blob: ee8ddd70e96304c2203e1bb4755d85fc8324bc24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_completion_callback.h"
#include "ppapi/c/trusted/ppb_url_loader_trusted.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLLoaderClient.h"
#include "webkit/glue/plugins/pepper_plugin_instance.h"
#include "webkit/glue/plugins/pepper_resource.h"
struct PPB_URLLoader;
struct PPB_URLLoaderTrusted;
namespace WebKit {
class WebFrame;
class WebURL;
namespace pepper {
class PluginInstance;
class URLRequestInfo;
class URLResponseInfo;
class URLLoader : public Resource,
public WebKit::WebURLLoaderClient,
public PluginInstance::Observer {
URLLoader(PluginInstance* instance, bool main_document_loader);
virtual ~URLLoader();
// Returns a pointer to the interface implementing PPB_URLLoader that is
// exposed to the plugin.
static const PPB_URLLoader* GetInterface();
// Returns a pointer to the interface implementing PPB_URLLoaderTrusted that
// is exposed to the plugin.
static const PPB_URLLoaderTrusted* GetTrustedInterface();
// Resource overrides.
URLLoader* AsURLLoader() { return this; }
// PPB_URLLoader implementation.
int32_t Open(URLRequestInfo* request, PP_CompletionCallback callback);
int32_t FollowRedirect(PP_CompletionCallback callback);
bool GetUploadProgress(int64_t* bytes_sent,
int64_t* total_bytes_to_be_sent);
bool GetDownloadProgress(int64_t* bytes_received,
int64_t* total_bytes_to_be_received);
int32_t ReadResponseBody(char* buffer, int32_t bytes_to_read,
PP_CompletionCallback callback);
int32_t FinishStreamingToFile(PP_CompletionCallback callback);
void Close();
// PPB_URLLoaderTrusted implementation.
void GrantUniversalAccess();
void SetStatusCallback(PP_URLLoaderTrusted_StatusCallback cb);
// WebKit::WebURLLoaderClient implementation.
virtual void willSendRequest(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
WebKit::WebURLRequest& new_request,
const WebKit::WebURLResponse& redir_response);
virtual void didSendData(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
unsigned long long bytes_sent,
unsigned long long total_bytes_to_be_sent);
virtual void didReceiveResponse(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response);
virtual void didDownloadData(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
int data_length);
virtual void didReceiveData(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
const char* data,
int data_length);
virtual void didFinishLoading(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
double finish_time);
virtual void didFail(WebKit::WebURLLoader* loader,
const WebKit::WebURLError& error);
// PluginInstance::Observer implementation.
void InstanceDestroyed(PluginInstance* instance);
URLResponseInfo* response_info() const { return response_info_; }
void RunCallback(int32_t result);
size_t FillUserBuffer();
// Converts a WebURLResponse to a URLResponseInfo and saves it.
void SaveResponse(const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response);
int32_t CanRequest(const WebKit::WebFrame* frame, const WebKit::WebURL& url);
// Calls the status_callback_ (if any) with the current upload and download
// progress. Call this function if you update any of these values to
// synchronize an out-of-process plugin's state.
void UpdateStatus();
// Returns true if the plugin has requested we record download or upload
// progress. When false, we don't need to update the counters. We go out of
// our way not to allow access to this information unless it's requested,
// even when it would be easier just to return it and not check, so that
// plugins don't depend on access without setting the flag.
bool RecordDownloadProgress() const;
bool RecordUploadProgress() const;
// This will be NULL if the instance has been deleted but this URLLoader was
// somehow leaked. In general, you should not need to check this for NULL.
// However, if you see a NULL pointer crash, that means somebody is holding
// a reference to this object longer than the PluginInstance's lifetime.
PluginInstance* instance_;
// If true, then the plugin instance is a full-frame plugin and we're just
// wrapping the main document's loader (i.e. loader_ is null).
bool main_document_loader_;
scoped_ptr<WebKit::WebURLLoader> loader_;
scoped_refptr<URLRequestInfo> request_info_;
scoped_refptr<URLResponseInfo> response_info_;
PP_CompletionCallback pending_callback_;
std::deque<char> buffer_;
int64_t bytes_sent_;
int64_t total_bytes_to_be_sent_;
int64_t bytes_received_;
int64_t total_bytes_to_be_received_;
char* user_buffer_;
size_t user_buffer_size_;
int32_t done_status_;
bool has_universal_access_;
PP_URLLoaderTrusted_StatusCallback status_callback_;
} // namespace pepper