This CL breaks existing functionality. Gmail uses the photoviewer to display attachments that are not yet downloaded. While we download the image, we expect that the Bitmap will be null.

There needs to be another way for Google Now to show that the file is missing. Instead of checking whether BitmapResult.result == null, perhaps BitmapResult.status should be used.

Revert "Hide the spinner and show failure message if photo data is null"

This reverts commit 0c8b9eda5311dfc69ff532353c3e7f4ee6c1acb7

Bug: 8407579
Change-Id: I1283cb6cb9315e053938b4316b338781b1af40da
1 file changed
tree: 46ef2a05bdf2509c90eda83e2978f00a86a304bb
  1. res/
  2. sample/
  3. src/
  4. .gitignore
  6. AndroidManifest.xml