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| Service (Guava Libraries 2010.01.04) |
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| <H2> |
| <FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| com.google.common.base</FONT> |
| <BR> |
| Interface Service</H2> |
| <DL> |
| <DT><B>All Known Implementing Classes:</B> <DD><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/util/concurrent/AbstractExecutionThreadService.html" title="class in com.google.common.util.concurrent">AbstractExecutionThreadService</A>, <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/util/concurrent/AbstractIdleService.html" title="class in com.google.common.util.concurrent">AbstractIdleService</A>, <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/util/concurrent/AbstractService.html" title="class in com.google.common.util.concurrent">AbstractService</A>, <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/util/concurrent/ForwardingService.html" title="class in com.google.common.util.concurrent">ForwardingService</A></DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| <DL> |
| <DT><PRE>public interface <B>Service</B></DL> |
| </PRE> |
| |
| <P> |
| An object with an operational state, plus asynchronous <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#start()"><CODE>start()</CODE></A> and |
| <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#stop()"><CODE>stop()</CODE></A> lifecycle methods to transfer into and out of this state. |
| Example services include webservers, RPC servers and timers. The normal |
| lifecycle of a service is: |
| <ul> |
| <li><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#NEW"><CODE>Service.State.NEW</CODE></A> -></li> |
| <li><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#STARTING"><CODE>Service.State.STARTING</CODE></A> -></li> |
| <li><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#RUNNING"><CODE>Service.State.RUNNING</CODE></A> -></li> |
| <li><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#STOPPING"><CODE>Service.State.STOPPING</CODE></A> -></li> |
| <li><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#TERMINATED"><CODE>Service.State.TERMINATED</CODE></A></li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| If the service fails while starting, running or stopping, its state will be |
| <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#FAILED"><CODE>Service.State.FAILED</CODE></A>, and its behavior is undefined. Such a service cannot be |
| started nor stopped. |
| |
| <p>Implementors of this interface are strongly encouraged to extend <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/util/concurrent/AbstractService.html" title="class in com.google.common.util.concurrent"><CODE>AbstractService</CODE></A> or <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/util/concurrent/AbstractExecutionThreadService.html" title="class in com.google.common.util.concurrent"><CODE>AbstractExecutionThreadService</CODE></A>, which make |
| the threading and state management easier. |
| <P> |
| |
| <P> |
| <DL> |
| <DT><B>Since:</B></DT> |
| <DD>2009.09.15 <b>tentative</b></DD> |
| <DT><B>Author:</B></DT> |
| <DD>Jesse Wilson</DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <P> |
| <!-- ======== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ======== --> |
| |
| <A NAME="nested_class_summary"><!-- --></A> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> |
| <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> |
| <B>Nested Class Summary</B></FONT></TH> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE>static class</CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A></B></CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| The lifecycle states of a service.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| </TABLE> |
| |
| <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> |
| |
| <A NAME="method_summary"><!-- --></A> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> |
| <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> |
| <B>Method Summary</B></FONT></TH> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> boolean</CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#isRunning()">isRunning</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Returns <code>true</code> if this service is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#RUNNING"><CODE>running</CODE></A>.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent">Future</A><<A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A>></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#start()">start</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| If the service state is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#NEW"><CODE>Service.State.NEW</CODE></A>, this initiates service startup |
| and returns immediately.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#startAndWait()">startAndWait</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Initiates service startup (if necessary), returning once the service has |
| finished starting.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#state()">state</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Returns the lifecycle state of the service.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent">Future</A><<A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A>></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#stop()">stop</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| If the service is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#STARTING"><CODE>Service.State.STARTING</CODE></A> or <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#RUNNING"><CODE>Service.State.RUNNING</CODE></A>, this |
| initiates service shutdown and returns immediately.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> |
| <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> |
| <CODE> <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A></CODE></FONT></TD> |
| <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.html#stopAndWait()">stopAndWait</A></B>()</CODE> |
| |
| <BR> |
| Initiates service shutdown (if necessary), returning once the service has |
| finished stopping.</TD> |
| </TR> |
| </TABLE> |
| |
| <P> |
| |
| <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL ========== --> |
| |
| <A NAME="method_detail"><!-- --></A> |
| <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> |
| <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="1"><FONT SIZE="+2"> |
| <B>Method Detail</B></FONT></TH> |
| </TR> |
| </TABLE> |
| |
| <A NAME="start()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| start</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent">Future</A><<A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A>> <B>start</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>If the service state is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#NEW"><CODE>Service.State.NEW</CODE></A>, this initiates service startup |
| and returns immediately. If the service has already been started, this |
| method returns immediately without taking action. A stopped service may not |
| be restarted. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a future for the startup result, regardless of whether this call |
| initiated startup. Calling <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true#get()" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>Future.get()</CODE></A> will block until the |
| service has finished starting, and returns one of <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#RUNNING"><CODE>Service.State.RUNNING</CODE></A>, <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#STOPPING"><CODE>Service.State.STOPPING</CODE></A> or <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#TERMINATED"><CODE>Service.State.TERMINATED</CODE></A>. If |
| the service fails to start, <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true#get()" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>Future.get()</CODE></A> will throw an <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ExecutionException.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>ExecutionException</CODE></A>, and the service's state will be <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#FAILED"><CODE>Service.State.FAILED</CODE></A>. If it has already finished starting, <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true#get()" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>Future.get()</CODE></A> |
| returns immediately. Cancelling the returned future is unsupported and |
| always returns <code>false</code>.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="startAndWait()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| startAndWait</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A> <B>startAndWait</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Initiates service startup (if necessary), returning once the service has |
| finished starting. Unlike calling <code>start().get()</code>, this method throws |
| no checked exceptions. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>the state of the service when startup finished. |
| <DT><B>Throws:</B> |
| <DD><CODE>InterruptedRuntimeException</CODE> - if the thread was interrupted while |
| waiting for the service to finish starting up. |
| <DD><CODE><A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/RuntimeException.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">RuntimeException</A></CODE> - if startup failed</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="isRunning()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| isRunning</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| boolean <B>isRunning</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Returns <code>true</code> if this service is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#RUNNING"><CODE>running</CODE></A>. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| </DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="state()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| state</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A> <B>state</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Returns the lifecycle state of the service. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| </DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="stop()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| stop</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent">Future</A><<A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A>> <B>stop</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>If the service is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#STARTING"><CODE>Service.State.STARTING</CODE></A> or <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#RUNNING"><CODE>Service.State.RUNNING</CODE></A>, this |
| initiates service shutdown and returns immediately. If this is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#NEW"><CODE>Service.State.NEW</CODE></A>, it is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#TERMINATED"><CODE>terminated</CODE></A> without having been |
| started nor stopped. If the service has already been stopped, this |
| method returns immediately without taking action. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>a future for the shutdown result, regardless of whether this call |
| initiated shutdown. Calling <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true#get()" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>Future.get()</CODE></A> will block until the |
| service has finished shutting down, and either returns <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#TERMINATED"><CODE>Service.State.TERMINATED</CODE></A> or throws an <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ExecutionException.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>ExecutionException</CODE></A>. If it has |
| already finished stopping, <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html?is-external=true#get()" title="class or interface in java.util.concurrent"><CODE>Future.get()</CODE></A> returns immediately. |
| Cancelling this future is unsupported and always returns <code>false</code>.</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
| <HR> |
| |
| <A NAME="stopAndWait()"><!-- --></A><H3> |
| stopAndWait</H3> |
| <PRE> |
| <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html" title="enum in com.google.common.base">Service.State</A> <B>stopAndWait</B>()</PRE> |
| <DL> |
| <DD>Initiates service shutdown (if necessary), returning once the service has |
| finished stopping. If this is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#STARTING"><CODE>Service.State.STARTING</CODE></A>, startup will be |
| cancelled. If this is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#NEW"><CODE>Service.State.NEW</CODE></A>, it is <A HREF="../../../../com/google/common/base/Service.State.html#TERMINATED"><CODE>terminated</CODE></A> without having been started nor stopped. Unlike calling <code>stop().get()</code>, this method throws no checked exceptions. |
| <P> |
| <DD><DL> |
| |
| <DT><B>Returns:</B><DD>the state of the service when shutdown finished. |
| <DT><B>Throws:</B> |
| <DD><CODE>InterruptedRuntimeException</CODE> - if the thread was interrupted while |
| waiting for the service to finish shutting down. |
| <DD><CODE><A HREF="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/RuntimeException.html?is-external=true" title="class or interface in java.lang">RuntimeException</A></CODE> - if shutdown failed</DL> |
| </DD> |
| </DL> |
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