| glmark2 2012.02 (20120216) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Consolidate X11 and Android main loops. |
| * Accept command-line options on Android through either a file |
| ('/data/glmark2/args') or an extra intent key ('args'). |
| * Support per-scene options for displaying an FPS count on screen |
| (show-fps, fps-pos, fps-size), and remove --show-fps command-line option. |
| * Support per-scene options for displaying a benchmark title on screen |
| (title, title-pos, title-size). |
| * Add command-line option to run benchmarks indefinitely (--run-forever). |
| * Add command-line option to annotate the benchmarks with on-screen |
| information (--annotate == -b :show-fps=true:title=#info#). |
| * Move various utility classes to libmatrix. |
| * Fix build issues on Android ICS. |
| |
| glmark2 2012.01 (20120119) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * X11: |
| - Run each benchmark in a fresh GL context. Use --reuse-context |
| to revert to the old default behavior of using the same context |
| for all benchmarks. |
| - Add option for showing a live FPS counter on screen (--show-fps). |
| - If the list of benchmarks to run contains only option-setting |
| descriptions, run the default benchmarks. |
| * Android: |
| - Fix crash on platforms not supporting glMapBufferOES. |
| - Log the glmark2 score when finishing. |
| - Log an error message if we fail to find a suitable EGLContext. |
| - Implement various stability improvements. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.12 (20111215) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Add benchmark for bilinear filtering implemented in the fragment |
| shader (not included in the default benchmarks). |
| * Ensure we don't call any GL functions before binding a GL context. |
| * Fix bug in the ShaderSource object that could lead to shader |
| compilation errors in strict OpenGL ES 2.0 implementations. |
| * Refactor scene update code to reduce duplication. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.11 (20111116) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Add benchmark for bump mapping using a height map. |
| * Add benchmark for bump mapping using a tangent space normal map |
| (not included in the default benchmarks). |
| * Implement validation support for all default benchmarks. |
| * Add a colored prefix to log messages in debug mode. |
| * Clean up and refactor code. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.10 (20111018) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Add benchmark for buffer (VBO) updates. |
| * Add benchmark for drop-shadow desktop effect. |
| * Add support for glmark2 extra large models. |
| * Enable the selection of additional models in the shading benchmark. |
| * Gracefully handle unsupported OpenGL versions, on both X11 and Android. |
| * Disable screen dimming and screen rotation on Android. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.09 (20110921) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Add benchmark for blur desktop effect. |
| * Add support for multiple lights in the phong shading benchmark. |
| * Add support for loading models from OBJ geometry files. |
| * Add Stanford Bunny model and make it available in the build benchmark. |
| * Add per-scene options to set shader precision at runtime. |
| * Add command-line option to specify the benchmarks to run using a text file. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.08 (20110818) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Port to Android (see INSTALL.android). |
| * Add benchmark based on pulsar X11 GL screensaver. |
| * Add benchmark for 2D image processing using the GPU. |
| * Add command line option to set the size of the output window (-s, --size). |
| * Implement ShaderSource object to simplify complex shader creation. |
| * Implement utility functions to access resources in an abstract way. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.07 (20110719) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Replace SDL with custom window handling code. |
| * Add benchmark for shader conditionals. |
| * Add benchmark for shader function calls. |
| * Add benchmark for shader loops. |
| * Add benchmark for real phong (vs blinn-phong) lighting model. |
| * Add benchmark for normal mapping. |
| * Refactor Mesh class to increase flexibility in vertex attribute |
| handling. |
| |
| glmark2 2011.06 (20110624) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Improve benchmark versatility by allowing runtime-configurable, |
| per-scene options. |
| * Add command line option to list avalaible scenes and their |
| supported options (-l,--list-scenes). |
| * Allow specifying the scenes to run and their options from the |
| command line (-b,--benchmark). |
| * Add basic output validation functionality (--validate). |
| * Add command line option to call glFinish() instead of swapping |
| the front and back buffers (--no-swap-buffers). |
| * Manually disable VSync for GL/GLX (work around an SDL bug). |
| * Replace custom math and shader infrastructure with functionality |
| provided by LibMatrix (lp:libmatrix). |
| * Improve user documentation (--help and man page). |
| |
| glmark2 11.05 (20110530) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Don't use the SDL_OPENGL flag for GLESv2 (LP: #761848). |
| * Ensure our screen updates are not synchronized with the vertical |
| retrace (LP: 761855). |
| * Use the correct GL headers depending on the flavor (desktop vs ES2). |
| * Query the correct GL object for shader linking status. |
| |
| glmark2 11.01 (20110125) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Fix visual corruption in glmark2-es2 due to missing depth buffer. |
| * Fix linking issues with gcc 4.5. |
| * Use correct GL functions to manipulate shaders vs programs. |
| * Make result reporting more parser-friendly. |
| * Upgrade build system to waf 1.6.2. |
| |
| glmark2 10.07.1 (20100728) |
| ========================== |
| |
| * Define the precision of fragment shader variables for OpenGL ES 2.0. |
| |
| glmark2 10.07 (20100715) |
| ======================== |
| |
| * First release. |
| * Included benchmarks: |
| - Rendering using vertex arrays |
| - Rendering using VBOs |
| - Texturing using nearest filtering |
| - Texturing using linear filtering |
| - Texturing using trilinear mipmapped filtering |
| - Lighting per vertex using simple GLSL shaders |
| - Lighting per pixel using elaborate GLSL shaders |