Merge "Camera2/3: Fix still image FOV reporting." into jb-mr2-dev
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.cpp b/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.cpp
index d02f17e..b26cd09 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.cpp
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.cpp
@@ -659,15 +659,13 @@
float minFocalLength =[0];
params.setFloat(CameraParameters::KEY_FOCAL_LENGTH, minFocalLength);
- camera_metadata_ro_entry_t sensorSize =
- if (!sensorSize.count) return NO_INIT;
+ float horizFov, vertFov;
+ res = calculatePictureFovs(&horizFov, &vertFov);
+ if (res != OK) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Can't calculate field of views!", __FUNCTION__);
+ return res;
+ }
- // The fields of view here assume infinity focus, maximum wide angle
- float horizFov = 180 / M_PI *
- 2 * atanf([0] / (2 * minFocalLength));
- float vertFov = 180 / M_PI *
- 2 * atanf([1] / (2 * minFocalLength));
params.setFloat(CameraParameters::KEY_HORIZONTAL_VIEW_ANGLE, horizFov);
params.setFloat(CameraParameters::KEY_VERTICAL_VIEW_ANGLE, vertFov);
@@ -861,6 +859,10 @@
bool fixedLens = ([0] == 0);
+ camera_metadata_ro_entry_t availableFocalLengths =
+ if (!availableFocalLengths.count) return NO_INIT;
if (sceneModeOverrides.count > 0) {
// sceneModeOverrides is defined to have 3 entries for each scene mode,
// which are AE, AWB, and AF override modes the HAL wants for that scene
@@ -928,6 +930,16 @@
fastInfo.arrayHeight = arrayHeight;
fastInfo.bestFaceDetectMode = bestFaceDetectMode;
fastInfo.maxFaces = maxFaces;
+ // Find smallest (widest-angle) focal length to use as basis of still
+ // picture FOV reporting.
+ fastInfo.minFocalLength =[0];
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < availableFocalLengths.count; i++) {
+ if (fastInfo.minFocalLength >[i]) {
+ fastInfo.minFocalLength =[i];
+ }
+ }
return OK;
@@ -1577,6 +1589,21 @@
*this = validatedParams;
+ /** Update external parameters calculated from the internal ones */
+ float horizFov, vertFov;
+ res = calculatePictureFovs(&horizFov, &vertFov);
+ if (res != OK) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Can't calculate FOVs", __FUNCTION__);
+ // continue so parameters are at least consistent
+ }
+ newParams.setFloat(CameraParameters::KEY_HORIZONTAL_VIEW_ANGLE,
+ horizFov);
+ newParams.setFloat(CameraParameters::KEY_VERTICAL_VIEW_ANGLE,
+ vertFov);
+ ALOGV("Current still picture FOV: %f x %f deg", horizFov, vertFov);
// Need to flatten again in case of overrides
paramsFlattened = newParams.flatten();
params = newParams;
@@ -2246,7 +2273,7 @@
CropRegion previewCrop = calculateCropRegion(CropRegion::OUTPUT_PREVIEW);
ALOG_ASSERT(x < previewCrop.width, "Crop-relative X coordinate = '%d' "
- "is out of bounds (upper = %d)", x, previewCrop.width);
+ "is out of bounds (upper = %f)", x, previewCrop.width);
int ret = x + previewCrop.left;
@@ -2262,7 +2289,7 @@
CropRegion previewCrop = calculateCropRegion(CropRegion::OUTPUT_PREVIEW);
ALOG_ASSERT(y < previewCrop.height, "Crop-relative Y coordinate = '%d' is "
- "out of bounds (upper = %d)", y, previewCrop.height);
+ "out of bounds (upper = %f)", y, previewCrop.height);
int ret = y +;
@@ -2468,6 +2495,90 @@
return crop;
+status_t Parameters::calculatePictureFovs(float *horizFov, float *vertFov)
+ const {
+ camera_metadata_ro_entry_t sensorSize =
+ if (!sensorSize.count) return NO_INIT;
+ camera_metadata_ro_entry_t availableFocalLengths =
+ if (!availableFocalLengths.count) return NO_INIT;
+ float arrayAspect = static_cast<float>(fastInfo.arrayWidth) /
+ fastInfo.arrayHeight;
+ float stillAspect = static_cast<float>(pictureWidth) / pictureHeight;
+ ALOGV("Array aspect: %f, still aspect: %f", arrayAspect, stillAspect);
+ // The crop factors from the full sensor array to the still picture crop
+ // region
+ float horizCropFactor = 1.f;
+ float vertCropFactor = 1.f;
+ /**
+ * Need to calculate the still image field of view based on the total pixel
+ * array field of view, and the relative aspect ratios of the pixel array
+ * and output streams.
+ *
+ * Special treatment for quirky definition of crop region and relative
+ * stream cropping.
+ */
+ if (quirks.meteringCropRegion) {
+ /**
+ * All streams are the same in height, so narrower aspect ratios will
+ * get cropped on the sides. First find the largest (widest) aspect
+ * ratio, then calculate the crop of the still FOV based on that.
+ */
+ float cropAspect = arrayAspect;
+ float aspects[] = {
+ stillAspect,
+ static_cast<float>(previewWidth) / previewHeight,
+ static_cast<float>(videoWidth) / videoHeight
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(aspects)/sizeof(aspects[0]); i++) {
+ if (cropAspect < aspects[i]) cropAspect = aspects[i];
+ }
+ ALOGV("Widest crop aspect: %f", cropAspect);
+ // Horizontal crop of still is done based on fitting in the widest
+ // aspect ratio
+ horizCropFactor = stillAspect / cropAspect;
+ // Vertical crop is a function of the array aspect ratio and the
+ // widest aspect ratio.
+ vertCropFactor = arrayAspect / cropAspect;
+ } else {
+ /**
+ * Crop are just a function of just the still/array relative aspect
+ * ratios. Since each stream will maximize its area within the crop
+ * region, and for FOV we assume a full-sensor crop region, we only ever
+ * crop the FOV either vertically or horizontally, never both.
+ */
+ horizCropFactor = (arrayAspect > stillAspect) ?
+ (stillAspect / arrayAspect) : 1.f;
+ vertCropFactor = (arrayAspect < stillAspect) ?
+ (arrayAspect / stillAspect) : 1.f;
+ }
+ ALOGV("Horiz crop factor: %f, vert crop fact: %f",
+ horizCropFactor, vertCropFactor);
+ /**
+ * Basic field of view formula is:
+ * angle of view = 2 * arctangent ( d / 2f )
+ * where d is the physical sensor dimension of interest, and f is
+ * the focal length. This only applies to rectilinear sensors, for focusing
+ * at distances >> f, etc.
+ */
+ if (horizFov != NULL) {
+ *horizFov = 180 / M_PI * 2 *
+ atanf(horizCropFactor *[0] /
+ (2 * fastInfo.minFocalLength));
+ }
+ if (vertFov != NULL) {
+ *vertFov = 180 / M_PI * 2 *
+ atanf(vertCropFactor *[1] /
+ (2 * fastInfo.minFocalLength));
+ }
+ return OK;
int32_t Parameters::fpsFromRange(int32_t /*min*/, int32_t max) const {
return max;
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.h b/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.h
index 696ee2f..6d85037 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.h
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/camera2/Parameters.h
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
DefaultKeyedVector<uint8_t, OverrideModes> sceneModeOverrides;
+ float minFocalLength;
} fastInfo;
// Quirks information; these are short-lived flags to enable workarounds for
@@ -243,6 +244,9 @@
CropRegion calculateCropRegion(CropRegion::Outputs outputs) const;
+ // Calculate the field of view of the high-resolution JPEG capture
+ status_t calculatePictureFovs(float *horizFov, float *vertFov) const;
// Static methods for debugging and converting between camera1 and camera2
// parameters