Add smart dialling capabilities to dialer

Layout changes to dialpad fragment to make space for smart dial suggestions.
This feature does not appear in landscape mode.
SmartDialTextView automatically resizes text to fit within the bounds of the view.
SmartDialAdapter highlights certain portions of the matching name based on match
positions provided by SmartDialNameMatcher.
SmartDialLoaderTask is an AsyncTask that caches all contacts with a phone number
into memory, or matches all contact names against a provided query to return a
list of matches (maximum of 3).
SmartDialNameMatcher contains utility functions to remove accents from accented
characters and normalize a phone number. It also contains the matching logic that
determines if a contact's display name matches a numeric query.
Added some tests for SmartDialNameMatcher

Bug: 6977981
Change-Id: I43e1a70d8d0d46e02fc67fe1caaec9a1769124f5
13 files changed
tree: 90d972b1c98ce31fee597ba57461741266c0149f
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  6. proguard.flags