Patches from SVOX on lingware for de-DE, en-US, fr-FR for XSAMPA support.
Test updates to reflect fixes (in comments) and expand tests to allow
direct comparison between XSAMPA version and text version.
- de-DE: v Wahl "va:l fixed
- en-GB: A: (US) long "lA:N fixed
- en-US: l long "lA:N fixed
- fr-FR:
   H juin "ZHE~ fixed
   l long "lO~ fixed
   l long "lO~ (in a sentence) fixed
   w coin "kwE~ fixed
10 files changed
tree: c43882cd059266853bed4b5c21bb3e93a8e86f5a
  1. pico/
  2. pico_resources/
  3. picolanginstaller/