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<h1><a href="index.html">Documentation</a></h1>
<li> <strong>Introduction</strong>
<li><a href="system_requirements.html">Device Requirements</a></li>
<li> <strong>Dev Environment Setup</strong>
<li><a href="build_system.html">Build System</a></li>
<li> <strong>Basic Bring up</strong>
<li><a href="build_new_device.html">Building New Device</a></li>
<li><a href="bring_up.html">Bring up</a></li>
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<a name="androidBuildNewTitle"></a><h1>Building Android for a new Mobile Device</h1>
<a name="toc"/>
<div style="padding:10px">
<a href="#androidOHDPortingDeviceBuildingProcess">Detailed Instructions</a><br/>
<a href="#androidBuildNewFileTree">New Product File Tree</a><br/></div></font></div>
<a name="androidOHDPortingDeviceBuildingProcess"></a><h2>Detailed Instructions</h2>
<p>The directions below describe how to configure make files for new mobile devices and products.</p>
<li>Create a company directory in <code>//device/partner</code>.<br/>
<pre class="prettyprint">
mkdir device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;</pre></li>
<li>Create a <code>products</code> directory beneath the company directory you created in step 1.<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
mkdir device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/products/</pre></li>
<li>Create a product-specific make file, called <code>device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/products/&lt;first_product_name&gt;.mk</code>, that includes the following code:<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
$(call inherit-product, target/product/
# Overrides
PRODUCT_NAME := &lt;first_product_name&gt;
PRODUCT_DEVICE := &lt;board_name&gt;</pre></li>
<li>In the <code>products</code> directory, create an <code></code> file that point to (and is responsible for finding) the individual product make files.<BR>
<pre class="prettypring">
# This file should set PRODUCT_MAKEFILES to a list of product makefiles
# to expose to the build system. LOCAL_DIR will already be set to
# the directory containing this file.
# This file may not rely on the value of any variable other than
# LOCAL_DIR; do not use any conditionals, and do not look up the
# value of any variable that isn't set in this file or in a file that
# it includes.
$(LOCAL_DIR)/ \</pre></li>
<li>Create a board-specific directory beneath your company directory that matches the <code>PRODUCT_DEVICE</code> variable <code>&lt;board_name&gt;</code> referenced in the product-specific make file above. This will include a make file that gets accessed by any product using this board.<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
mkdir device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</pre></li>
<li>Create a <code></code> file in the directory created in the previous step (<code>device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</code>). If this directory does not include a <code></code> file, the build will fail.<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
# These definitions override the defaults in config/config.make for &lt;board_name&gt;
TARGET_USE_GENERIC_AUDIO := true</pre></li>
<li>If you wish to modify system properties, create a <code>system.prop</code> file in your <code>&lt;board_name&gt;</code> directory(<code>device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</code>).<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
# system.prop for <board_name>
# This overrides settings in the products/generic/system.prop file
# rild.libpath=/system/lib/
# rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyS0</pre></li>
<li>Add a pointer to <code>&lt;second_product_name&gt;.mk</code> within <code>products/</code>.<BR>
<pre class="prettypring">
<li><code>device/partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;</code> must include an <code></code> file with at least the following code:<BR><BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
# make file for new hardware <board_name> from <company_name>
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
# this is here to use the pre-built kernel
ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)
# no boot loader, so we don't need any of that stuff..
LOCAL_PATH := partner/&lt;company_name&gt;/&lt;board_name&gt;
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# include more board specific stuff here? Such as Audio parameters.
<li>To create a second product for the same board, create a second product-specific make file called <code>device/partner/company_name/products/&lt;second_product_name&gt;.mk</code> that includes:<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
$(call inherit-product, partner/google/products/
# Overrides
PRODUCT_NAME := &lt;second_product_name&gt;
PRODUCT_DEVICE := &lt;board_name&gt;</pre></li>
<p>By now, you should have two new products, called <code>&lt;first_product_name&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;second_product_name&gt;</code> associated with <code>&lt;company_name&gt;</code>. To verify that a product is properly configured (<code>&lt;first_product_name&gt;</code>, for example), execute the following:<BR>
<pre class="prettyprint">
cd device
. ./
partner_setup &lt;first_product_name&gt;
make PRODUCT-&lt;first_product_name&gt;-user
<p>You should find new build binaries located in <code>device/out/target/product/&lt;board_name&gt;</code>.
<a name="androidBuildNewFileTree"></a><h2>New Product File Tree</h2>
<p>The file tree below illustrates what your own system should look like after completing the steps above.</p>
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