blob: b77a539f717a6e6bcdb38cc79f2dad3684dbac86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/basictypes.h"
class Browser;
// Base class for watching closeable state of tabs, which always returns true
// to allow closing for all tabs and browsers. Classes that desire otherwise
// can inherit this class and override the methods as deemed appropriate to
// allow or disallow tabs or browsers to be closed.
class TabCloseableStateWatcher {
TabCloseableStateWatcher() {}
virtual ~TabCloseableStateWatcher() {}
// Creates the appropriate TabCloseableStateWatcher. The caller owns the
// returned object.
static TabCloseableStateWatcher* Create();
// Called from Browser::CanCloseTab which overrides TabStripModelDelegate::
// CanCloseTab, and returns true if tab of browser is closeable.
// Browser::CanCloseTab is in turn called by Browser, TabStripModel and
// BrowserTabStripController when:
// - rendering tab to determine if close button should be drawn
// - setting up tab's context menu to determine if "Close tab" should
// should be enabled
// - determining if accelerator keys to close tab should be processed
virtual bool CanCloseTab(const Browser* browser) const;
// Called from Browser::IsClosingPermitted which is in turn called from
// Browser::ShouldCloseWindow to check if |browser| can be closed.
virtual bool CanCloseBrowser(Browser* browser);
// Called from Browser::CancelWindowClose when closing of window is canceled.
// Watcher is potentially interested in this, especially when the closing of
// window was initiated by application exiting.
virtual void OnWindowCloseCanceled(Browser* browser) {}