blob: 036eb69e609f04928607fc0fbe69264463522a6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Program to pull the information out of various types of EXIF digital
// camera files and show it in a reasonably consistent way
// Version 2.71
// Compiling under Windows:
// Make sure you have Microsoft's compiler on the path, then run make.bat
// Dec 1999 - Feb 2007
// by Matthias Wandel
#include "jhead.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#define JHEAD_VERSION "2.71"
// This #define turns on features that are too very specific to
// how I organize my photos. Best to ignore everything inside #ifdef MATTHIAS
#define MATTHIAS
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
static int FilesMatched;
static int FileSequence;
static const char * CurrentFile;
static const char * progname; // program name for error messages
// Command line options flags
static int TrimExif = FALSE; // Cut off exif beyond interesting data.
static int RenameToDate = FALSE;
static int RenameAssociatedFiles = FALSE;
static char * strftime_args = NULL; // Format for new file name.
static int Exif2FileTime = FALSE;
static int DoModify = FALSE;
static int DoReadAction = FALSE;
int ShowTags = FALSE; // Do not show raw by default.
static int Quiet = FALSE; // Be quiet on success (like unix programs)
int DumpExifMap = FALSE;
static int ShowConcise = FALSE;
static int CreateExifSection = FALSE;
static char * ApplyCommand = NULL; // Apply this command to all images.
static char * FilterModel = NULL;
static int ExifOnly = FALSE;
static int PortraitOnly = FALSE;
static time_t ExifTimeAdjust = 0; // Timezone adjust
static time_t ExifTimeSet = 0; // Set exif time to a value.
static char DateSet[11];
static unsigned DateSetChars = 0;
static unsigned FileTimeToExif = FALSE;
static int DeleteComments = FALSE;
static int DeleteExif = FALSE;
static int DeleteIptc = FALSE;
static int DeleteUnknown = FALSE;
static char * ThumbSaveName = NULL; // If not NULL, use this string to make up
// the filename to store the thumbnail to.
static char * ThumbInsertName = NULL; // If not NULL, use this string to make up
// the filename to retrieve the thumbnail from.
static int RegenThumbnail = FALSE;
static char * ExifXferScrFile = NULL;// Extract Exif header from this file, and
// put it into the Jpegs processed.
static int EditComment = FALSE; // Invoke an editor for editing the comment
static int SupressNonFatalErrors = FALSE; // Wether or not to pint warnings on recoverable errors
static char * CommentSavefileName = NULL; // Save comment to this file.
static char * CommentInsertfileName = NULL; // Insert comment from this file.
static char * CommentInsertLiteral = NULL; // Insert this comment (from command line)
static int AutoRotate = FALSE;
static int ZeroRotateTagOnly = FALSE;
static int ShowFileInfo = TRUE; // Indicates to show standard file info
// (file name, file size, file date)
// This #ifdef to take out less than elegant stuff for editing
// the comments in a JPEG. The programs rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom
// included with Linux distributions do a better job.
static char * AddComment = NULL; // Add this tag.
static char * RemComment = NULL; // Remove this tag
static int AutoResize = FALSE;
#endif // MATTHIAS
// Error exit handler
void ErrFatal(char * msg)
LOGE("Error : %s\n", msg);
fprintf(stderr,"Error : %s\n", msg);
if (CurrentFile) fprintf(stderr,"in file '%s'\n",CurrentFile);
// Report non fatal errors. Now that modifies exif headers,
// there's corrupted ones, and there could be more in the future.
void ErrNonfatal(char * msg, int a1, int a2)
LOGE("Nonfatal Error : ");
LOGE(msg, a1, a2);
if (SupressNonFatalErrors) return;
fprintf(stderr,"Nonfatal Error : ");
if (CurrentFile) fprintf(stderr,"'%s' ",CurrentFile);
fprintf(stderr, msg, a1, a2);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// Set file time as exif time.
void FileTimeAsString(char * TimeStr)
struct tm ts;
ts = *localtime(&ImageInfo.FileDateTime);
strftime(TimeStr, 20, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", &ts);
#if 0 // not used -- possible security risk with use of system, sprintf, etc.
// Invoke an editor for editing a string.
static int FileEditComment(char * TempFileName, char * Comment, int CommentSize)
FILE * file;
int a;
char QuotedPath[PATH_MAX];
file = fopen(TempFileName, "w");
if (file == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Can't create file '%s'\n",TempFileName);
ErrFatal("could not create temporary file");
fwrite(Comment, CommentSize, 1, file);
fflush(stdout); // So logs are contiguous.
char * Editor;
Editor = getenv("EDITOR");
if (Editor == NULL){
#ifdef _WIN32
Editor = "notepad";
Editor = "vi";
sprintf(QuotedPath, "%s \"%s\"",Editor, TempFileName);
a = system(QuotedPath);
if (a != 0){
perror("Editor failed to launch");
file = fopen(TempFileName, "r");
if (file == NULL){
ErrFatal("could not open temp file for read");
// Read the file back in.
CommentSize = fread(Comment, 1, 999, file);
return CommentSize;
// Modify one of the lines in the comment field.
// This very specific to the photo album program stuff.
static char KnownTags[][10] = {"date", "desc","scan_date","author",
static int ModifyDescriptComment(char * OutComment, char * SrcComment)
char Line[500];
int Len;
int a,i;
unsigned l;
int HasScandate = FALSE;
int TagExists = FALSE;
int Modified = FALSE;
Len = 0;
OutComment[0] = 0;
for (i=0;;i++){
if (SrcComment[i] == '\r' || SrcComment[i] == '\n' || SrcComment[i] == 0 || Len >= 199){
// Process the line.
if (Len > 0){
Line[Len] = 0;
//printf("Line: '%s'\n",Line);
for (a=0;;a++){
l = strlen(KnownTags[a]);
if (!l){
// Unknown tag. Discard it.
printf("Error: Unknown tag '%s'\n", Line); // Deletes the tag.
Modified = TRUE;
if (memcmp(Line, KnownTags[a], l) == 0){
if (Line[l] == ' ' || Line[l] == '=' || Line[l] == 0){
// Its a good tag.
if (Line[l] == ' ') Line[l] = '='; // Use equal sign for clarity.
if (a == 2) break; // Delete 'orig_path' tag.
if (a == 3) HasScandate = TRUE;
if (RemComment){
if (strlen(RemComment) == l){
if (!memcmp(Line, RemComment, l)){
Modified = TRUE;
if (AddComment){
// Overwrite old comment of same tag with new one.
if (!memcmp(Line, AddComment, l+1)){
TagExists = TRUE;
strcpy(Line, AddComment);
Modified = TRUE;
strcat(OutComment, Line);
strcat(OutComment, "\n");
Line[Len = 0] = 0;
if (SrcComment[i] == 0) break;
Line[Len++] = SrcComment[i];
if (AddComment && TagExists == FALSE){
strcat(OutComment, AddComment);
strcat(OutComment, "\n");
Modified = TRUE;
if (!HasScandate && !ImageInfo.DateTime[0]){
// Scan date is not in the file yet, and it doesn't have one built in. Add it.
char Temp[30];
sprintf(Temp, "scan_date=%s", ctime(&ImageInfo.FileDateTime));
strcat(OutComment, Temp);
Modified = TRUE;
return Modified;
// Automatic make smaller command stuff
static int AutoResizeCmdStuff(void)
static char CommandString[500];
double scale;
ApplyCommand = CommandString;
if (ImageInfo.Height <= 1280 && ImageInfo.Width <= 1280){
printf("not resizing %dx%x '%s'\n",ImageInfo.Height, ImageInfo.Width, ImageInfo.FileName);
return FALSE;
scale = 1024.0 / ImageInfo.Height;
if (1024.0 / ImageInfo.Width < scale) scale = 1024.0 / ImageInfo.Width;
if (scale < 0.5) scale = 0.5; // Don't scale down by more than a factor of two.
sprintf(CommandString, "mogrify -geometry %dx%d -quality 85 &i",(int)(ImageInfo.Width*scale), (int)(ImageInfo.Height*scale));
return TRUE;
#endif // MATTHIAS
// Apply the specified command to the JPEG file.
static void DoCommand(const char * FileName, int ShowIt)
int a,e;
char ExecString[400];
char TempName[200];
int TempUsed = FALSE;
e = 0;
// Make a temporary file in the destination directory by changing last char.
strcpy(TempName, FileName);
a = strlen(TempName)-1;
TempName[a] = (char)(TempName[a] == 't' ? 'z' : 't');
// Build the exec string. &i and &o in the exec string get replaced by input and output files.
for (a=0;;a++){
if (ApplyCommand[a] == '&'){
if (ApplyCommand[a+1] == 'i'){
// Input file.
e += sprintf(ExecString+e, "\"%s\"",FileName);
a += 1;
if (ApplyCommand[a+1] == 'o'){
// Needs an output file distinct from the input file.
e += sprintf(ExecString+e, "\"%s\"",TempName);
a += 1;
TempUsed = TRUE;
unlink(TempName);// Remove any pre-existing temp file
ExecString[e++] = ApplyCommand[a];
if (ApplyCommand[a] == 0) break;
if (ShowIt) printf("Cmd:%s\n",ExecString);
errno = 0;
a = system(ExecString);
if (a || errno){
// A command can however fail without errno getting set or system returning an error.
if (errno) perror("system");
ErrFatal("Problem executing specified command");
if (TempUsed){
// Don't delete original file until we know a new one was created by the command.
struct stat dummy;
if (stat(TempName, &dummy) == 0){
rename(TempName, FileName);
ErrFatal("specified command did not produce expected output file");
// check if this file should be skipped based on contents.
static int CheckFileSkip(void)
// I sometimes add code here to only process images based on certain
// criteria - for example, only to convert non progressive Jpegs to progressives, etc..
if (FilterModel){
// Filtering processing by camera model.
// This feature is useful when pictures from multiple cameras are colated,
// the its found that one of the cameras has the time set incorrectly.
if (strstr(ImageInfo.CameraModel, FilterModel) == NULL){
// Skip.
return TRUE;
if (ExifOnly){
// Filtering by EXIF only. Skip all files that have no Exif.
if (FindSection(M_EXIF) == NULL){
return TRUE;
if (PortraitOnly == 1){
if (ImageInfo.Width > ImageInfo.Height) return TRUE;
if (PortraitOnly == -1){
if (ImageInfo.Width < ImageInfo.Height) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Subsititute original name for '&i' if present in specified name.
// This to allow specifying relative names when manipulating multiple files.
static void RelativeName(char * OutFileName, const char * NamePattern, const char * OrigName)
// If the filename contains substring "&i", then substitute the
// filename for that. This gives flexibility in terms of processing
// multiple files at a time.
char * Subst;
Subst = strstr(NamePattern, "&i");
if (Subst){
strncpy(OutFileName, NamePattern, Subst-NamePattern);
OutFileName[Subst-NamePattern] = 0;
strncat(OutFileName, OrigName, PATH_MAX);
strncat(OutFileName, Subst+2, PATH_MAX);
strcpy(OutFileName, NamePattern);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Rename associated files
void RenameAssociated(const char * FileName, char * NewBaseName)
int a;
int PathLen;
int ExtPos;
char FilePattern[_MAX_PATH];
char NewName[_MAX_PATH];
struct _finddata_t finddata;
long find_handle;
for(ExtPos = strlen(FileName);FileName[ExtPos-1] != '.';){
if (--ExtPos == 0) return; // No extension!
memcpy(FilePattern, FileName, ExtPos);
FilePattern[ExtPos] = '*';
FilePattern[ExtPos+1] = '\0';
for(PathLen = strlen(FileName);FileName[PathLen-1] != '\\';){
if (--PathLen == 0) break;
find_handle = _findfirst(FilePattern, &finddata);
for (;;){
if (find_handle == -1) break;
// Eliminate the obvious patterns.
if (!memcmp(, ".",2)) goto next_file;
if (!memcmp(, "..",3)) goto next_file;
if (finddata.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) goto next_file;
strcpy(FilePattern+PathLen,; // full name with path
strcpy(NewName, NewBaseName);
for(a = strlen(;[a] != '.';){
if (--a == 0) goto next_file;
strcat(NewName,; // add extension to new name
if (rename(FilePattern, NewName) == 0){
if (!Quiet){
printf("%s --> %s\n",FilePattern, NewName);
if (_findnext(find_handle, &finddata) != 0) break;
// Handle renaming of files by date.
static void DoFileRenaming(const char * FileName)
int NumAlpha = 0;
int NumDigit = 0;
int PrefixPart = 0;
int ExtensionPart = strlen(FileName);
int a;
struct tm tm;
char NewBaseName[PATH_MAX*2];
for (a=0;FileName[a];a++){
if (FileName[a] == '/' || FileName[a] == '\\'){
// Don't count path component.
NumAlpha = 0;
NumDigit = 0;
PrefixPart = a+1;
if (FileName[a] == '.') ExtensionPart = a; // Remember where extension starts.
if (isalpha(FileName[a])) NumAlpha += 1; // Tally up alpha vs. digits to judge wether to rename.
if (isdigit(FileName[a])) NumDigit += 1;
if (RenameToDate <= 1){
// If naming isn't forced, ensure name is mostly digits, or leave it alone.
if (NumAlpha > 8 || NumDigit < 4){
if (!Exif2tm(&tm, ImageInfo.DateTime)){
printf("File '%s' contains no exif date stamp. Using file date\n",FileName);
// Use file date/time instead.
tm = *localtime(&ImageInfo.FileDateTime);
strcpy(NewBaseName, FileName); // Get path component of name.
if (strftime_args){
// Complicated scheme for flexibility. Just pass the args to strftime.
time_t UnixTime;
char *s;
char pattern[PATH_MAX+20];
int n = ExtensionPart - PrefixPart;
// Call mktime to get weekday and such filled in.
UnixTime = mktime(&tm);
if ((int)UnixTime == -1){
printf("Could not convert %s to unix time",ImageInfo.DateTime);
// Substitute "%f" for the original name (minus path & extension)
strncpy(pattern, strftime_args, PATH_MAX-1);
while ((s = strstr(pattern, "%f")) && strlen(pattern) + n < PATH_MAX-1){
memmove(s + n, s + 2, strlen(s+2) + 1);
memmove(s, FileName + PrefixPart, n);
// Sequential number renaming part.
// '%i' type pattern becomes sequence number.
int ppos = -1;
for (a=0;pattern[a];a++){
if (pattern[a] == '%'){
ppos = a;
}else if (pattern[a] == 'i'){
if (ppos >= 0 && a<ppos+4){
// Replace this part with a number.
char pat[8];
char num[16];
memcpy(pat, pattern+ppos, 4);
pat[a-ppos] = 'd'; // Replace 'i' with 'd' for '%d'
pat[a-ppos+1] = '\0';
sprintf(num, pat, FileSequence); // let printf do the number formatting.
memmove(pattern+ppos+strlen(num), pattern+a+1, strlen(pattern+a+1)+1);
memcpy(pattern+ppos, num, strlen(num));
}else if (!isdigit(pattern[a])){
ppos = -1;
strftime(NewBaseName+PrefixPart, PATH_MAX, pattern, &tm);
// My favourite scheme.
sprintf(NewBaseName+PrefixPart, "%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d",
tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
for (a=0;;a++){
char NewName[PATH_MAX];
char NameExtra[3];
struct stat dummy;
if (a){
// Generate a suffix for the file name if previous choice of names is taken.
// depending on wether the name ends in a letter or digit, pick the opposite to separate
// it. This to avoid using a separator character - this because any good separator
// is before the '.' in ascii, and so sorting the names would put the later name before
// the name without suffix, causing the pictures to more likely be out of order.
if (isdigit(NewBaseName[strlen(NewBaseName)-1])){
NameExtra[0] = (char)('a'-1+a); // Try a,b,c,d... for suffix if it ends in a letter.
NameExtra[0] = (char)('0'-1+a); // Try 1,2,3,4... for suffix if it ends in a char.
NameExtra[1] = 0;
NameExtra[0] = 0;
sprintf(NewName, "%s%s.jpg", NewBaseName, NameExtra);
if (!strcmp(FileName, NewName)) break; // Skip if its already this name.
if (stat(NewName, &dummy)){
// This name does not pre-exist.
if (rename(FileName, NewName) == 0){
printf("%s --> %s\n",FileName, NewName);
#ifdef _WIN32
if (RenameAssociatedFiles){
sprintf(NewName, "%s%s", NewBaseName, NameExtra);
RenameAssociated(FileName, NewName);
printf("Error: Couldn't rename '%s' to '%s'\n",FileName, NewName);
if (a >= 9){
printf("Possible new names for for '%s' already exist\n",FileName);
// Rotate the image and its thumbnail
static int DoAutoRotate(const char * FileName)
if (ImageInfo.Orientation >= 2 && ImageInfo.Orientation <= 8){
const char * Argument;
Argument = ClearOrientation();
if (!ZeroRotateTagOnly){
char RotateCommand[PATH_MAX*2+50];
if (Argument == NULL){
ErrFatal("Orientation screwup");
sprintf(RotateCommand, "jpegtran -%s -outfile &o &i", Argument);
ApplyCommand = RotateCommand;
DoCommand(FileName, FALSE);
ApplyCommand = NULL;
// Now rotate the thumbnail, if there is one.
if (ImageInfo.ThumbnailOffset &&
ImageInfo.ThumbnailSize &&
// Must have a thumbnail that exists and is modifieable.
char ThumbTempName_in[PATH_MAX+4];
char ThumbTempName_out[PATH_MAX+4];
strcpy(ThumbTempName_in, FileName);
strcat(ThumbTempName_in, ".thi");
strcpy(ThumbTempName_out, FileName);
strcat(ThumbTempName_out, ".tho");
sprintf(RotateCommand,"jpegtran -%s -outfile \"%s\" \"%s\"",
Argument, ThumbTempName_out, ThumbTempName_in);
if (system(RotateCommand) == 0){
// Put the thumbnail back in the header
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Regenerate the thumbnail using mogrify
static int RegenerateThumbnail(const char * FileName)
char ThumbnailGenCommand[PATH_MAX*2+50];
if (ImageInfo.ThumbnailOffset == 0 || ImageInfo.ThumbnailAtEnd == FALSE){
// There is no thumbnail, or the thumbnail is not at the end.
return FALSE;
sprintf(ThumbnailGenCommand, "mogrify -thumbnail %dx%d \"%s\"",
RegenThumbnail, RegenThumbnail, FileName);
if (system(ThumbnailGenCommand) == 0){
// Put the thumbnail back in the header
return ReplaceThumbnail(FileName);
ErrFatal("Unable to run 'mogrify' command");
return FALSE;
// Do selected operations to one file at a time.
void ProcessFile(const char * FileName)
int Modified = FALSE;
ReadMode_t ReadMode = READ_METADATA;
CurrentFile = FileName;
FilesMatched = 1;
// Start with an empty image information structure.
memset(&ImageInfo, 0, sizeof(ImageInfo));
ImageInfo.FlashUsed = -1;
ImageInfo.MeteringMode = -1;
ImageInfo.Whitebalance = -1;
// Store file date/time.
struct stat st;
if (stat(FileName, &st) >= 0){
ImageInfo.FileDateTime = st.st_mtime;
ImageInfo.FileSize = st.st_size;
ErrFatal("No such file");
if (DoModify || RenameToDate || Exif2FileTime){
if (access(FileName, 2 /*W_OK*/)){
printf("Skipping readonly file '%s'\n",FileName);
strncpy(ImageInfo.FileName, FileName, PATH_MAX);
if (ApplyCommand || AutoRotate){
// Applying a command is special - the headers from the file have to be
// pre-read, then the command executed, and then the image part of the file read.
if (!ReadJpegFile(FileName, READ_METADATA)) return;
if (AutoResize){
// Automatic resize computation - to customize for each run...
if (AutoResizeCmdStuff() == 0){
#endif // MATTHIAS
if (CheckFileSkip()){
if (AutoRotate){
if (DoAutoRotate(FileName)){
Modified = TRUE;
struct stat dummy;
DoCommand(FileName, Quiet ? FALSE : TRUE);
if (stat(FileName, &dummy)){
// The file is not there anymore. Perhaps the command
// was a delete or a move. So we are all done.
Modified = TRUE;
ReadMode = READ_IMAGE; // Don't re-read exif section again on next read.
}else if (ExifXferScrFile){
char RelativeExifName[PATH_MAX+1];
// Make a relative name.
RelativeName(RelativeExifName, ExifXferScrFile, FileName);
if(!ReadJpegFile(RelativeExifName, READ_METADATA)) return;
DiscardAllButExif(); // Don't re-read exif section again on next read.
Modified = TRUE;
ReadMode = READ_IMAGE;
if (DoModify){
ReadMode |= READ_IMAGE;
if (!ReadJpegFile(FileName, ReadMode)) return;
if (CheckFileSkip()){
FileSequence += 1; // Count files processed.
if (ShowConcise){
if (!(DoModify || DoReadAction) || ShowTags){
// if IPTC section is present, show it also.
Section_t * IptcSection;
IptcSection = FindSection(M_IPTC);
if (IptcSection){
show_IPTC(IptcSection->Data, IptcSection->Size);
if (ThumbSaveName){
char OutFileName[PATH_MAX+1];
// Make a relative name.
RelativeName(OutFileName, ThumbSaveName, FileName);
if (SaveThumbnail(OutFileName)){
printf("Created: '%s'\n", OutFileName);
if (CreateExifSection){
// Make a new minimal exif section
create_EXIF(NULL, 0, 0);
Modified = TRUE;
if (RegenThumbnail){
if (RegenerateThumbnail(FileName)){
Modified = TRUE;
if (ThumbInsertName){
char ThumbFileName[PATH_MAX+1];
// Make a relative name.
RelativeName(ThumbFileName, ThumbInsertName, FileName);
if (ReplaceThumbnail(ThumbFileName)){
Modified = TRUE;
}else if (TrimExif){
// Deleting thumbnail is just replacing it with a null thumbnail.
if (ReplaceThumbnail(NULL)){
Modified = TRUE;
if (
AddComment || RemComment ||
EditComment || CommentInsertfileName || CommentInsertLiteral){
Section_t * CommentSec;
char Comment[1001];
int CommentSize;
CommentSec = FindSection(M_COM);
if (CommentSec == NULL){
unsigned char * DummyData;
DummyData = (uchar *) malloc(3);
DummyData[0] = 0;
DummyData[1] = 2;
DummyData[2] = 0;
CommentSec = CreateSection(M_COM, DummyData, 2);
CommentSize = CommentSec->Size-2;
if (CommentSize > 1000){
fprintf(stderr, "Truncating comment at 1000 chars\n");
CommentSize = 1000;
if (CommentInsertfileName){
// Read a new comment section from file.
char CommentFileName[PATH_MAX+1];
FILE * CommentFile;
// Make a relative name.
RelativeName(CommentFileName, CommentInsertfileName, FileName);
CommentFile = fopen(CommentFileName,"r");
if (CommentFile == NULL){
printf("Could not open '%s'\n",CommentFileName);
// Read it in.
// Replace the section.
CommentSize = fread(Comment, 1, 999, CommentFile);
if (CommentSize < 0) CommentSize = 0;
}else if (CommentInsertLiteral){
strncpy(Comment, CommentInsertLiteral, 1000);
CommentSize = strlen(Comment);
char CommentZt[1001];
memcpy(CommentZt, (char *)CommentSec->Data+2, CommentSize);
CommentZt[CommentSize] = '\0';
if (ModifyDescriptComment(Comment, CommentZt)){
Modified = TRUE;
CommentSize = strlen(Comment);
if (EditComment)
memcpy(Comment, (char *)CommentSec->Data+2, CommentSize);
char EditFileName[PATH_MAX+4];
strcpy(EditFileName, FileName);
strcat(EditFileName, ".txt");
CommentSize = FileEditComment(EditFileName, Comment, CommentSize);
if (strcmp(Comment, (char *)CommentSec->Data+2)){
// Discard old comment section and put a new one in.
int size;
size = CommentSize+2;
CommentSec->Size = size;
CommentSec->Data = malloc(size);
CommentSec->Data[0] = (uchar)(size >> 8);
CommentSec->Data[1] = (uchar)(size);
memcpy((CommentSec->Data)+2, Comment, size-2);
Modified = TRUE;
if (!Modified){
printf("Comment not modified\n");
if (CommentSavefileName){
Section_t * CommentSec;
CommentSec = FindSection(M_COM);
if (CommentSec != NULL){
char OutFileName[PATH_MAX+1];
FILE * CommentFile;
// Make a relative name.
RelativeName(OutFileName, CommentSavefileName, FileName);
CommentFile = fopen(OutFileName,"w");
if (CommentFile){
fwrite((char *)CommentSec->Data+2, CommentSec->Size-2 ,1, CommentFile);
ErrFatal("Could not write comment file");
printf("File '%s' contains no comment section\n",FileName);
if (ExifTimeAdjust || ExifTimeSet || DateSetChars || FileTimeToExif){
if (ImageInfo.numDateTimeTags){
struct tm tm;
time_t UnixTime;
char TempBuf[50];
int a;
Section_t * ExifSection;
if (ExifTimeSet){
// A time to set was specified.
UnixTime = ExifTimeSet;
if (FileTimeToExif){
if (DateSetChars){
memcpy(ImageInfo.DateTime, DateSet, DateSetChars);
a = 1970;
sscanf(DateSet, "%d", &a);
if (a < 1970){
strcpy(TempBuf, ImageInfo.DateTime);
goto skip_unixtime;
// A time offset to adjust by was specified.
if (!Exif2tm(&tm, ImageInfo.DateTime)) goto badtime;
// Convert to unix 32 bit time value, add offset, and convert back.
UnixTime = mktime(&tm);
if ((int)UnixTime == -1) goto badtime;
UnixTime += ExifTimeAdjust;
tm = *localtime(&UnixTime);
// Print to temp buffer first to avoid putting null termination in destination.
// snprintf() would do the trick, hbut not available everywhere (like FreeBSD 4.4)
sprintf(TempBuf, "%04d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
tm.tm_year+1900, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
ExifSection = FindSection(M_EXIF);
for (a = 0; a < ImageInfo.numDateTimeTags; a++) {
uchar * Pointer;
Pointer = ExifSection->Data+ImageInfo.DateTimeOffsets[a]+8;
memcpy(Pointer, TempBuf, 19);
Modified = TRUE;
printf("File '%s' contains no Exif timestamp to change\n", FileName);
if (DeleteComments){
if (RemoveSectionType(M_COM)) Modified = TRUE;
if (DeleteExif){
if (RemoveSectionType(M_EXIF)) Modified = TRUE;
if (DeleteIptc){
if (RemoveSectionType(M_IPTC)) Modified = TRUE;
if (DeleteUnknown){
if (RemoveUnknownSections()) Modified = TRUE;
if (Modified){
char BackupName[400];
struct stat buf;
if (!Quiet) printf("Modified: %s\n",FileName);
strcpy(BackupName, FileName);
strcat(BackupName, ".t");
// Remove any .old file name that may pre-exist
// Rename the old file.
rename(FileName, BackupName);
// Write the new file.
if (WriteJpegFile(FileName)) {
// Copy the access rights from original file
if (stat(BackupName, &buf) == 0){
// set Unix access rights and time to new file
struct utimbuf mtime;
chmod(FileName, buf.st_mode);
mtime.actime = buf.st_mtime;
mtime.modtime = buf.st_mtime;
utime(FileName, &mtime);
// Now that we are done, remove original file.
} else {
// move back the backup file
rename(BackupName, FileName);
if (Exif2FileTime){
// Set the file date to the date from the exif header.
if (ImageInfo.numDateTimeTags){
// Converte the file date to Unix time.
struct tm tm;
time_t UnixTime;
struct utimbuf mtime;
if (!Exif2tm(&tm, ImageInfo.DateTime)) goto badtime;
UnixTime = mktime(&tm);
if ((int)UnixTime == -1){
goto badtime;
mtime.actime = UnixTime;
mtime.modtime = UnixTime;
if (utime(FileName, &mtime) != 0){
printf("Error: Could not change time of file '%s'\n",FileName);
if (!Quiet) printf("%s\n",FileName);
printf("File '%s' contains no Exif timestamp\n", FileName);
// Feature to rename image according to date and time from camera.
// I use this feature to put images from multiple digicams in sequence.
if (RenameToDate){
printf("Error: Time '%s': cannot convert to Unix time\n",ImageInfo.DateTime);
// complain about bad state of the command line.
static void Usage (void)
printf("Jhead is a program for manipulating settings and thumnails in Exif jpeg headers\n"
"used by most Digital Cameras. v"JHEAD_VERSION" Matthias Wandel, April 29 2006.\n"
printf("Usage: %s [options] files\n", progname);
" files path/filenames with or without wildcards\n"
"[options] are:\n"
" -te <name> Transfer exif header from another image file <name>\n"
" Uses same name mangling as '-st' option\n"
" -dc Delete comment field (as left by progs like Photoshop & Compupic)\n"
" -de Strip Exif section (smaller JPEG file, but lose digicam info)\n"
" -di Delete IPTC section (from Photoshop, or Picasa)\n"
" -du Delete non image sections except for Exif and comment sections\n"
" -purejpg Strip all unnecessary data from jpeg (combines -dc -de and -du)\n"
" -mkexif Create new minimal exif section (overwrites pre-existing exif)\n"
" -ce Edit comment field. Uses environment variable 'editor' to\n"
" determine which editor to use. If editor not set, uses VI\n"
" under Unix and notepad with windows\n"
" -cs <name> Save comment section to a file\n"
" -ci <name> Insert comment section from a file. -cs and -ci use same naming\n"
" scheme as used by the -st option\n"
" -cl string Insert literal comment string\n"
" -ft Set file modification time to Exif time\n"
" -dsft Set Exif time to file modification time\n"
" -n[format-string]\n"
" Rename files according to date. Uses exif date if present, file\n"
" date otherwise. If the optional format-string is not supplied,\n"
" the format is mmdd-hhmmss. If a format-string is given, it is\n"
" is passed to the 'strftime' function for formatting\n"
" In addition to strftime format codes:\n"
" '%%f' as part of the string will include the original file name\n"
" '%%i' will include a sequence number, starting from 1. You can\n"
" You can specify '%%03i' for example to get leading zeros.\n"
" This feature is useful for ordering files from multiple digicams to\n"
" sequence of taking. Only renames files whose names are mostly\n"
" numerical (as assigned by digicam)\n"
" The '.jpg' is automatically added to the end of the name. If the\n"
" destination name already exists, a letter or digit is added to \n"
" the end of the name to make it unique.\n"
" -nf[format-string]\n"
" Same as -n, but rename regardless of original name\n"
" -a (Windows only) Rename files with same name but different extension\n"
" Use together with -n to rename .AVI files from exif in .THM files\n"
" for example\n"
" -ta<+|->h[:mm[:ss]]\n"
" Adjust time by h:mm backwards or forwards. Useful when having\n"
" taken pictures with the wrong time set on the camera, such as when\n"
" traveling across time zones or DST changes. Dates can be adjusted\n"
" by offsetting by 24 hours or more. For large date adjustments,\n"
" use the -da option\n"
" -da<date>-<date>\n"
" Adjust date by large amounts. This is used to fix photos from\n"
" cameras where the date got set back to the default camera date\n"
" by accident or battery removal.\n"
" To deal with different months and years having different numbers of\n"
" days, a simple date-month-year offset would result in unexpected\n"
" results. Instead, the difference is specified as desired date\n"
" minus original date. Date is specified as yyyy:mmm:dd or as date\n"
" and time in the format yyyy:mmm:dd/hh:mm:ss\n"
" -ts<time> Set the Exif internal time to <time>. <time> is in the format\n"
" yyyy:mm:dd-hh:mm:ss\n"
" -ds<date> Set the Exif internal date. <date> is in the format YYYY:MM:DD\n"
" or YYYY:MM or YYYY\n"
" -dt Remove exif integral thumbnails. Typically trims 10k\n"
" -st <name> Save Exif thumbnail, if there is one, in file <name>\n"
" If output file name contains the substring \"&i\" then the\n"
" image file name is substitute for the &i. Note that quotes around\n"
" the argument are required for the '&' to be passed to the program.\n"
#ifndef _WIN32
" An output name of '-' causes thumbnail to be written to stdout\n"
" -rt <name> Replace Exif thumbnail. Can only be done with headers that\n"
" already contain a thumbnail.\n"
" -rgt[size] Regnerate exif thumbnail. Only works if image already\n"
" contains a thumbail. size specifies maximum height or width of\n"
" thumbnail. Relies on 'mogrify' programs to be on path\n"
" -autorot Invoke jpegtran to rotate images according to Exif orientation tag\n"
" Note: Windows users must get jpegtran for this to work\n"
" -norot Zero out the rotation tag. This to avoid some browsers from\n"
" rotating the image again after you rotated it but neglected to\n"
" clear the rotation tag\n"
" -h help (this text)\n"
" -v even more verbose output\n"
" -q Quiet (no messages on success, like Unix)\n"
" -V Show jhead version\n"
" -exifmap Dump header bytes, annotate. Pipe thru sort for better viewing\n"
" -se Supress error messages relating to corrupt exif header structure\n"
" -c concise output\n"
" -nofinfo Don't show file info (name/size/date)\n"
" -model model\n"
" Only process files from digicam containing model substring in\n"
" camera model description\n"
" -exonly Skip all files that don't have an exif header (skip all jpegs that\n"
" were not created by digicam)\n"
" -cmd command\n"
" Apply 'command' to every file, then re-insert exif and command\n"
" sections into the image. &i will be substituted for the input file\n"
" name, and &o (if &o is used). Use quotes around the command string\n"
" This is most useful in conjunction with the free ImageMagick tool. \n"
" For example, with my Canon S100, which suboptimally compresses\n"
" jpegs I can specify\n"
" jhead -cmd \"mogrify -quality 80 &i\" *.jpg\n"
" to re-compress a lot of images using ImageMagick to half the size,\n"
" and no visible loss of quality while keeping the exif header\n"
" Another invocation I like to use is jpegtran (hard to find for\n"
" windows). I type:\n"
" jhead -cmd \"jpegtran -progressive &i &o\" *.jpg\n"
" to convert jpegs to progressive jpegs (Unix jpegtran syntax\n"
" differs slightly)\n"
" -orp Only operate on 'portrait' aspect ratio images\n"
" -orl Only operate on 'landscape' aspect ratio images\n"
#ifdef _WIN32
" -r No longer supported. Use the ** wildcard to recurse directories\n"
" with instead.\n"
" examples:\n"
" jhead **/*.jpg\n"
" jhead \"c:\\my photos\\**\\*.jpg\"\n"
" -cr Remove comment tag (my way)\n"
" -ca Add comment tag (my way)\n"
" -ar Auto resize to fit in 1024x1024, but never less than half\n"
#endif //MATTHIAS
// Parse specified date or date+time from command line.
time_t ParseCmdDate(char * DateSpecified)
int a;
struct tm tm;
time_t UnixTime;
tm.tm_wday = -1;
tm.tm_hour = tm.tm_min = tm.tm_sec = 0;
a = sscanf(DateSpecified, "%d:%d:%d/%d:%d:%d",
&tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday,
&tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec);
if (a != 3 && a < 5){
// Date must be YYYY:MM:DD, YYYY:MM:DD+HH:MM
ErrFatal("Could not parse specified date");
tm.tm_isdst = -1;
tm.tm_mon -= 1; // Adjust for unix zero-based months
tm.tm_year -= 1900; // Adjust for year starting at 1900
UnixTime = mktime(&tm);
if (UnixTime == -1){
ErrFatal("Specified time is invalid or out of range");
return UnixTime;
// The main program.
#if 0
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int argn;
char * arg;
progname = argv[0];
for (argn=1;argn<argc;argn++){
arg = argv[argn];
if (arg[0] != '-') break; // Filenames from here on.
// General metadata options:
if (!strcmp(arg,"-te")){
ExifXferScrFile = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-dc")){
DeleteComments = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-de")){
DeleteExif = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-di")){
DeleteIptc = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg, "-du")){
DeleteUnknown = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg, "-purejpg")){
DeleteExif = TRUE;
DeleteComments = TRUE;
DeleteIptc = TRUE;
DeleteUnknown = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-ce")){
EditComment = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-cs")){
CommentSavefileName = argv[++argn];
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-ci")){
CommentInsertfileName = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-cl")){
CommentInsertLiteral = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-mkexif")){
CreateExifSection = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
// Output verbosity control
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-h")){
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-v")){
ShowTags = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-q")){
Quiet = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-V")){
printf("Jhead version: "JHEAD_VERSION" Compiled: "__DATE__"\n");
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-exifmap")){
DumpExifMap = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-se")){
SupressNonFatalErrors = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-c")){
ShowConcise = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-nofinfo")){
ShowFileInfo = 0;
// Thumbnail manipulation options
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-dt")){
TrimExif = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-st")){
ThumbSaveName = argv[++argn];
DoReadAction = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-rt")){
ThumbInsertName = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-rgt", 4)){
RegenThumbnail = 160;
sscanf(arg+4, "%d", &RegenThumbnail);
if (RegenThumbnail > 320){
ErrFatal("Specified thumbnail geometry too big!");
DoModify = TRUE;
// Rotation tag manipulation
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-autorot")){
AutoRotate = 1;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-norot")){
AutoRotate = 1;
ZeroRotateTagOnly = 1;
DoModify = TRUE;
// Date/Time manipulation options
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-n",2)){
RenameToDate = 1;
DoReadAction = TRUE; // Rename doesn't modify file, so count as read action.
if (*arg == 'f'){
RenameToDate = 2;
if (*arg){
// A strftime format string is supplied.
strftime_args = arg;
//printf("strftime_args = %s\n",arg);
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-a")){
RenameAssociatedFiles = TRUE;
#ifndef _WIN32
ErrFatal("Error: -a only supported in Windows version");
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-ft")){
Exif2FileTime = TRUE;
DoReadAction = TRUE;
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-ta",3)){
// Time adjust feature.
int hours, minutes, seconds, n;
minutes = seconds = 0;
if (arg[3] != '-' && arg[3] != '+'){
ErrFatal("Error: -ta must be followed by +/- and a time");
n = sscanf(arg+4, "%d:%d:%d", &hours, &minutes, &seconds);
if (n < 1){
ErrFatal("Error: -ta must be immediately followed by time");
if (ExifTimeAdjust) ErrFatal("Can only use one of -da or -ta options at once");
ExifTimeAdjust = hours*3600 + minutes*60 + seconds;
if (arg[3] == '-') ExifTimeAdjust = -ExifTimeAdjust;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-da",3)){
// Date adjust feature (large time adjustments)
time_t NewDate, OldDate = 0;
char * pOldDate;
NewDate = ParseCmdDate(arg+3);
pOldDate = strstr(arg+1, "-");
if (pOldDate){
OldDate = ParseCmdDate(pOldDate+1);
ErrFatal("Must specifiy second date for -da option");
if (ExifTimeAdjust) ErrFatal("Can only use one of -da or -ta options at once");
ExifTimeAdjust = NewDate-OldDate;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-dsft",5)){
// Set file time to date/time in exif
FileTimeToExif = TRUE;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-ds",3)){
// Set date feature
int a;
// Check date validity and copy it. Could be incompletely specified.
strcpy(DateSet, "0000:01:01");
for (a=0;arg[a+3];a++){
if (isdigit(DateSet[a])){
if (!isdigit(arg[a+3])){
a = 0;
if (arg[a+3] != ':'){
DateSet[a] = arg[a+3];
if (a < 4 || a > 10){
ErrFatal("Date must be in format YYYY, YYYY:MM, or YYYY:MM:DD");
DateSetChars = a;
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!memcmp(arg,"-ts",3)){
// Set the exif time.
// Time must be specified as "yyyy:mm:dd-hh:mm:ss"
char * c;
struct tm tm;
c = strstr(arg+1, "-");
if (c) *c = ' '; // Replace '-' with a space.
if (!Exif2tm(&tm, arg+3)){
ErrFatal("-ts option must be followed by time in format yyyy:mmm:dd-hh:mm:ss\n"
"Example: jhead -ts2001:01:01-12:00:00 foo.jpg");
ExifTimeSet = mktime(&tm);
if ((int)ExifTimeSet == -1) ErrFatal("Time specified is out of range");
DoModify = TRUE;
// File matching and selection
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-model")){
if (argn+1 >= argc) Usage(); // No extra argument.
FilterModel = argv[++argn];
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-exonly")){
ExifOnly = 1;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-orp")){
PortraitOnly = 1;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-orl")){
PortraitOnly = -1;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-cmd")){
if (argn+1 >= argc) Usage(); // No extra argument.
ApplyCommand = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-ca")){
// Its a literal comment. Add.
AddComment = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-cr")){
// Its a literal comment. Remove this keyword.
RemComment = argv[++argn];
DoModify = TRUE;
}else if (!strcmp(arg,"-ar")){
AutoResize = TRUE;
ShowConcise = TRUE;
ApplyCommand = (char *)1; // Must be non null so it does commands.
DoModify = TRUE;
#endif // MATTHIAS
printf("Argument '%s' not understood\n",arg);
printf("Use jhead -h for list of arguments\n");
if (argn >= argc){
// Used an extra argument - becuase the last argument
// used up an extr argument.
ErrFatal("Extra argument required");
if (argn == argc){
ErrFatal("No files to process. Use -h for help");
if (ThumbSaveName != NULL && strcmp(ThumbSaveName, "&i") == 0){
printf("Error: By specifying \"&i\" for the thumbail name, your original file\n"
" will be overwitten. If this is what you really want,\n"
" specify -st \"./&i\" to override this check\n");
if (RegenThumbnail){
if (ThumbSaveName || ThumbInsertName){
printf("Error: Cannot regen and save or insert thumbnail in same run\n");
if (EditComment){
if (CommentSavefileName != NULL || CommentInsertfileName != NULL){
printf("Error: Cannot use -ce option in combination with -cs or -ci\n");
if (ExifXferScrFile){
if (FilterModel || ApplyCommand){
ErrFatal("Error: Filter by model and/or applying command to files\n"
" invalid while transfering Exif headers");
FileSequence = 0;
for (;argn<argc;argn++){
FilesMatched = FALSE;
#ifdef _WIN32
int a;
for (a=0;;a++){
if (argv[argn][a] == '\0') break;
if (argv[argn][a] == '/') argv[argn][a] = '\\';
// Use my globbing module to do fancier wildcard expansion with recursive
// subdirectories under Windows.
MyGlob(argv[argn], ProcessFile);
// Under linux, don't do any extra fancy globbing - shell globbing is
// pretty fancy as it is - although not as good as myglob.c
if (!FilesMatched){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No files matched '%s'\n",argv[argn]);
if (FileSequence == 0){
#endif // commented out -- security risk