blob: 11b7b7af6c9a88a8ad9c1ec7fb649319c23c663d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/values.h"
class JSONStringValueSerializer : public ValueSerializer {
// json_string is the string that will be source of the deserialization
// or the destination of the serialization. The caller of the constructor
// retains ownership of the string.
explicit JSONStringValueSerializer(std::string* json_string)
: json_string_(json_string),
allow_trailing_comma_(false) {
// This version allows initialization with a const string reference for
// deserialization only.
explicit JSONStringValueSerializer(const std::string& json_string)
: json_string_(&const_cast<std::string&>(json_string)),
allow_trailing_comma_(false) {
// Attempt to serialize the data structure represented by Value into
// JSON. If the return value is true, the result will have been written
// into the string passed into the constructor.
bool Serialize(const Value& root);
// Attempt to deserialize the data structure encoded in the string passed
// in to the constructor into a structure of Value objects. If the return
// value is NULL, and if |error_code| is non-null, |error_code| will
// contain an integer error code (either JsonFileError or JsonParseError).
// If |error_message| is non-null, it will be filled in with a formatted
// error message including the location of the error if appropriate.
// The caller takes ownership of the returned value.
Value* Deserialize(int* error_code, std::string* error_message);
void set_pretty_print(bool new_value) { pretty_print_ = new_value; }
bool pretty_print() { return pretty_print_; }
void set_allow_trailing_comma(bool new_value) {
allow_trailing_comma_ = new_value;
std::string* json_string_;
bool initialized_with_const_string_;
bool pretty_print_; // If true, serialization will span multiple lines.
// If true, deserialization will allow trailing commas.
bool allow_trailing_comma_;
class JSONFileValueSerializer : public ValueSerializer {
// json_file_patch is the path of a file that will be source of the
// deserialization or the destination of the serialization.
// When deserializing, the file should exist, but when serializing, the
// serializer will attempt to create the file at the specified location.
explicit JSONFileValueSerializer(const FilePath& json_file_path)
: json_file_path_(json_file_path) {}
~JSONFileValueSerializer() {}
// DO NOT USE except in unit tests to verify the file was written properly.
// We should never serialize directly to a file since this will block the
// thread. Instead, serialize to a string and write to the file you want on
// the file thread.
// Attempt to serialize the data structure represented by Value into
// JSON. If the return value is true, the result will have been written
// into the file whose name was passed into the constructor.
bool Serialize(const Value& root);
// Attempt to deserialize the data structure encoded in the file passed
// in to the constructor into a structure of Value objects. If the return
// value is NULL, and if |error_code| is non-null, |error_code| will
// contain an integer error code (either JsonFileError or JsonParseError).
// If |error_message| is non-null, it will be filled in with a formatted
// error message including the location of the error if appropriate.
// The caller takes ownership of the returned value.
Value* Deserialize(int* error_code, std::string* error_message);
// This enum is designed to safely overlap with JSONReader::JsonParseError.
enum JsonFileError {
// File-specific error messages that can be returned.
static const char* kAccessDenied;
static const char* kCannotReadFile;
static const char* kFileLocked;
static const char* kNoSuchFile;
// Convert an error code into an error message. |error_code| is assumed to
// be a JsonFileError.
static const char* GetErrorMessageForCode(int error_code);
FilePath json_file_path_;
// A wrapper for file_util::ReadFileToString which returns a non-zero
// JsonFileError if there were file errors.
int ReadFileToString(std::string* json_string);