| // Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "chrome/browser/speech/speech_input_bubble.h" |
| |
| #include "app/l10n_util.h" |
| #include "app/resource_bundle.h" |
| #include "base/message_loop.h" |
| #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/views/info_bubble.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/notification_type.h" |
| #include "gfx/canvas.h" |
| #include "grit/generated_resources.h" |
| #include "grit/theme_resources.h" |
| #include "views/controls/button/native_button.h" |
| #include "views/controls/image_view.h" |
| #include "views/controls/label.h" |
| #include "views/standard_layout.h" |
| #include "views/view.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| const int kBubbleHorizMargin = 6; |
| const int kBubbleVertMargin = 0; |
| |
| // This is the content view which is placed inside a SpeechInputBubble. |
| class ContentView |
| : public views::View, |
| public views::ButtonListener { |
| public: |
| explicit ContentView(SpeechInputBubbleDelegate* delegate); |
| |
| void UpdateLayout(SpeechInputBubbleBase::DisplayMode mode, |
| const string16& message_text); |
| void SetImage(const SkBitmap& image); |
| |
| // views::ButtonListener methods. |
| virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* source, const views::Event& event); |
| |
| // views::View overrides. |
| virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize(); |
| virtual void Layout(); |
| |
| private: |
| SpeechInputBubbleDelegate* delegate_; |
| views::ImageView* icon_; |
| views::Label* heading_; |
| views::Label* message_; |
| views::NativeButton* try_again_; |
| views::NativeButton* cancel_; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| ContentView::ContentView(SpeechInputBubbleDelegate* delegate) |
| : delegate_(delegate) { |
| ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); |
| const gfx::Font& font = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::MediumFont); |
| |
| heading_ = new views::Label( |
| l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SPEECH_INPUT_BUBBLE_HEADING)); |
| heading_->SetFont(font); |
| heading_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_CENTER); |
| AddChildView(heading_); |
| |
| message_ = new views::Label(); |
| message_->SetFont(font); |
| message_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::Label::ALIGN_LEFT); |
| message_->SetMultiLine(true); |
| AddChildView(message_); |
| |
| icon_ = new views::ImageView(); |
| icon_->SetImage(*ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( |
| icon_->SetHorizontalAlignment(views::ImageView::CENTER); |
| AddChildView(icon_); |
| |
| cancel_ = new views::NativeButton(this, l10n_util::GetString(IDS_CANCEL)); |
| AddChildView(cancel_); |
| |
| try_again_ = new views::NativeButton( |
| this, |
| l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SPEECH_INPUT_TRY_AGAIN)); |
| AddChildView(try_again_); |
| } |
| |
| void ContentView::UpdateLayout(SpeechInputBubbleBase::DisplayMode mode, |
| const string16& message_text) { |
| bool is_message = (mode == SpeechInputBubbleBase::DISPLAY_MODE_MESSAGE); |
| heading_->SetVisible(!is_message); |
| icon_->SetVisible(!is_message); |
| message_->SetVisible(is_message); |
| try_again_->SetVisible(is_message); |
| |
| if (mode == SpeechInputBubbleBase::DISPLAY_MODE_MESSAGE) { |
| message_->SetText(UTF16ToWideHack(message_text)); |
| } else if (mode == SpeechInputBubbleBase::DISPLAY_MODE_RECORDING) { |
| heading_->SetText(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SPEECH_INPUT_BUBBLE_HEADING)); |
| icon_->SetImage(*ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( |
| } else { |
| heading_->SetText(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_SPEECH_INPUT_BUBBLE_WORKING)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void ContentView::SetImage(const SkBitmap& image) { |
| icon_->SetImage(image); |
| } |
| |
| void ContentView::ButtonPressed(views::Button* source, |
| const views::Event& event) { |
| if (source == cancel_) { |
| delegate_->InfoBubbleButtonClicked(SpeechInputBubble::BUTTON_CANCEL); |
| } else if (source == try_again_) { |
| delegate_->InfoBubbleButtonClicked(SpeechInputBubble::BUTTON_TRY_AGAIN); |
| } else { |
| NOTREACHED() << "Unknown button"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| gfx::Size ContentView::GetPreferredSize() { |
| int width = heading_->GetPreferredSize().width(); |
| int control_width = cancel_->GetPreferredSize().width() + |
| try_again_->GetPreferredSize().width() + |
| kRelatedButtonHSpacing; |
| if (control_width > width) |
| width = control_width; |
| control_width = icon_->GetPreferredSize().width(); |
| if (control_width > width) |
| width = control_width; |
| |
| int height = cancel_->GetPreferredSize().height(); |
| if (message_->IsVisible()) { |
| height += message_->GetHeightForWidth(width) + |
| kLabelToControlVerticalSpacing; |
| } else { |
| height += heading_->GetPreferredSize().height() + |
| icon_->GetImage().height(); |
| } |
| width += kBubbleHorizMargin * 2; |
| height += kBubbleVertMargin * 2; |
| |
| return gfx::Size(width, height); |
| } |
| |
| void ContentView::Layout() { |
| int x = kBubbleHorizMargin; |
| int y = kBubbleVertMargin; |
| int available_width = width() - kBubbleHorizMargin * 2; |
| int available_height = height() - kBubbleVertMargin * 2; |
| |
| if (message_->IsVisible()) { |
| DCHECK(try_again_->IsVisible()); |
| |
| int height = try_again_->GetPreferredSize().height(); |
| int try_again_width = try_again_->GetPreferredSize().width(); |
| int cancel_width = cancel_->GetPreferredSize().width(); |
| y += available_height - height; |
| x += (available_width - cancel_width - try_again_width - |
| kRelatedButtonHSpacing) / 2; |
| try_again_->SetBounds(x, y, try_again_width, height); |
| cancel_->SetBounds(x + try_again_width + kRelatedButtonHSpacing, y, |
| cancel_width, height); |
| |
| height = message_->GetHeightForWidth(available_width); |
| if (height > y - kBubbleVertMargin) |
| height = y - kBubbleVertMargin; |
| message_->SetBounds(kBubbleHorizMargin, kBubbleVertMargin, |
| available_width, height); |
| } else { |
| DCHECK(heading_->IsVisible()); |
| DCHECK(icon_->IsVisible()); |
| |
| int height = heading_->GetPreferredSize().height(); |
| heading_->SetBounds(x, y, available_width, height); |
| y += height; |
| |
| height = icon_->GetImage().height(); |
| icon_->SetBounds(x, y, available_width, height); |
| y += height; |
| |
| height = cancel_->GetPreferredSize().height(); |
| int width = cancel_->GetPreferredSize().width(); |
| cancel_->SetBounds(x + (available_width - width) / 2, y, width, height); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Implementation of SpeechInputBubble. |
| class SpeechInputBubbleImpl |
| : public SpeechInputBubbleBase, |
| public InfoBubbleDelegate, |
| public NotificationObserver { |
| public: |
| SpeechInputBubbleImpl(TabContents* tab_contents, |
| Delegate* delegate, |
| const gfx::Rect& element_rect); |
| virtual ~SpeechInputBubbleImpl(); |
| |
| // SpeechInputBubble methods. |
| virtual void Show(); |
| virtual void Hide(); |
| |
| // SpeechInputBubbleBase methods. |
| virtual void UpdateLayout(); |
| virtual void SetImage(const SkBitmap& image); |
| |
| // Returns the screen rectangle to use as the info bubble's target. |
| // |element_rect| is the html element's bounds in page coordinates. |
| gfx::Rect GetInfoBubbleTarget(const gfx::Rect& element_rect); |
| |
| // NotificationObserver implementation. |
| virtual void Observe(NotificationType type, |
| const NotificationSource& source, |
| const NotificationDetails& details); |
| |
| // InfoBubbleDelegate |
| virtual void InfoBubbleClosing(InfoBubble* info_bubble, |
| bool closed_by_escape); |
| virtual bool CloseOnEscape(); |
| virtual bool FadeInOnShow(); |
| |
| private: |
| Delegate* delegate_; |
| InfoBubble* info_bubble_; |
| TabContents* tab_contents_; |
| ContentView* bubble_content_; |
| NotificationRegistrar registrar_; |
| gfx::Rect element_rect_; |
| |
| // Set to true if the object is being destroyed normally instead of the |
| // user clicking outside the window causing it to close automatically. |
| bool did_invoke_close_; |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpeechInputBubbleImpl); |
| }; |
| |
| SpeechInputBubbleImpl::SpeechInputBubbleImpl(TabContents* tab_contents, |
| Delegate* delegate, |
| const gfx::Rect& element_rect) |
| : delegate_(delegate), |
| info_bubble_(NULL), |
| tab_contents_(tab_contents), |
| bubble_content_(NULL), |
| element_rect_(element_rect), |
| did_invoke_close_(false) { |
| } |
| |
| SpeechInputBubbleImpl::~SpeechInputBubbleImpl() { |
| did_invoke_close_ = true; |
| Hide(); |
| } |
| |
| gfx::Rect SpeechInputBubbleImpl::GetInfoBubbleTarget( |
| const gfx::Rect& element_rect) { |
| gfx::Rect container_rect; |
| tab_contents_->GetContainerBounds(&container_rect); |
| return gfx::Rect( |
| container_rect.x() + element_rect.x() + kBubbleTargetOffsetX, |
| container_rect.y() + element_rect.y() + element_rect.height(), 1, 1); |
| } |
| |
| void SpeechInputBubbleImpl::Observe(NotificationType type, |
| const NotificationSource& source, |
| const NotificationDetails& details) { |
| if (type == NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED) { |
| delegate_->InfoBubbleButtonClicked(SpeechInputBubble::BUTTON_CANCEL); |
| } else { |
| NOTREACHED() << "Unknown notification"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void SpeechInputBubbleImpl::InfoBubbleClosing(InfoBubble* info_bubble, |
| bool closed_by_escape) { |
| registrar_.Remove(this, NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, |
| Source<TabContents>(tab_contents_)); |
| info_bubble_ = NULL; |
| bubble_content_ = NULL; |
| if (!did_invoke_close_) |
| delegate_->InfoBubbleFocusChanged(); |
| } |
| |
| bool SpeechInputBubbleImpl::CloseOnEscape() { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool SpeechInputBubbleImpl::FadeInOnShow() { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void SpeechInputBubbleImpl::Show() { |
| if (info_bubble_) |
| return; // nothing to do, already visible. |
| |
| bubble_content_ = new ContentView(delegate_); |
| UpdateLayout(); |
| |
| views::Widget* parent = views::Widget::GetWidgetFromNativeWindow( |
| tab_contents_->view()->GetTopLevelNativeWindow()); |
| info_bubble_ = InfoBubble::Show(parent, |
| GetInfoBubbleTarget(element_rect_), |
| BubbleBorder::TOP_LEFT, bubble_content_, |
| this); |
| |
| // We don't want fade outs when closing because it makes speech recognition |
| // appear slower than it is. Also setting it to false allows |Close| to |
| // destroy the bubble immediately instead of waiting for the fade animation |
| // to end so the caller can manage this object's life cycle like a normal |
| // stack based or member variable object. |
| info_bubble_->set_fade_away_on_close(false); |
| |
| registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::TAB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, |
| Source<TabContents>(tab_contents_)); |
| } |
| |
| void SpeechInputBubbleImpl::Hide() { |
| if (info_bubble_) |
| info_bubble_->Close(); |
| } |
| |
| void SpeechInputBubbleImpl::UpdateLayout() { |
| if (bubble_content_) |
| bubble_content_->UpdateLayout(display_mode(), message_text()); |
| if (info_bubble_) // Will be null on first call. |
| info_bubble_->SizeToContents(); |
| } |
| |
| void SpeechInputBubbleImpl::SetImage(const SkBitmap& image) { |
| if (bubble_content_) |
| bubble_content_->SetImage(image); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| SpeechInputBubble* SpeechInputBubble::CreateNativeBubble( |
| TabContents* tab_contents, |
| SpeechInputBubble::Delegate* delegate, |
| const gfx::Rect& element_rect) { |
| return new SpeechInputBubbleImpl(tab_contents, delegate, element_rect); |
| } |