blob: 03563814dc1adacbf031e1d51cb222ed238292de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "app/sql/connection.h"
#include "app/sql/init_status.h"
#include "app/sql/meta_table.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
class AutofillChange;
class AutofillEntry;
class AutoFillProfile;
class CreditCard;
class FilePath;
class GURL;
class NotificationService;
class SkBitmap;
class TemplateURL;
class WebDatabaseTest;
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace webkit_glue {
class FormField;
struct PasswordForm;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
struct IE7PasswordInfo;
// A Sqlite database instance to store all the meta data we have about web pages
class WebDatabase {
virtual ~WebDatabase();
// Initialize the database given a name. The name defines where the sqlite
// file is. If this returns an error code, no other method should be called.
sql::InitStatus Init(const FilePath& db_name);
// Transactions management
void BeginTransaction();
void CommitTransaction();
// Keywords
// Adds a new keyword, updating the id field on success.
// Returns true if successful.
bool AddKeyword(const TemplateURL& url);
// Removes the specified keyword.
// Returns true if successful.
bool RemoveKeyword(TemplateURLID id);
// Loads the keywords into the specified vector. It's up to the caller to
// delete the returned objects.
// Returns true on success.
bool GetKeywords(std::vector<TemplateURL*>* urls);
// Updates the database values for the specified url.
// Returns true on success.
bool UpdateKeyword(const TemplateURL& url);
// ID (TemplateURL->id) of the default search provider.
bool SetDefaultSearchProviderID(int64 id);
int64 GetDefaulSearchProviderID();
// Version of the builtin keywords.
bool SetBuitinKeywordVersion(int version);
int GetBuitinKeywordVersion();
// Password manager support
// Adds |form| to the list of remembered password forms.
bool AddLogin(const webkit_glue::PasswordForm& form);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Adds |info| to the list of imported passwords from ie7/ie8.
bool AddIE7Login(const IE7PasswordInfo& info);
// Removes |info| from the list of imported passwords from ie7/ie8.
bool RemoveIE7Login(const IE7PasswordInfo& info);
// Return the ie7/ie8 login matching |info|.
bool GetIE7Login(const IE7PasswordInfo& info, IE7PasswordInfo* result);
// Updates remembered password form.
bool UpdateLogin(const webkit_glue::PasswordForm& form);
// Removes |form| from the list of remembered password forms.
bool RemoveLogin(const webkit_glue::PasswordForm& form);
// Removes all logins created from |delete_begin| onwards (inclusive) and
// before |delete_end|. You may use a null Time value to do an unbounded
// delete in either direction.
bool RemoveLoginsCreatedBetween(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end);
// Loads a list of matching password forms into the specified vector |forms|.
// The list will contain all possibly relevant entries to the observed |form|,
// including blacklisted matches.
bool GetLogins(const webkit_glue::PasswordForm& form,
std::vector<webkit_glue::PasswordForm*>* forms);
// Loads the complete list of password forms into the specified vector |forms|
// if include_blacklisted is true, otherwise only loads those which are
// actually autofill-able; i.e haven't been blacklisted by the user selecting
// the 'Never for this site' button.
bool GetAllLogins(std::vector<webkit_glue::PasswordForm*>* forms,
bool include_blacklisted);
// AutoFill
// Records the form elements in |elements| in the database in the
// autofill table. A list of all added and updated autofill entries
// is returned in the changes out parameter.
bool AddFormFieldValues(const std::vector<webkit_glue::FormField>& elements,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Records a single form element in the database in the autofill table. A list
// of all added and updated autofill entries is returned in the changes out
// parameter.
bool AddFormFieldValue(const webkit_glue::FormField& element,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Retrieves a vector of all values which have been recorded in the autofill
// table as the value in a form element with name |name| and which start with
// |prefix|. The comparison of the prefix is case insensitive.
bool GetFormValuesForElementName(const string16& name,
const string16& prefix,
std::vector<string16>* values,
int limit);
// Removes rows from autofill_dates if they were created on or after
// |delete_begin| and strictly before |delete_end|. Decrements the
// count of the corresponding rows in the autofill table, and
// removes those rows if the count goes to 0. A list of all changed
// keys and whether each was updater or removed is returned in the
// changes out parameter.
bool RemoveFormElementsAddedBetween(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Removes from autofill_dates rows with given pair_id where date_created lies
// between delte_begin and delte_end.
bool RemoveFormElementForTimeRange(int64 pair_id,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
int* how_many);
// Increments the count in the row corresponding to |pair_id| by
// |delta|. Removes the row from the table and sets the
// |was_removed| out parameter to true if the count becomes 0.
bool AddToCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int delta, bool* was_removed);
// Gets the pair_id and count entries from name and value specified in
// |element|. Sets *pair_id and *count to 0 if there is no such row in
// the table.
bool GetIDAndCountOfFormElement(const webkit_glue::FormField& element,
int64* pair_id,
int* count);
// Gets the count only given the pair_id.
bool GetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int* count);
// Updates the count entry in the row corresponding to |pair_id| to |count|.
bool SetCountOfFormElement(int64 pair_id, int count);
// Adds a new row to the autofill table with name and value given in
// |element|. Sets *pair_id to the pair_id of the new row.
bool InsertFormElement(const webkit_glue::FormField& element, int64* pair_id);
// Adds a new row to the autofill_dates table.
bool InsertPairIDAndDate(int64 pair_id, base::Time date_created);
// Removes row from the autofill tables given |pair_id|.
bool RemoveFormElementForID(int64 pair_id);
// Removes row from the autofill tables for the given |name| |value| pair.
virtual bool RemoveFormElement(const string16& name, const string16& value);
// Retrieves all of the entries in the autofill table.
virtual bool GetAllAutofillEntries(std::vector<AutofillEntry>* entries);
// Retrieves a single entry from the autofill table.
virtual bool GetAutofillTimestamps(const string16& name,
const string16& value,
std::vector<base::Time>* timestamps);
// Replaces existing autofill entries with the entries supplied in
// the argument. If the entry does not already exist, it will be
// added.
virtual bool UpdateAutofillEntries(const std::vector<AutofillEntry>& entries);
// Records a single AutoFill profile in the autofill_profiles table.
virtual bool AddAutoFillProfile(const AutoFillProfile& profile);
// Updates the database values for the specified profile.
virtual bool UpdateAutoFillProfile(const AutoFillProfile& profile);
// Removes a row from the autofill_profiles table. |guid| is the identifier
// of the profile to remove.
virtual bool RemoveAutoFillProfile(const std::string& guid);
// Retrieves a profile with label |label|. The caller owns |profile|.
// DEPRECATED: In favor of |GetAutoFillProfileForGUID(...)|.
// TODO(dhollowa): Remove labels.
bool GetAutoFillProfileForLabel(const string16& label,
AutoFillProfile** profile);
// Retrieves a profile with guid |guid|. The caller owns |profile|.
bool GetAutoFillProfileForGUID(const std::string& guid,
AutoFillProfile** profile);
// Retrieves all profiles in the database. Caller owns the returned profiles.
virtual bool GetAutoFillProfiles(std::vector<AutoFillProfile*>* profiles);
// Records a single credit card in the credit_cards table.
bool AddCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Updates the database values for the specified credit card.
bool UpdateCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Removes a row from the credit_cards table. |guid| is the identifer of the
// credit card to remove.
bool RemoveCreditCard(const std::string& guid);
// Retrieves a credit card with label |label|. The caller owns
// |credit_card_id|.
// DEPRECATED: In favor of |GetCreditCardForGUID()|.
// TODO(dhollowa): Remove labels.
bool GetCreditCardForLabel(const string16& label,
CreditCard** credit_card);
// Retrieves a credit card with guid |guid|. The caller owns
// |credit_card_id|.
bool GetCreditCardForGUID(const std::string& guid, CreditCard** credit_card);
// Retrieves all credit cards in the database. Caller owns the returned
// credit cards.
virtual bool GetCreditCards(std::vector<CreditCard*>* credit_cards);
// Removes rows from autofill_profiles and credit_cards if they were created
// on or after |delete_begin| and strictly before |delete_end|.
bool RemoveAutoFillProfilesAndCreditCardsModifiedBetween(
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end);
// Web Apps
bool SetWebAppImage(const GURL& url, const SkBitmap& image);
bool GetWebAppImages(const GURL& url, std::vector<SkBitmap>* images);
bool SetWebAppHasAllImages(const GURL& url, bool has_all_images);
bool GetWebAppHasAllImages(const GURL& url);
bool RemoveWebApp(const GURL& url);
// Token Service
// Remove all tokens previously set with SetTokenForService.
bool RemoveAllTokens();
// Retrieves all tokens previously set with SetTokenForService.
// Returns true if there were tokens and we decrypted them,
// false if there was a failure somehow
bool GetAllTokens(std::map<std::string, std::string>* tokens);
// Store a token in the token_service table. Stored encrypted. May cause
// a mac keychain popup.
// True if we encrypted a token and stored it, false otherwise.
bool SetTokenForService(const std::string& service,
const std::string& token);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, Autofill);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, Autofill_AddChanges);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, Autofill_RemoveBetweenChanges);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, Autofill_UpdateDontReplace);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, Autofill_AddFormFieldValues);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, AutoFillProfile);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, CreditCard);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, UpdateAutoFillProfile);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebDatabaseTest, UpdateCreditCard);
// Methods for adding autofill entries at a specified time. For
// testing only.
bool AddFormFieldValuesTime(
const std::vector<webkit_glue::FormField>& elements,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes,
base::Time time);
bool AddFormFieldValueTime(const webkit_glue::FormField& element,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes,
base::Time time);
// Removes empty values for autofill that were incorrectly stored in the DB
// (see bug
// TODO(jcampan): remove when we think all users have
// run this code.
bool ClearAutofillEmptyValueElements();
// Insert a single AutofillEntry into the autofill/autofill_dates tables.
bool InsertAutofillEntry(const AutofillEntry& entry);
bool InitKeywordsTable();
bool InitLoginsTable();
bool InitAutofillTable();
bool InitAutofillDatesTable();
bool InitAutoFillProfilesTable();
bool InitCreditCardsTable();
bool InitTokenServiceTable();
bool InitWebAppIconsTable();
bool InitWebAppsTable();
// Used by |Init()| to migration database schema from older versions to
// current version.
sql::InitStatus MigrateOldVersionsAsNeeded();
sql::Connection db_;
sql::MetaTable meta_table_;
scoped_ptr<NotificationService> notification_service_;