blob: d233ec6e9fe226da31768a4a90f7185a70e2681b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_store.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace safe_browsing {
class PrefixSet;
class BloomFilter;
class GURL;
class MessageLoop;
class SafeBrowsingDatabase;
// Factory for creating SafeBrowsingDatabase. Tests implement this factory
// to create fake Databases for testing.
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory {
SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory() { }
virtual ~SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory() { }
virtual SafeBrowsingDatabase* CreateSafeBrowsingDatabase(
bool enable_download_protection) = 0;
// Encapsulates on-disk databases that for safebrowsing. There are two
// databases: browse database and download database. The browse database
// contains information about phishing and malware urls. The download
// database contains URLs for bad binaries (e.g: those containing virus)
// and hash of these downloaded contents. These on-disk databases are shared
// among all profiles, as it doesn't contain user-specific data. This object
// is not thread-safe, i.e. all its methods should be used on the same thread
// that it was created on.
class SafeBrowsingDatabase {
// Factory method for obtaining a SafeBrowsingDatabase implementation.
// It is not thread safe.
// |enable_download_protection| is used to control the download database
// feature.
static SafeBrowsingDatabase* Create(bool enable_download_protection);
// Makes the passed |factory| the factory used to instantiate
// a SafeBrowsingDatabase. This is used for tests.
static void RegisterFactory(SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory* factory) {
factory_ = factory;
virtual ~SafeBrowsingDatabase();
// Initializes the database with the given filename.
virtual void Init(const FilePath& filename) = 0;
// Deletes the current database and creates a new one.
virtual bool ResetDatabase() = 0;
// Returns false if |url| is not in the browse database. If it
// returns true, then either |matching_list| is the name of the matching
// list, or |prefix_hits| and |full_hits| contains the matching hash
// prefixes. This function is safe to call from threads other than
// the creation thread.
virtual bool ContainsBrowseUrl(const GURL& url,
std::string* matching_list,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* full_hits,
base::Time last_update) = 0;
// Returns false if |url| is not in Download database. If it returns true,
// |prefix_hits| should contain the prefix for |url|.
// This function could ONLY be accessed from creation thread.
virtual bool ContainsDownloadUrl(const GURL& url,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits) = 0;
// A database transaction should look like:
// std::vector<SBListChunkRanges> lists;
// if (db.UpdateStarted(&lists)) {
// // Do something with |lists|.
// // Process add/sub commands.
// db.InsertChunks(list_name, chunks);
// // Process adddel/subdel commands.
// db.DeleteChunks(chunks_deletes);
// // If passed true, processes the collected chunk info and
// // rebuilds the bloom filter. If passed false, rolls everything
// // back.
// db.UpdateFinished(success);
// }
// If UpdateStarted() returns true, the caller MUST eventually call
// UpdateFinished(). If it returns false, the caller MUST NOT call
// the other functions.
virtual bool UpdateStarted(std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>* lists) = 0;
virtual void InsertChunks(const std::string& list_name,
const SBChunkList& chunks) = 0;
virtual void DeleteChunks(
const std::vector<SBChunkDelete>& chunk_deletes) = 0;
virtual void UpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded) = 0;
// Store the results of a GetHash response. In the case of empty results, we
// cache the prefixes until the next update so that we don't have to issue
// further GetHash requests we know will be empty.
virtual void CacheHashResults(
const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hits) = 0;
// The name of the bloom-filter file for the given database file.
static FilePath BloomFilterForFilename(const FilePath& db_filename);
// Filename for malware and phishing URL database.
static FilePath BrowseDBFilename(const FilePath& db_base_filename);
// Filename for download URL and download binary hash database.
static FilePath DownloadDBFilename(const FilePath& db_base_filename);
// Enumerate failures for histogramming purposes. DO NOT CHANGE THE
enum FailureType {
// Memory space for histograms is determined by the max. ALWAYS
static void RecordFailure(FailureType failure_type);
// The factory used to instantiate a SafeBrowsingDatabase object.
// Useful for tests, so they can provide their own implementation of
// SafeBrowsingDatabase.
static SafeBrowsingDatabaseFactory* factory_;
class SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew : public SafeBrowsingDatabase {
// Create a database with a browse store and download store. Takes ownership
// of browse_store and download_store. When |download_store| is NULL,
// the database will ignore any operations related download (url hashes and
// binary hashes).
SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew(SafeBrowsingStore* browse_store,
SafeBrowsingStore* download_store);
// Create a database with a browse store. This is a legacy interface that
// useds Sqlite.
virtual ~SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew();
// Implement SafeBrowsingDatabase interface.
virtual void Init(const FilePath& filename);
virtual bool ResetDatabase();
virtual bool ContainsBrowseUrl(const GURL& url,
std::string* matching_list,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits,
std::vector<SBFullHashResult>* full_hits,
base::Time last_update);
virtual bool ContainsDownloadUrl(const GURL& url,
std::vector<SBPrefix>* prefix_hits);
virtual bool UpdateStarted(std::vector<SBListChunkRanges>* lists);
virtual void InsertChunks(const std::string& list_name,
const SBChunkList& chunks);
virtual void DeleteChunks(const std::vector<SBChunkDelete>& chunk_deletes);
virtual void UpdateFinished(bool update_succeeded);
virtual void CacheHashResults(const std::vector<SBPrefix>& prefixes,
const std::vector<SBFullHashResult>& full_hits);
friend class SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest;
FRIEND_TEST(SafeBrowsingDatabaseTest, HashCaching);
// Return the browse_store_ or download_store_ based on list_id.
SafeBrowsingStore* GetStore(int list_id);
// Deletes the files on disk.
bool Delete();
// Load the bloom filter off disk, or generates one if it doesn't exist.
void LoadBloomFilter();
// Writes the current bloom filter to disk.
void WriteBloomFilter();
// Helpers for handling database corruption.
// |OnHandleCorruptDatabase()| runs |ResetDatabase()| and sets
// |corruption_detected_|, |HandleCorruptDatabase()| posts
// |OnHandleCorruptDatabase()| to the current thread, to be run
// after the current task completes.
// TODO(shess): Wire things up to entirely abort the update
// transaction when this happens.
void HandleCorruptDatabase();
void OnHandleCorruptDatabase();
// Helpers for InsertChunks().
void InsertAdd(int chunk, SBPrefix host, const SBEntry* entry, int list_id);
void InsertAddChunks(int list_id, const SBChunkList& chunks);
void InsertSub(int chunk, SBPrefix host, const SBEntry* entry, int list_id);
void InsertSubChunks(int list_id, const SBChunkList& chunks);
void UpdateDownloadStore();
void UpdateBrowseStore();
// Used to verify that various calls are made from the thread the
// object was created on.
MessageLoop* creation_loop_;
// Lock for protecting access to variables that may be used on the
// IO thread. This includes |browse_bloom_filter_|, |full_browse_hashes_|,
// |pending_browse_hashes_|, and |prefix_miss_cache_|.
base::Lock lookup_lock_;
// Underlying persistent store for chunk data.
// For browsing related (phishing and malware URLs) chunks and prefixes.
FilePath browse_filename_;
scoped_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> browse_store_;
// For download related (download URL and binary hash) chunks and prefixes.
FilePath download_filename_;
scoped_ptr<SafeBrowsingStore> download_store_;
// Bloom filter generated from the add-prefixes in |browse_store_|.
// Only browse_store_ requires the BloomFilter for fast query.
FilePath bloom_filter_filename_;
scoped_refptr<BloomFilter> browse_bloom_filter_;
// Cached browse store related full-hash items, ordered by prefix for
// efficient scanning.
// |full_browse_hashes_| are items from |browse_store_|,
// |pending_browse_hashes_| are items from |CacheHashResults()|, which
// will be pushed to the store on the next update.
std::vector<SBAddFullHash> full_browse_hashes_;
std::vector<SBAddFullHash> pending_browse_hashes_;
// Cache of prefixes that returned empty results (no full hash
// match) to |CacheHashResults()|. Cached to prevent asking for
// them every time. Cleared on next update.
std::set<SBPrefix> prefix_miss_cache_;
// Used to schedule resetting the database because of corruption.
ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<SafeBrowsingDatabaseNew> reset_factory_;
// Set if corruption is detected during the course of an update.
// Causes the update functions to fail with no side effects, until
// the next call to |UpdateStarted()|.
bool corruption_detected_;
// Set to true if any chunks are added or deleted during an update.
// Used to optimize away database update.
bool change_detected_;
// Used to check if a prefix was in the database.
scoped_ptr<safe_browsing::PrefixSet> prefix_set_;