blob: 9bc11126c11692fba902bca580b84396679af9cd [file] [log] [blame]
description('Test setting the port attribute of the URL in HTMLAnchorElement.');
var a = document.createElement('a');
debug("Default port as number");
a.href = "";
a.port = 443;
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
debug("Default port as string");
a.href = "";
a.port = "443";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
debug("Set port to 0");
a.href = "";
a.port = "0";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// Firefox 3.5.2 does not accept the port if any character is not a digit.
debug("Set port to non-number");
a.href = "";
a.port = "4a";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// Firefox 3.5.2 does not accept the port if it is null.
debug("Set port to null");
a.href = "";
a.port = null;
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// Firefox 3.5.2 does not accept the port if it is null.
debug("Set port to empty string");
a.href = "";
a.port = "";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
debug("Set port to undefined");
a.href = "";
a.port = undefined;
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// Firefox 3.5.2 does not allow setting the port on a URL with protocol foo: .
debug("Set port to URL with foo: protocol");
a.href = "foo://bar/";
a.port = 50;
shouldBe("a.href", "'foo://bar:50/'");
var successfullyParsed = true;