blob: b51ca4341f8049f940a3e59ddf6ffd349514f162 [file] [log] [blame]
description("Tests that Geoposition timestamps are well-formed (non-zero and in the same units as Date.getTime).");
var mockLatitude = 51.478;
var mockLongitude = -0.166;
var mockAccuracy = 100.0;
if (window.layoutTestController) {
layoutTestController.setMockGeolocationPosition(mockLatitude, mockLongitude, mockAccuracy);
var now = new Date().getTime();
shouldBeTrue('now != 0');
var t = null;
var then = null;
function checkPosition(p) {
t = p.timestamp;
var d = new Date();
then = d.getTime();
shouldBeTrue('t != 0');
shouldBeTrue('then != 0');
shouldBeTrue('now - 1 <= t'); // Avoid rounding errors
if (now - 1 > t) {
debug(" now - 1 = " + (now-1));
debug(" t = " + t);
shouldBeTrue('t <= then + 1'); // Avoid rounding errors
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
window.successfullyParsed = true;