blob: cebd087dc3da95f7abef5c72a9c5c26d51015797 [file] [log] [blame]
;;; android-common.el --- Common functions/variables to dev Android in Emacs.
;; Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
;;; Commentary:
;; Variables to customize and common functions for the Android build
;; support in Emacs.
;; There should be no interactive function in this module.
;; You need to have a proper file in your root directory
;; for this module to work (see $TOP/build/
;; If the path the product's files/image uses an a product alias, you
;; need to add a mapping in `android-product-alias-map'. For instance
;; if TARGET_PRODUCT is foo but the build directory is out/target/product/bar,
;; you need to add a mapping Target:foo -> Alias:bar
;;; Code:
(defgroup android nil
"Support for android development in Emacs."
:prefix "android-" ; Currently unused.
:tag "Android"
:group 'tools)
(defcustom android-compilation-jobs 2
"Number of jobs used to do a compilation (-j option of make)."
:type 'integer
:group 'android)
(defcustom android-compilation-no-buildenv-warning t
"If not nil, suppress warnings from the build env (Makefile,
bash) from the compilation output since they interfere with
:type 'boolean
:group 'android)
(defcustom android-product-alias-map nil
"Alist between product targets (declared in and actual
product build directory used by `android-product'.
For instance if TARGET_PRODUCT is 'foo' but the build directory
is 'out/target/product/bar', you need to add a mapping Target:foo -> Alias:bar."
:type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Target")
(string :tag "Alias")))
:group 'android)
(defconst android-output-buffer-name "*Android Output*"
"Name of the default buffer for the output of the commands.
There is only one instance of such a buffer.")
(defun android-find-build-tree-root ()
"Ascend the current path until the root of the android build tree is found.
Similarly to the shell functions in, for the root both ./Makefile
and ./build/core/ are exiting files.
Return the root of the build tree. Signal an error if not found."
(let ((default-directory default-directory))
(while (and (> (length default-directory) 2)
(not (file-exists-p (concat default-directory
(not (file-exists-p (concat default-directory
(setq default-directory
(substring default-directory 0
(string-match "[^/]+/$" default-directory))))
(if (> (length default-directory) 2)
(error "Not in a valid android tree"))))
(defun android-project-p ()
"Return nil if not in an android build tree."
(condition-case nil
(error nil)))
(defun android-host ()
"Return the <system>-<arch> string (e.g linux-x86).
Only linux and darwin on x86 architectures are supported."
(or (string-match "x86" system-configuration)
(string-match "i386" system-configuration)
(error "Unknown arch"))
(or (and (string-match "darwin" system-configuration) "darwin-x86")
(and (string-match "linux" system-configuration) "linux-x86")
(error "Unknown system")))
(defun android-product ()
"Return the product built according to the
You must have file in the top directory.
Additional product aliases can be listed in `android-product-alias-map'
if the product actually built is different from the one listed
(let* ((buildspec (concat (android-find-build-tree-root) ""))
(product (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect buildspec)
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "TARGET_PRODUCT:=")
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point)
(scan-sexps (point) 1))))
(alias (assoc product android-product-alias-map)))
; Post processing, adjust the names.
(if (not alias)
(nth 1 alias)))))
(defun android-product-path ()
"Return the full path to the product directory.
Additional product aliases can be added in `android-product-alias-map'
if the product actually built is different from the one listed
(let ((path (concat (android-find-build-tree-root) "out/target/product/"
(when (not (file-exists-p path))
(error (format "%s does not exist. If product %s maps to another one,
add an entry to android-product-map." path (android-product))))
(defun android-find-host-bin (binary)
"Return the full path to the host BINARY.
Binaries don't depend on the device, just on the host type.
Try first to locate BINARY in the out/host tree. Fallback using
the shell exec PATH setup."
(if (android-project-p)
(let ((path (concat (android-find-build-tree-root) "out/host/"
(android-host) "/bin/" binary)))
(if (file-exists-p path)
(error (concat binary " is missing."))))
(executable-find binary)))
(defun android-adb ()
"Return the path to the adb executable.
If not in the build tree use the PATH env variable."
(android-find-host-bin "adb"))
(defun android-fastboot ()
"Return the path to the fastboot executable.
If not in the build tree use the PATH env variable."
; For fastboot -p is the name of the product, *not* the full path to
; its directory like adb requests sometimes.
(concat (android-find-host-bin "fastboot") " -p " (android-product)))
(defun android-adb-command (command &optional product)
"Execute 'adb COMMAND'.
If the optional PRODUCT is not nil, -p (android-product-path) is used
when adb is invoked."
(when (get-buffer android-output-buffer-name)
(with-current-buffer android-output-buffer-name
(if product
(shell-command (concat (android-adb) " -p " (android-product-path)
" " command)
(shell-command (concat (android-adb) " " command)
(defun android-adb-shell-command (command)
"Execute 'adb shell COMMAND'."
(android-adb-command (concat " shell " command)
(provide 'android-common)
;;; android-common.el ends here