blob: ace47678576b69ed0ff55334bcf45f7a6484b770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/test/multiprocess_test.h"
#include "chrome/common/sandbox_mac.h"
namespace sandboxtest {
// Helpers for writing unit tests that runs in the context of the Mac sandbox.
// How to write a sandboxed test:
// 1. Create a class that inherits from MacSandboxTestCase and overrides
// its functions to run code before or after the sandbox is initialised in a
// subprocess.
// 2. Register the class you just created with the REGISTER_SANDBOX_TEST_CASE()
// macro.
// 3. Write a test [using TEST_F()] that inherits from MacSandboxTest and call
// one of its helper functions to launch the test.
// Example:
// class TestCaseThatRunsInSandboxedSubprocess :
// public sandboxtest::MacSandboxTestCase {
// public:
// virtual bool SandboxedTest() {
// .. test code that runs in sandbox goes here ..
// return true; // always succeed.
// }
// };
// // Register the test case you just created.
// REGISTER_SANDBOX_TEST_CASE(TestCaseThatRunsInSandboxedSubprocess);
// TEST_F(MacSandboxTest, ATest) {
// EXPECT_TRUE(RunTestInAllSandboxTypes(
// "TestCaseThatRunsInSandboxedSubprocess",
// NULL));
// }
// Base test type with helper functions to spawn a subprocess that exercises
// a given test in the sandbox.
class MacSandboxTest : public base::MultiProcessTest {
// Runs a test specified by |test_name| in a sandbox of the type specified
// by |sandbox_type|. |test_data| is a custom string that a test can pass
// to the child process runing in the sandbox.
// Returns true if the test passes, false if either of the functions in
// the corresponding MacSandboxTestCase return false.
bool RunTestInSandbox(sandbox::Sandbox::SandboxProcessType sandbox_type,
const char* test_name,
const char* test_data);
// Runs the test specified by |test_name| in all the different sandbox types,
// one by one.
// Returns true if the test passes, false if either of the functions in
// the corresponding MacSandboxTestCase return false in any of the spawned
// processes.
bool RunTestInAllSandboxTypes(const char* test_name,
const char* test_data);
// Class to ease writing test cases that run inside the OS X sandbox.
// This class is instantiated in a subprocess, and allows you to run test code
// at various stages of execution.
// Note that you must register the subclass you create with the
// REGISTER_SANDBOX_TEST_CASE so it's visible to the test driver.
class MacSandboxTestCase {
virtual ~MacSandboxTestCase() {}
// Code that runs in the sandboxed subprocess before the sandbox is
// initialized.
// Returning false from this function will cause the entire test case to fail.
virtual bool BeforeSandboxInit();
// Code that runs in the sandboxed subprocess when the sandbox has been
// enabled.
// Returning false from this function will cause the entire test case to fail.
virtual bool SandboxedTest() = 0;
// The data that's passed in the |user_data| parameter of
// RunTest[s]InSandbox() is passed to this function.
virtual void SetTestData(const char* test_data);
std::string test_data_;
// Plumbing to support the REGISTER_SANDBOX_TEST_CASE macro.
namespace internal {
// Register a test case with a given name.
void AddSandboxTestCase(const char* test_name, MacSandboxTestCase* test_class);
// Construction of this class causes a new entry to be placed in a global
// map.
template <class T> struct RegisterSandboxTest {
RegisterSandboxTest(const char* test_name) {
AddSandboxTestCase(test_name, new T);
#define REGISTER_SANDBOX_TEST_CASE(class_name) \
namespace { \
sandboxtest::internal::RegisterSandboxTest<class_name> \
register_test##class_name(#class_name); \
} // namespace
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sandboxtest