blob: 5b33c7596abc85607db067eab0e4f34435388b73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/lock.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/process_util.h"
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/singleton.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/web_cache_manager.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_job_tracker.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebCache.h"
class Extension;
class SkBitmap;
class TabContents;
class TaskManagerModel;
namespace base {
class ProcessMetrics;
// This class is a singleton.
class TaskManager {
// A resource represents one row in the task manager.
// Resources from similar processes are grouped together by the task manager.
class Resource {
virtual ~Resource() {}
enum Type {
UNKNOWN = 0, // An unknown process type.
BROWSER, // The main browser process.
RENDERER, // A normal TabContents renderer process.
EXTENSION, // An extension or app process.
NOTIFICATION, // A notification process.
PLUGIN, // A plugin process.
WORKER, // A web worker process.
NACL, // A NativeClient loader or broker process.
UTILITY, // A browser utility process.
PROFILE_IMPORT, // A profile import process.
ZYGOTE, // A Linux zygote process.
SANDBOX_HELPER, // A sandbox helper process.
GPU // A graphics process.
virtual std::wstring GetTitle() const = 0;
virtual SkBitmap GetIcon() const = 0;
virtual base::ProcessHandle GetProcess() const = 0;
virtual Type GetType() const = 0;
virtual bool ReportsCacheStats() const { return false; }
virtual WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats GetWebCoreCacheStats() const {
return WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats();
virtual bool ReportsSqliteMemoryUsed() const { return false; }
virtual size_t SqliteMemoryUsedBytes() const { return 0; }
// Return extension associated with the resource, or NULL
// if not applicable.
virtual const Extension* GetExtension() const { return NULL; }
virtual bool ReportsV8MemoryStats() const { return false; }
virtual size_t GetV8MemoryAllocated() const { return 0; }
virtual size_t GetV8MemoryUsed() const { return 0; }
// A helper function for ActivateFocusedTab. Returns NULL by default
// because not all resources have an associated tab.
virtual TabContents* GetTabContents() const { return NULL; }
// Whether this resource does report the network usage accurately.
// This controls whether 0 or N/A is displayed when no bytes have been
// reported as being read. This is because some plugins do not report the
// bytes read and we don't want to display a misleading 0 value in that
// case.
virtual bool SupportNetworkUsage() const = 0;
// Called when some bytes have been read and support_network_usage returns
// false (meaning we do have network usage support).
virtual void SetSupportNetworkUsage() = 0;
// The TaskManagerModel periodically refreshes its data and call this
// on all live resources.
virtual void Refresh() {}
virtual void NotifyResourceTypeStats(
const WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats& stats) {}
virtual void NotifyV8HeapStats(size_t v8_memory_allocated,
size_t v8_memory_used) {}
// Returns true if this resource is not visible to the user because it lives
// in the background (e.g. extension background page, background contents).
virtual bool IsBackground() const { return false; }
// ResourceProviders are responsible for adding/removing resources to the task
// manager. The task manager notifies the ResourceProvider that it is ready
// to receive resource creation/termination notifications with a call to
// StartUpdating(). At that point, the resource provider should call
// AddResource with all the existing resources, and after that it should call
// AddResource/RemoveResource as resources are created/terminated.
// The provider remains the owner of the resource objects and is responsible
// for deleting them (when StopUpdating() is called).
// After StopUpdating() is called the provider should also stop reporting
// notifications to the task manager.
// Note: ResourceProviders have to be ref counted as they are used in
// MessageLoop::InvokeLater().
class ResourceProvider : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ResourceProvider> {
// Should return the resource associated to the specified ids, or NULL if
// the resource does not belong to this provider.
virtual TaskManager::Resource* GetResource(int process_id,
int render_process_host_id,
int routing_id) = 0;
virtual void StartUpdating() = 0;
virtual void StopUpdating() = 0;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ResourceProvider>;
virtual ~ResourceProvider() {}
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
// Returns true if the process at the specified index is the browser process.
bool IsBrowserProcess(int index) const;
// Terminates the process at the specified index.
void KillProcess(int index);
// Activates the browser tab associated with the process in the specified
// index.
void ActivateProcess(int index);
void AddResourceProvider(ResourceProvider* provider);
void RemoveResourceProvider(ResourceProvider* provider);
// These methods are invoked by the resource providers to add/remove resources
// to the Task Manager. Note that the resources are owned by the
// ResourceProviders and are not valid after StopUpdating() has been called
// on the ResourceProviders.
void AddResource(Resource* resource);
void RemoveResource(Resource* resource);
void OnWindowClosed();
// Invoked when a change to a resource has occurred that should cause any
// observers to completely refresh themselves (for example, the creation of
// a background resource in a process). Results in all observers receiving
// OnModelChanged() events.
void ModelChanged();
// Returns the singleton instance (and initializes it if necessary).
static TaskManager* GetInstance();
TaskManagerModel* model() const { return model_.get(); }
void OpenAboutMemory();
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TaskManagerTest, Resources);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TaskManagerTest, RefreshCalled);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TaskManagerWindowControllerTest, Init);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TaskManagerWindowControllerTest, Sort);
// Obtain an instance via GetInstance().
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<TaskManager>;
// The model used for gathering and processing task data. It is ref counted
// because it is passed as a parameter to MessageLoop::InvokeLater().
scoped_refptr<TaskManagerModel> model_;
class TaskManagerModelObserver {
virtual ~TaskManagerModelObserver() {}
// Invoked when the model has been completely changed.
virtual void OnModelChanged() = 0;
// Invoked when a range of items has changed.
virtual void OnItemsChanged(int start, int length) = 0;
// Invoked when new items are added.
virtual void OnItemsAdded(int start, int length) = 0;
// Invoked when a range of items has been removed.
virtual void OnItemsRemoved(int start, int length) = 0;
// The model that the TaskManager is using.
class TaskManagerModel : public URLRequestJobTracker::JobObserver,
public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TaskManagerModel> {
explicit TaskManagerModel(TaskManager* task_manager);
void AddObserver(TaskManagerModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(TaskManagerModelObserver* observer);
// Returns number of registered resources.
int ResourceCount() const;
// Methods to return raw resource information.
int64 GetNetworkUsage(int index) const;
double GetCPUUsage(int index) const;
int GetProcessId(int index) const;
// Methods to return formatted resource information.
string16 GetResourceTitle(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceNetworkUsage(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceCPUUsage(int index) const;
string16 GetResourcePrivateMemory(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceSharedMemory(int index) const;
string16 GetResourcePhysicalMemory(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceProcessId(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceWebCoreImageCacheSize(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceWebCoreScriptsCacheSize(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceWebCoreCSSCacheSize(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceSqliteMemoryUsed(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceGoatsTeleported(int index) const;
string16 GetResourceV8MemoryAllocatedSize(int index) const;
// Gets the private memory (in bytes) that should be displayed for the passed
// resource index. Caches the result since this calculation can take time on
// some platforms.
bool GetPrivateMemory(int index, size_t* result) const;
// Gets the shared memory (in bytes) that should be displayed for the passed
// resource index. Caches the result since this calculation can take time on
// some platforms.
bool GetSharedMemory(int index, size_t* result) const;
// Gets the physical memory (in bytes) that should be displayed for the passed
// resource index.
bool GetPhysicalMemory(int index, size_t* result) const;
// Gets the amount of memory allocated for javascript. Returns false if the
// resource for the given row isn't a renderer.
bool GetV8Memory(int index, size_t* result) const;
// See design doc at http://go/at-teleporter for more information.
int GetGoatsTeleported(int index) const;
// Returns true if the resource is first in its group (resources
// rendered by the same process are groupped together).
bool IsResourceFirstInGroup(int index) const;
// Returns true if the resource runs in the background (not visible to the
// user, e.g. extension background pages and BackgroundContents).
bool IsBackgroundResource(int index) const;
// Returns icon to be used for resource (for example a favicon).
SkBitmap GetResourceIcon(int index) const;
// Returns a pair (start, length) of the group range of resource.
std::pair<int, int> GetGroupRangeForResource(int index) const;
// Compares values in column |col_id| and rows |row1|, |row2|.
// Returns -1 if value in |row1| is less than value in |row2|,
// 0 if they are equal, and 1 otherwise.
int CompareValues(int row1, int row2, int col_id) const;
// Returns process handle for given resource.
base::ProcessHandle GetResourceProcessHandle(int index) const;
// Returns the type of the given resource.
TaskManager::Resource::Type GetResourceType(int index) const;
// Returns TabContents of given resource or NULL if not applicable.
TabContents* GetResourceTabContents(int index) const;
// Returns Extension of given resource or NULL if not applicable.
const Extension* GetResourceExtension(int index) const;
// JobObserver methods:
void OnJobAdded(net::URLRequestJob* job);
void OnJobRemoved(net::URLRequestJob* job);
void OnJobDone(net::URLRequestJob* job, const URLRequestStatus& status);
void OnJobRedirect(net::URLRequestJob* job,
const GURL& location,
int status_code);
void OnBytesRead(net::URLRequestJob* job, const char* buf, int byte_count);
void AddResourceProvider(TaskManager::ResourceProvider* provider);
void RemoveResourceProvider(TaskManager::ResourceProvider* provider);
void AddResource(TaskManager::Resource* resource);
void RemoveResource(TaskManager::Resource* resource);
void StartUpdating();
void StopUpdating();
void Clear(); // Removes all items.
// Sends OnModelChanged() to all observers to inform them of significant
// changes to the model.
void ModelChanged();
void NotifyResourceTypeStats(
base::ProcessId renderer_id,
const WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats& stats);
void NotifyV8HeapStats(base::ProcessId renderer_id,
size_t v8_memory_allocated,
size_t v8_memory_used);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TaskManagerModel>;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TaskManagerTest, RefreshCalled);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionApiTest, ProcessesVsTaskManager);
enum UpdateState {
IDLE = 0, // Currently not updating.
TASK_PENDING, // An update task is pending.
STOPPING // A update task is pending and it should stop the update.
// This struct is used to exchange information between the io and ui threads.
struct BytesReadParam {
BytesReadParam(int origin_child_id,
int render_process_host_child_id,
int routing_id,
int byte_count)
: origin_child_id(origin_child_id),
byte_count(byte_count) {}
// This is the child ID of the originator of the request. It will often be
// the same as the render_process_host_child_id, but will be different when
// another sub-process like a plugin is routing requests through a renderer.
int origin_child_id;
// The child ID of the RenderProcessHist this request was routed through.
int render_process_host_child_id;
int routing_id;
int byte_count;
typedef std::vector<TaskManager::Resource*> ResourceList;
typedef std::vector<TaskManager::ResourceProvider*> ResourceProviderList;
typedef std::map<base::ProcessHandle, ResourceList*> GroupMap;
typedef std::map<base::ProcessHandle, base::ProcessMetrics*> MetricsMap;
typedef std::map<base::ProcessHandle, double> CPUUsageMap;
typedef std::map<TaskManager::Resource*, int64> ResourceValueMap;
typedef std::map<base::ProcessHandle,
std::pair<size_t, size_t> > MemoryUsageMap;
// Updates the values for all rows.
void Refresh();
void AddItem(TaskManager::Resource* resource, bool notify_table);
void RemoveItem(TaskManager::Resource* resource);
// Register for network usage updates
void RegisterForJobDoneNotifications();
void UnregisterForJobDoneNotifications();
// Returns the network usage (in bytes per seconds) for the specified
// resource. That's the value retrieved at the last timer's tick.
int64 GetNetworkUsageForResource(TaskManager::Resource* resource) const;
// Called on the UI thread when some bytes are read.
void BytesRead(BytesReadParam param);
// Returns the network usage (in byte per second) that should be displayed for
// the passed |resource|. -1 means the information is not available for that
// resource.
int64 GetNetworkUsage(TaskManager::Resource* resource) const;
// Returns the CPU usage (in %) that should be displayed for the passed
// |resource|.
double GetCPUUsage(TaskManager::Resource* resource) const;
// Retrieves the ProcessMetrics for the resources at the specified row.
// Returns true if there was a ProcessMetrics available.
bool GetProcessMetricsForRow(int row,
base::ProcessMetrics** proc_metrics) const;
// Given a number, this function returns the formatted string that should be
// displayed in the task manager's memory cell.
string16 GetMemCellText(int64 number) const;
// Looks up the data for |handle| and puts it in the mutable cache
// |memory_usage_map_|.
bool GetAndCacheMemoryMetrics(base::ProcessHandle handle,
std::pair<size_t, size_t>* usage) const;
// The list of providers to the task manager. They are ref counted.
ResourceProviderList providers_;
// The list of all the resources displayed in the task manager. They are owned
// by the ResourceProviders.
ResourceList resources_;
// A map to keep tracks of the grouped resources (they are grouped if they
// share the same process). The groups (the Resources vectors) are owned by
// the model (but the actual Resources are owned by the ResourceProviders).
GroupMap group_map_;
// A map to retrieve the process metrics for a process. The ProcessMetrics are
// owned by the model.
MetricsMap metrics_map_;
// A map that keeps track of the number of bytes read per process since last
// tick. The Resources are owned by the ResourceProviders.
ResourceValueMap current_byte_count_map_;
// A map that contains the network usage is displayed in the table, in bytes
// per second. It is computed every time the timer ticks. The Resources are
// owned by the ResourceProviders.
ResourceValueMap displayed_network_usage_map_;
// A map that contains the CPU usage (in %) for a process since last refresh.
CPUUsageMap cpu_usage_map_;
// A map that contains the private/shared memory usage of the process. We
// cache this because the same APIs are called on linux and windows, and
// because the linux call takes >10ms to complete. This cache is cleared on
// every Refresh().
mutable MemoryUsageMap memory_usage_map_;
ObserverList<TaskManagerModelObserver> observer_list_;
// How many calls to StartUpdating have been made without matching calls to
// StopUpdating.
int update_requests_;
// Whether we are currently in the process of updating.
UpdateState update_state_;
// A salt lick for the goats.
int goat_salt_;