blob: 7032c2c33df4b769628b2abe5f6cfc3a3e768d70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/sync_socket.h"
#include "gfx/size.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
#include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_types.h"
#include "webkit/glue/plugins/pepper_dir_contents.h"
class AudioMessageFilter;
class GURL;
namespace base {
class MessageLoopProxy;
class Time;
namespace fileapi {
class FileSystemCallbackDispatcher;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class GLES2Implementation;
namespace skia {
class PlatformCanvas;
namespace WebKit {
class WebFileChooserCompletion;
struct WebFileChooserParams;
struct PP_VideoCompressedDataBuffer_Dev;
struct PP_VideoDecoderConfig_Dev;
struct PP_VideoUncompressedDataBuffer_Dev;
class TransportDIB;
namespace pepper {
class FileIO;
class PluginInstance;
class FullscreenContainer;
// Virtual interface that the browser implements to implement features for
// Pepper plugins.
class PluginDelegate {
// Represents an image. This is to allow the browser layer to supply a correct
// image representation. In Chrome, this will be a TransportDIB.
class PlatformImage2D {
virtual ~PlatformImage2D() {}
// Caller will own the returned pointer, returns NULL on failure.
virtual skia::PlatformCanvas* Map() = 0;
// Returns the platform-specific shared memory handle of the data backing
// this image. This is used by PPAPI proxying to send the image to the
// out-of-process plugin. On success, the size in bytes will be placed into
// |*bytes_count|. Returns 0 on failure.
virtual intptr_t GetSharedMemoryHandle(uint32* byte_count) const = 0;
virtual TransportDIB* GetTransportDIB() const = 0;
class PlatformContext3D {
virtual ~PlatformContext3D() {}
// Initialize the context.
virtual bool Init() = 0;
// Present the rendered frame to the compositor.
virtual bool SwapBuffers() = 0;
// Get the last EGL error.
virtual unsigned GetError() = 0;
// Resize the backing texture used as a back buffer by OpenGL.
virtual void ResizeBackingTexture(const gfx::Size& size) = 0;
// Set an optional callback that will be invoked when the side effects of
// a SwapBuffers call become visible to the compositor. Takes ownership
// of the callback.
virtual void SetSwapBuffersCallback(Callback0::Type* callback) = 0;
// If the plugin instance is backed by an OpenGL, return its ID in the
// compositors namespace. Otherwise return 0. Returns 0 by default.
virtual unsigned GetBackingTextureId() = 0;
// This call will return the address of the GLES2 implementation for this
// context that is constructed in Initialize() and is valid until this
// context is destroyed.
virtual gpu::gles2::GLES2Implementation* GetGLES2Implementation() = 0;
class PlatformAudio {
class Client {
virtual ~Client() {}
// Called when the stream is created.
virtual void StreamCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle shared_memory_handle,
size_t shared_memory_size,
base::SyncSocket::Handle socket) = 0;
// Starts the playback. Returns false on error or if called before the
// stream is created or after the stream is closed.
virtual bool StartPlayback() = 0;
// Stops the playback. Returns false on error or if called before the stream
// is created or after the stream is closed.
virtual bool StopPlayback() = 0;
// Closes the stream. Make sure to call this before the object is
// destructed.
virtual void ShutDown() = 0;
virtual ~PlatformAudio() {}
class PlatformVideoDecoder {
virtual ~PlatformVideoDecoder() {}
// Returns false on failure.
virtual bool Decode(PP_VideoCompressedDataBuffer_Dev& input_buffer) = 0;
virtual int32_t Flush(PP_CompletionCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual bool ReturnUncompressedDataBuffer(
PP_VideoUncompressedDataBuffer_Dev& buffer) = 0;
// Indicates that the given instance has been created.
virtual void InstanceCreated(pepper::PluginInstance* instance) = 0;
// Indicates that the given instance is being destroyed. This is called from
// the destructor, so it's important that the instance is not dereferenced
// from this call.
virtual void InstanceDeleted(pepper::PluginInstance* instance) = 0;
// The caller will own the pointer returned from this.
virtual PlatformImage2D* CreateImage2D(int width, int height) = 0;
// The caller will own the pointer returned from this.
virtual PlatformContext3D* CreateContext3D() = 0;
// The caller will own the pointer returned from this.
virtual PlatformVideoDecoder* CreateVideoDecoder(
const PP_VideoDecoderConfig_Dev& decoder_config) = 0;
// The caller will own the pointer returned from this.
virtual PlatformAudio* CreateAudio(uint32_t sample_rate,
uint32_t sample_count,
PlatformAudio::Client* client) = 0;
// Notifies that the number of find results has changed.
virtual void NumberOfFindResultsChanged(int identifier,
int total,
bool final_result) = 0;
// Notifies that the index of the currently selected item has been updated.
virtual void SelectedFindResultChanged(int identifier, int index) = 0;
// Runs a file chooser.
virtual bool RunFileChooser(
const WebKit::WebFileChooserParams& params,
WebKit::WebFileChooserCompletion* chooser_completion) = 0;
// Sends an async IPC to open a file.
typedef Callback2<base::PlatformFileError, base::PlatformFile
>::Type AsyncOpenFileCallback;
virtual bool AsyncOpenFile(const FilePath& path,
int flags,
AsyncOpenFileCallback* callback) = 0;
virtual bool OpenFileSystem(
const GURL& url,
fileapi::FileSystemType type,
long long size,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual bool MakeDirectory(
const FilePath& path,
bool recursive,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual bool Query(const FilePath& path,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual bool Touch(const FilePath& path,
const base::Time& last_access_time,
const base::Time& last_modified_time,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual bool Delete(const FilePath& path,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual bool Rename(const FilePath& file_path,
const FilePath& new_file_path,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual bool ReadDirectory(
const FilePath& directory_path,
fileapi::FileSystemCallbackDispatcher* dispatcher) = 0;
virtual base::PlatformFileError OpenModuleLocalFile(
const std::string& module_name,
const FilePath& path,
int flags,
base::PlatformFile* file) = 0;
virtual base::PlatformFileError RenameModuleLocalFile(
const std::string& module_name,
const FilePath& path_from,
const FilePath& path_to) = 0;
virtual base::PlatformFileError DeleteModuleLocalFileOrDir(
const std::string& module_name,
const FilePath& path,
bool recursive) = 0;
virtual base::PlatformFileError CreateModuleLocalDir(
const std::string& module_name,
const FilePath& path) = 0;
virtual base::PlatformFileError QueryModuleLocalFile(
const std::string& module_name,
const FilePath& path,
base::PlatformFileInfo* info) = 0;
virtual base::PlatformFileError GetModuleLocalDirContents(
const std::string& module_name,
const FilePath& path,
PepperDirContents* contents) = 0;
// Returns a MessageLoopProxy instance associated with the message loop
// of the file thread in this renderer.
virtual scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>
GetFileThreadMessageLoopProxy() = 0;
// Create a fullscreen container for a plugin instance. This effectively
// switches the plugin to fullscreen.
virtual FullscreenContainer* CreateFullscreenContainer(
PluginInstance* instance) = 0;
// Returns a string with the name of the default 8-bit char encoding.
virtual std::string GetDefaultEncoding() = 0;
// Sets the mininum and maximium zoom factors.
virtual void ZoomLimitsChanged(double minimum_factor,
double maximum_factor) = 0;
// Retrieves the proxy information for the given URL in PAC format. On error,
// this will return an empty string.
virtual std::string ResolveProxy(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Tell the browser when resource loading starts/ends.
virtual void DidStartLoading() = 0;
virtual void DidStopLoading() = 0;
// Sets restrictions on how the content can be used (i.e. no print/copy).
virtual void SetContentRestriction(int restrictions) = 0;
} // namespace pepper