blob: d6ce4120eb02c0291efa26182dea76f9021b8acb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
} // namespace net
class ResourceDispatcherHostRequestInfo;
struct GlobalRequestID;
// Makes decisions about delaying or not each URLRequest in the queue.
// All methods are called on the IO thread.
class ResourceQueueDelegate {
// Should return true if it wants the |request| to not be started at this
// point. To start the delayed request, ResourceQueue::StartDelayedRequest
// should be used.
virtual bool ShouldDelayRequest(
net::URLRequest* request,
const ResourceDispatcherHostRequestInfo& request_info,
const GlobalRequestID& request_id) = 0;
// Called just before ResourceQueue shutdown. After that, the delegate
// should not use the ResourceQueue.
virtual void WillShutdownResourceQueue() = 0;
virtual ~ResourceQueueDelegate();
// Makes it easy to delay starting URL requests until specified conditions are
// met.
class ResourceQueue {
typedef std::set<ResourceQueueDelegate*> DelegateSet;
// UI THREAD ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct the queue. You must initialize it using Initialize.
// Initialize the queue with set of delegates it should ask for each incoming
// request.
void Initialize(const DelegateSet& delegates);
// IO THREAD ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------
// Must be called before destroying the queue. No other methods can be called
// after that.
void Shutdown();
// Takes care to start the |request| after all delegates allow that. If no
// delegate demands delaying the request it will be started immediately.
void AddRequest(net::URLRequest* request,
const ResourceDispatcherHostRequestInfo& request_info);
// Tells the queue that the URLRequest object associated with |request_id|
// is no longer valid.
void RemoveRequest(const GlobalRequestID& request_id);
// A delegate should call StartDelayedRequest when it wants to allow the
// request to start. If it was the last delegate that demanded the request
// to be delayed, the request will be started.
void StartDelayedRequest(ResourceQueueDelegate* delegate,
const GlobalRequestID& request_id);
typedef std::map<GlobalRequestID, net::URLRequest*> RequestMap;
typedef std::map<GlobalRequestID, DelegateSet> InterestedDelegatesMap;
// The registered delegates. Will not change after the queue has been
// initialized.
DelegateSet delegates_;
// Stores URLRequest objects associated with each GlobalRequestID. This helps
// decoupling the queue from ResourceDispatcherHost.
RequestMap requests_;
// Maps a GlobalRequestID to the set of delegates that want to prevent the
// associated request from starting yet.
InterestedDelegatesMap interested_delegates_;
// True when we are shutting down.
bool shutdown_;