blob: 67ae9101b130532c21a1f6ff455026fa30ad0e28 [file] [log] [blame]
# SciTech Multi-platform Graphics Library
# ========================================================================
# The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public
# License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# ========================================================================
# Descripton: Rules makefile definitions, which define the rules used to
# build targets. We include them here at the end of the
# makefile so the generic project makefiles can override
# certain things with macros (such as linking C++ programs
# differently).
# Take out PMLIB if we don't need to link with it
# Implicit generation rules for making object files
%$O: %.c ; $(CC) @$(mktmp $(CFLAGS:s/\/\\)) -c $<
%$O: %$P ; $(CC) @$(mktmp $(CFLAGS:s/\/\\)) -c $<
%$O: %$A ; $(AS) @$(mktmp $(ASFLAGS:s/\/\\)) $(<:s,/,\)
# Implicit rule for building resource files
%$R: %.rc ; $(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -r $<
# Implicit rule for building a DLL using a response file
%$D: ; $(LD) $(mktmp $(LDFLAGS) -C -Twd c0dl.obj+\n$(&:s/\/\\)\n$@\n$*.map\n$(DEF_LIBS) $(EXELIBS)\n$*.def)
# Implicit rule for building a library file using response file
%$L: ;
@$(RM) $@
$(ILIB) $(ILIBFLAGS) $@ $?
%$L: ;
@$(RM) $@
$(ILIB) $(ILIBFLAGS) $@ $?
%$L: ;
@$(RM) $@
$(LIBR) $(LIBFLAGS) $@ @$(mktmp +$(&:t" &\n+")\n)
# Implicit rule for building an executable file using response file
.IF $(USE_WIN16)
%$E: ; $(LD) $(mktmp $(LDFLAGS) -C -Twe $(WIN_VERSION) c0wl.obj+\n$(&:s/\/\\)\n$@\n$*.map\n$(DEF_LIBS) $(EXELIBS)\n$*.def)
%$E: ; $(LD) $(mktmp $(LDFLAGS) -Tde c0l.obj+\n$(&:s/\/\\)\n$@\n$*.map\n$(PMLIB) $(DEF_LIBS) $(EXELIBS))