blob: 277e1b16586c11143f4e2e6c723807c0796eed2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_group.h"
// A form group that stores phone number information.
class PhoneNumber : public FormGroup {
virtual ~PhoneNumber();
// FormGroup implementation:
virtual FormGroup* Clone() const = 0;
virtual void GetPossibleFieldTypes(const string16& text,
FieldTypeSet* possible_types) const;
virtual void GetAvailableFieldTypes(FieldTypeSet* available_types) const;
virtual void FindInfoMatches(const AutoFillType& type,
const string16& info,
std::vector<string16>* matched_text) const;
virtual string16 GetFieldText(const AutoFillType& type) const;
virtual void SetInfo(const AutoFillType& type, const string16& value);
// Parses |value| to extract the components of a phone number. |number|
// returns the trailing 7 digits, |city_code| returns the next 3 digits, and
// |country_code| returns any remaining digits.
// Separator characters are stripped before parsing the digits.
// Returns true if parsing was successful, false otherwise.
static bool ParsePhoneNumber(const string16& value,
string16* number,
string16* city_code,
string16* country_code);
// Size and offset of the prefix and suffix portions of phone numbers.
static const int kPrefixOffset = 0;
static const int kPrefixLength = 3;
static const int kSuffixOffset = 3;
static const int kSuffixLength = 4;
explicit PhoneNumber(const PhoneNumber& phone_number);
// For test.
friend class PhoneNumberTest;
void operator=(const PhoneNumber& phone_number);
const string16& country_code() const { return country_code_; }
const string16& city_code() const { return city_code_; }
const string16& number() const { return number_; }
const string16& extension() const { return extension_; }
string16 CityAndNumber() const { return city_code_ + number_; }
// Returns the entire phone number as a string, without punctuation.
virtual string16 WholeNumber() const;
void set_country_code(const string16& country_code) {
country_code_ = country_code;
void set_city_code(const string16& city_code) { city_code_ = city_code; }
void set_number(const string16& number);
void set_extension(const string16& extension) { extension_ = extension; }
void set_whole_number(const string16& whole_number);
// A helper function for FindInfoMatches that only handles matching the info
// with the requested field type.
bool FindInfoMatchesHelper(const FieldTypeSubGroup& subgroup,
const string16& info,
string16* match) const;
// The numbers will be digits only (no punctuation), so any call to the IsX()
// functions should first call StripPunctuation on the text.
bool IsNumber(const string16& text) const;
bool IsCityCode(const string16& text) const;
bool IsCountryCode(const string16& text) const;
bool IsCityAndNumber(const string16& text) const;
bool IsWholeNumber(const string16& text) const;
// The following functions should return the field type for each part of the
// phone number. Currently, these are either fax or home phone number types.
virtual AutoFillFieldType GetNumberType() const = 0;
virtual AutoFillFieldType GetCityCodeType() const = 0;
virtual AutoFillFieldType GetCountryCodeType() const = 0;
virtual AutoFillFieldType GetCityAndNumberType() const = 0;
virtual AutoFillFieldType GetWholeNumberType() const = 0;
// Verifies that |number| is a valid phone number.
bool Validate(const string16& number) const;
// Removes any punctuation characters from |number|.
static void StripPunctuation(string16* number);
// The pieces of the phone number.
string16 country_code_;
string16 city_code_; // city or area code.
string16 number_;
string16 extension_;