blob: 07be5e36ff83b0e3de2d7512db98f08fabe90d10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
const int testint = 2093847192;
const std::string teststr("Hello world"); // note non-aligned string length
const std::wstring testwstr(L"Hello, world");
const char testdata[] = "AAA\0BBB\0";
const int testdatalen = arraysize(testdata) - 1;
const bool testbool1 = false;
const bool testbool2 = true;
const uint16 testuint16 = 32123;
// checks that the result
void VerifyResult(const Pickle& pickle) {
void* iter = NULL;
int outint;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &outint));
EXPECT_EQ(testint, outint);
std::string outstr;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadString(&iter, &outstr));
EXPECT_EQ(teststr, outstr);
std::wstring outwstr;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadWString(&iter, &outwstr));
EXPECT_EQ(testwstr, outwstr);
bool outbool;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &outbool));
EXPECT_EQ(testbool1, outbool);
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &outbool));
EXPECT_EQ(testbool2, outbool);
uint16 outuint16;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadUInt16(&iter, &outuint16));
EXPECT_EQ(testuint16, outuint16);
const char* outdata;
int outdatalen;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadData(&iter, &outdata, &outdatalen));
EXPECT_EQ(testdatalen, outdatalen);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(testdata, outdata, outdatalen), 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadData(&iter, &outdata, &outdatalen));
EXPECT_EQ(testdatalen, outdatalen);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(testdata, outdata, outdatalen), 0);
// reads past the end should fail
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &outint));
} // namespace
TEST(PickleTest, EncodeDecode) {
Pickle pickle;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.WriteData(testdata, testdatalen));
// Over allocate BeginWriteData so we can test TrimWriteData.
char* dest = pickle.BeginWriteData(testdatalen + 100);
memcpy(dest, testdata, testdatalen);
// test copy constructor
Pickle pickle2(pickle);
// test operator=
Pickle pickle3;
pickle3 = pickle;
// Tests that we can handle really small buffers.
TEST(PickleTest, SmallBuffer) {
scoped_array<char> buffer(new char[1]);
// We should not touch the buffer.
Pickle pickle(buffer.get(), 1);
void* iter = NULL;
int data;
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &data));
// Tests that we can handle improper headers.
TEST(PickleTest, BigSize) {
int buffer[] = { 0x56035200, 25, 40, 50 };
Pickle pickle(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer), sizeof(buffer));
void* iter = NULL;
int data;
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &data));
TEST(PickleTest, UnalignedSize) {
int buffer[] = { 10, 25, 40, 50 };
Pickle pickle(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer), sizeof(buffer));
void* iter = NULL;
int data;
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &data));
TEST(PickleTest, ZeroLenStr) {
Pickle pickle;
void* iter = NULL;
std::string outstr;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadString(&iter, &outstr));
EXPECT_EQ("", outstr);
TEST(PickleTest, ZeroLenWStr) {
Pickle pickle;
void* iter = NULL;
std::string outstr;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadString(&iter, &outstr));
EXPECT_EQ("", outstr);
TEST(PickleTest, BadLenStr) {
Pickle pickle;
void* iter = NULL;
std::string outstr;
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadString(&iter, &outstr));
TEST(PickleTest, BadLenWStr) {
Pickle pickle;
void* iter = NULL;
std::wstring woutstr;
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.ReadWString(&iter, &woutstr));
TEST(PickleTest, FindNext) {
Pickle pickle;
const char* start = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(;
const char* end = start + pickle.size();
EXPECT_TRUE(end == Pickle::FindNext(pickle.header_size_, start, end));
EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == Pickle::FindNext(pickle.header_size_, start, end - 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(end == Pickle::FindNext(pickle.header_size_, start, end + 1));
TEST(PickleTest, FindNextWithIncompleteHeader) {
size_t header_size = sizeof(Pickle::Header);
scoped_array<char> buffer(new char[header_size - 1]);
memset(buffer.get(), 0x1, header_size - 1);
const char* start = buffer.get();
const char* end = start + header_size - 1;
EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == Pickle::FindNext(header_size, start, end));
TEST(PickleTest, IteratorHasRoom) {
Pickle pickle;
const void* iter = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.IteratorHasRoomFor(iter, 1));
iter = pickle.payload();
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.IteratorHasRoomFor(iter, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.IteratorHasRoomFor(iter, 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.IteratorHasRoomFor(iter, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.IteratorHasRoomFor(iter, sizeof(int) * 2));
EXPECT_FALSE(pickle.IteratorHasRoomFor(iter, (sizeof(int) * 2) + 1));
TEST(PickleTest, Resize) {
size_t unit = Pickle::kPayloadUnit;
scoped_array<char> data(new char[unit]);
char* data_ptr = data.get();
for (size_t i = 0; i < unit; i++)
data_ptr[i] = 'G';
// construct a message that will be exactly the size of one payload unit,
// note that any data will have a 4-byte header indicating the size
const size_t payload_size_after_header = unit - sizeof(uint32);
Pickle pickle;
static_cast<int>(payload_size_after_header - sizeof(uint32)));
size_t cur_payload = payload_size_after_header;
// note: we assume 'unit' is a power of 2
EXPECT_EQ(unit, pickle.capacity());
EXPECT_EQ(pickle.payload_size(), payload_size_after_header);
// fill out a full page (noting data header)
pickle.WriteData(data_ptr, static_cast<int>(unit - sizeof(uint32)));
cur_payload += unit;
EXPECT_EQ(unit * 2, pickle.capacity());
EXPECT_EQ(cur_payload, pickle.payload_size());
// one more byte should double the capacity
pickle.WriteData(data_ptr, 1);
cur_payload += 5;
EXPECT_EQ(unit * 4, pickle.capacity());
EXPECT_EQ(cur_payload, pickle.payload_size());
namespace {
struct CustomHeader : Pickle::Header {
int blah;
} // namespace
TEST(PickleTest, HeaderPadding) {
const uint32 kMagic = 0x12345678;
Pickle pickle(sizeof(CustomHeader));
// this should not overwrite the 'int' payload
pickle.headerT<CustomHeader>()->blah = 10;
void* iter = NULL;
int result;
ASSERT_TRUE(pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &result));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32>(result), kMagic);
TEST(PickleTest, EqualsOperator) {
Pickle source;
Pickle copy_refs_source_buffer(static_cast<const char*>(,
Pickle copy;
copy = copy_refs_source_buffer;
ASSERT_EQ(source.size(), copy.size());
TEST(PickleTest, EvilLengths) {
Pickle source;
std::string str(100000, 'A');
source.WriteData(str.c_str(), 100000);
// ReadString16 used to have its read buffer length calculation wrong leading
// to out-of-bounds reading.
void* iter = NULL;
string16 str16;
EXPECT_FALSE(source.ReadString16(&iter, &str16));
// And check we didn't break ReadString16.
str16 = (wchar_t) 'A';
Pickle str16_pickle;
iter = NULL;
EXPECT_TRUE(str16_pickle.ReadString16(&iter, &str16));
EXPECT_EQ(1U, str16.length());
// Check we don't fail in a length check with large WStrings.
Pickle big_len;
big_len.WriteInt(1 << 30);
iter = NULL;
std::wstring wstr;
EXPECT_FALSE(big_len.ReadWString(&iter, &wstr));
// Check we can write zero bytes of data and 'data' can be NULL.
TEST(PickleTest, ZeroLength) {
Pickle pickle;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.WriteData(NULL, 0));
void* iter = NULL;
const char* outdata;
int outdatalen;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadData(&iter, &outdata, &outdatalen));
EXPECT_EQ(0, outdatalen);
// We can't assert that outdata is NULL.
// Check that ReadBytes works properly with an iterator initialized to NULL.
TEST(PickleTest, ReadBytes) {
Pickle pickle;
int data = 0x7abcd;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.WriteBytes(&data, sizeof(data)));
void* iter = NULL;
const char* outdata_char;
EXPECT_TRUE(pickle.ReadBytes(&iter, &outdata_char, sizeof(data)));
int outdata;
memcpy(&outdata, outdata_char, sizeof(outdata));
EXPECT_EQ(data, outdata);