blob: da77328ef04b4befc5d49a46e81d8b5d1ae7dfb0 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <video/omapdss.h>
/* exporting enumerations from arch/arm/plat-omap/include/plat/display.h */
enum omap_plane {
enum omap_channel {
enum omap_color_mode {
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT1 = 1 << 0, /* BITMAP 1 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT2 = 1 << 1, /* BITMAP 2 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT4 = 1 << 2, /* BITMAP 4 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT8 = 1 << 3, /* BITMAP 8 */
/* also referred to as RGB 12-BPP, 16-bit container */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U = 1 << 4, /* xRGB12-4444 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16 = 1 << 5, /* ARGB16-4444 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16 = 1 << 6, /* RGB16-565 */
/* also referred to as RGB 24-BPP, 32-bit container */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U = 1 << 7, /* xRGB24-8888 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P = 1 << 8, /* RGB24-888 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 = 1 << 9, /* YUV2 4:2:2 co-sited */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY = 1 << 10, /* UYVY 4:2:2 co-sited */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32 = 1 << 11, /* ARGB32-8888 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32 = 1 << 12, /* RGBA32-8888 */
/* also referred to as RGBx 32 in TRM */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX24 = 1 << 13, /* RGBx32-8888 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32 = 1 << 13, /* RGBx32-8888 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_NV12 = 1 << 14, /* NV12 format: YUV 4:2:0 */
/* also referred to as RGBA12-4444 in TRM */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA16 = 1 << 15, /* RGBA16-4444 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX12 = 1 << 16, /* RGBx16-4444 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX16 = 1 << 16, /* RGBx16-4444 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16_1555 = 1 << 17, /* ARGB16-1555 */
/* also referred to as xRGB16-555 in TRM */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_XRGB15 = 1 << 18, /* xRGB16-1555 */
OMAP_DSS_COLOR_XRGB16_1555 = 1 << 18, /* xRGB16-1555 */
enum omap_dss_trans_key_type {
enum omap_dss_display_state {
struct omap_video_timings {
/* Unit: pixels */
__u16 x_res;
/* Unit: pixels */
__u16 y_res;
/* Unit: KHz */
__u32 pixel_clock;
/* Unit: pixel clocks */
__u16 hsw; /* Horizontal synchronization pulse width */
/* Unit: pixel clocks */
__u16 hfp; /* Horizontal front porch */
/* Unit: pixel clocks */
__u16 hbp; /* Horizontal back porch */
/* Unit: line clocks */
__u16 vsw; /* Vertical synchronization pulse width */
/* Unit: line clocks */
__u16 vfp; /* Vertical front porch */
/* Unit: line clocks */
__u16 vbp; /* Vertical back porch */
/* YUV to RGB color conversion info */
struct omap_dss_cconv_coefs {
__s16 ry, rcr, rcb;
__s16 gy, gcr, gcb;
__s16 by, bcr, bcb;
/* Y is 16..235, UV is 16..240 if not fullrange. Otherwise 0..255 */
__u16 full_range;
} __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
struct omap_dss_cpr_coefs {
__s16 rr, rg, rb;
__s16 gr, gg, gb;
__s16 br, bg, bb;
/* copy of fb_videomode */
struct dsscomp_videomode {
const char *name; /* optional */
__u32 refresh; /* optional */
__u32 xres;
__u32 yres;
__u32 pixclock;
__u32 left_margin;
__u32 right_margin;
__u32 upper_margin;
__u32 lower_margin;
__u32 hsync_len;
__u32 vsync_len;
__u32 sync;
__u32 vmode;
__u32 flag;
* Stereoscopic Panel types
* row, column, overunder, sidebyside options
* are with respect to native scan order
enum s3d_disp_type {
/* Subsampling direction is based on native panel scan order.*/
enum s3d_disp_sub_sampling {
* Indicates if display expects left view first followed by right or viceversa
* For row interlaved displays, defines first row view
* For column interleaved displays, defines first column view
* For checkerboard, defines first pixel view
* For overunder, defines top view
* For sidebyside, defines west view
enum s3d_disp_order {
* Indicates current view
* Used mainly for displays that need to trigger a sync signal
enum s3d_disp_view {
struct s3d_disp_info {
enum s3d_disp_type type;
enum s3d_disp_sub_sampling sub_samp;
enum s3d_disp_order order;
* Gap between left and right views
* For over/under units are lines
* For sidebyside units are pixels
* For other types ignored
unsigned int gap;
enum omap_dss_ilace_mode {
OMAP_DSS_ILACE = (1 << 0), /* interlaced vs. progressive */
OMAP_DSS_ILACE_SEQ = (1 << 1), /* sequential vs interleaved */
OMAP_DSS_ILACE_SWAP = (1 << 2), /* swap fields, e.g. TB=>BT */
/* YUV VC1 range mapping info */
struct dss2_vc1_range_map_info {
__u8 enable; /* bool */
__u8 range_y; /* 0..7 */
__u8 range_uv; /* 0..7 */
} __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
/* standard rectangle */
struct dss2_rect_t {
__s32 x; /* left */
__s32 y; /* top */
__u32 w; /* width */
__u32 h; /* height */
} __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
/* decimation constraints */
struct dss2_decim {
__u8 min_x;
__u8 max_x; /* 0 is same as 255 */
__u8 min_y;
__u8 max_y; /* 0 is same as 255 */
} __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
* A somewhat more user friendly interface to the DSS2. This is a
* direct interface to the DSS2 overlay and overlay_manager modules.
* User-space APIs are provided for HW-specific control of DSS in
* contrast with V4L2/FB that are more generic, but in this process
* omit HW-specific features.
* For now managers are specified by display index as opposed to manager
* type, so that display0 is always the default display (e.g. HDMI on
* panda, and LCD blaze.) For now you would need to query the displays
* or use sysfs to find a specific display.
* Userspace operations are as follows:
* 1) check if DSS supports an overlay configuration, use DSSCIOC_CHECK_OVL
* ioctl with the manager, overlay, and setup-mode information filled out.
* All fields should be filled out as it may influence whether DSS can
* display/render the overlay.
* If proper address information is not available, it may be possible to
* use a type-of-address enumeration instead for luma/rgb and chroma (if
* applicable) frames.
* Do this for each overlay before attempting to configure DSS.
* 2) configure DSS pipelines for display/manager using DSSCOMP_SETUP_MANAGER
* ioctl. You can delay applying the settings until an dss2_manager_apply()
* is called for the internal composition object, if the APPLY bit of setup mode
* is not set. However the CAPTURE/DISPLAY bits of the setup mode settings will
* determine if at this time a capture will take place (in case of capture
* only mode). You may also set up additional pipelines with
* dss2_overlay_setup() before this.
* 3) On OMAP4/5 you can use the DSS WB pipeline to copy (and convert) a buffer
* using DSS. Use the DSSCIOC_WB_COPY ioctl for this. This is a blocking
* call, and it may possibly fail if an ongoing WB capture mode has been
* scheduled (which is outside of the current scope of the DSS2 interface.)
* There is also a one-shot configuration API (DSSCIOC_SETUP_DISPC). This
* allows you to set-up all overlays on all managers in one call. This call
* performs additional functionality:
* - it maps userspace 1D buffers into TILER 1D for the duration of the display
* - it disables all overlays that were specified before, but are no longer
* specified
* DSS2 overlay information. This structure contains all information
* needed to set up the overlay for a particular buffer to be displayed
* at a particular orientation.
* The following information is deemed to be set globally, so it is not
* included:
* - whether to enable zorder (always enabled)
* - whether to replicate/truncate color fields (it is decided per the
* whole manager/overlay settings, and is enabled unless overlay is
* directed to WB.)
* There is also no support for CLUT formats
* Requirements:
* 1) 0 <= crop.x <= crop.x + crop.w <= width
* 2) 0 <= crop.y <= crop.y + crop.h <= height
* 3) win.x <= win.x + win.w and win.w >= 0
* 4) win.y <= win.y + win.h and win.h >= 0
* 5) color_mode is supported by overlay
* 6) requested scaling is supported by overlay and functional clocks
* Notes:
* 1) Any portions of X:[pos_x, pos_x + out_width] and
* Y:[pos_y, pos_y + out_height] outside of the screen
* X:[0, screen.width], Y:[0, screen.height] will be cropped
* automatically without changing the scaling ratio.
* 2) Crop region will be adjusted to the pixel granularity:
* (2-by-1) for YUV422, (2-by-2) for YUV420. This will
* not modify the output region. Crop region is for the
* original (unrotated) buffer, so it does not change with
* rotation.
* 3) Rotation will not modify the output region, specifically
* its height and width. Also the coordinate system of the
* display is always (0,0) = top left.
* 4) cconv and vc1 only needs to be filled for YUV color modes.
* 5) vc1.range_y and vc1.range_uv only needs to be filled if
* vc1.enable is true.
struct dss2_ovl_cfg {
__u16 width; /* buffer width */
__u16 height; /* buffer height */
__u32 stride; /* buffer stride */
enum omap_color_mode color_mode;
__u8 pre_mult_alpha; /* bool */
__u8 global_alpha; /* 0..255 */
__u8 rotation; /* 0..3 (*90 degrees clockwise) */
__u8 mirror; /* left-to-right: mirroring is applied after rotation */
enum omap_dss_ilace_mode ilace; /* interlace mode */
struct dss2_rect_t win; /* output window - on display */
struct dss2_rect_t crop; /* crop window - in source buffer */
struct dss2_decim decim; /* predecimation limits */
struct omap_dss_cconv_coefs cconv;
struct dss2_vc1_range_map_info vc1;
__u8 ix; /* ovl index same as sysfs/overlay# */
__u8 zorder; /* 0..3 */
__u8 enabled; /* bool */
__u8 zonly; /* only set zorder and enabled bit */
__u8 mgr_ix; /* mgr index */
} __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
enum omapdss_buffer_type {
struct dss2_ovl_info {
struct dss2_ovl_cfg cfg;
union {
/* user-space interfaces */
struct {
void *address; /* main buffer address */
* For DSSCIOC_CHECK_OVL we allow specifying just the
* type of each buffer. This is used if we need to
* check whether DSS will be able to display a buffer
* if using a particular memory type before spending
* time to map/copy the buffer into that type of
* memory. Default value of 0 uses the address to
* determine the type.
__u16 ba_type;
__u16 uv_type;
/* kernel-space interfaces */
struct {
__u32 ba; /* base address */
__u32 uv; /* uv address */
* DSS2 manager information.
* The following information is deemed to be set globally, so it is not
* included:
* gamma correction
* whether to enable zorder (always enabled)
* whether to replicate/truncate color fields (it is decided per the
* whole manager/overlay settings, and is enabled unless overlay is
* directed to WB.)
* Notes:
* 1) trans_key_type and trans_enabled only need to be filled if
* trans_enabled is true, and alpha_blending is false.
struct dss2_mgr_info {
__u32 ix; /* display index same as sysfs/display# */
__u32 default_color;
enum omap_dss_trans_key_type trans_key_type;
__u32 trans_key;
struct omap_dss_cpr_coefs cpr_coefs;
__u8 trans_enabled; /* bool */
__u8 interlaced; /* bool */
__u8 alpha_blending; /* bool - overrides trans_enabled */
__u8 cpr_enabled; /* bool */
__u8 swap_rb; /* bool - swap red and blue */
} __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
* ioctl: DSSCIOC_SETUP_MGR, struct dsscomp_setup_mgr_data
* 1. sets manager of each ovl in composition to the display
* 2. calls set_dss_ovl_info() for each ovl to set up the
* overlay staging structures (this is a wrapper around ovl->set_info())
* 3. calls set_dss_mgr_info() for mgr to set up the manager
* staging structures (this is a wrapper around mgr->set_info())
* 4. if update is true:
* calls manager->apply()
* calls driver->update() in a non-blocking fashion
* this will program the DSS synchronously
* Notes:
* 1) x, y, w, h only needs to be set if update is true.
* All non-specified pipelines that currently are on the same display
* will remain the same as on the previous frame. You may want to
* disable unused pipelines to avoid surprises.
* If get_sync_obj is false, it returns 0 on success, <0 error value
* on failure.
* If get_sync_obj is true, it returns fd on success, or a negative value
* on failure. You can use the fd to wait on (using DSSCIOC_WAIT ioctl()).
* Note: frames do not get eclipsed when the display turns off. Queue a
* blank frame to eclipse old frames. Blank frames get eclipsed when
* programmed into DSS.
* (A blank frame is queued to the display automatically in Android before
* the display is turned off.)
* All overlays to be used on the frame must be listed. There is no way
* to add another overlay to a defined frame.
enum dsscomp_setup_mode {
DSSCOMP_SETUP_MODE_APPLY = (1 << 0), /* applies changes to cache */
DSSCOMP_SETUP_MODE_DISPLAY = (1 << 1), /* calls display update */
DSSCOMP_SETUP_MODE_CAPTURE = (1 << 2), /* capture to WB */
/* just apply changes for next vsync/update */
/* trigger an update (wait for vsync) */
/* capture to WB - WB must be configured */
/* display and capture to WB - WB must be configured */
struct dsscomp_setup_mgr_data {
__u32 sync_id; /* synchronization ID - for debugging */
struct dss2_rect_t win; /* update region, set w/h to 0 for fullscreen */
enum dsscomp_setup_mode mode;
__u16 num_ovls; /* # of overlays used in the composition */
__u16 get_sync_obj; /* ioctl should return a sync object */
struct dss2_mgr_info mgr;
struct dss2_ovl_info ovls[0]; /* up to 5 overlays to set up */
* ioctl: DSSCIOC_CHECK_OVL, struct dsscomp_check_ovl_data
* DISPLAY and/or CAPTURE bits must be filled for the mode field
* correctly to be able to decide correctly if DSS can properly
* render the overlay.
* ovl.ix is ignored.
* Returns a positive bitmask regarding which overlay of DSS can
* render the overlay as it is configured for the display/display's
* manager. NOTE: that overlays that are assigned to other displays
* may be returned. If there is an invalid configuration (negative
* sizes, etc.), a negative error value is returned.
* ovl->decim's min values will be modified to the smallest decimation that
* DSS can use to support the overlay configuration.
* Assumptions:
* - zorder will be distinct from other pipelines on that manager
* - overlay will be enabled and routed to the display specified
struct dsscomp_check_ovl_data {
enum dsscomp_setup_mode mode;
struct dss2_mgr_info mgr;
struct dss2_ovl_info ovl;
* This structure is used to set up the entire DISPC (all managers),
* and is analogous to dsscomp_setup_mgr_data.
* Additional features:
* - all overlays that were specified in a prior use of this
* structure, and are no longer specified, will be disabled.
* - 1D buffers under 4M will be mapped into TILER1D.
* Limitations:
* - only DISPLAY mode is supported (DISPLAY and APPLY bits will
* automatically be set)
* - getting a sync object is not supported.
struct dsscomp_setup_dispc_data {
__u32 sync_id; /* synchronization ID - for debugging */
enum dsscomp_setup_mode mode;
__u16 num_ovls; /* # of overlays used in the composition */
__u16 num_mgrs; /* # of managers used in the composition */
__u16 get_sync_obj; /* ioctl should return a sync object */
struct dss2_mgr_info mgrs[3];
struct dss2_ovl_info ovls[5]; /* up to 5 overlays to set up */
* ioctl: DSSCIOC_WB_COPY, struct dsscomp_wb_copy_data
* Requirements:
* wb.ix must be OMAP_DSS_WB.
* Returns 0 on success (copy is completed), non-0 on failure.
struct dsscomp_wb_copy_data {
struct dss2_ovl_info ovl, wb;
* ioctl: DSSCIOC_QUERY_DISPLAY, struct dsscomp_display_info
* Gets informations about the display. Fill in ix and modedb_len before
* calling ioctl, and rest of the fields are filled in by ioctl. Up to
* modedb_len timings are retrieved in the order of display preference.
* Returns: 0 on success, non-0 error value on failure.
struct dsscomp_display_info {
__u32 ix; /* display index (sysfs/display#) */
__u32 overlays_available; /* bitmask of available overlays */
__u32 overlays_owned; /* bitmask of owned overlays */
enum omap_channel channel;
enum omap_dss_display_state state;
__u8 enabled; /* bool: resume-state if suspended */
struct omap_video_timings timings;
struct s3d_disp_info s3d_info; /* any S3D specific information */
struct dss2_mgr_info mgr; /* manager information */
__u16 width_in_mm; /* screen dimensions */
__u16 height_in_mm;
__u32 modedb_len; /* number of video timings */
struct dsscomp_videomode modedb[]; /* display supported timings */
* ioctl: DSSCIOC_SETUP_DISPLAY, struct dsscomp_setup_display_data
* Gets informations about the display. Fill in ix before calling
* ioctl, and rest of the fields are filled in by ioctl.
* Returns: 0 on success, non-0 error value on failure.
struct dsscomp_setup_display_data {
__u32 ix; /* display index (sysfs/display#) */
struct dsscomp_videomode mode; /* video timings */
* ioctl: DSSCIOC_WAIT, struct dsscomp_wait_data
* Use this ioctl to wait for one of the following events:
* A) the moment a composition is programmed into DSS
* B) the moment a composition is first displayed (or captured)
* C) the moment when a composition is no longer queued or displayed on a
* display (it is released). (A composition is assumed to be superceded
* when another composition has been programmed into DSS, even if that
* subsequent composition does not update/specify all overlays used by
* the prior composition; moreover, even if it uses the same buffers.)
* Set timeout to desired timeout value in microseconds.
* This ioctl must be used on the sync object returned by the
* Returns: >=0 on success, <0 error value on failure (e.g. -ETIME).
enum dsscomp_wait_phase {
struct dsscomp_wait_data {
__u32 timeout_us; /* timeout in microseconds */
enum dsscomp_wait_phase phase; /* phase to wait for */
/* IOCTLS */
#define DSSCIOC_SETUP_MGR _IOW('O', 128, struct dsscomp_setup_mgr_data)
#define DSSCIOC_CHECK_OVL _IOWR('O', 129, struct dsscomp_check_ovl_data)
#define DSSCIOC_WB_COPY _IOW('O', 130, struct dsscomp_wb_copy_data)
#define DSSCIOC_QUERY_DISPLAY _IOWR('O', 131, struct dsscomp_display_info)
#define DSSCIOC_WAIT _IOW('O', 132, struct dsscomp_wait_data)
#define DSSCIOC_SETUP_DISPC _IOW('O', 133, struct dsscomp_setup_dispc_data)
#define DSSCIOC_SETUP_DISPLAY _IOW('O', 134, struct dsscomp_setup_display_data)