blob: 2d4352b6de1383ee8be052d335acb1edaa0ccac2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
// Defines a basic test suite framework for running gtest based tests. You can
// instantiate this class in your main function and call its Run method to run
// any gtest based tests that are linked into your executable.
#include <string>
#include "base/at_exit.h"
namespace testing {
class TestInfo;
namespace base {
class TestSuite {
// Match function used by the GetTestCount method.
typedef bool (*TestMatch)(const testing::TestInfo&);
TestSuite(int argc, char** argv);
virtual ~TestSuite();
// Returns true if the test is marked as flaky.
static bool IsMarkedFlaky(const testing::TestInfo& test);
// Returns true if the test is marked as failing.
static bool IsMarkedFailing(const testing::TestInfo& test);
// Returns true if the test is marked as "MAYBE_".
// When using different prefixes depending on platform, we use MAYBE_ and
// preprocessor directives to replace MAYBE_ with the target prefix.
static bool IsMarkedMaybe(const testing::TestInfo& test);
// Returns true if the test failure should be ignored.
static bool ShouldIgnoreFailure(const testing::TestInfo& test);
// Returns true if the test failed and the failure shouldn't be ignored.
static bool NonIgnoredFailures(const testing::TestInfo& test);
// Returns the number of tests where the match function returns true.
int GetTestCount(TestMatch test_match);
void CatchMaybeTests();
int Run();
// A command-line flag that makes a test failure always result in a non-zero
// process exit code.
static const char kStrictFailureHandling[];
// By default fatal log messages (e.g. from DCHECKs) result in error dialogs
// which gum up buildbots. Use a minimalistic assert handler which just
// terminates the process.
static void UnitTestAssertHandler(const std::string& str);
// Disable crash dialogs so that it doesn't gum up the buildbot
virtual void SuppressErrorDialogs();
// Override these for custom initialization and shutdown handling. Use these
// instead of putting complex code in your constructor/destructor.
virtual void Initialize();
virtual void Shutdown();
// Make sure that we setup an AtExitManager so Singleton objects will be
// destroyed.
base::AtExitManager at_exit_manager_;
} // namespace base
// TODO(brettw) remove this. This is a temporary hack to allow WebKit to compile
// until we can update it to use "base::" (preventing a two-sided patch).
using base::TestSuite;