blob: 0f4438ffc5ebe2b05f945d382b51e06ea5710c1b [file] [log] [blame]
description('Test setting the hostname attribute of the URL in HTMLAnchorElement.');
var a = document.createElement('a');
debug("Basic test");
a.href = "";
a.hostname = "";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// IE8 throws an exception "The URL is invalid".
try {
debug("Extra slashes before hostname");
a.href = "";
a.hostname = "//";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
} catch(e) {
debug("Exception: " + e.description);
// Firefox 3.5.2 does not allow setting the host to foo: protocol
debug("Set hostname to URL with foo: protocol");
a.href = "foo://";
a.hostname = "";
shouldBe("a.href", "'foo://'");
// IE8 converts null to "null", which is not the right thing to do.
// Firefox 3.5.2 allows setting the hostname to null, which is wrong per
// .
debug("Set hostname to null");
a.href = "";
a.hostname = null;
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// Both IE8 and Firefox 3.5.2 allow setting the host to empty string, against the spec at
// .
// Since both do that in a buggy way, WebKit should not follow either one of them.
debug("Set hostname to empty string");
a.href = "";
a.hostname = "";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// IE8 fails to process really: protocol.
debug("Set hostname to URL with 2 colons");
a.href = "really:bad:url";
a.hostname = "";
shouldBe("a.href", "'really:bad:url'");
// The expected behavior should change when the character table is updated.
// IE8 encodes the space in the hostname.
// Firefox3.5.2 and WebKit consider space as illegal character and would not set
// the new hostname.
debug("Set a hostname that contains space in it");
a.href = "";
a.hostname = "www.other";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// IE8 throws an exception "The URL is invalid".
try {
debug("Set hostname on a local file");
a.href = "c:/path/testurl.html";
a.hostname= "a";
shouldBe("a.href", "'c:/path/testurl.html'");
} catch(e) {
debug("Exception: " + e.description);
debug("Set hostname to undefined");
a.href = "";
a.hostname = undefined;
shouldBe("a.href", "'https://undefined:8080/path/'");
var successfullyParsed = true;