blob: 00b14fe2fa554ea56f5516735ba5e7967a733926 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The DownloadFileManager owns a set of DownloadFile objects, each of which
// represent one in progress download and performs the disk IO for that
// download. The DownloadFileManager itself is a singleton object owned by the
// ResourceDispatcherHost.
// The DownloadFileManager uses the file_thread for performing file write
// operations, in order to avoid disk activity on either the IO (network) thread
// and the UI thread. It coordinates the notifications from the network and UI.
// A typical download operation involves multiple threads:
// Updating an in progress download
// io_thread
// |----> data ---->|
// file_thread (writes to disk)
// |----> stats ---->|
// ui_thread (feedback for user and
// updates to history)
// Cancel operations perform the inverse order when triggered by a user action:
// ui_thread (user click)
// |----> cancel command ---->|
// file_thread (close file)
// |----> cancel command ---->|
// io_thread (stops net IO
// for download)
// The DownloadFileManager tracks download requests, mapping from a download
// ID (unique integer created in the IO thread) to the DownloadManager for the
// tab (profile) where the download was initiated. In the event of a tab closure
// during a download, the DownloadFileManager will continue to route data to the
// appropriate DownloadManager. In progress downloads are cancelled for a
// DownloadManager that exits (such as when closing a profile).
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
struct DownloadBuffer;
struct DownloadCreateInfo;
struct DownloadSaveInfo;
class DownloadFile;
class DownloadManager;
class FilePath;
class GURL;
class ResourceDispatcherHost;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
// Manages all in progress downloads.
class DownloadFileManager
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DownloadFileManager> {
// For testing.
friend class DownloadManagerTest;
explicit DownloadFileManager(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh);
// Called on shutdown on the UI thread.
void Shutdown();
// Called on the IO thread
int GetNextId();
// Called on UI thread to make DownloadFileManager start the download.
void StartDownload(DownloadCreateInfo* info);
// Handlers for notifications sent from the IO thread and run on the
// download thread.
void UpdateDownload(int id, DownloadBuffer* buffer);
void CancelDownload(int id);
void OnResponseCompleted(int id, DownloadBuffer* buffer);
// Called on FILE thread by DownloadManager at the beginning of its shutdown.
void OnDownloadManagerShutdown(DownloadManager* manager);
// The DownloadManager in the UI thread has provided an intermediate
// .crdownload name for the download specified by 'id'.
void OnIntermediateDownloadName(int id, const FilePath& full_path,
DownloadManager* download_manager);
// The download manager has provided a final name for a download. Sent from
// the UI thread and run on the download thread.
// |need_delete_crdownload| indicates if we explicitly delete the intermediate
// .crdownload file or not.
void OnFinalDownloadName(int id, const FilePath& full_path,
bool need_delete_crdownload,
DownloadManager* download_manager);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DownloadFileManager>;
// Timer helpers for updating the UI about the current progress of a download.
void StartUpdateTimer();
void StopUpdateTimer();
void UpdateInProgressDownloads();
// Clean up helper that runs on the download thread.
void OnShutdown();
// Creates DownloadFile on FILE thread and continues starting the download
// process.
void CreateDownloadFile(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
DownloadManager* download_manager,
bool hash_needed);
// Tells the ResourceDispatcherHost to resume a download request
// that was paused to wait for the on-disk file to be created.
void ResumeDownloadRequest(int child_id, int request_id);
// Called only on the download thread.
DownloadFile* GetDownloadFile(int id);
// Called only from OnFinalDownloadName or OnIntermediateDownloadName
// on the FILE thread.
void CancelDownloadOnRename(int id);
// Unique ID for each DownloadFile.
int next_id_;
// A map of all in progress downloads.
typedef base::hash_map<int, DownloadFile*> DownloadFileMap;
DownloadFileMap downloads_;
// Schedule periodic updates of the download progress. This timer
// is controlled from the FILE thread, and posts updates to the UI thread.
base::RepeatingTimer<DownloadFileManager> update_timer_;
ResourceDispatcherHost* resource_dispatcher_host_;