| ################################### |
| # Build the libchromium_net library |
| |
| LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) |
| include external/chromium/third_party/libevent/Android.mk |
| include external/chromium/third_party/modp_b64/Android.mk |
| include external/chromium/base/third_party/dmg_fp/Android.mk |
| |
| include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
| |
| |
| LOCAL_MODULE := libchromium_net |
| INTERMEDIATES := $(call local-intermediates-dir) |
| |
| googleurl/src/gurl.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_etc.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_fileurl.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_host.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_icu.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_internal.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_ip.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_mailtourl.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_path.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_pathurl.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_query.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_relative.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_canon_stdurl.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_parse.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_parse_file.cc \ |
| googleurl/src/url_util.cc \ |
| \ |
| android/content/common/url_constants.cc \ |
| android/execinfo.cc \ |
| android/jni/autofill_request_url.cc \ |
| android/jni/mime_utils.cc \ |
| android/jni/jni_utils.cc \ |
| android/jni/platform_file_jni.cc \ |
| android/net/android_network_library_impl.cc \ |
| android/ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.cc \ |
| \ |
| app/sql/connection.cc \ |
| app/sql/meta_table.cc \ |
| app/sql/statement.cc \ |
| app/sql/transaction.cc \ |
| |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),x86) |
| base/atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.cc |
| endif |
| |
| base/at_exit.cc \ |
| base/base64.cc \ |
| base/environment.cc \ |
| base/file_descriptor_shuffle.cc \ |
| base/file_path.cc \ |
| base/file_util.cc \ |
| base/file_util_android.cc \ |
| base/file_util_posix.cc \ |
| base/lazy_instance.cc \ |
| base/logging.cc \ |
| base/message_loop.cc \ |
| base/message_loop_proxy.cc \ |
| base/message_loop_proxy_impl.cc \ |
| base/message_pump.cc \ |
| base/message_pump_default.cc \ |
| base/message_pump_libevent.cc \ |
| base/md5.cc \ |
| base/native_library_linux.cc \ |
| base/pickle.cc \ |
| base/platform_file.cc \ |
| base/platform_file_posix.cc \ |
| base/process_posix.cc \ |
| base/process_util.cc \ |
| base/process_util_linux.cc \ |
| base/process_util_posix.cc \ |
| base/rand_util.cc \ |
| base/rand_util_posix.cc \ |
| base/safe_strerror_posix.cc \ |
| base/sha1_portable.cc \ |
| base/shared_memory_posix.cc \ |
| base/string_number_conversions.cc \ |
| base/string_piece.cc \ |
| base/string_split.cc \ |
| base/string_util.cc \ |
| base/string16.cc \ |
| base/stringprintf.cc \ |
| base/sys_info_linux.cc \ |
| base/sys_info_posix.cc \ |
| base/sys_string_conversions_linux.cc \ |
| base/task.cc \ |
| base/time.cc \ |
| base/time_posix.cc \ |
| base/timer.cc \ |
| base/tracked.cc \ |
| base/tracked_objects.cc \ |
| base/utf_offset_string_conversions.cc \ |
| base/utf_string_conversions.cc \ |
| base/utf_string_conversion_utils.cc \ |
| base/values.cc \ |
| base/vlog.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/debug/debugger_posix.cc \ |
| base/debug/stack_trace.cc \ |
| base/debug/stack_trace_posix.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/i18n/file_util_icu.cc \ |
| base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.cc \ |
| base/i18n/time_formatting.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/json/json_reader.cc \ |
| base/json/json_writer.cc \ |
| base/json/string_escape.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/memory/ref_counted.cc \ |
| base/memory/weak_ptr.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/metrics/field_trial.cc \ |
| base/metrics/histogram.cc \ |
| base/metrics/stats_counters.cc \ |
| base/metrics/stats_table.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/synchronization/cancellation_flag.cc \ |
| base/synchronization/condition_variable_posix.cc \ |
| base/synchronization/lock_impl_posix.cc \ |
| base/synchronization/waitable_event_posix.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/threading/platform_thread_posix.cc \ |
| base/threading/thread.cc \ |
| base/threading/thread_checker_impl.cc \ |
| base/threading/thread_collision_warner.cc \ |
| base/threading/thread_local_posix.cc \ |
| base/threading/thread_local_storage_posix.cc \ |
| base/threading/worker_pool_posix.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/third_party/nspr/prtime.cc \ |
| \ |
| chrome/browser/net/sqlite_persistent_cookie_store.cc \ |
| \ |
| crypto/openssl_util.cc \ |
| crypto/secure_hash_default.cc \ |
| crypto/sha2.cc \ |
| \ |
| crypto/third_party/nss/sha512.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/base/address_list.cc \ |
| net/base/address_list_net_log_param.cc \ |
| net/base/android_network_library.cc \ |
| net/base/auth.cc \ |
| net/base/backoff_entry.cc \ |
| net/base/bandwidth_metrics.cc \ |
| net/base/capturing_net_log.cc \ |
| net/base/cert_database.cc \ |
| net/base/cert_status_flags.cc \ |
| net/base/cert_verifier.cc \ |
| net/base/cert_verify_result.cc \ |
| net/base/connection_type_histograms.cc \ |
| net/base/cookie_monster.cc \ |
| net/base/cookie_store.cc \ |
| net/base/data_url.cc \ |
| net/base/directory_lister.cc \ |
| net/base/dns_util.cc \ |
| net/base/dnsrr_resolver.cc \ |
| net/base/escape.cc \ |
| net/base/file_stream_posix.cc \ |
| net/base/filter.cc \ |
| net/base/gzip_filter.cc \ |
| net/base/gzip_header.cc \ |
| net/base/host_cache.cc \ |
| net/base/host_mapping_rules.cc \ |
| net/base/host_port_pair.cc \ |
| net/base/host_resolver.cc \ |
| net/base/host_resolver_impl.cc \ |
| net/base/host_resolver_proc.cc \ |
| net/base/io_buffer.cc \ |
| net/base/ip_endpoint.cc \ |
| net/base/mime_util.cc \ |
| net/base/net_errors.cc \ |
| net/base/net_errors_posix.cc \ |
| net/base/net_log.cc \ |
| net/base/net_module.cc \ |
| net/base/net_util.cc \ |
| net/base/net_util_posix.cc \ |
| net/base/network_change_notifier.cc \ |
| net/base/network_change_notifier_linux.cc \ |
| net/base/network_change_notifier_netlink_linux.cc \ |
| net/base/network_delegate.cc \ |
| net/base/openssl_memory_private_key_store.cc \ |
| net/base/pem_tokenizer.cc \ |
| net/base/platform_mime_util_android.cc \ |
| net/base/registry_controlled_domain.cc \ |
| net/base/sdch_manager.cc \ |
| net/base/sdch_filter.cc \ |
| net/base/ssl_cert_request_info.cc \ |
| net/base/ssl_client_auth_cache.cc \ |
| net/base/ssl_config_service.cc \ |
| net/base/ssl_config_service_defaults.cc \ |
| net/base/ssl_info.cc \ |
| net/base/transport_security_state.cc \ |
| net/base/upload_data.cc \ |
| net/base/upload_data_stream.cc \ |
| net/base/x509_cert_types.cc \ |
| net/base/x509_certificate.cc \ |
| net/base/x509_certificate_openssl.cc \ |
| net/base/x509_certificate_openssl_android.cc \ |
| net/base/x509_openssl_util.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/disk_cache/addr.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/backend_impl.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/bitmap.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/block_files.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/cache_util_posix.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/disk_format.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/entry_impl.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/eviction.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/file.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/file_lock.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/file_posix.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/hash.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/in_flight_backend_io.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/in_flight_io.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/mapped_file_posix.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/mem_backend_impl.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/mem_entry_impl.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/mem_rankings.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/net_log_parameters.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/rankings.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/stats.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/stats_histogram.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/sparse_control.cc \ |
| net/disk_cache/trace.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/ftp/ftp_auth_cache.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/http/des.cc \ |
| net/http/disk_cache_based_ssl_host_info.cc \ |
| net/http/http_alternate_protocols.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_cache.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_controller.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_gssapi_posix.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler_basic.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler_digest.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler_factory.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler_negotiate.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler_ntlm.cc \ |
| net/http/http_auth_handler_ntlm_portable.cc \ |
| net/http/http_basic_stream.cc \ |
| net/http/http_byte_range.cc \ |
| net/http/http_cache.cc \ |
| net/http/http_cache_transaction.cc \ |
| net/http/http_chunked_decoder.cc \ |
| net/http/http_net_log_params.cc \ |
| net/http/http_network_layer.cc \ |
| net/http/http_network_session.cc \ |
| net/http/http_network_transaction.cc \ |
| net/http/http_proxy_client_socket.cc \ |
| net/http/http_proxy_client_socket_pool.cc \ |
| net/http/http_proxy_utils.cc \ |
| net/http/http_request_headers.cc \ |
| net/http/http_request_info.cc \ |
| net/http/http_response_body_drainer.cc \ |
| net/http/http_response_headers.cc \ |
| net/http/http_response_info.cc \ |
| net/http/http_stream_factory.cc \ |
| net/http/http_stream_factory_impl.cc \ |
| net/http/http_stream_factory_impl_job.cc \ |
| net/http/http_stream_factory_impl_request.cc \ |
| net/http/http_stream_parser.cc \ |
| net/http/http_util.cc \ |
| net/http/http_util_icu.cc \ |
| net/http/http_vary_data.cc \ |
| net/http/md4.cc \ |
| net/http/partial_data.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/proxy/init_proxy_resolver.cc \ |
| net/proxy/multi_threaded_proxy_resolver.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_bypass_rules.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_config.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_config_service_android.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_config_service_fixed.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_info.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_list.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_resolver_js_bindings.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_resolver_script_data.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_server.cc \ |
| net/proxy/proxy_service.cc \ |
| net/proxy/sync_host_resolver_bridge.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/socket/client_socket.cc \ |
| net/socket/client_socket_handle.cc \ |
| net/socket/client_socket_factory.cc \ |
| net/socket/client_socket_pool.cc \ |
| net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.cc \ |
| net/socket/client_socket_pool_histograms.cc \ |
| net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.cc \ |
| net/socket/socks_client_socket.cc \ |
| net/socket/socks_client_socket_pool.cc \ |
| net/socket/socks5_client_socket.cc \ |
| net/socket/ssl_client_socket.cc \ |
| net/socket/ssl_client_socket_openssl.cc \ |
| net/socket/ssl_client_socket_pool.cc \ |
| net/socket/ssl_error_params.cc \ |
| net/socket/ssl_host_info.cc \ |
| net/socket/tcp_client_socket.cc \ |
| net/socket/tcp_client_socket_libevent.cc \ |
| net/socket/transport_client_socket_pool.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_framer.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_frame_builder.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_http_utils.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_io_buffer.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_proxy_client_socket.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_session.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_session_pool.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_settings_storage.cc \ |
| net/spdy/spdy_stream.cc \ |
| \ |
| net/url_request/https_prober.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_context.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_file_job.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_file_dir_job.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_http_job.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_error_job.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_job.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_job_manager.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_job_tracker.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_netlog_params.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_redirect_job.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_throttler_entry.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_throttler_header_adapter.cc \ |
| net/url_request/url_request_throttler_manager.cc \ |
| \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/addrcache.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/blockhash.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/codetable.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/encodetable.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/decodetable.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/headerparser.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/instruction_map.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/logging.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/varint_bigendian.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/vcdecoder.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/vcdiffengine.cc \ |
| sdch/open-vcdiff/src/vcencoder.cc \ |
| |
| # AutoFill++ source files. |
| android/autofill/android_url_request_context_getter.cc \ |
| android/autofill/profile_android.cc \ |
| android/autofill/url_fetcher_proxy.cc \ |
| \ |
| base/base_paths.cc \ |
| base/base_paths_linux.cc \ |
| base/path_service.cc \ |
| \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/address.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/address_field.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_country.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_download.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_field.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_manager.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_metrics.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_profile.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_type.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_xml_parser.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/contact_info.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card_field.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/fax_number.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/form_field.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/form_group.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/name_field.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/home_phone_number.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/personal_data_manager.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/phone_field.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/phone_number.cc \ |
| chrome/browser/autofill/select_control_handler.cc \ |
| \ |
| chrome/common/guid.cc \ |
| chrome/common/guid_posix.cc \ |
| chrome/common/url_constants.cc \ |
| \ |
| chrome/common/net/url_fetcher.cc \ |
| chrome/common/net/url_fetcher_protect.cc \ |
| \ |
| third_party/libjingle/overrides/talk/xmllite/qname.cc \ |
| third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlbuilder.cc \ |
| third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlconstants.cc \ |
| third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlelement.cc \ |
| third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlnsstack.cc \ |
| third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlparser.cc \ |
| third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlprinter.cc \ |
| \ |
| webkit/glue/form_data.cc \ |
| webkit/glue/form_field.cc |
| |
| $(LOCAL_PATH) \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/chrome \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/chrome/browser \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/sdch/open-vcdiff/src \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libevent/compat \ |
| external/expat \ |
| external/icu4c/common \ |
| external/icu4c/i18n \ |
| external/openssl/include \ |
| external/skia \ |
| external/sqlite/dist \ |
| external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium \ |
| external/zlib \ |
| external \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/base/third_party/dmg_fp \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/icu/public/common \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libevent/android \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libevent \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libjingle/overrides \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/third_party/libjingle/source \ |
| vendor/google/libraries/autofill |
| |
| # Chromium uses several third party libraries and headers that are already |
| # present on Android, but in different include paths. Generate a set of |
| # forwarding headers in the location that Chromium expects. |
| |
| THIRD_PARTY = $(INTERMEDIATES)/third_party |
| SCRIPT := $(LOCAL_PATH)/android/generateAndroidForwardingHeader.pl |
| |
| GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/expat/files/lib/expat.h |
| $(GEN): $(SCRIPT) |
| $(GEN): |
| perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "lib/expat.h" |
| |
| GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h |
| $(GEN): $(SCRIPT) |
| $(GEN): |
| perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "include/core/SkBitmap.h" |
| |
| GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormControlElement.h |
| $(GEN): $(SCRIPT) |
| $(GEN): |
| perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "public/WebFormControlElement.h" |
| |
| GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebRegularExpression.h |
| $(GEN): $(SCRIPT) |
| $(GEN): |
| perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "public/WebRegularExpression.h" |
| |
| GEN := $(THIRD_PARTY)/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h |
| $(GEN): $(SCRIPT) |
| $(GEN): |
| perl $(SCRIPT) $@ "public/WebString.h" |
| |
| LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := -Wno-sign-promo -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden |
| |
| # Just a few definitions not provided by bionic. |
| LOCAL_CFLAGS += -include "android/prefix.h" |
| |
| # external/chromium/android is a directory to intercept stl headers that we do |
| # not support yet. |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/android \ |
| |
| LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libevent modp_b64 dmg_fp libcutils |
| LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libstlport libexpat libcrypto libssl libz libicuuc libicui18n libsqlite libcutils libdl |
| |
| |
| # Including this will modify the include path |
| include external/stlport/libstlport.mk |
| |