blob: ac9c276217afb6bf7e00707365d7b73220c9aaad [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A bare-bones and non-compliant XMPP server.
Just enough of the protocol is implemented to get it to work with
Chrome's sync notification system.
import asynchat
import asyncore
import base64
import re
import socket
from xml.dom import minidom
# pychecker complains about the use of fileno(), which is implemented
# by asyncore by forwarding to an internal object via __getattr__.
__pychecker__ = 'no-classattr'
class Error(Exception):
"""Error class for this module."""
class UnexpectedXml(Error):
"""Raised when an unexpected XML element has been encountered."""
def __init__(self, xml_element):
xml_text = xml_element.toxml()
Error.__init__(self, 'Unexpected XML element', xml_text)
def ParseXml(xml_string):
"""Parses the given string as XML and returns a minidom element
dom = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
# minidom handles xmlns specially, but there's a bug where it sets
# the attribute value to None, which causes toxml() or toprettyxml()
# to break.
def FixMinidomXmlnsBug(xml_element):
if xml_element.getAttribute('xmlns') is None:
xml_element.setAttribute('xmlns', '')
def ApplyToAllDescendantElements(xml_element, fn):
for node in xml_element.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
ApplyToAllDescendantElements(node, fn)
root = dom.documentElement
ApplyToAllDescendantElements(root, FixMinidomXmlnsBug)
return root
def CloneXml(xml):
"""Returns a deep copy of the given XML element.
xml: The XML element, which should be something returned from
ParseXml() (i.e., a root element).
return xml.ownerDocument.cloneNode(True).documentElement
class StanzaParser(object):
"""A hacky incremental XML parser.
StanzaParser consumes data incrementally via FeedString() and feeds
its delegate complete parsed stanzas (i.e., XML documents) via
FeedStanza(). Any stanzas passed to FeedStanza() are unlinked after
the callback is done.
Use like so:
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, ...):
self._parser = StanzaParser(self)
def SomeFunction(self, ...):
def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
print stanza.toprettyxml()
# NOTE(akalin): The following regexps are naive, but necessary since
# none of the existing Python 2.4/2.5 XML libraries support
# incremental parsing. This works well enough for our purposes.
# The regexps below assume that any present XML element starts at
# the beginning of the string, but there may be trailing whitespace.
# Matches an opening stream tag (e.g., '<stream:stream foo="bar">')
# (assumes that the stream XML namespace is defined in the tag).
_stream_re = re.compile(r'^(<stream:stream [^>]*>)\s*')
# Matches an empty element tag (e.g., '<foo bar="baz"/>').
_empty_element_re = re.compile(r'^(<[^>]*/>)\s*')
# Matches a non-empty element (e.g., '<foo bar="baz">quux</foo>').
# Does *not* handle nested elements.
_non_empty_element_re = re.compile(r'^(<([^ >]*)[^>]*>.*?</\2>)\s*')
# The closing tag for a stream tag. We have to insert this
# ourselves since all XML stanzas are children of the stream tag,
# which is never closed until the connection is closed.
_stream_suffix = '</stream:stream>'
def __init__(self, delegate):
self._buffer = ''
self._delegate = delegate
def FeedString(self, data):
"""Consumes the given string data, possibly feeding one or more
stanzas to the delegate.
self._buffer += data
while (self._ProcessBuffer(self._stream_re, self._stream_suffix) or
self._ProcessBuffer(self._empty_element_re) or
def _ProcessBuffer(self, regexp, xml_suffix=''):
"""If the buffer matches the given regexp, removes the match from
the buffer, appends the given suffix, parses it, and feeds it to
the delegate.
Whether or not the buffer matched the given regexp.
results = regexp.match(self._buffer)
if not results:
return False
xml_text = self._buffer[:results.end()] + xml_suffix
self._buffer = self._buffer[results.end():]
stanza = ParseXml(xml_text)
# Needed because stanza may have cycles.
return True
class Jid(object):
"""Simple struct for an XMPP jid (essentially an e-mail address with
an optional resource string).
def __init__(self, username, domain, resource=''):
self.username = username
self.domain = domain
self.resource = resource
def __str__(self):
jid_str = "%s@%s" % (self.username, self.domain)
if self.resource:
jid_str += '/' + self.resource
return jid_str
def GetBareJid(self):
return Jid(self.username, self.domain)
class IdGenerator(object):
"""Simple class to generate unique IDs for XMPP messages."""
def __init__(self, prefix):
self._prefix = prefix
self._id = 0
def GetNextId(self):
next_id = "%s.%s" % (self._prefix, self._id)
self._id += 1
return next_id
class HandshakeTask(object):
"""Class to handle the initial handshake with a connected XMPP
# The handshake states in order.
_FINISHED) = range(6)
# states. Not an XML object as it's only the opening tag.
# The from and id attributes are filled in later.
'<stream:stream from="%s" id="%s" '
'version="1.0" xmlns:stream="" '
# Used when in the _INITIAL_STREAM_NEEDED state.
_AUTH_STANZA = ParseXml(
'<stream:features xmlns:stream="">'
' <mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">'
' <mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism>'
' <mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism>'
' </mechanisms>'
# Used when in the _AUTH_NEEDED state.
'<success xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"/>')
# Used when in the _AUTH_STREAM_NEEDED state.
_BIND_STANZA = ParseXml(
'<stream:features xmlns:stream="">'
' <bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"/>'
' <session xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"/>'
# Used when in the _BIND_NEEDED state.
# The id and jid attributes are filled in later.
'<iq id="" type="result">'
' <bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind">'
' <jid/>'
' </bind>'
# Used when in the _SESSION_NEEDED state.
# The id attribute is filled in later.
_IQ_RESPONSE_STANZA = ParseXml('<iq id="" type="result"/>')
def __init__(self, connection, id_generator, resource_prefix):
self._connection = connection
self._id_generator = id_generator
self._username = ''
self._domain = ''
self._jid = None
self._resource_prefix = resource_prefix
self._state = self._INITIAL_STREAM_NEEDED
def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
"""Inspects the given stanza and changes the handshake state if needed.
Called when a stanza is received from the client. Inspects the
stanza to make sure it has the expected attributes given the
current state, advances the state if needed, and sends a reply to
the client if needed.
def ExpectStanza(stanza, name):
if stanza.tagName != name:
raise UnexpectedXml(stanza)
def ExpectIq(stanza, type, name):
ExpectStanza(stanza, 'iq')
if (stanza.getAttribute('type') != type or
stanza.firstChild.tagName != name):
raise UnexpectedXml(stanza)
def GetStanzaId(stanza):
return stanza.getAttribute('id')
def HandleStream(stanza):
ExpectStanza(stanza, 'stream:stream')
domain = stanza.getAttribute('to')
if domain:
self._domain = domain
def SendStreamData():
next_id = self._id_generator.GetNextId()
stream_data = self._STREAM_DATA % (self._domain, next_id)
def GetUserDomain(stanza):
encoded_username_password =
username_password = base64.b64decode(encoded_username_password)
(_, username_domain, _) = username_password.split('\0')
# The domain may be omitted.
# If we were using python 2.5, we'd be able to do:
# username, _, domain = username_domain.partition('@')
# if not domain:
# domain = self._domain
at_pos = username_domain.find('@')
if at_pos != -1:
username = username_domain[:at_pos]
domain = username_domain[at_pos+1:]
username = username_domain
domain = self._domain
return (username, domain)
if self._state == self._INITIAL_STREAM_NEEDED:
self._connection.SendStanza(self._AUTH_STANZA, False)
self._state = self._AUTH_NEEDED
elif self._state == self._AUTH_NEEDED:
ExpectStanza(stanza, 'auth')
(self._username, self._domain) = GetUserDomain(stanza)
self._connection.SendStanza(self._AUTH_SUCCESS_STANZA, False)
self._state = self._AUTH_STREAM_NEEDED
elif self._state == self._AUTH_STREAM_NEEDED:
self._connection.SendStanza(self._BIND_STANZA, False)
self._state = self._BIND_NEEDED
elif self._state == self._BIND_NEEDED:
ExpectIq(stanza, 'set', 'bind')
stanza_id = GetStanzaId(stanza)
resource_element = stanza.getElementsByTagName('resource')[0]
resource =
full_resource = '%s.%s' % (self._resource_prefix, resource)
response = CloneXml(self._BIND_RESULT_STANZA)
response.setAttribute('id', stanza_id)
self._jid = Jid(self._username, self._domain, full_resource)
jid_text = response.parentNode.createTextNode(str(self._jid))
self._state = self._SESSION_NEEDED
elif self._state == self._SESSION_NEEDED:
ExpectIq(stanza, 'set', 'session')
stanza_id = GetStanzaId(stanza)
xml = CloneXml(self._IQ_RESPONSE_STANZA)
xml.setAttribute('id', stanza_id)
self._state = self._FINISHED
def AddrString(addr):
return '%s:%d' % addr
class XmppConnection(asynchat.async_chat):
"""A single XMPP client connection.
This class handles the connection to a single XMPP client (via a
socket). It does the XMPP handshake and also implements the (old)
Google notification protocol.
# We use this XML template for subscription responses as well as
# notifications (conveniently enough, the same template works
# for both).
# The from, to, id, and type attributes are filled in later.
"""<iq from="" to="" id="" type="">
<not:getAll xmlns:not="google:notifier">
<Result xmlns=""/>
def __init__(self, sock, socket_map, connections, addr):
"""Starts up the xmpp connection.
sock: The socket to the client.
socket_map: A map from sockets to their owning objects.
connections: The set of handshake-completed connections.
addr: The host/port of the client.
asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock)
# async_chat in Python 2.4 has a bug where it ignores a
# socket_map argument. So we handle that ourselves.
self._socket_map = socket_map
self._socket_map[self.fileno()] = self
self._connections = connections
self._parser = StanzaParser(self)
self._jid = None
self._addr = addr
addr_str = AddrString(self._addr)
self._id_generator = IdGenerator(addr_str)
self._handshake_task = (
HandshakeTask(self, self._id_generator, addr_str))
print 'Starting connection to %s' % self
def __str__(self):
if self._jid:
return str(self._jid)
return AddrString(self._addr)
# async_chat implementation.
def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
# This is only here to make pychecker happy.
def found_terminator(self):
def handle_close(self):
print "Closing connection to %s" % self
# Remove ourselves from anywhere we possibly installed ourselves.
del self._socket_map[self.fileno()]
# Called by self._parser.FeedString().
def FeedStanza(self, stanza):
if self._handshake_task:
elif stanza.tagName == 'iq':
raise UnexpectedXml(stanza)
# Called by self._handshake_task.
def HandshakeDone(self, jid):
self._jid = jid
self._handshake_task = None
print "Handshake done for %s" % self
def _HandleIq(self, iq):
if (iq.firstChild and
iq.firstChild.namespaceURI == 'google:notifier'):
iq_id = iq.getAttribute('id')
self._HandleNotifierCommand(iq_id, iq.firstChild)
elif iq.getAttribute('type') == 'result':
# Ignore all client acks.
raise UnexpectedXml(iq)
def _HandleNotifierCommand(self, id, command_xml):
command = command_xml.tagName
if command == 'getAll':
# Subscription request.
if not command_xml.getElementsByTagName('SubscribedServiceUrl'):
raise UnexpectedXml(command_xml)
self._SendNotifierStanza(id, 'result')
elif command == 'set':
# Send notification request.
raise UnexpectedXml(command_xml)
def _SendNotifierStanza(self, id, type):
stanza = CloneXml(self._NOTIFIER_STANZA)
stanza.setAttribute('from', str(self._jid.GetBareJid()))
stanza.setAttribute('to', str(self._jid))
stanza.setAttribute('id', id)
stanza.setAttribute('type', type)
def SendStanza(self, stanza, unlink=True):
"""Sends a stanza to the client.
stanza: The stanza to send.
unlink: Whether to unlink stanza after sending it. (Pass in
False if stanza is a constant.)
if unlink:
def SendData(self, data):
"""Sends raw data to the client.
# We explicitly encode to ascii as that is what the client expects
# (some minidom library functions return unicode strings).
def SendNotification(self):
"""Sends a notification to the client."""
next_id = self._id_generator.GetNextId()
self._SendNotifierStanza(next_id, 'set')
def SendNotification(connections):
"""Sends a notification to all connections in the given sequence."""
for connection in connections:
print 'Sending notification to %s' % connection
class XmppServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
"""The main XMPP server class.
The XMPP server starts accepting connections on the given address
and spawns off XmppConnection objects for each one.
Use like so:
socket_map = {}
xmpp_server = xmppserver.XmppServer(socket_map, ('', 5222))
asyncore.loop(30.0, False, socket_map)
def __init__(self, socket_map, addr):
asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, None, socket_map)
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._socket_map = socket_map
self._socket_map[self.fileno()] = self
self._connections = set()
def handle_accept(self):
(sock, addr) = self.accept()
XmppConnection(sock, self._socket_map, self._connections, addr)