Import revised translations.

Change-Id: I134cafd134bdf4cf825ab4fce1216a4c9cf07aee
diff --git a/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/res/values-ar/strings.xml
index ed8fe86..38e2669 100644
--- a/res/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@
     <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
     <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"لا توجد آثار"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"لا توجد تأثيرات"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"لوحة تحكم التأثيرات الموسيقية"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index 69a55ca..5920a67 100644
--- a/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,12 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/res/values-ca/strings.xml
index cc33f65..bd9a686 100644
--- a/res/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Els efectes no estan disponibles"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efectes no disponibles"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efectes d\'àudio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalitzador:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalitzador"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Connecta els auriculars per poder gaudir d\'aquests efectes"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Accentuació de baixos"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efectes 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverberació:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Efectes addicionals de reverberació ambiental"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Reverberació predefinida"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configura"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Usuari"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index d86e3c8..6a8e14b 100644
--- a/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efekty nejsou k dispozici"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Zvukové efekty"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ekvalizér:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ekvalizér"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Tyto efekty lze aktivovat pouze se zapojenými sluchátky."</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Zvýraznění basů"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D efekt"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Dozvuk:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Efekty dozvuku v místnosti"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Dozvuk (předvolba)"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Konfigurace"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Uživatel"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-da/strings.xml b/res/values-da/strings.xml
index 78b6ca0..a55a9e7 100644
--- a/res/values-da/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-da/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Kontrolpanel for musikeffekter"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-de/strings.xml b/res/values-de/strings.xml
index fe3dcc2..8b99810 100644
--- a/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,12 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-el/strings.xml b/res/values-el/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240cac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!--  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+ -->
+<resources xmlns:android=""
+    xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Τα εφέ δεν είναι διαθέσιμα"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Εφέ ήχου"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ισοσταθμιστής:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ισοσταθμιστής"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Χρησιμοποιήστε ακουστικά για αυτά τα εφέ"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Ενίσχυση μπάσων"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Εφέ 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Βάθος:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Πρόσθετα εφέ αντήχησης δωματίου"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Προεπιλογή βάθους (reverb)"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Ρύθμιση"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Xρήστης"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Πίνακας ελέγχου μουσικών εφέ"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
index 08e759d..ecb5873 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Effects not available"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Audio effects"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equaliser:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equaliser"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Please plug in headphones for these effects"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Bass boost"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D effect"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverb:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Additional room reverberation effects"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Reverb Preset"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Setup"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"User"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Music effects control panel"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml b/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
index c4dcac1..3c315ee 100644
--- a/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efectos no disponibles"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efectos de audio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ecualizador:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ecualizador"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Para disfrutar los efectos, debes conectar los auriculares."</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Refuerzo de graves"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efecto 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverberación:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Otros efectos de reverberación de sala"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Ajustes predeterminados de reverberación"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configuración"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Usuario"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Panel de control efectos music"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es/strings.xml b/res/values-es/strings.xml
index c4dcac1..32a644f 100644
--- a/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efectos no disponibles"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efectos de audio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ecualizador:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ecualizador"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Para disfrutar los efectos, debes conectar los auriculares."</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Refuerzo de graves"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efecto 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverberación:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Otros efectos de reverberación de sala"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Ajustes predeterminados de reverberación"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configuración"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Usuario"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/res/values-fa/strings.xml
index 00094b9..8d50dff 100644
--- a/res/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,12 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/res/values-fi/strings.xml
index dd8db79..15fc757 100644
--- a/res/values-fi/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fi/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Musiikkitehosteiden hallintapaneeli"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index 8ca57b2..ee3c5bf 100644
--- a/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,12 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/res/values-hr/strings.xml
index 1b30088..8d36ffb 100644
--- a/res/values-hr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-hr/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Učinci nisu dostupni"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efekti nisu dostupni"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Zvučni efekti"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ekvalizator"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ekvalizator"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Uključite slušalice za ove efekte"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Pojačanje basova"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D efekt"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Odjek:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Dodatni efekti odjeka u prostoriji"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Unaprijed definirani odjek"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Postavljanje"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Korisnik"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/res/values-hu/strings.xml
index 470b1f0..7437456 100644
--- a/res/values-hu/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Zenei hatások kezelőpanelje"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-in/strings.xml b/res/values-in/strings.xml
index 090acce..f9efe22 100644
--- a/res/values-in/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-in/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Panel kontrol efek musik"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-it/strings.xml b/res/values-it/strings.xml
index aa99ddd..34e0d46 100644
--- a/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Effetti non disponibili"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Effetti audio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalizzatore:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalizzatore"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Collega le cuffie per questi effetti"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Bassi più intensi"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Effetto 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Riverbero:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Altri effetti riverbero stanza"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Preimpostazione riverbero"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configurazione"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Utente"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Pann. controllo effetti music."</string>
diff --git a/res/values-iw/strings.xml b/res/values-iw/strings.xml
index 655a12d..0f6be4f 100644
--- a/res/values-iw/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-iw/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,12 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index 00097c2..873fe8a 100644
--- a/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"効果は利用できません"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"オーディオ効果"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"イコライザー:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"イコライザー"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"これらの効果はヘッドホンで聴いてください"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"バスブースト"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D効果"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"リバーブ:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"その他のルームリバーブ効果"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"リバーブプリセット"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"セットアップ"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FXブースター"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"ユーザー"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"サウンド効果コントロールパネル"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index aee46c6..bd1f6c5 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"음악 효과 제어판"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-lt/strings.xml b/res/values-lt/strings.xml
index d16728e..fd13046 100644
--- a/res/values-lt/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lt/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efektai negalimi"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Garso efektai"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Vienodintuvas:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Vienodintuvas"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Įkiškite ausines, kad būtų pateikti šie efektai"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Žemų tonų išryškinimas"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D efektas"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Dirbtinis garso fonas:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Papildomi aplinkos dirbtinio garso fono efektai"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Išankstinis dirbtinio garso fono nustatymas"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Sąranka"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Naudotojas"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-lv/strings.xml b/res/values-lv/strings.xml
index f4e8867..03fc4f6 100644
--- a/res/values-lv/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lv/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efekti nav pieejami."</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Audio efekti"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ekvalaizers:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ekvalaizers"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Lūdzu, pievienojiet austiņas, lai dzirdētu šos efektus."</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Basu pastiprināšana"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D efekts"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverberācija:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Telpas reverberācijas papildu efekti"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Iepriekš iestatīta reverberācija"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Iestatīšana"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Lietotājs"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Mūzikas efekti vadības panelī"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ms/strings.xml b/res/values-ms/strings.xml
index dcaf6be..910f883 100644
--- a/res/values-ms/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ms/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Kesan tidak tersedia"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Kesan audio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Penyama:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Penyama"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Sila pasangkan fon kepala untuk kesan ini"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Galak bes"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Kesan 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Gema:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Kesan gema bilik tambahan"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Pratetap Gema"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Persediaan"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Penggalak FX"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Pengguna"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Panel kawalan kesan muzik"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/res/values-nb/strings.xml
index 3306053..4ce6853 100644
--- a/res/values-nb/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,11 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Kontr.panel for musikkeffekter"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index ce3bcc5..53eb463 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Effecten niet beschikbaar"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Audio-effecten"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalizer:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalizer"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Gebruik een hoofdtelefoon om deze effecten te beluisteren"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Lage-tonenversterking"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D-effect"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Galm:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Extra galmeffecten in de ruimte"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Galm vooraf ingesteld"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Instellen"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Gebruiker"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Bedieningspaneel voor muziekeffecten"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 72d3786..48870b9 100644
--- a/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efekty nie są dostępne"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efekty niedostępne"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efekty dźwiękowe"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Korektor:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Korektor"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Podłącz słuchawki, aby usłyszeć te efekty."</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Wzmocnienie basów"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efekt 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Pogłos:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Dodatkowe efekty pogłosu w pomieszczeniu"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Gotowe ustawienie pogłosu"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Konfiguracja"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Wzmacniacz efektów"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Użytkownik"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Panel efektów muzycznych"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml b/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
index f53c4f4..8883044 100644
--- a/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efeitos não disponíveis"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efeitos de áudio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalizador:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalizador"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Ligue os auscultadores para estes efeitos"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Aumento de graves"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efeito 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Repercussão:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Efeitos de repercussão da sala adicionais"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Repercussão Predefinida"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configuração"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Amplificafor FX"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Utilizador"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index f53c4f4..fc555a6 100644
--- a/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efeitos não disponíveis"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efeitos indisponíveis"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efeitos de áudio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalizador:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalizador"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Conecte o fone de ouvido para estes efeitos"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Realçar graves"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efeito 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverberação:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Efeitos adicionais de reverberação do ambiente"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Predefinição de reverberação"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configuração"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Amplificador FX"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Usuário"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Painel contr. efeitos sonoros"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 11df0f7..f321e52 100644
--- a/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efectele nu sunt disponibile"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Efecte audio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Egalizator:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Egalizator"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Pentru aceste efecte trebuie să conectaţi căştile"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Amplificare bas"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efect 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverberaţii:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Efecte suplimentare de reverberaţie în încăpere"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Presetare pentru reverberaţii"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Configuraţi"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Amplificator FX"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Utilizator"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index bceda06..1a8a4a9 100644
--- a/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Эффекты недоступны"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Аудиоэффекты"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Эквалайзер:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Эквалайзер"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Подключите наушники для этих эффектов"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Усиление нижних частот"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Эффект 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Реверберация:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Дополнительные эффекты реверберации в помещении"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Шаблон ревербератора"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Настройка"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Усилитель FX"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Пользователь"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/res/values-sk/strings.xml
index ac60bfe..deb66c6 100644
--- a/res/values-sk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sk/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efekty nie sú k dispozícii"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Zvukové efekty"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ekvalizér:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ekvalizér"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Ak chcete počuť tieto efekty, pripojte slúchadlá"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Zosilnenie basov"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Efekt 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Ozvena:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Ďalšie efekty ozveny v miestnosti"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Preddefinované nastavenie ozveny"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Nastavenie"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Používateľ"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/res/values-sl/strings.xml
index f02ed5a..631cbf2 100644
--- a/res/values-sl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sl/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Učinki niso na voljo"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Zvočni učinki"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Izenačevalnik:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Izenačevalnik"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Priklopite slušalke za te učinke"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Povečanje nizkih tonov"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Učinek 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Odmev:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Dodatni učinki za odmev v prostoru"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Prednastavitev odmeva"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Namestitev"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Izboljšanje učinkov"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Uporabnik"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Nadzorna plošča glasbenih učinkov"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/res/values-sr/strings.xml
index 5d0908f..c7ece1d 100644
--- a/res/values-sr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sr/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Ефекти нису доступни"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Аудио ефекти"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Еквилајзер:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Еквилајзер"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Прикључите слушалице за ове ефекте"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Појачавање басова"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D ефекти"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Одјек:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Додатни ефекти одјека у простору"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Предподешавање одјека"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Подешавање"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Корисник"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/res/values-sv/strings.xml
index f8dfa57..7e50abe 100644
--- a/res/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Effekter är inte tillgängliga"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Ljudeffekter"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalizer:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalizer"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Anslut hörlurar för dessa effekter"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Basförstärkning"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D-effekt"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverb:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Ytterligare effekter med rumsreverb"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Förvald reverb"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Konfiguration"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Användare"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-th/strings.xml b/res/values-th/strings.xml
index c955d31..115867d 100644
--- a/res/values-th/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-th/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"ไม่มีเอฟเฟ็กต์"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"เอฟเฟ็กต์เสียง"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"อีควอไลเซอร์:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"อีควอไลเซอร์"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"โปรดใช้หูฟังสำหรับเอฟเฟ็กต์เหล่านี้"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"เพิ่มเสียงเบส"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"เอฟเฟ็กต์ 3 มิติ"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"เสียงก้อง:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"เอฟเฟ็กต์เสียงก้องในห้องเพิ่มเติม"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"เสียงก้องที่ตั้งล่วงหน้า"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"ตั้งค่าระบบ"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"ผู้ใช้"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"แผงควบคุมเอฟเฟ็กต์เพลง"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-tl/strings.xml b/res/values-tl/strings.xml
index 4e11067..57881cb 100644
--- a/res/values-tl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-tl/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Hindi available ang mga effect"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Mga effect ng audio"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Equalizer:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Equalizer"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Paki-plug ang mga headphone para sa mga effect na ito"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Bass Boost"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D effect"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Reverb:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Karagdagang mga effect sa reverberation ng kuwarto"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Reverb na Preset"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Setup"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"User"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Control panel sa effect musika"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index c967712..a113d64 100644
--- a/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Efektler kullanılamıyor"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Ses efektleri"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Ekolayzer:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Ekolayzer"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Lütfen, bu efektler için kulaklığı yerine takın"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Güçlü bas"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D efekti"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Yankı:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Diğer oda yankısı efektleri"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Yankı Hazır ayarı"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Kurulum"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Kullanıcı"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Müzik efektleri kontrol paneli"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/res/values-uk/strings.xml
index 26d2e33..7bde769 100644
--- a/res/values-uk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-uk/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
     <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Ефекти недоступні"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Аудіоефекти"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Еквалайзер:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Еквалайзер"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Для цих ефектів підключіть гарнітуру"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Підсилення басів"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D-ефект"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Акустика:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Додаткові акустичні ефекти в приміщенні"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Акустична заготовка"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Налаштування"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX Booster"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Користувач"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Панель керув. муз. ефектами"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-vi/strings.xml b/res/values-vi/strings.xml
index e4f3122..260da59 100644
--- a/res/values-vi/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-vi/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,19 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Hiệu ứng không khả dụng"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"Không có sẵn hiệu ứng"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"Hiệu ứng âm thanh"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"Bộ hiệu chỉnh:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"Bộ hiệu chỉnh"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"Vui lòng cắm tai nghe để nghe các hiệu ứng này"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"Tăng âm trầm"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"Hiệu ứng 3D"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"Âm vang:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"Hiệu ứng âm vang trong phòng bổ sung"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"Giá trị âm vang đặt trước"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"Thiết lập"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"Bộ tăng FX"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"Người dùng"</string>
+    <string name="picker_title" msgid="8464126693702817261">"Bảng điều khiển hiệu ứng âm nhạc"</string>
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
index 107974b..f91c7eb 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
@@ -39,42 +37,12 @@
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
     <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
     <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index dd52ab1..8ad5da6 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -16,65 +16,20 @@
 <resources xmlns:android=""
-    <!-- no translation found for app_name (5717136097222561957) -->
-    <skip />
-    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"效果無法使用"</string>
-    <!-- no translation found for main_toggle_effects_title (612896145300512593) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_title (8116550830057445149) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_summary (6170202469301015939) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq_dialog_title (2020244436368289652) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for headset_plug (1161319499289612110) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost_strength (882301530007752270) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer_strength (5035111173763913313) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_title (873875523196045130) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_summary (7457279522425453515) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr_dialog_title (5858360745954538612) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for effects_enabled (1509551534825330010) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for pr (874416552579639037) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for eq (4862559350705259099) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bb (804045388554493966) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for vi (3040338624383623064) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for setup (1103677904576339192) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for virtualizer (2966663091217161117) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for equalizer (2742608322610487562) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for bass_boost (5593630386853708907) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for presets (5728189859060536396) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_off (3159525285370072102) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for enhancements_on (5245445629743462104) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for ci_extreme (8814436348926909207) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for user (3949460956502898057) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_title (3751231969552972319) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_summary (6304492142600048944) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_title (7510587082771027971) -->
-    <skip />
-    <!-- no translation found for reset_defaults_dialog_message (5632108107156701000) -->
-    <skip />
+    <string name="app_name" msgid="5717136097222561957">"MusicFX"</string>
+    <string name="no_effects" msgid="2597309825423473135">"無法使用效果"</string>
+    <string name="main_toggle_effects_title" msgid="612896145300512593">"音效"</string>
+    <string name="eq_title" msgid="8116550830057445149">"等化器:"</string>
+    <string name="eq_dialog_title" msgid="2020244436368289652">"等化器"</string>
+    <string name="headset_plug" msgid="1161319499289612110">"如要體驗這些效果,請插入耳機"</string>
+    <string name="bass_boost_strength" msgid="882301530007752270">"低音加強"</string>
+    <string name="virtualizer_strength" msgid="5035111173763913313">"3D 效果"</string>
+    <string name="pr_title" msgid="873875523196045130">"回音:"</string>
+    <string name="pr_summary" msgid="7457279522425453515">"額外空間回音效果"</string>
+    <string name="pr_dialog_title" msgid="5858360745954538612">"回音預設"</string>
+    <string name="setup" msgid="1103677904576339192">"設定"</string>
+    <string name="ci_extreme" msgid="8814436348926909207">"FX 輔助器"</string>
+    <string name="user" msgid="3949460956502898057">"使用者"</string>
     <!-- no translation found for picker_title (8464126693702817261) -->
     <skip />