blob: 6d40883ab3a1cbc687d9f552fdc1ec0661ac0a90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "gfx/size.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
namespace WebKit {
class WebDocument;
class WebFrame;
class DictionaryValue;
// Structure used when installing a web page as an app.
struct WebApplicationInfo {
struct IconInfo {
GURL url;
int width;
int height;
SkBitmap data;
static const char kInvalidDefinitionURL[];
static const char kInvalidLaunchURL[];
static const char kInvalidURL[];
static const char kInvalidIconSize[];
static const char kInvalidIconURL[];
// URL to a manifest that defines the application. If specified, all other
// attributes are derived from this manifest, and the manifest is the unique
// ID of the application.
GURL manifest_url;
// Title of the application.
string16 title;
// Description of the application.
string16 description;
// The launch URL for the app.
GURL app_url;
// Set of available icons.
std::vector<IconInfo> icons;
// The permissions the app requests. Only supported with manifest-based apps.
std::vector<std::string> permissions;
// Set of URLs that comprise the app. Only supported with manifest-based apps.
// All these must be of the same origin as manifest_url.
std::vector<GURL> urls;
// The type of launch container to use with the app. Currently supported
// values are 'tab' and 'panel'. Only supported with manifest-based apps.
std::string launch_container;
namespace web_apps {
// Parses an icon size. An icon size must match the following regex:
// [1-9][0-9]*x[1-9][0-9]*.
// If the input couldn't be parsed, a size with a width/height == 0 is returned.
gfx::Size ParseIconSize(const string16& text);
// Parses the icon's size attribute as defined in the HTML 5 spec. Returns true
// on success, false on errors. On success either all the sizes specified in
// the attribute are added to sizes, or is_any is set to true.
// You shouldn't have a need to invoke this directly, it's public for testing.
bool ParseIconSizes(const string16& text, std::vector<gfx::Size>* sizes,
bool* is_any);
// Parses |web_app| information out of the document in frame. Returns true on
// success, or false and |error| on failure. Note that the document may contain
// no web application information, in which case |web_app| is unchanged and the
// function returns true.
// Documents can also contain a link to a application 'definition'. In this case
// web_app will have manifest_url set and nothing else. The caller must fetch
// this URL and pass the result to ParseWebAppFromDefinitionFile() for further
// processing.
bool ParseWebAppFromWebDocument(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app,
string16* error);
// Parses |web_app| information out of |definition|. Returns true on success, or
// false and |error| on failure. This function assumes that |web_app| has a
// valid manifest_url.
bool ParseWebAppFromDefinitionFile(const DictionaryValue& definition,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app,
string16* error);
} // namespace web_apps