blob: 720da67e9c73018ed660025c2c2cfb6889cd74ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright © 2008 Ben Smith
* Copyright © 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
* This file is part of the glmark2 OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark.
* glmark2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* glmark2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* glmark2. If not, see <>.
* Authors:
* Ben Smith (original glmark benchmark)
* Alexandros Frantzis (glmark2)
#include "mesh.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "vec.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "float.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using LibMatrix::vec3;
using LibMatrix::uvec3;
#define read_or_fail(file, dst, size) do { \<char *>((dst)), (size)); \
if (file.gcount() < (std::streamsize)(size)) { \
Log::error("%s: %d: Failed to read %zd bytes from 3ds file (read %zd)\n", \
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
(size_t)(size), file.gcount()); \
return false; \
} \
} while(0);
* Computes the bounding box for a Model::Object.
* @param object the Model object
Model::compute_bounding_box(const Object& object)
float minX(FLT_MAX);
float maxX(FLT_MIN);
float minY(FLT_MAX);
float maxY(FLT_MIN);
float minZ(FLT_MAX);
float maxZ(FLT_MIN);
for (vector<Vertex>::const_iterator vIt = object.vertices.begin(); vIt != object.vertices.end(); vIt++)
const vec3& curVtx = vIt->v;
if (curVtx.x() < minX)
minX = curVtx.x();
if (curVtx.x() > maxX)
maxX = curVtx.x();
if (curVtx.y() < minY)
minY = curVtx.y();
if (curVtx.y() > maxY)
maxY = curVtx.y();
if (curVtx.z() < minZ)
minZ = curVtx.z();
if (curVtx.z() > maxZ)
maxZ = curVtx.z();
maxVec_ = vec3(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
minVec_ = vec3(minX, minY, minZ);
* Appends the vertices of a Model::Object to a Mesh.
* @param object the object to append
* @param mesh the mesh to append to
* @param p_pos the attribute position to use for the 'position' attribute
* @param n_pos the attribute position to use for the 'normal' attribute
* @param t_pos the attribute position to use for the 'texcoord' attribute
Model::append_object_to_mesh(const Object &object, Mesh &mesh,
int p_pos, int n_pos, int t_pos,
int nt_pos, int nb_pos)
size_t face_count = object.faces.size();
for(size_t i = 0; i < 3 * face_count; i += 3)
const Face &face = object.faces[i / 3];
const Vertex &a = object.vertices[face.a];
const Vertex &b = object.vertices[face.b];
const Vertex &c = object.vertices[face.c];
if (p_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(p_pos, a.v);
if (n_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(n_pos, a.n);
if (t_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(t_pos, a.t);
if (nt_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(nt_pos, a.nt);
if (nb_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(nb_pos, a.nb);
if (p_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(p_pos, b.v);
if (n_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(n_pos, b.n);
if (t_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(t_pos, b.t);
if (nt_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(nt_pos, b.nt);
if (nb_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(nb_pos, b.nb);
if (p_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(p_pos, c.v);
if (n_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(n_pos, c.n);
if (t_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(t_pos, c.t);
if (nt_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(nt_pos, c.nt);
if (nb_pos >= 0)
mesh.set_attrib(nb_pos, c.nb);
* Converts a model to a mesh using the default attributes bindings.
* The default attributes and their order is: Position, Normal, Texcoord
* @param mesh the mesh to populate
Model::convert_to_mesh(Mesh &mesh)
std::vector<std::pair<AttribType, int> > attribs;
attribs.push_back(std::pair<AttribType, int>(AttribTypePosition, 3));
attribs.push_back(std::pair<AttribType, int>(AttribTypeNormal, 3));
attribs.push_back(std::pair<AttribType, int>(AttribTypeTexcoord, 2));
convert_to_mesh(mesh, attribs);
* Converts a model to a mesh using custom attribute bindings.
* The attribute bindings are pairs of <AttribType, dimensionality>.
* @param mesh the mesh to populate
* @param attribs the attribute bindings to use
Model::convert_to_mesh(Mesh &mesh,
const std::vector<std::pair<AttribType, int> > &attribs)
std::vector<int> format;
int p_pos = -1;
int n_pos = -1;
int t_pos = -1;
int nt_pos = -1;
int nb_pos = -1;
for (std::vector<std::pair<AttribType, int> >::const_iterator ai = attribs.begin();
ai != attribs.end();
if (ai->first == AttribTypePosition)
p_pos = ai - attribs.begin();
else if (ai->first == AttribTypeNormal)
n_pos = ai - attribs.begin();
else if (ai->first == AttribTypeTexcoord)
t_pos = ai - attribs.begin();
else if (ai->first == AttribTypeTangent)
nt_pos = ai - attribs.begin();
else if (ai->first == AttribTypeBitangent)
nb_pos = ai - attribs.begin();
for (std::vector<Object>::const_iterator iter = objects_.begin();
iter != objects_.end();
append_object_to_mesh(*iter, mesh, p_pos, n_pos, t_pos, nt_pos, nb_pos);
// Since the model didn't come with texcoords, and we don't actually know
// if it came with normals, either, we'll use positional spherical mapping
// to generate texcoords for the model. See:
// for more details.
vec3 centerVec = maxVec_ + minVec_;
centerVec *= 0.5;
for (std::vector<Object>::iterator iter = objects_.begin();
iter != objects_.end();
Object &object = *iter;
for (vector<Vertex>::iterator vertexIt = object.vertices.begin();
vertexIt != object.vertices.end();
Vertex& curVertex = *vertexIt;
vec3 vnorm(curVertex.v - centerVec);
curVertex.t.x(asinf(vnorm.x()) / M_PI + 0.5);
curVertex.t.y(asinf(vnorm.y()) / M_PI + 0.5);
* Calculates the normal vectors of the model vertices.
LibMatrix::vec3 n;
for (std::vector<Object>::iterator iter = objects_.begin();
iter != objects_.end();
Object &object = *iter;
for (vector<Face>::const_iterator f_iter = object.faces.begin();
f_iter != object.faces.end();
const Face &face = *f_iter;
Vertex &a = object.vertices[face.a];
Vertex &b = object.vertices[face.b];
Vertex &c = object.vertices[face.c];
/* Calculate normal */
n = LibMatrix::vec3::cross(b.v - a.v, c.v - a.v);
a.n += n;
b.n += n;
c.n += n;
LibMatrix::vec3 q1(b.v - a.v);
LibMatrix::vec3 q2(c.v - a.v);
LibMatrix::vec2 u1(b.t - a.t);
LibMatrix::vec2 u2(c.t - a.t);
float det = (u1.x() * u2.y() - u2.x() * u1.y());
/* Calculate tangent */
LibMatrix::vec3 nt;
nt.x(det * (u2.y() * q1.x() - u1.y() * q2.x()));
nt.y(det * (u2.y() * q1.y() - u1.y() * q2.y()));
nt.z(det * (u2.y() * q1.z() - u1.y() * q2.z()));
a.nt += nt;
b.nt += nt;
c.nt += nt;
/* Calculate bitangent */
LibMatrix::vec3 nb;
nb.x(det * (u1.x() * q2.x() - u2.x() * q1.x()));
nb.y(det * (u1.x() * q2.y() - u2.x() * q1.y()));
nb.z(det * (u1.x() * q2.z() - u2.x() * q1.z()));
a.nb += nb;
b.nb += nb;
c.nb += nb;
for (vector<Vertex>::iterator v_iter = object.vertices.begin();
v_iter != object.vertices.end();
Vertex &v = *v_iter;
/* Orthogonalize */
v.nt = (v.nt - v.n * LibMatrix::vec3::dot(v.nt, v.n));
* Load a model from a 3DS file.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @return whether loading succeeded
Model::load_3ds(const std::string &filename)
Object *object(0);
Log::debug("Loading model from 3ds file '%s'\n", filename.c_str());
const std::auto_ptr<std::istream> input_file_ptr(Util::get_resource(filename));
std::istream& input_file(*input_file_ptr);
if (!input_file) {
Log::error("Could not open 3ds file '%s'\n", filename.c_str());
return false;
// Loop to scan the whole file
while (!input_file.eof()) {
uint16_t chunk_id;
uint32_t chunk_length;
// Read the chunk header<char *>(&chunk_id), 2);
if (input_file.gcount() == 0) {
else if (input_file.gcount() < 2) {
Log::error("%s: %d: Failed to read %zd bytes from 3ds file (read %zd)\n",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 2, input_file.gcount());
return false;
//Read the lenght of the chunk
read_or_fail(input_file, &chunk_length, 4);
switch (chunk_id)
//----------------- MAIN3DS -----------------
// Description: Main chunk, contains all the other chunks
// Chunk ID: 4d4d
// Chunk Lenght: 0 + sub chunks
case 0x4d4d:
//----------------- EDIT3DS -----------------
// Description: 3D Editor chunk, objects layout info
// Chunk ID: 3d3d (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: 0 + sub chunks
case 0x3d3d:
//--------------- EDIT_OBJECT ---------------
// Description: Object block, info for each object
// Chunk ID: 4000 (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: len(object name) + sub chunks
case 0x4000:
std::stringstream ss;
unsigned char c = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 20 && c != '\0'; i++) {
read_or_fail(input_file, &c, 1);
ss << c;
object = &objects_.back();
//--------------- OBJ_TRIMESH ---------------
// Description: Triangular mesh, contains chunks for 3d mesh info
// Chunk ID: 4100 (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: 0 + sub chunks
case 0x4100:
//--------------- TRI_VERTEXL ---------------
// Description: Vertices list
// Chunk ID: 4110 (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: 1 x unsigned short (number of vertices)
// + 3 x float (vertex coordinates) x (number of vertices)
// + sub chunks
case 0x4110:
uint16_t qty;
read_or_fail(input_file, &qty, sizeof(uint16_t));
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < qty; i++) {
float f[3];
read_or_fail(input_file, f, sizeof(float) * 3);
//--------------- TRI_FACEL1 ----------------
// Description: Polygons (faces) list
// Chunk ID: 4120 (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: 1 x unsigned short (number of polygons)
// + 3 x unsigned short (polygon points) x (number of polygons)
// + sub chunks
case 0x4120:
uint16_t qty;
read_or_fail(input_file, &qty, sizeof(uint16_t));
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < qty; i++) {
read_or_fail(input_file, &object->faces[i].a, sizeof(uint16_t));
read_or_fail(input_file, &object->faces[i].b, sizeof(uint16_t));
read_or_fail(input_file, &object->faces[i].c, sizeof(uint16_t));
read_or_fail(input_file, &object->faces[i].face_flags, sizeof(uint16_t));
//------------- TRI_MAPPINGCOORS ------------
// Description: Vertices list
// Chunk ID: 4140 (hex)
// Chunk Lenght: 1 x unsigned short (number of mapping points)
// + 2 x float (mapping coordinates) x (number of mapping points)
// + sub chunks
case 0x4140:
uint16_t qty;
read_or_fail(input_file, &qty, sizeof(uint16_t));
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < qty; i++) {
float f[2];
read_or_fail(input_file, f, sizeof(float) * 2);
gotTexcoords_ = true;
//----------- Skip unknow chunks ------------
//We need to skip all the chunks that currently we don't use
//We use the chunk lenght information to set the file pointer
//to the same level next chunk
input_file.seekg(chunk_length - 6, std::ios::cur);
// Compute bounding box for perspective projection
if (Options::show_debug) {
for (std::vector<Object>::const_iterator iter = objects_.begin();
iter != objects_.end();
Log::debug(" Object name: %s Vertex count: %d Face count: %d\n",
iter->name.c_str(), iter->vertices.size(), iter->faces.size());
return true;
* Parse vec3 values from an OBJ file.
* @param source the source line to parse
* @param v the vec3 to populate
static void
obj_get_values(const string& source, vec3& v)
// Skip the definition type...
string::size_type endPos = source.find(" ");
string::size_type startPos(0);
if (endPos == string::npos)
Log::error("Bad element '%s'\n", source.c_str());
// Find the first value...
startPos = endPos + 1;
endPos = source.find(" ", startPos);
if (endPos == string::npos)
Log::error("Bad element '%s'\n", source.c_str());
string::size_type numChars(endPos - startPos);
string xs(source, startPos, numChars);
float x = Util::fromString<float>(xs);
// Then the second value...
startPos = endPos + 1;
endPos = source.find(" ", startPos);
if (endPos == string::npos)
Log::error("Bad element '%s'\n", source.c_str());
numChars = endPos - startPos;
string ys(source, startPos, numChars);
float y = Util::fromString<float>(ys);
// And the third value (there might be a fourth, but we don't care)...
startPos = endPos + 1;
endPos = source.find(" ", startPos);
if (endPos == string::npos)
numChars = endPos;
numChars = endPos - startPos;
string zs(source, startPos, endPos - startPos);
float z = Util::fromString<float>(zs);
* Parse uvec3 values from an OBJ file.
* @param source the source line to parse
* @param v the uvec3 to populate
static void
obj_get_values(const string& source, uvec3& v)
// Skip the definition type...
string::size_type endPos = source.find(" ");
string::size_type startPos(0);
if (endPos == string::npos)
Log::error("Bad element '%s'\n", source.c_str());
// Find the first value...
startPos = endPos + 1;
endPos = source.find(" ", startPos);
if (endPos == string::npos)
Log::error("Bad element '%s'\n", source.c_str());
string::size_type numChars(endPos - startPos);
string xs(source, startPos, numChars);
unsigned int x = Util::fromString<unsigned int>(xs);
// Then the second value...
startPos = endPos+1;
endPos = source.find(" ", startPos);
if (endPos == string::npos)
Log::error("Bad element '%s'\n", source.c_str());
numChars = endPos - startPos;
string ys(source, startPos, numChars);
unsigned int y = Util::fromString<unsigned int>(ys);
// And the third value (there might be a fourth, but we don't care)...
startPos = endPos + 1;
endPos = source.find(" ", startPos);
if (endPos == string::npos)
numChars = endPos;
numChars = endPos - startPos;
string zs(source, startPos, numChars);
unsigned int z = Util::fromString<unsigned int>(zs);
* Load a model from an OBJ file.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @return whether loading succeeded
Model::load_obj(const std::string &filename)
Log::debug("Loading model from obj file '%s'\n", filename.c_str());
const std::auto_ptr<std::istream> input_file_ptr(Util::get_resource(filename));
std::istream& inputFile(*input_file_ptr);
if (!inputFile)
Log::error("Failed to open '%s'\n", filename.c_str());
return false;
vector<string> sourceVec;
string curLine;
while (getline(inputFile, curLine))
// Give ourselves an object to populate.
Object& object(objects_.back());
static const string vertex_definition("v");
static const string normal_definition("vn");
static const string texcoord_definition("vt");
static const string face_definition("f");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator lineIt = sourceVec.begin();
lineIt != sourceVec.end();
const string& curSrc = *lineIt;
// Is it a vertex attribute, a face description, comment or other?
// We only care about the first two, we ignore comments, object names,
// group names, smoothing groups, etc.
string::size_type startPos(0);
string::size_type spacePos = curSrc.find(" ", startPos);
string definitionType(curSrc, startPos, spacePos - startPos);
if (definitionType == vertex_definition)
Vertex v;
obj_get_values(curSrc, v.v);
else if (definitionType == normal_definition)
// If we encounter an OBJ model with normals, we can update this
// to update object.vertices.n directly
Log::debug("We got a normal...\n");
else if (definitionType == texcoord_definition)
// If we encounter an OBJ model with normals, we can update this
// to update object.vertices.t directly
Log::debug("We got a texcoord...\n");
else if (definitionType == face_definition)
uvec3 v;
obj_get_values(curSrc, v);
Face f;
// OBJ models index from '1'.
f.a = v.x() - 1;
f.b = v.y() - 1;
f.c = v.z() - 1;
// Compute bounding box for perspective projection
Log::debug("Object populated with %u vertices and %u faces.\n",
object.vertices.size(), object.faces.size());
return true;
namespace ModelPrivate
ModelMap modelMap;
* Locate all available models.
* This method scans the built-in data paths and build a database of usable
* models available to scenes. Map is available on a read-only basis to scenes
* that might find it useful for listing models, etc.
* @return a map containing information about the located models
const ModelMap&
if (!ModelPrivate::modelMap.empty())
return ModelPrivate::modelMap;
vector<string> pathVec;
string dataDir(GLMARK_DATA_PATH"/models");
Util::list_files(dataDir, pathVec);
string extrasDir(GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH"/models");
Util::list_files(extrasDir, pathVec);
// Now that we have a list of all of the model files available to us,
// let's go through and pull out the names and what format they're in
// so the scene can decide which ones to use.
for(vector<string>::const_iterator pathIt = pathVec.begin();
pathIt != pathVec.end();
const string& curPath = *pathIt;
string::size_type namePos(0);
string::size_type slashPos = curPath.rfind("/");
if (slashPos != string::npos)
// Advance to the first character after the last slash
namePos = slashPos + 1;
ModelFormat format(MODEL_INVALID);
string::size_type extPos = curPath.rfind(".3ds");
if (extPos == string::npos)
// It's not a 3ds model
extPos = curPath.rfind(".obj");
if (extPos == string::npos)
// It's not an obj model either, so skip it.
format = MODEL_OBJ;
// It's a 3ds model
format = MODEL_3DS;
string name(curPath, namePos, extPos - namePos);
ModelDescriptor* desc = new ModelDescriptor(name, format, curPath);
ModelPrivate::modelMap.insert(std::make_pair(name, desc));
return ModelPrivate::modelMap;
* Load a model by name.
* You must initialize the available model collection using
* Model::find_models() before using this method.
* @param modelName the model name
* @return whether the operation succeeded
Model::load(const string& modelName)
bool retVal(false);
ModelMap::const_iterator modelIt = ModelPrivate::modelMap.find(modelName);
if (modelIt == ModelPrivate::modelMap.end())
return retVal;
ModelDescriptor* desc = modelIt->second;
switch (desc->format())
case MODEL_3DS:
retVal = load_3ds(desc->pathname());
retVal = load_obj(desc->pathname());
return retVal;