Welcome to Quake! | |
This file details how to get Quake running on your system and what to do | |
if you have problems. We would like to thank Gandalf Technologies, Inc and | |
MPath Interactive for the use of their technology. We would also like to | |
thank Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails for their tremendous contributions | |
to Quake's entire audio portion. | |
The NIN logo is a Registered Trademark licensed to Nothing Interactive, Inc. | |
All Rights Reserved. | |
Quake System Requirements | |
------------------------- | |
IBM PC and Compatibles | |
Pentium processor or better | |
VGA Compatible Display or better | |
8MB RAM minimum, 16MB recommended (16 MB required for running under Win95) | |
CD-ROM drive Required | |
MS-DOS 5.0 or better or Windows 95 (does NOT run under Windows NT) | |
Hard Drive (30MB for Shareware, 80 MB for Registered) | |
*** IMPORTANT!: Quake requires a floating point processor. | |
Systems that do not have an FPU installed will not run Quake -- at all. | |
*** IMPORTANT Video Adapter Note! *** | |
On some ATI Mach32 cards, Quake can come up with a garbled video display. | |
This is due to a problem with the card in which 320x200 mode isn't | |
initialized correctly. Workarounds include: | |
1) If running from Windows, start Quake from an icon, or from a windowed | |
(not fullscreen) MS-DOS prompt. If Quake is already running and has | |
the garbled screen, press Alt-Enter twice to switch to the desktop and | |
back to fullscreen, and the screen will display properly. | |
2) If running from DOS, either put the line | |
vid_mode 1 | |
in id1\autoexec.cfg, or, typing blind, press tilde ('~') to bring down | |
the console, type | |
vid_mode 1<enter> | |
and the screen will display properly. | |
======================================================================== | |
Here are the text files included with the shareware release of Quake and | |
what they are: | |
README.TXT This file | |
TECHINFO.TXT Technical information on Quake's subsystems and | |
their advanced use. | |
MANUAL.TXT Text version of the printed game manual | |
LICINFO.TXT Info on the various license files included with Quake | |
SLICNSE.TXT Shareware Quake end-user license | |
ORDER.TXT How to order Quake | |
HELP.TXT How to get help with Quake | |
Here are the text files included with the registered version of Quake and | |
what they are: | |
README.TXT This file | |
TECHINFO.TXT Technical information on Quake's subsystems and | |
their advanced use. | |
MANUAL.TXT Text version of the printed game manual | |
LICINFO.TXT Info on the various license files included with Quake | |
RLICNSE.TXT Registered Quake end-user license | |
COMEXP.TXT Commercial exploitation agreement | |
ORDER.TXT How to order Quake | |
HELP.TXT How to get help with Quake | |
Running Quake | |
------------- | |
DOS: To launch Quake from the DOS Prompt, go to the Quake directory and | |
simply type "QUAKE" <ENTER>. (no quotes) | |
Windows 95: To launch Quake in single player mode, double click on the file | |
QUAKE.EXE From Windows Explorer. To run Quake in Multi-Player mode using | |
the TCP/IP protocol, first check your network settings to ensure the | |
protocol is installed, then double click on the Q95.BAT file to launch the | |
game. In this version (v0.91) there is a minor bug that will cause the | |
Q95.BAT file to exit the first time you run it, without running Quake. | |
Merely double-click on that file again and it will work. | |
Audio Setup | |
----------- | |
When using a Sound Card with Quake, there are a few setup steps which must | |
be taken. First, the "BLASTER" environment variable setting must be in your | |
autoexec.bat (or you can type it in manually from the MS-DOS command prompt). | |
Running the Sound Blaster utility diagnose.exe will automatically configure | |
your sound card and put this statement in your autoexec.bat file for you. | |
A typical blaster setting looks like this (although yours may vary): | |
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 | |
If you want to play the audio track from the CD-ROM while playing Quake, | |
you must ensure that the audio cable from the CD-ROM is connected to the | |
sound card. | |
If you think your sound card is setup properly and it STILL doesn't work, | |
check to make sure that your BLASTER environment variable contains the | |
high DMA setting (H5 in the above example). | |
If you don't get sound while trying to play the audio track, check to see | |
if a small cable goes from the back of your CD-ROM player directly to your | |
sound card. If the CD-ROM audio cable is connected to your sound board (or | |
the motherboard in some cases) and you STILL don't hear CD Audio coming from | |
your speakers, make sure the MIXER program has the CD volume turned up. | |
You will also need to run the CD-ROM driver MSCDEX.EXE. Here is an example | |
of the files you should see (yours probably will vary) listed in your | |
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT (explanation is in parentheses): | |
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 (sound environment variable setting) | |
=================================================== | |
UltraSound MAX and UltraSound PnP Support for Quake | |
=================================================== | |
Before running Quake, make sure that your sound card works and your | |
environment variables are set correctly. | |
Other UltraSound Cards (ACE & Classic) | |
-------------------------------------- | |
These drivers are not for the UltraSound ACE or UltraSound Classic | |
sound cards. We have heard mixed reports that MegaEm or SBOS | |
have a chance of working with the UltraSound Classic but there is a | |
short sound F/X delay. | |
UltraSound PnP and PnP Pro | |
-------------------------- | |
You must make sure that you do NOT have IWSBOS or MegaEm loaded. | |
Setup | |
----- | |
Quake will automatically detect that the UltraSound Max or PnP | |
are installed. It does this by looking at the SET INTERWAVE (PnP) | |
and SET ULTRA16 (Max) environment variables. | |
Quake will use the settings found on the SET ULTRASND/ULTRA16 (Max) | |
and in the IW.INI (PnP) file to determine what port settings to use. | |
Troubleshooting Windows 95 (DOS Box) | |
------------------------------------ | |
We recommend that you restart your computer in MS-DOS Mode. DOS Box | |
may or may not work, so use at your own risk. | |
CD Audio Input | |
-------------- | |
If you have not already enabled CD audio output by default you will | |
need to enable it. For the UltraSound MAX you can run "ULTRINIT -EC". | |
For the UltraSound PnP you will need to enable the CD audio output | |
in Win'95 and then restart your computer into MS-DOS. | |
=================================================== | |
Mouse Setup | |
----------- | |
If you are going to use a mouse when playing Quake, you will need to load | |
your mouse driver. This should go in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file as well. Here | |
is an example: | |
C:\LOGITECH\MOUSE\MOUSE.EXE (mouse driver) | |
Booting Clean | |
------------- | |
If you are going to be running Quake with only 8 megabytes of RAM, it is best | |
to boot clean . You eliminate unwanted utilities or applications from taking | |
up valuable memory, without having to alter your regular AUTOEXEC.BAT and | |
CONFIG.SYS. Booting clean can be done in one of two ways. If you have | |
MS-DOS version 6.xx, booting clean is as simple a pressing the shift key | |
when you see the words "Starting MS-DOS". If you have MS-DOS ver 5.xx you | |
will need to make a system disk. | |
To make a boot disk, type the following from the MS-DOS command prompt: | |
FORMAT A: /S | |
1. Make sure that this is a disk you wish to erase. | |
2. This disk absolutely HAS to be formatted in the A: drive. | |
To use the system disk, place the disk in the A: drive and reset the | |
computer. | |
NOTE: If your sound card requires a driver to be loaded, or you will be | |
using a mouse, or you will be using Quake's CD audio feature, the system | |
disk will need to have a CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT that load the | |
appropriate drivers. | |
Creating a Quake Shortcut | |
As an alternative to making a Boot Disk, Windows 95 users can create a | |
Quake Shortcut. By double clicking onthis shortcut, Windows 95 will reboot | |
in MS-DOS mode and install only the desired drivers, giving you the same | |
results as using a Boot Disk. To create a Quake Shortcut, do the following: | |
1. Using Explorer, right click and drag the file QUAKE.EXE, from the Quake | |
directory, to your desktop. Windows 95 will make an MS-DOS Icon titled | |
"Shortcut to quake". | |
2. Right click on the new icon, and from the menu that pops up, choose | |
"Properties". Then choose the "Program" tab at the top. | |
3. Now click on the "Advanced..." button near the bottom. The "Advanced | |
Program Settings" window should appear. | |
4. Select the "MS-DOS mode" check box and the "Specify a new MS-DOS | |
configuration" option button. | |
5. Now simply fill in the "CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode:" and "AUTOEXEC.BAT | |
for MS-DOS mode:" boxes with the same sound, CD-ROM and mouse settings as | |
mentioned above in the Boot Disks section. | |
6. Click on "OK" when you are finished. If you wish, you can change your | |
Quake Shortcut Icon to something a little more exciting by clicking on | |
"Change Icon...". | |
7. To finish, click on "OK" again. | |
8. You can rename your Quake Shortcut by right clicking on the shortcut | |
icon, choosing "Rename" and typing in the new name. | |
====================================================== | |
== Known Problems == | |
====================================================== | |
Problem: Zombies sometime get stuck on the ground and connot get back up. | |
(You can still hear them, but you cannot kill them. This bug makes it | |
impossible to get 100% kills on whatever level it occurs on.) | |
Solution: There is no workaround for this bug. | |
Problem: It is sometimes possible for the player to get stuck in a room or | |
in a wall. | |
Solution: If you get stuck, use the 'kill' console command. It is a good | |
idea to save your game often. | |
Problem: View centering problems. Sometimes during a game, the view will not | |
center properly. The end result is the player view looking up torwards the | |
ceiling while walking. | |
Solution: Exit to the next level or use the 'kill' console command.. | |
====================================================== | |
== Troubleshooting == | |
====================================================== | |
If Quake fails to start up, or has problems not addressed elsewhere in the | |
documentation, try the -safe command line switch, which disables a number | |
of parts of Quake that can be problems if there are hardware or configuration | |
problems. The -safe command line switch is equivalent to -stdvid, -nosound, | |
-nonet, and -nocdaudio together. Those four switches do the following: | |
-stdvid: disables VESA video modes. | |
-nosound: disables sound card support. | |
-nonet: disables network card support. | |
-nocdaudio: disables CD audio support. | |
If -safe makes the problem go away, try using each of the switches | |
individually to isolate the area in which you're experiencing the problem, | |
then either correct the configuration or hardware problem or play Quake with | |
that functionality disabled. | |
If you still have problems, try booting clean in conjunction with | |
the -safe command line parameter. For information on booting clean, refer | |
to the "Booting Clean" section above. | |
If you experience page faults while running Quarterdeck's QDPMI DPMI server, | |
this is caused by a bug in QDPMI. Workarounds: Remove QDPMI from CONFIG.SYS, | |
issue the command QDPMI OFF before running QUAKE, or get the update patch | |
for QDPMI from Quarterdeck. You may be running QDPMI without knowing it if | |
you have QEMM installed, because it can be installed as part of the QEMM | |
installation. | |
Technical Support | |
----------------- | |
If you are having trouble installing or running Quake you can receive | |
technical support by sending e-mailing to support@idsoftware.com. You can | |
also refer to our web page, www.idsoftware.com, or call 1-800-idgames. | |
When sending support e-mail, cut and paste the following into your e-mail | |
message and fill in the blanks: | |
Date: | |
Name: | |
Phone number: | |
E-mail address: (please include this, we redirect tons of mail) | |
Game Title: | |
Version #: | |
Operating system (i.e., DOS 6.0 or Windows 95): | |
Computer type: | |
BIOS date: | |
BIOS version: | |
Processor type: | |
Processor speed: | |
Do you program at school/work? | |
Do you provide tech. support at school/work? | |
Please state the problem you encountered: | |
Please state how to reproduce the problem: | |
If program crashed with nasty undecipherable techno-garbage, please | |
look for the eight-digit hex number which comes after "eip=" | |
and write it down here: | |
** NOTE: If you are sending a bug report, PLEASE refer to the TECHINFO.TXT | |
file for the correct form and procedures. | |
====================================================== | |
== Version History == | |
====================================================== | |
v1.01 -- Bugs fixed | |
------------------------------------------------------ | |
* Fixed modem code | |
* Fixed fraglimit & timelimit | |
* Added NOEXIT cvar (so no one can exit a level) | |
------------------------------------------------------ | |
v1.00 -- Bugs fixed | |
------------------------------------------------------ | |
* Gravis Ultrasound audio support (still has bugs) | |
* More deathmatch start spots on E1M6 and END | |
* Print server version and PROG CRC on connect | |
* -dedicated starts start.map if nothing else specified | |
* fixed lookspring function during net game | |
* fixed rare crash during long running dedicated server | |
------------------------------------------------------ | |
v0.94 -- Bugs fixed / Features added -- LIMITED BETA VERSION | |
------------------------------------------------------ | |
* Totally rewritten menus | |
* New lighting model with overbrighting | |
* Parsed lowercase BLASTER parms | |
* Better Sound Blaster shutdown code | |
* Rewrote BLASTER initialization | |
* Fixed DMA channel 0 bugs | |
* Added SBPro 8 stereo setup | |
* Fix delayed sound on 8 bit Sound Blasters | |
* Fixed speed key affecting angle-turning from keyboard | |
* Fixed "no such Alias frame" bugs | |
* Fixed Zombie not getting up bug | |
* Checked for very high joystick values, signalling a failed read | |
* Unstuck jumping Fiends and Spawn | |
* Fixed large BModels blinking out in complex areas | |
* Fixed s_localsound with no sound started | |
* Saved spawn parms in savegame | |
* Fixed screenshot save location | |
* Bind with no arguments no longer clears value | |
* Allow console in intermission / finale | |
* Fixed false gib messages | |
* Full-screen TAB scoreboard in DeathMatch | |
* Fixed "+playdemo <demo>" from command line | |
* Trapped overflow in sizebuf messages | |
* Moveup / movedown in water! | |
* Fixed-up Talk command | |
* Added unsupported crosshair option ("crosshair 1" from console) | |
* Colored chat messages with notify sound | |
* Fixed "connect during intermission" bug | |
* Changelevel while demos running no longer crashes | |
* Fixed changelevel with no map left up loading screen | |
* Fixed long names entered from the console causing crash | |
* Stopped demos changing while in the menus | |
* Fixed modem initialization from menu | |
* Fixed serial reliable stream getting stalled | |
* Serial/modem code fixes | |
16550a lost transmit buffer empty interrupts | |
fixed sometimes processing interrupts from com1 when using com2 | |
added com3/com4 support from menus | |
fixed first character of modem init not getting sent | |
saved serial/modem settings in config.cfg | |
* Fixed name and colors not always sent to server at startup | |
* Fixed "stopdemo" crashing the system when there wasn't a demo playing | |
* Added server's TCP/IP and IPX addresses (if available) to status command | |
* In 0.92, an additional check for a usable VESA video mode was added; | |
the numpages field was verified to be greater than 0, and no mode was | |
supported that had numpages set to 0 (which indicates that there's not | |
enough video memory for that mode). ATI's VESA driver, m64vbe, | |
reports 0 for numpages, so VESA video modes that were available in 0.91 | |
were no longer available in 0.92. This extra numpages check has | |
been removed. | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
v0.93 -- Never officially released; internal testing only. | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
v0.92 -- Bugs fixed | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Typing long strings in the hostname or modem init field in the menus caused | |
crashes. | |
Under Win95 IPX was detected but not functional, resulting in the game | |
exiting to DOS. | |
If -nosound, got "S_LocalSound: can't cache" on every keypress in the menu. | |
When vid_nopageflip was set to 1 in VESA modes, going underwater resulted in | |
only the upper left corner of the drawing area being updated. | |
The single player scoreboard (tab) printed text incorrectly in all modes | |
greater than 320 pixels wide. | |
On network connections that dropped packets, the reliable message stream | |
could get stopped up, resulting in frag counts and talk messages no longer | |
being delivered, although game movement continued. | |
The com port settings from the menu were getting saved & restored but | |
not used. | |
Direct serial connections did not work with slist. | |
Quake now checks the vesa information for hardware incabable of page-flipping. | |
Menu sound sometimes didn't play. | |
Q95 (qlaunch.exe) frequently failed to execute on the first attempt. | |
Q95 (quakeudp.dll) was running out of buffers when running a server. | |
Teams were not being set according to pants colors. | |
Joystick notes | |
-------------- | |
Your joystick must be plugged in when Quake is launched. | |
If you have a joystick plugged in, but don't want to use it in Quake | |
(it slows the game down a few percent), or you have weird hardware that | |
doesn't like being tested as a joystick add "-nojoy" to your Quake | |
command line. | |
You can turn off joystick reading during the game by typing "joystick 0" at | |
the Quake command console. | |
You MUST configure your buttons from the configure keys menu before they will | |
work. There is no default configuration. | |
If your joystick or interface card improperly sets the third or fourth | |
joystick buttons, type "joybuttons 2" at the quake console or in your | |
.CFG file. | |
The "mlook" button command now lets the joystick as well as the mouse control | |
pitch angles. | |
The "sidestep" buttom command works on joysticks as with mice and keyboard | |
movement. | |
The "invert mouse up/down" menu option also inverts the joystick pitch | |
direction. |