".", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| catch (error) { |
| cout("Could not open the saved emulation state.", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| function import_save(blobData) { |
| blobData = decodeBlob(blobData); |
| if (blobData && blobData.blobs) { |
| if (blobData.blobs.length > 0) { |
| for (var index = 0; index < blobData.blobs.length; ++index) { |
| cout("Importing blob \"" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID + "\"", 0); |
| if (blobData.blobs[index].blobContent) { |
| if (blobData.blobs[index].blobID.substring(0, 5) == "SRAM_") { |
| setValue("B64_" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID, base64(blobData.blobs[index].blobContent)); |
| } |
| else { |
| setValue(blobData.blobs[index].blobID, JSON.parse(blobData.blobs[index].blobContent)); |
| } |
| } |
| else if (blobData.blobs[index].blobID) { |
| cout("Save file imported had blob \"" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID + "\" with no blob data interpretable.", 2); |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Blob chunk information missing completely.", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Could not decode the imported file.", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Could not decode the imported file.", 2); |
| } |
| } |
| function generateBlob(keyName, encodedData) { |
| //Append the file format prefix: |
| var saveString = "EMULATOR_DATA"; |
| var consoleID = "GameBoy"; |
| //Figure out the length: |
| var totalLength = (saveString.length + 4 + (1 + consoleID.length)) + ((1 + keyName.length) + (4 + encodedData.length)); |
| //Append the total length in bytes: |
| saveString += to_little_endian_dword(totalLength); |
| //Append the console ID text's length: |
| saveString += to_byte(consoleID.length); |
| //Append the console ID text: |
| saveString += consoleID; |
| //Append the blob ID: |
| saveString += to_byte(keyName.length); |
| saveString += keyName; |
| //Now append the save data: |
| saveString += to_little_endian_dword(encodedData.length); |
| saveString += encodedData; |
| return saveString; |
| } |
| function generateMultiBlob(blobPairs) { |
| var consoleID = "GameBoy"; |
| //Figure out the initial length: |
| var totalLength = 13 + 4 + 1 + consoleID.length; |
| //Append the console ID text's length: |
| var saveString = to_byte(consoleID.length); |
| //Append the console ID text: |
| saveString += consoleID; |
| var keyName = ""; |
| var encodedData = ""; |
| //Now append all the blobs: |
| for (var index = 0; index < blobPairs.length; ++index) { |
| keyName = blobPairs[index][0]; |
| encodedData = blobPairs[index][1]; |
| //Append the blob ID: |
| saveString += to_byte(keyName.length); |
| saveString += keyName; |
| //Now append the save data: |
| saveString += to_little_endian_dword(encodedData.length); |
| saveString += encodedData; |
| //Update the total length: |
| totalLength += 1 + keyName.length + 4 + encodedData.length; |
| } |
| //Now add the prefix: |
| saveString = "EMULATOR_DATA" + to_little_endian_dword(totalLength) + saveString; |
| return saveString; |
| } |
| function decodeBlob(blobData) { |
| /*Format is as follows: |
| - 13 byte string "EMULATOR_DATA" |
| - 4 byte total size (including these 4 bytes). |
| - 1 byte Console type ID length |
| - Console type ID text of 8 bit size |
| blobs { |
| - 1 byte blob ID length |
| - blob ID text (Used to say what the data is (SRAM/freeze state/etc...)) |
| - 4 byte blob length |
| - blob length of 32 bit size |
| } |
| */ |
| var length = blobData.length; |
| var blobProperties = {}; |
| blobProperties.consoleID = null; |
| var blobsCount = -1; |
| blobProperties.blobs = []; |
| if (length > 17) { |
| if (blobData.substring(0, 13) == "EMULATOR_DATA") { |
| var length = Math.min(((blobData.charCodeAt(16) & 0xFF) << 24) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(15) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(14) & 0xFF) << 8) | (blobData.charCodeAt(13) & 0xFF), length); |
| var consoleIDLength = blobData.charCodeAt(17) & 0xFF; |
| if (length > 17 + consoleIDLength) { |
| blobProperties.consoleID = blobData.substring(18, 18 + consoleIDLength); |
| var blobIDLength = 0; |
| var blobLength = 0; |
| for (var index = 18 + consoleIDLength; index < length;) { |
| blobIDLength = blobData.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF; |
| if (index + blobIDLength < length) { |
| blobProperties.blobs[++blobsCount] = {}; |
| blobProperties.blobs[blobsCount].blobID = blobData.substring(index, index + blobIDLength); |
| index += blobIDLength; |
| if (index + 4 < length) { |
| blobLength = ((blobData.charCodeAt(index + 3) & 0xFF) << 24) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(index + 2) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(index + 1) & 0xFF) << 8) | (blobData.charCodeAt(index) & 0xFF); |
| index += 4; |
| if (index + blobLength <= length) { |
| blobProperties.blobs[blobsCount].blobContent = blobData.substring(index, index + blobLength); |
| index += blobLength; |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Blob length check failed, blob determined to be incomplete.", 2); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Blob was incomplete, bailing out.", 2); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| cout("Blob was incomplete, bailing out.", 2); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return blobProperties; |
| } |
| function matchKey(key) { //Maps a keyboard key to a gameboy key. |
| //Order: Right, Left, Up, Down, A, B, Select, Start |
| for (var index = 0; index < settings[3].length; index++) { |
| if (settings[3][index] == key) { |
| return index; |
| } |
| } |
| return -1; |
| } |
| function GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() { |
| return (typeof gameboy == "object" && gameboy != null); |
| } |
| function GameBoyEmulatorPlaying() { |
| return ((gameboy.stopEmulator & 2) == 0); |
| } |
| function GameBoyKeyDown(e) { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) { |
| var keycode = matchKey(e.keyCode); |
| if (keycode >= 0 && keycode < 8) { |
| gameboy.JoyPadEvent(keycode, true); |
| try { |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| function GameBoyKeyUp(e) { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) { |
| var keycode = matchKey(e.keyCode); |
| if (keycode >= 0 && keycode < 8) { |
| gameboy.JoyPadEvent(keycode, false); |
| try { |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| function GameBoyGyroSignalHandler(e) { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) { |
| if (e.gamma || e.beta) { |
| gameboy.GyroEvent(e.gamma * Math.PI / 180, e.beta * Math.PI / 180); |
| } |
| else { |
| gameboy.GyroEvent(e.x, e.y); |
| } |
| try { |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| catch (error) { } |
| } |
| } |
| //The emulator will call this to sort out the canvas properties for (re)initialization. |
| function initNewCanvas() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| gameboy.canvas.width = gameboy.canvas.clientWidth; |
| gameboy.canvas.height = gameboy.canvas.clientHeight; |
| } |
| } |
| //Call this when resizing the canvas: |
| function initNewCanvasSize() { |
| if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) { |
| if (!settings[12]) { |
| if (gameboy.onscreenWidth != 160 || gameboy.onscreenHeight != 144) { |
| gameboy.initLCD(); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| if (gameboy.onscreenWidth != gameboy.canvas.clientWidth || gameboy.onscreenHeight != gameboy.canvas.clientHeight) { |
| gameboy.initLCD(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // End of js/GameBoyIO.js file. |
| |
| // Start of realtime.js file. |
| // ROM code from Public Domain LPC2000 Demo "realtime" by AGO. |
| |
| gameboy_rom='r+BPyZiEZwA+AeBPySAobeEq6gAgKlYj5WJv6SRmZjjhKuXqACDJ/////////////////////////////////xgHZwCYhGcA2fX6/3/1xdXlIRPKNgHN9f/h0cHx6gAg+hLKtyAC8cnwgLcoF/CC7hjgUT6Q4FOv4FLgVOCAPv/gVfHZ8IG3IALx2fBA7gjgQA8PD+YB7gHgT/CC4FHuEOCCPojgU6/gUuBU4IE+/uBV4ID6NMs86jTL8dkKCgoKbWFkZSBieSBhZ28uIGVtYWlsOmdvYnV6b3ZAeWFob28uY29tCnVybDogc3BlY2N5LmRhLnJ1CgoKCv///////wDDSgnO7WZmzA0ACwNzAIMADAANAAgRH4iJAA7czG7m3d3Zmbu7Z2NuDuzM3dyZn7u5Mz5BR08nUyBSRUFMVElNRSCAAAAAAgEDADMBSTQeIUD/y37I8P/1y4fg//BE/pEg+su+8eD/yT7A4EY+KD0g/cnF1eWvEQPK1RITEhMGAyEAyuXFTgYAIWAMCQkqEhMqEhPB4SMFIOrhrwYIzYsU4dHByf////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////8AAgMFBggJCwwOEBETFBYXGBobHR4fISIjJSYnKSorLC0uLzAxMjM0NTY3ODg5Ojo7PDw9PT4+Pj8/Pz9AQEBAQEBAQEBAPz8/Pz4+PT08PDs7Ojk5ODc2NTU0MzIxMC8uLCsqKSgmJSQjISAfHRwaGRcWFRMSEA8NCwoIBwUEAgH//fz6+ff29PPx8O7t6+ro5+Xk4uHg3t3c2tnY19bU09LR0M/OzczLysnJyMfGxsXFxMPDw8LCwcHBwcDAwMDAwMDAwMDBwcHBwsLDw8PExcXGxsfIycnKy8zNzs/Q0dLT1NXX2Nna3N3e4OHi5OXn6Onr7O7v8fL09vf5+vz9AAEECRAZJDFAUWR5kKnE4QAhRGmQueQRQHGk2RBJhMEAQYTJEFmk8UCR5DmQ6UShAGHEKZD5ZNFAsSSZEIkEgQCBBIkQmSSxQNFk+ZApxGEAoUTpkDnkkUDxpFkQyYRBAMGESRDZpHFAEeS5kGlEIQDhxKmQeWRRQDEkGRAJBAEAAQQJEBkkMUBRZHmQqcThACFEaZC55BFAcaTZEEmEwQBBhMkQWaTxQJHkOZDpRKEAYcQpkPlk0UCxJJkQiQSBAIEEiRCZJLFA0WT5kCnEYQChROmQOeSRQPGkWRDJhEEAwYRJENmkcUAR5LmQaUQhAOHEqZB5ZFFAMSQZEAkEAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAQEBAQEBAgICAgIDAwMDBAQEBAUFBQUGBgYHBwcICAkJCQoKCgsLDAwNDQ4ODw8QEBEREhITExQUFRUWFxcYGRkaGhscHB0eHh8gISEiIyQkJSYnJygpKisrLC0uLzAxMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ojs8PT4/QEFCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1FSU1RVVldZWltcXV9gYWJkZWZnaWprbG5vcHJzdHZ3eXp7fX5/gYKEhYeIiouNjpCRk5SWl5manJ2foKKkpaepqqytr7GytLa3ubu9vsDCxMXHycvMztDS1NXX2dvd3+Hi5Obo6uzu8PL09vj6/P4A//z38Ofcz8CvnIdwVzwfAN+8l3BHHO/Aj1wn8Ld8PwC/fDfwp1wPwG8cx3AXvF8AnzzXcAecL8BP3Gfwd/x/AH/8d/Bn3E/AL5wHcNc8nwBfvBdwxxxvwA9cp/A3fL8AP3y38Cdcj8DvHEdwl7zfAB88V3CHnK/Az9zn8Pf8/wD//Pfw59zPwK+ch3BXPB8A37yXcEcc78CPXCfwt3w/AL98N/CnXA/AbxzHcBe8XwCfPNdwB5wvwE/cZ/B3/H8Af/x38GfcT8AvnAdw1zyfAF+8F3DHHG/AD1yn8Dd8vwA/fLfwJ1yPwO8cR3CXvN8AHzxXcIecr8DP3Ofw9/z/AP/////////////////////+/v7+/v79/f39/fz8/Pz8+/v7+vr6+vn5+fj4+Pf39/b29fX19PTz8/Ly8fHw8PDv7u7t7ezs6+vq6uno6Ofn5uXl5OPj4uHh4N/e3t3c3Nva2djY19bV1NTT0tHQz8/OzczLysnIx8bFxMPCwcDAvr28u7q5uLe2tbSzsrGwr62sq6qpqKalpKOioJ+enZyamZiWlZSTkZCPjYyLiYiHhYSCgYB+fXt6eHd1dHJxcG5sa2loZmVjYmBfXVtaWFdVU1JQTk1LSUhGREJBPz08Ojg2NDMxLy0rKigmJCIgHx0bGRcVExEPDQsJBwUDAf9/Px8PBwMBgEAgEAgEAgEAAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEA//////////////+AEAcAAQABAAEBAAEBAAEA/wD//wD//wD/AP+AKwcBAAEAAQD/AP8A/wD/AP8A/wABAAEAAQCARgcBAQEBAQD//////////////wABAQEBAQGAYQf///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////+AwODw+Pz+/xEAwAGxwj4E9cU+BfUKbwMKZ37+gCALI34LAiN+AwILGOsahhIDHBwcHPE9IN7BIRAAGVRdPgX1Cm8DCmcalhIjfAILfQIDAx0dHR3xPSDnIRgAGVRd8T0grskRAcAB6cI+BPUKbwMKZ37+gCALI34LAiN+AwILGOs+CvUahhIcHBwc8T0g9CN8Agt9AgMD8T0g0MkgIEZJTExFRCAgIFBPTFlHT05TIEhFTElDT1BURVJJTiBBQ1RJT04gIQDADgpwLHQsGhPWICI2ACwNIPE+oOoQyngBCQDlYmsJVF3hDMYKR3AsdCwaG9YgIjYALA0g8a/qEcrJ+hDK/jDI1gTqEMpHPqCQ/lA4Aj5QDgAM1ggw+3ghAcARBAB3xggZDSD5+hHKg+oRykf+UDgCPlAOAAzWCDD7eC4td9YIGQ0g+ckh9grzMf/PzVABr+Am4P/gD+BD4EL2SOBFPkDgQT4E4AfN9RM+CuoAAA4HeeBwJqCvIstsKPsNIPIh/v8yy30g+wEKABH1/yFpAc3kE+cCAVYAEQDBIVt2zeQTrwYYIWsOzYsUIYsOzaQUxwGwAxEAgCGhF8XlzeQT4cERAIjN5BMhAJgRAwABYMDHcc9yIwUg+BQdIPHN9RMhuxUGAc2WE82JEz5E4EGv4EU+A+D/+z4B6hLK4E0QAAB4zccTBSD6zZATxwEACFkhAIhzIwt4sSD5IQDHPv9FdyRwJCJ3JXclcCwg8x5/IQCYx3PPNgDL1DYIx3PLlCPLVCjuPoABDxARIAAhIpjF5XfL1HfLlDwZDSD1POEswQUg7D486jPLr+o0yz3qL8s+oOCCPgLqG8vNiRM+ROBBr+BFPgPg/68+ACEXyyI+CiI+IHev6h7L4ITgluodyz4B6h/L6g/D6g3KBlARnAjNxAjNcwsBLAHFzTsLzQAJwQt4sSDzzZATxwEACFkhAIhzIwt4sSD5zfUTeQYQIYMOzYsUPv/qKcsGgBGwCM3ECM2JEwEsAcXNbAzNAAnBC3ixIPOv6hLKzZATPpDgU/PHAbADEQCIIaEXzeQTzfUTIQIWBgHNlhPNiRM+ROBBr+BFPgPg//sY/j4D6gAgzcRGBgMhF8t+gCJ+gDwifoB3zckP+jDLb/oxy2fNtgs+AeCB8IG3IPv6Dcq3KAPNcwHJ+h3LBgARTg2Hb2AZKmZvTgkq4ItfKjzgjD1PKuCNe4eHg0cRAMUqEhwFIPp5h4eBRxEAxCoSHAUg+n3qMMt86jHLyfCL4I7wjOCP8I3gkBEAw9XlzcoQ4dHwpeaAEhwBAwAJ8JA94JAg6CEAxQYPKk+gXxq3IB95yzegXxq3IBYqT6BfGrcgD3nLN6BfGrcgBiwsLBhHLOXNyhDwlrcoKwYB8KXGP0/LfygBBcXwpMY/Vx4AzZMOe8H18KPGP1ceAM2TDsHhJCJwGAzhJPCjxj8i8KTGPyIsJRbDBg/wjj3gjsLiCz4C6gAgw1JhfBjcHwAL7mpIYL9vBgMhF8t+gCJ+gDwifoB3zckPIcsNEQDGzf4MI+U+A+oAICEgy83+DPocy9YIb+ocy82vYAYDESDLIWIOxeXVzcoQ4fCjxhQi8KQiNg8jVF3hIyMjwQUg5M3ERsE+AeoAIAr+/ygiEQDGbyYAKRnlAwoDbyYAKRleI1bhKmZvxc0xHMwAQMEY2T4B4IHwgbcg+8l+PMjl1c3KEAYB8KVPy38oAQXF8KTLf/UoAi88Vx4AzZMO8XsgAi88xn/B9fCjy3/1KAIvPFceAM2TDvF7KAIvPMZ/wdESE3gSE+EjIyMYsFANAgAIDAYCRCgoFANEKAAUE0QAABQSRAAoFAJVKCjsA1UoAOwTVQAA7BJVACjsAAAEBQAAAAEFAAEBAwIGAQEDBwYCAgAHAwICAAcEAwMBAgYDAwEFBgQEAAECBAQAAwIFBQQFBgUFBAcGMgAAzgAAADIAAM4AAAAyAADOKAAAHhEAChEAAAAACu8AHu8AFAAKFAD2FAAPCgAF6AAC4gAQ3gAQ4gD+CgD74g4C3Q4C4QAC4vIC3fIC4AAM4PsM4PsQ4/sJ3fsJ/wABAQICAwMEBAUFAAAGAQYCBgMGBAYFBgAHAQcCBwMHBAcFBwYICQoKCwsMDA0NDgoPDxAQEQoSEhMTERQVFRYVFxUYCBkIGggb/yAAD/AbD/DlD/9//3+XEQAAAGD/f5cRAAAYAP9/lxEAAIB8lxH/f/9/QHz/f18IAADLI8sSeC9HeS9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| // End of realtime.js file. |