blob: 2680ebc29c735d2a7f49d977cf7cc9a284bc6eda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Linaro Limited
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
// this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
// Jesse Barker - original implementation.
#ifndef VEC_H_
#define VEC_H_
#include <iostream> // only needed for print() functions...
#include <math.h>
namespace LibMatrix
// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 2-element vector
// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it
// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
// work).
template<typename T>
class tvec2
tvec2() :
y_(0) {}
tvec2(const T t) :
y_(t) {}
tvec2(const T x, const T y) :
y_(y) {}
tvec2(const tvec2& v) :
y_(v.y_) {}
~tvec2() {}
// Print the elements of the vector to standard out.
// Really only useful for debug and test.
void print() const
std::cout << "| " << x_ << " " << y_ << " |" << std::endl;
// Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
// For example, it is valid to pass a tvec2<float> into a call to
// the OpenGL command "glUniform2fv()".
operator const T*() const { return &x_;}
// Get and set access members for the individual elements.
const T x() const { return x_; }
const T y() const { return y_; }
void x(const T& val) { x_ = val; }
void y(const T& val) { y_ = val; }
// A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this. Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator=(const tvec2& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
x_ = rhs.x_;
y_ = rhs.y_;
return *this;
// Divide this by a scalar. Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator/=(const T& rhs)
x_ /= rhs;
y_ /= rhs;
return *this;
// Divide a copy of this by a scalar. Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator/(const T& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) /= rhs;
// Component-wise divide of this by another vector.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator/=(const tvec2& rhs)
x_ /= rhs.x_;
y_ /= rhs.y_;
return *this;
// Component-wise divide of a copy of this by another vector.
// Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator/(const tvec2& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) /= rhs;
// Multiply this by a scalar. Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator*=(const T& rhs)
x_ *= rhs;
y_ *= rhs;
return *this;
// Multiply a copy of this by a scalar. Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator*(const T& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) *= rhs;
// Component-wise multiply of this by another vector.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator*=(const tvec2& rhs)
x_ *= rhs.x_;
y_ *= rhs.y_;
return *this;
// Component-wise multiply of a copy of this by another vector.
// Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator*(const tvec2& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) *= rhs;
// Add a scalar to this. Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator+=(const T& rhs)
x_ += rhs;
y_ += rhs;
return *this;
// Add a scalar to a copy of this. Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator+(const T& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) += rhs;
// Component-wise addition of another vector to this.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator+=(const tvec2& rhs)
x_ += rhs.x_;
y_ += rhs.y_;
return *this;
// Component-wise addition of another vector to a copy of this.
// Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator+(const tvec2& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) += rhs;
// Subtract a scalar from this. Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator-=(const T& rhs)
x_ -= rhs;
y_ -= rhs;
return *this;
// Subtract a scalar from a copy of this. Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator-(const T& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) -= rhs;
// Component-wise subtraction of another vector from this.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec2& operator-=(const tvec2& rhs)
x_ -= rhs.x_;
y_ -= rhs.y_;
return *this;
// Component-wise subtraction of another vector from a copy of this.
// Return the copy.
const tvec2 operator-(const tvec2& rhs) const
return tvec2(*this) -= rhs;
// Compute the length of this and return it.
float length() const
return sqrt(dot(*this, *this));
// Make this a unit vector.
void normalize()
float l = length();
x_ /= l;
y_ /= l;
// Compute the dot product of two vectors.
static T dot(const tvec2& v1, const tvec2& v2)
return (v1.x_ * v2.x_) + (v1.y_ * v2.y_);
T x_;
T y_;
// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 3-element vector
// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it
// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
// work).
template<typename T>
class tvec3
tvec3() :
z_(0) {}
tvec3(const T t) :
z_(t) {}
tvec3(const T x, const T y, const T z) :
z_(z) {}
tvec3(const tvec3& v) :
z_(v.z_) {}
~tvec3() {}
// Print the elements of the vector to standard out.
// Really only useful for debug and test.
void print() const
std::cout << "| " << x_ << " " << y_ << " " << z_ << " |" << std::endl;
// Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
// For example, it is valid to pass a tvec3<float> into a call to
// the OpenGL command "glUniform3fv()".
operator const T*() const { return &x_;}
// Get and set access members for the individual elements.
const T x() const { return x_; }
const T y() const { return y_; }
const T z() const { return z_; }
void x(const T& val) { x_ = val; }
void y(const T& val) { y_ = val; }
void z(const T& val) { z_ = val; }
// A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this. Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator=(const tvec3& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
x_ = rhs.x_;
y_ = rhs.y_;
z_ = rhs.z_;
return *this;
// Divide this by a scalar. Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator/=(const T& rhs)
x_ /= rhs;
y_ /= rhs;
z_ /= rhs;
return *this;
// Divide a copy of this by a scalar. Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator/(const T& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) /= rhs;
// Component-wise divide of this by another vector.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator/=(const tvec3& rhs)
x_ /= rhs.x_;
y_ /= rhs.y_;
z_ /= rhs.z_;
return *this;
// Component-wise divide of a copy of this by another vector.
// Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator/(const tvec3& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) /= rhs;
// Multiply this by a scalar. Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator*=(const T& rhs)
x_ *= rhs;
y_ *= rhs;
z_ *= rhs;
return *this;
// Multiply a copy of this by a scalar. Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator*(const T& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) *= rhs;
// Component-wise multiply of this by another vector.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator*=(const tvec3& rhs)
x_ *= rhs.x_;
y_ *= rhs.y_;
z_ *= rhs.z_;
return *this;
// Component-wise multiply of a copy of this by another vector.
// Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator*(const tvec3& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) *= rhs;
// Add a scalar to this. Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator+=(const T& rhs)
x_ += rhs;
y_ += rhs;
z_ += rhs;
return *this;
// Add a scalar to a copy of this. Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator+(const T& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) += rhs;
// Component-wise addition of another vector to this.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator+=(const tvec3& rhs)
x_ += rhs.x_;
y_ += rhs.y_;
z_ += rhs.z_;
return *this;
// Component-wise addition of another vector to a copy of this.
// Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator+(const tvec3& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) += rhs;
// Subtract a scalar from this. Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator-=(const T& rhs)
x_ -= rhs;
y_ -= rhs;
z_ -= rhs;
return *this;
// Subtract a scalar from a copy of this. Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator-(const T& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) -= rhs;
// Component-wise subtraction of another vector from this.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec3& operator-=(const tvec3& rhs)
x_ -= rhs.x_;
y_ -= rhs.y_;
z_ -= rhs.z_;
return *this;
// Component-wise subtraction of another vector from a copy of this.
// Return the copy.
const tvec3 operator-(const tvec3& rhs) const
return tvec3(*this) -= rhs;
// Compute the length of this and return it.
float length() const
return sqrt(dot(*this, *this));
// Make this a unit vector.
void normalize()
float l = length();
x_ /= l;
y_ /= l;
z_ /= l;
// Compute the dot product of two vectors.
static T dot(const tvec3& v1, const tvec3& v2)
return (v1.x_ * v2.x_) + (v1.y_ * v2.y_) + (v1.z_ * v2.z_);
// Compute the cross product of two vectors.
static tvec3 cross(const tvec3& u, const tvec3& v)
return tvec3((u.y_ * v.z_) - (u.z_ * v.y_),
(u.z_ * v.x_) - (u.x_ * v.z_),
(u.x_ * v.y_) - (u.y_ * v.x_));
T x_;
T y_;
T z_;
// A template class for creating, managing and operating on a 4-element vector
// of any type you like (intended for built-in types, but as long as it
// supports the basic arithmetic and assignment operators, any type should
// work).
template<typename T>
class tvec4
tvec4() :
w_(0) {}
tvec4(const T t) :
w_(t) {}
tvec4(const T x, const T y, const T z, const T w) :
w_(w) {}
tvec4(const tvec4& v) :
w_(v.w_) {}
~tvec4() {}
// Print the elements of the vector to standard out.
// Really only useful for debug and test.
void print() const
std::cout << "| " << x_ << " " << y_ << " " << z_ << " " << w_ << " |" << std::endl;
// Allow raw data access for API calls and the like.
// For example, it is valid to pass a tvec4<float> into a call to
// the OpenGL command "glUniform4fv()".
operator const T*() const { return &x_;}
// Get and set access members for the individual elements.
const T x() const { return x_; }
const T y() const { return y_; }
const T z() const { return z_; }
const T w() const { return w_; }
void x(const T& val) { x_ = val; }
void y(const T& val) { y_ = val; }
void z(const T& val) { z_ = val; }
void w(const T& val) { w_ = val; }
// A direct assignment of 'rhs' to this. Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator=(const tvec4& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
x_ = rhs.x_;
y_ = rhs.y_;
z_ = rhs.z_;
w_ = rhs.w_;
return *this;
// Divide this by a scalar. Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator/=(const T& rhs)
x_ /= rhs;
y_ /= rhs;
z_ /= rhs;
w_ /= rhs;
return *this;
// Divide a copy of this by a scalar. Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator/(const T& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) /= rhs;
// Component-wise divide of this by another vector.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator/=(const tvec4& rhs)
x_ /= rhs.x_;
y_ /= rhs.y_;
z_ /= rhs.z_;
w_ /= rhs.w_;
return *this;
// Component-wise divide of a copy of this by another vector.
// Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator/(const tvec4& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) /= rhs;
// Multiply this by a scalar. Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator*=(const T& rhs)
x_ *= rhs;
y_ *= rhs;
z_ *= rhs;
w_ *= rhs;
return *this;
// Multiply a copy of this by a scalar. Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator*(const T& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) *= rhs;
// Component-wise multiply of this by another vector.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator*=(const tvec4& rhs)
x_ *= rhs.x_;
y_ *= rhs.y_;
z_ *= rhs.z_;
w_ *= rhs.w_;
return *this;
// Component-wise multiply of a copy of this by another vector.
// Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator*(const tvec4& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) *= rhs;
// Add a scalar to this. Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator+=(const T& rhs)
x_ += rhs;
y_ += rhs;
z_ += rhs;
w_ += rhs;
return *this;
// Add a scalar to a copy of this. Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator+(const T& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) += rhs;
// Component-wise addition of another vector to this.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator+=(const tvec4& rhs)
x_ += rhs.x_;
y_ += rhs.y_;
z_ += rhs.z_;
w_ += rhs.w_;
return *this;
// Component-wise addition of another vector to a copy of this.
// Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator+(const tvec4& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) += rhs;
// Subtract a scalar from this. Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator-=(const T& rhs)
x_ -= rhs;
y_ -= rhs;
z_ -= rhs;
w_ -= rhs;
return *this;
// Subtract a scalar from a copy of this. Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator-(const T& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) -= rhs;
// Component-wise subtraction of another vector from this.
// Return a reference to this.
tvec4& operator-=(const tvec4& rhs)
x_ -= rhs.x_;
y_ -= rhs.y_;
z_ -= rhs.z_;
w_ -= rhs.w_;
return *this;
// Component-wise subtraction of another vector from a copy of this.
// Return the copy.
const tvec4 operator-(const tvec4& rhs) const
return tvec4(*this) -= rhs;
// Compute the length of this and return it.
float length() const
return sqrt(dot(*this, *this));
// Make this a unit vector.
void normalize()
float l = length();
x_ /= l;
y_ /= l;
z_ /= l;
w_ /= l;
// Compute the dot product of two vectors.
static T dot(const tvec4& v1, const tvec4& v2)
return (v1.x_ * v2.x_) + (v1.y_ * v2.y_) + (v1.z_ * v2.z_) + (v1.w_ * v2.w_);
T x_;
T y_;
T z_;
T w_;
// Convenience typedefs. These are here to present a homogeneous view of these
// objects with respect to shader source.
typedef tvec2<float> vec2;
typedef tvec3<float> vec3;
typedef tvec4<float> vec4;
typedef tvec2<double> dvec2;
typedef tvec3<double> dvec3;
typedef tvec4<double> dvec4;
typedef tvec2<int> ivec2;
typedef tvec3<int> ivec3;
typedef tvec4<int> ivec4;
typedef tvec2<unsigned int> uvec2;
typedef tvec3<unsigned int> uvec3;
typedef tvec4<unsigned int> uvec4;
typedef tvec2<bool> bvec2;
typedef tvec3<bool> bvec3;
typedef tvec4<bool> bvec4;
} // namespace LibMatrix
// Global operators to allow for things like defining a new vector in terms of
// a product of a scalar and a vector
template<typename T>
const LibMatrix::tvec2<T> operator*(const T t, const LibMatrix::tvec2<T>& v)
return v * t;
template<typename T>
const LibMatrix::tvec3<T> operator*(const T t, const LibMatrix::tvec3<T>& v)
return v * t;
template<typename T>
const LibMatrix::tvec4<T> operator*(const T t, const LibMatrix::tvec4<T>& v)
return v * t;
#endif // VEC_H_