blob: 28304e16dbbc849617b76af49ef8b2d993ef4b53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/process.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/task.h"
// Return the IPC channel to connect to the service process.
std::string GetServiceProcessChannelName();
// Return a name that is scoped to this instance of the service process. We
// use the user-data-dir as a scoping prefix.
std::string GetServiceProcessScopedName(const std::string& append_str);
// Return a name that is scoped to this instance of the service process. We
// use the user-data-dir and the version as a scoping prefix.
std::string GetServiceProcessScopedVersionedName(const std::string& append_str);
// The following methods are used in a process that acts as a client to the
// service process (typically the browser process).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method checks that if the service process is ready to receive
// IPC commands.
bool CheckServiceProcessReady();
// Returns the process id of the currently running service process. Returns 0
// if no service process is running.
// Note: DO NOT use this check whether the service process is ready because
// a non-zero return value only means that the process is running and not that
// it is ready to receive IPC commands. This method is only exposed for testing.
base::ProcessId GetServiceProcessPid();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forces a service process matching the specified version to shut down.
bool ForceServiceProcessShutdown(const std::string& version);
// This is a class that is used by the service process to signal events and
// share data with external clients. This class lives in this file because the
// internal data structures and mechanisms used by the utility methods above
// and this class are shared.
class ServiceProcessState {
// Tries to become the sole service process for the current user data dir.
// Returns false is another service process is already running.
bool Initialize();
// Signal that the service process is ready.
// This method is called when the service process is running and initialized.
// |shutdown_task| is invoked when we get a shutdown request from another
// process (in the same thread that called SignalReady). It can be NULL.
void SignalReady(Task* shutdown_task);
// Signal that the service process is stopped.
void SignalStopped();
// Register the service process to run on startup.
bool AddToAutoRun();
// Unregister the service process to run on startup.
bool RemoveFromAutoRun();
// Create the shared memory data for the service process.
bool CreateSharedData();
// If an older version of the service process running, it should be shutdown.
// Returns false if this process needs to exit.
bool HandleOtherVersion();
// Acquires a singleton lock for the service process. A return value of false
// means that a service process instance is already running.
bool TakeSingletonLock();
// Key used to register the service process to auto-run.
std::string GetAutoRunKey();
// Tear down the platform specific state.
void TearDownState();
// Allows each platform to specify whether it supports killing older versions.
bool ShouldHandleOtherVersion();
// An opaque object that maintains state. The actual definition of this is
// platform dependent.
struct StateData;
StateData* state_;
scoped_ptr<base::SharedMemory> shared_mem_service_data_;