Bug 5238515 AndroidBufferQueue miscellaneous

 - errors found by setItems are now hard errors, and cause Enqueue to
   return an error result (e.g. PARAMETER_INVALID or PRECONDITIONS_VIOLATED)
 - disallow EOS with non-zero data
 - disallow Enqueue after EOS
 - Enqueue checks MPEG-2 sync byte of first packet to reduce chance of downstream failures
 - use MPEG-2 terminology "packet" instead of "block"
 - Clear and init don't need to erase buffer content, as it is inaccessible
 - put placeholder in IAndroidBufferQueue_SetCallbackEventsMask
   for additional events beyond SL_ANDROIDBUFFERQUEUEEVENT_PROCESSED
 - comment unused field mBufferState in AdvancedBufferHeader
 - fix a minor typo
 - add dump method, #if 0 out by default

Change-Id: I11921e3784bfdb30e2cebaa1dabb705ea5ab0b92
5 files changed
tree: 27bcc9a67fada116af61673e5408adae5fb9094e
  1. doc/
  2. include/
  3. src/
  4. tests/
  5. tools/