Initial public release of TinyHW

This is an initial public release of TinyHW intended to function as a
starting point for development of something more fully featured.  The
goal of TinyHW is to provide an audio HAL for ICS and later Android
versions which allows most systems based on standard ALSA drivers to
deploy using file based configuration rather than code customisation,
easing development of audio tunings especially by engineers without
software development skills such as acoustic engineers.

Due to the limited needs of the initial target system currently only
playback is supported, record uses the dummy code from the AOSP
reference audio_hw for the time being.  Basebands are also not

Liberal inspiration has been drawn from the code for the Galaxy Nexus
devices in AOSP.
2 files changed
tree: 414a1e6b271f37a1053541d06681ef6f53e717a8
  2. audio_hw.c