blob: 9f8c5dbadcfb465f92140f2d8370680398352295 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/chrome_url_data_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/dom_ui.h"
class DictionaryValue;
namespace menus {
class MenuModel;
} // namespace menus
namespace chromeos {
class DOMUIMenuControl;
// MenuSourceDelegate class allows subclass to injects specific values
// to menu javascript code.
class MenuSourceDelegate {
virtual ~MenuSourceDelegate() {}
// Subclass can add extra parameters or replaces default configuration.
virtual void AddCustomConfigValues(DictionaryValue* config) const {};
// Subclass can add their values to |localized_strings| and those values
// are used by JS template builder and could be accessed via JS class
// LocalStrings.
virtual void AddLocalizedStrings(DictionaryValue* localized_strings) const {}
class MenuUI : public DOMUI {
explicit MenuUI(TabContents* contents);
// A callback method that is invoked when a menu model associated
// with the DOMUI Menu gets updated.
virtual void ModelUpdated(const menus::MenuModel* new_model);
// Creates a menu item for the menu item at index in the model.
virtual DictionaryValue* CreateMenuItem(const menus::MenuModel* model,
int index,
const char* type,
int* max_icon_width,
bool* has_accel) const;
// A utility function which creates a concrete html file from
// template file |menu_resource_id| and |menu_css_id| for given |menu_class|.
// The resource_name is the host part of DOMUI's url.
static ChromeURLDataManager::DataSource* CreateMenuUIHTMLSource(
const MenuSourceDelegate* delegate,
const std::string& source_name,
const std::string& menu_class,
int menu_source_res_id,
int menu_css_res_id);
// Returns true if DMOUI menu is enabled.
static bool IsEnabled();
// A constructor for subclass to initialize the MenuUI with
// different data source.
MenuUI(TabContents* contents, ChromeURLDataManager::DataSource* source);
// Create HTML Data source for the menu.
ChromeURLDataManager::DataSource* CreateDataSource();
// Base class for MenuUI's DOMMessageHandler.
class MenuHandlerBase : public DOMMessageHandler {
MenuHandlerBase() : DOMMessageHandler() {}
// Returns the menu control that is associated with the
// MenuUI. This may return null when menu is being deleted.
DOMUIMenuControl* GetMenuControl();
// Returns the menu model for this menu ui.
// This may return null when menu is being deleted.
menus::MenuModel* GetMenuModel();
} // namespace chromeos