DO NOT MERGE. Provider to share private files between apps.

Apps should generally avoid sending raw filesystem paths across
process boundaries, since the receiving app may not have the same
access as the sender.  Instead, apps should send Uris and rely on
platform features like grantUriPermission() to control access.

This provider is a simple implementation that services Uris which
are backed by raw files on disk.  It relies on ContentProvider to
enforce the grants, and supports reading, writing, and deleting.  It
responds to OpenableColumns and tries answering getType() using
file extensions.

Apps define supported paths in <meta-data> associated with their
<provider> manifest entries.

Bug: 7005318
Change-Id: Iceb4f2ce996221d2d85e009b62c856dcdf5eca14
5 files changed
tree: f539e3b1ca33044a23c0e4bf633342878fcd5799
  1. appcompat/
  2. renderscript/
  3. v13/
  4. v4/
  5. v7/