blob: 595df3416c9a5e1f012f80f08182e8dbf9bd8d23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/backing_store.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
class GURL;
class Profile;
class RenderWidgetHost;
class SkBitmap;
class TabContents;
namespace history {
class TopSites;
class ThumbnailGenerator : NotificationObserver {
typedef Callback1<const SkBitmap&>::Type ThumbnailReadyCallback;
// The result of clipping. This can be used to determine if the
// generated thumbnail is good or not.
enum ClipResult {
// The source image is smaller.
// Wider than tall, clip horizontally.
// Taller than wide, clip vertically.
// The source and destination aspect ratios are identical.
// Bitmasks of options for generating a thumbnail.
enum ThumbnailOptions {
// No options.
kNoOptions = 0,
// Request a clipped thumbnail with the aspect ratio preserved.
kClippedThumbnail = 1 << 0,
// This class will do nothing until you call StartThumbnailing.
// Ensures that we're properly hooked in to generated thumbnails. This can
// be called repeatedly and with wild abandon to no ill effect.
void StartThumbnailing();
// This registers a callback that can receive the resulting SkBitmap
// from the renderer when it is done rendering it. This differs
// from GetThumbnailForRenderer in that it may be asynchronous, and
// because it will also fetch the bitmap even if the tab is hidden.
// In addition, if the renderer has to be invoked, the scaling of
// the thumbnail happens on the rendering thread.
// Takes ownership of the callback object.
// If |prefer_backing_store| is set, then the function will try and
// use the backing store for the page if it exists. |page_size| is
// the size to render the page, and |desired_size| is the size to
// scale the resulting rendered page to (which is done efficiently
// if done in the rendering thread). If |prefer_backing_store| is
// set, and the backing store is used, then the resulting image will
// be less then twice the size of the |desired_size| in both
// dimensions, but might not be the exact size requested.
void AskForSnapshot(RenderWidgetHost* renderer,
bool prefer_backing_store,
ThumbnailReadyCallback* callback,
gfx::Size page_size,
gfx::Size desired_size);
// This returns a thumbnail of a fixed, small size for the given
// renderer.
SkBitmap GetThumbnailForRenderer(RenderWidgetHost* renderer) const;
// This returns a thumbnail of a fixed, small size for the given
// renderer. |options| is a bitmask of ThumbnailOptions. If
// |clip_result| is non-NULL, the result of clipping will be written.
SkBitmap GetThumbnailForRendererWithOptions(RenderWidgetHost* renderer,
int options,
ClipResult* clip_result) const;
// Start or stop monitoring notifications for |renderer| based on the value
// of |monitor|.
void MonitorRenderer(RenderWidgetHost* renderer, bool monitor);
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
// When true, the class will not use a timeout to do the expiration. This
// will cause expiration to happen on the next run of the message loop.
// Unit tests case use this to test expiration by choosing when the message
// loop runs.
void set_no_timeout(bool no_timeout) { no_timeout_ = no_timeout; }
// Calculates how "boring" a thumbnail is. The boring score is the
// 0,1 ranged percentage of pixels that are the most common
// luma. Higher boring scores indicate that a higher percentage of a
// bitmap are all the same brightness.
static double CalculateBoringScore(SkBitmap* bitmap);
// Gets the clipped bitmap from |bitmap| per the aspect ratio of the
// desired width and the desired height. For instance, if the input
// bitmap is vertically long (ex. 400x900) and the desired size is
// square (ex. 100x100), the clipped bitmap will be the top half of the
// input bitmap (400x400).
static SkBitmap GetClippedBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
int desired_width,
int desired_height,
ClipResult* clip_result);
// Update the thumbnail of the given URL if necessary.
static void UpdateThumbnailIfNecessary(TabContents* tab_contents,
const GURL& url);
// Returns true if we should update the thumbnail of the given URL.
static bool ShouldUpdateThumbnail(Profile* profile,
history::TopSites* top_sites,
const GURL& url);
// RenderWidgetHostPaintingObserver implementation.
virtual void WidgetWillDestroyBackingStore(RenderWidgetHost* widget,
BackingStore* backing_store);
virtual void WidgetDidUpdateBackingStore(RenderWidgetHost* widget);
virtual void WidgetDidReceivePaintAtSizeAck(
RenderWidgetHost* widget,
int tag,
const gfx::Size& size);
// NotificationObserver interface.
virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
// Indicates that the given widget has changed is visibility.
void WidgetShown(RenderWidgetHost* widget);
void WidgetHidden(RenderWidgetHost* widget);
// Called when the given widget is destroyed.
void WidgetDestroyed(RenderWidgetHost* widget);
// Called when the given tab contents are disconnected (either
// through being closed, or because the renderer is no longer there).
void TabContentsDisconnected(TabContents* contents);
// Timer function called on a delay after a tab has been shown. It will
// invalidate the thumbnail for hosts with expired thumbnails in shown_hosts_.
void ShownDelayHandler();
// Removes the given host from the shown_hosts_ list, if it is there.
void EraseHostFromShownList(RenderWidgetHost* host);
NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
base::OneShotTimer<ThumbnailGenerator> timer_;
// A list of all RWHs that have been shown and need to have their thumbnail
// expired at some time in the future with the "slop" time has elapsed. This
// list will normally have 0 or 1 items in it.
std::vector<RenderWidgetHost*> shown_hosts_;
// See the setter above.
bool no_timeout_;
// Map of callback objects by sequence number.
struct AsyncRequestInfo;
typedef std::map<int,
linked_ptr<AsyncRequestInfo> > ThumbnailCallbackMap;
ThumbnailCallbackMap callback_map_;