blob: da7fe6736c5904ee741bb51f492e176c952c857a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
typedef struct _GdkPixbuf GdkPixbuf;
typedef struct _cairo cairo_t;
typedef struct _cairo_surface cairo_surface_t;
// A helper class that takes a GdkPixbuf* and renders it to the screen. Unlike
// gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(), CairoCachedSurface assumes that the pixbuf is
// immutable after UsePixbuf() is called and can be sent to the X server
// once. From then on, that cached version is used so we don't upload the same
// image each and every time we expose.
// Most cached surfaces are owned by the GtkThemeProvider, which associates
// them with a certain XDisplay. Some users of surfaces (CustomDrawButtonBase,
// for example) own their surfaces instead since they interact with the
// ResourceBundle instead of the GtkThemeProvider.
class CairoCachedSurface {
// Whether this CairoCachedSurface owns a GdkPixbuf.
bool valid() const {
return pixbuf_;
// The dimensions of the underlying pixbuf/surface. (or -1 if invalid.)
int Width() const;
int Height() const;
// Sets the pixbuf that we pass to cairo. Calling UsePixbuf() only derefs the
// current pixbuf and surface (if they exist). Actually transfering data to
// the X server occurs at SetSource() time. Calling UsePixbuf() should only
// be done once as it clears cached data from the X server.
void UsePixbuf(GdkPixbuf* pixbuf);
// Sets our pixbuf as the active surface starting at (x, y), uploading it in
// case we don't have an X backed surface cached.
void SetSource(cairo_t* cr, int x, int y);
// Raw access to the pixbuf. May be NULL. Used for a few gdk operations
// regarding window shaping.
GdkPixbuf* pixbuf() { return pixbuf_; }
// The source pixbuf.
GdkPixbuf* pixbuf_;
// Our cached surface. This should be a xlib surface so the data lives on the
// server instead of on the client.
cairo_surface_t* surface_;