blob: a59a631d800a7a879c40d4d7fd44db54447570d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @fileoverview TimelineView visualizes TRACE_EVENT events using the
* tracing.Timeline component and adds in selection summary and control buttons.
cr.define('tracing', function() {
function tsRound(ts) {
return Math.round(ts * 1000.0) / 1000.0;
function getPadding(text, width) {
width = width || 0;
if (typeof text != 'string')
text = String(text);
if (text.length >= width)
return '';
var pad = '';
for (var i = 0; i < width - text.length; i++)
pad += ' ';
return pad;
function leftAlign(text, width) {
return text + getPadding(text, width);
function rightAlign(text, width) {
return getPadding(text, width) + text;
function getTextForSelection(selection) {
var text = '';
var sliceHits = selection.getSliceHits();
var counterSampleHits = selection.getCounterSampleHits();
if (sliceHits.length == 1) {
var c0Width = 14;
var slice = sliceHits[0].slice;
text = 'Selected item:\n';
text += leftAlign('Title', c0Width) + ': ' + slice.title + '\n';
text += leftAlign('Start', c0Width) + ': ' +
tsRound(slice.start) + ' ms\n';
text += leftAlign('Duration', c0Width) + ': ' +
tsRound(slice.duration) + ' ms\n';
if (slice.durationInUserTime)
text += leftAlign('Duration (U)', c0Width) + ': ' +
tsRound(slice.durationInUserTime) + ' ms\n';
var n = 0;
for (var argName in slice.args) {
n += 1;
if (n > 0) {
text += leftAlign('Args', c0Width) + ':\n';
for (var argName in slice.args) {
var argVal = slice.args[argName];
text += leftAlign(' ' + argName, c0Width) + ': ' + argVal + '\n';
} else if (sliceHits.length > 1) {
var c0Width = 55;
var c1Width = 12;
var c2Width = 5;
text = 'Slices:\n';
var tsLo = sliceHits.range.min;
var tsHi = sliceHits.range.max;
// compute total sliceHits duration
var titles = { return i.slice.title; });
var slicesByTitle = {};
for (var i = 0; i < sliceHits.length; i++) {
var slice = sliceHits[i].slice;
if (!slicesByTitle[slice.title])
slicesByTitle[slice.title] = {
slices: []
var totalDuration = 0;
for (var sliceGroupTitle in slicesByTitle) {
var sliceGroup = slicesByTitle[sliceGroupTitle];
var duration = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sliceGroup.slices.length; i++)
duration += sliceGroup.slices[i].duration;
totalDuration += duration;
text += ' ' +
leftAlign(sliceGroupTitle, c0Width) + ': ' +
rightAlign(tsRound(duration) + 'ms', c1Width) + ' ' +
rightAlign(String(sliceGroup.slices.length), c2Width) +
' occurrences' + '\n';
text += leftAlign('*Totals', c0Width) + ' : ' +
rightAlign(tsRound(totalDuration) + 'ms', c1Width) + ' ' +
rightAlign(String(sliceHits.length), c2Width) + ' occurrences' +
text += '\n';
text += leftAlign('Selection start', c0Width) + ' : ' +
rightAlign(tsRound(tsLo) + 'ms', c1Width) +
text += leftAlign('Selection extent', c0Width) + ' : ' +
rightAlign(tsRound(tsHi - tsLo) + 'ms', c1Width) +
if (counterSampleHits.length == 1) {
text = 'Selected counter:\n';
var c0Width = 55;
var hit = counterSampleHits[0];
var ctr = hit.counter;
var sampleIndex = hit.sampleIndex;
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ctr.numSeries; ++i)
values.push(ctr.samples[ctr.numSeries * sampleIndex + i]);
text += leftAlign('Title', c0Width) + ': ' + + '\n';
text += leftAlign('Timestamp', c0Width) + ': ' +
tsRound(ctr.timestamps[sampleIndex]) + ' ms\n';
if (ctr.numSeries > 1)
text += leftAlign('Values', c0Width) + ': ' + values.join('\n') + '\n';
text += leftAlign('Value', c0Width) + ': ' + values.join('\n') + '\n';
} else if (counterSampleHits.length > 1 && sliceHits.length == 0) {
text += 'Analysis of multiple counters not yet implemented. ' +
'Pick a single counter.';
return text;
var TimelineAnalysisView = cr.ui.define('div');
TimelineAnalysisView.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
decorate: function() {
this.className = 'timeline-analysis';
set selection(selection) {
this.textContent = getTextForSelection(selection);
return {
TimelineAnalysisView: TimelineAnalysisView,