blob: c30cb3fcee1b0f74f27f95d30bd6d7445b18d386 [file] [log] [blame]
glmark2 2011.06 (20110624)
* Improve benchmark versatility by allowing runtime-configurable,
per-scene options.
* Add command line option to list avalaible scenes and their
supported options (-l,--list-scenes).
* Allow specifying the scenes to run and their options from the
command line (-b,--benchmark).
* Add basic output validation functionality (--validate).
* Add command line option to call glFinish() instead of swapping
the front and back buffers (--no-swap-buffers).
* Manually disable VSync for GL/GLX (work around an SDL bug).
* Replace custom math and shader infrastructure with functionality
provided by LibMatrix (lp:libmatrix).
* Improve user documentation (--help and man page).
glmark2 11.05 (20110530)
* Don't use the SDL_OPENGL flag for GLESv2 (LP: #761848).
* Ensure our screen updates are not synchronized with the vertical
retrace (LP: 761855).
* Use the correct GL headers depending on the flavor (desktop vs ES2).
* Query the correct GL object for shader linking status.
glmark2 11.01 (20110125)
* Fix visual corruption in glmark2-es2 due to missing depth buffer.
* Fix linking issues with gcc 4.5.
* Use correct GL functions to manipulate shaders vs programs.
* Make result reporting more parser-friendly.
* Upgrade build system to waf 1.6.2.
glmark2 10.07.1 (20100728)
* Define the precision of fragment shader variables for OpenGL ES 2.0.
glmark2 10.07 (20100715)
* First release.
* Included benchmarks:
- Rendering using vertex arrays
- Rendering using VBOs
- Texturing using nearest filtering
- Texturing using linear filtering
- Texturing using trilinear mipmapped filtering
- Lighting per vertex using simple GLSL shaders
- Lighting per pixel using elaborate GLSL shaders