If the timezone changes, then we must invalidate the cached time values we have stored to avoid
a mismatch of the numerical timezone offset and the timezone string.

This change should go to the upstream V8 project.

Fix b/2529851

Change-Id: Ibc929ae5cbc2f7dd2d9ab1ee9b43faec74f540a1
diff --git a/src/date.js b/src/date.js
index 7d8f458..b4027c1 100644
--- a/src/date.js
+++ b/src/date.js
@@ -613,6 +613,20 @@
 function LocalTimezoneString(time) {
+  var old_timezone = timezone_cache_timezone;
+  var timezone = LocalTimezone(time);
+  if (old_timezone && timezone != old_timezone) {
+    // If the timezone string has changed from the one that we cached,
+    // the local time offset may now be wrong. So we need to update it
+    // and try again.
+    local_time_offset = %DateLocalTimeOffset();
+    // We also need to invalidate the DST cache as the new timezone may have
+    // different DST times.
+    var dst_cache = DST_offset_cache;
+    dst_cache.start = 0;
+    dst_cache.end = -1;
+  }
   var timezoneOffset =
       (local_time_offset + DaylightSavingsOffset(time)) / msPerMinute;
   var sign = (timezoneOffset >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
@@ -620,7 +634,7 @@
   var min   = FLOOR((sign * timezoneOffset)%60);
   var gmt = ' GMT' + ((sign == 1) ? '+' : '-') +
       TwoDigitString(hours) + TwoDigitString(min);
-  return gmt + ' (' +  LocalTimezone(time) + ')';
+  return gmt + ' (' +  timezone + ')';