blob: 72ffa0ccc8621a7103da5a00b924ed800254f435 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "content/common/notification_details.h"
#include "content/common/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/common/notification_type.h"
class Extension;
// Base class for extension browser tests. Provides utilities for loading,
// unloading, and installing extensions.
class ExtensionBrowserTest
: public InProcessBrowserTest, public NotificationObserver {
virtual void SetUpCommandLine(CommandLine* command_line);
const Extension* LoadExtension(const FilePath& path);
// Same as above, but enables the extension in incognito mode first.
const Extension* LoadExtensionIncognito(const FilePath& path);
// By default, unpacked extensions have file access: this loads them with
// that permission removed.
const Extension* LoadExtensionNoFileAccess(const FilePath& path);
// Same as above, but enables the extension in incognito mode first.
const Extension* LoadExtensionIncognitoNoFileAccess(const FilePath& path);
// Loads extension and imitates that it is a component extension.
bool LoadExtensionAsComponent(const FilePath& path);
// Pack the extension in |dir_path| into a crx file and return its path.
// Return an empty FilePath if there were errors.
FilePath PackExtension(const FilePath& dir_path);
// |expected_change| indicates how many extensions should be installed (or
// disabled, if negative).
// 1 means you expect a new install, 0 means you expect an upgrade, -1 means
// you expect a failed upgrade.
bool InstallExtension(const FilePath& path, int expected_change) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension("", path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
// Same as above but passes an id to CrxInstaller and does not allow a
// privilege increase.
bool UpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& path,
int expected_change) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension(id, path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NONE,
// Same as |InstallExtension| but with the normal extension UI showing up
// (for e.g. info bar on success).
bool InstallExtensionWithUI(const FilePath& path, int expected_change) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension("", path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_NORMAL,
bool InstallExtensionWithUIAutoConfirm(const FilePath& path,
int expected_change,
Profile* profile) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension("", path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_AUTO_CONFIRM,
expected_change, profile);
// Begins install process but simulates a user cancel.
bool StartInstallButCancel(const FilePath& path) {
return InstallOrUpdateExtension("", path, INSTALL_UI_TYPE_CANCEL, 0);
void ReloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
void UnloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
void UninstallExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
void DisableExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
void EnableExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
// Wait for the total number of page actions to change to |count|.
bool WaitForPageActionCountChangeTo(int count);
// Wait for the number of visible page actions to change to |count|.
bool WaitForPageActionVisibilityChangeTo(int count);
// Waits until an extension is installed and loaded. Returns true if an
// install happened before timeout.
bool WaitForExtensionInstall();
// Wait for an extension install error to be raised. Returns true if an
// error was raised.
bool WaitForExtensionInstallError();
// Waits until an extension is loaded.
void WaitForExtensionLoad();
// Wait for the specified extension to crash. Returns true if it really
// crashed.
bool WaitForExtensionCrash(const std::string& extension_id);
// NotificationObserver
virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
bool loaded_;
bool installed_;
// test_data/extensions.
FilePath test_data_dir_;
std::string last_loaded_extension_id_;
int extension_installs_observed_;
// Temporary directory for testing.
ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
// Specifies the type of UI (if any) to show during installation and what
// user action to simulate.
enum InstallUIType {
bool InstallOrUpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& path,
InstallUIType ui_type,
int expected_change);
bool InstallOrUpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& path,
InstallUIType ui_type,
int expected_change,
Profile* profile);
const Extension* LoadExtensionImpl(const FilePath& path,
bool incognito_enabled,
bool fileaccess_enabled);
bool WaitForExtensionHostsToLoad();
// When waiting for page action count to change, we wait until it reaches this
// value.
int target_page_action_count_;
// When waiting for visible page action count to change, we wait until it
// reaches this value.
int target_visible_page_action_count_;