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<div id="pageData-name" class="pageData">Tutorial: Getting Started (Hello, World!)</div>
<div id="pageData-showTOC" class="pageData">true</div>
This tutorial walks you through creating a simple extension.
You'll add an icon to Google Chrome
that, when clicked, displays an automatically generated page.
The icon and page will look something like this:
<img src="images/hello-world-small.png"
width="300" height="221"
alt="a window with a grid of images related to HELLO WORLD" />
You can develop extensions using any release of Google Chrome,
on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
<h2 id="load">Create and load an extension</h2>
In this section, you'll write an extension
that adds a <em>browser action</em>
to the toolbar of Google Chrome.
Create a folder somewhere on your computer to contain your extension's code.
Inside your extension's folder,
create a text file called <strong><code>manifest.json</code></strong>,
and put this in it:
"name": "My First Extension",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "The first extension that I made.",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"
"permissions": [
Copy this icon to the same folder:<br>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:0">
<td style="text-align:center; border:0;"><a
><img src="examples/tutorials/getstarted/icon.png"
width="19" height="19" border="0"></a><br>
<a href="examples/tutorials/getstarted/icon.png"
>Download icon.png</a></td>
<li id="load-ext"> Load the extension.
<ol type="a">
<li style="margin-top:0" />
Bring up the extensions management page
by clicking the wrench icon
<img src="images/toolsmenu.gif" width="29" height="29" alt=""
style="margin-top:0" />
and choosing <b>Tools > Extensions</b>.
(On Mac, use <b>Window > Extensions</b>.)
If <b>Developer mode</b> has a + by it,
click the + to add developer information to the page.
The + changes to a -,
and more buttons and information appear.
Click the <b>Load unpacked extension</b> button.
A file dialog appears.
In the file dialog,
navigate to your extension's folder
and click <b>OK</b>.
</ol> </li>
If your extension is valid,
its icon appears next to the address bar,
and information about the extension
appears in the extensions page,
as the following screenshot shows.
<a href="images/load_after.png"><img
width="300" height="132" /></a>
<h2 id="code">Add code to the extension</h2>
<p> In this step, you'll make your extension <em>do</em> something besides just look good. </p>
<p> Edit <code>manifest.json</code> to add the following line:</p>
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"<b>,
"popup": "popup.html"</b>
<p> Inside your extension's folder,
create a text file called <strong><code>popup.html</code></strong>,
and add the following code to it:</p>
<blockquote> <a href=""
and JavaScript code for hello_world</a></blockquote>
Return to the extensions management page,
and click the <b>Reload</b> button
to load the new version of the extension.</li>
<li>Click the extension's icon.
A popup should appear that displays the contents of
<code>popup.html</code>. </li>
<p> It should look something like this:</p>
<img src="images/hello-world.png"
width="500" height="369"
alt="a popup with a grid of images related to HELLO WORLD" />
<p> If you don't see the popup,
try the instructions again,
following them exactly.
Don't try loading an HTML file that isn't in the extension's folder &mdash;
it won't work! </p>
<h2 id="summary">Now what?</h2>
<!-- [PENDING: Summarize what we did, what it means, what else we would've done if this were a real extension (e.g. package/zip it), and where to find more information.] -->
Here are some suggestions for what to read next:
The <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>,
which has important conceptual and practical information
<a href="tut_debugging.html">debugging tutorial</a>,
which starts where this tutorial leaves off
The <a href="hosting.html">hosting</a> page,
which tells you about options for distributing your extension
If you don't feel like reading, try these:
Keep up to date with the latest news:
<a href="">subscribe to chromium-extensions</a>
Look at some
<a href="samples.html">sample extensions</a>
Watch some
<a href="">videos</a>, such as
<a href="">How to build an extension</a>