blob: b20dc5fce96dc768b02841e70f1173b6dc525444 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/file_util_proxy.h"
#include "base/nullable_string16.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "base/sync_socket.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
#include "chrome/common/geoposition.h"
#include "chrome/common/nacl_types.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_type.h"
#include "chrome/common/page_zoom.h"
#include "chrome/common/translate_errors.h"
#include "chrome/common/window_container_type.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_buffers_state.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFindOptions.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebMediaPlayerAction.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScreenInfo.h"
#include "webkit/glue/context_menu.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webdropdata.h"
#include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugininfo.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
#include "base/file_descriptor_posix.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "chrome/common/font_descriptor_mac.h"
// TODO(mpcomplete): rename ViewMsg and ViewHostMsg to something that makes
// more sense with our current design.
// IPC_MESSAGE macros choke on extra , in the std::map, when expanding. We need
// to typedef it to avoid that.
// Substitution map for l10n messages.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> SubstitutionMap;
class Value;
class GPUInfo;
class SkBitmap;
struct ThumbnailScore;
class WebCursor;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace IPC {
struct ChannelHandle;
class Message;
namespace webkit_blob {
class BlobData;
namespace file_util {
struct FileInfo;
#define IPC_MESSAGE_START ViewMsgStart
// RenderView messages
// These are messages sent from the browser to the renderer process.
// Used typically when recovering from a crash. The new rendering process
// sets its global "next page id" counter to the given value.
int32 /* next_page_id */)
// Sends System Colors corresponding to a set of CSS color keywords
// down the pipe.
// This message must be sent to the renderer immediately on launch
// before creating any new views.
// The message can also be sent during a renderer's lifetime if system colors
// are updated.
// TODO(jeremy): Possibly change IPC format once we have this all hooked up.
// Asks the browser for a unique routing ID.
int /* routing_id */)
// Tells the renderer to create a new view.
// This message is slightly different, the view it takes (via
// ViewMsg_New_Params) is the view to create, the message itself is sent as a
// non-view control message.
// Tells the renderer to set its maximum cache size to the supplied value.
size_t /* min_dead_capacity */,
size_t /* max_dead_capacity */,
size_t /* capacity */)
// Tells the renderer to cleat the cache.
// Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_ShowView or ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget.
// similar to the new command, but used when the renderer created a view
// first, and we need to update it.
gfx::NativeViewId /* parent_hwnd */)
// Sends updated preferences to the renderer.
// Tells the renderer to perform the given action on the media player
// located at the given point.
gfx::Point, /* location */
// Tells the render view to close.
// Tells the render view to change its size. A ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message
// is generated in response provided new_size is not empty and not equal to
// the view's current size. The generated ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message will
// have the IS_RESIZE_ACK flag set. It also receives the resizer rect so that
// we don't have to fetch it every time WebKit asks for it.
gfx::Size /* new_size */,
gfx::Rect /* resizer_rect */)
// Sent to inform the view that it was hidden. This allows it to reduce its
// resource utilization.
// Tells the render view that it is no longer hidden (see WasHidden), and the
// render view is expected to respond with a full repaint if needs_repainting
// is true. In that case, the generated ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message will
// have the IS_RESTORE_ACK flag set. If needs_repainting is false, then this
// message does not trigger a message in response.
bool /* needs_repainting */)
// Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The
// render view responds with a ViewHostMsg_Thumbnail.
// Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The
// render view responds with a ViewHostMsg_Snapshot.
// Tells the render view to switch the CSS to print media type, renders every
// requested pages and switch back the CSS to display media type.
// Tells the render view that printing is done so it can clean up.
int /* document_cookie */,
bool /* success */)
// Tells the render view to switch the CSS to print media type, renders every
// requested pages for print preview.
// Sends back to the browser the rendered "printed document" for preview that
// was requested by a ViewMsg_PrintPreview message. The memory handle in this
// message is already valid in the browser process.
ViewHostMsg_DidPreviewDocument_Params /* params */)
// Tells the renderer to dump as much memory as it can, perhaps because we
// have memory pressure or the renderer is (or will be) paged out. This
// should only result in purging objects we can recalculate, e.g. caches or
// JS garbage, not in purging irreplaceable objects.
// Sent to render the view into the supplied transport DIB, resize
// the web widget to match the |page_size|, scale it by the
// appropriate scale to make it fit the |desired_size|, and return
// it. In response to this message, the host generates a
// ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK message. Note that the DIB *must* be
// the right size to receive an RGBA image at the |desired_size|.
// |tag| is sent along with ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK unmodified to
// identify the PaintAtSize message the ACK belongs to.
TransportDIB::Handle /* dib_handle */,
int /* tag */,
gfx::Size /* page_size */,
gfx::Size /* desired_size */)
// Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message was processed.
// This signals the render view that it can send another UpdateRect message.
// Message payload includes:
// 1. A blob that should be cast to WebInputEvent
// 2. An optional boolean value indicating if a RawKeyDown event is associated
// to a keyboard shortcut of the browser.
// This message notifies the renderer that the next key event is bound to one
// or more pre-defined edit commands. If the next key event is not handled
// by webkit, the specified edit commands shall be executed against current
// focused frame.
// Parameters
// * edit_commands (see chrome/common/edit_command_types.h)
// Contains one or more edit commands.
// See third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/editing/EditorCommand.cpp for detailed
// definition of webkit edit commands.
// This message must be sent just before sending a key event.
std::vector<EditCommand> /* edit_commands */)
// Message payload is the name/value of a WebCore edit command to execute.
std::string, /* name */
std::string /* value */)
// TODO(darin): figure out how this meshes with RestoreFocus
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetFocus, bool /* enable */)
// Tells the renderer to focus the first (last if reverse is true) focusable
// node.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInitialFocus, bool /* reverse */)
// Tells the renderer to scroll the currently focused node into view only if
// the currently focused node is a Text node (textfield, text area or content
// editable divs).
// Tells the renderer to perform the specified navigation, interrupting any
// existing navigation.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Navigate, ViewMsg_Navigate_Params)
// Tells the renderer to reload the current focused frame
// This message notifies the renderer that the user has closed the FindInPage
// window (and what action to take regarding the selection).
ViewMsg_StopFinding_Params /* action */)
// These messages are typically generated from context menus and request the
// renderer to apply the specified operation to the current selection.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Replaces the selected region or a word around the cursor with the
// specified string.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Replace, string16)
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ToggleSpellPanel, bool)
// This message tells the renderer to advance to the next misspelling. It is
// sent when the user clicks the "Find Next" button on the spelling panel.
// Copies the image at location x, y to the clipboard (if there indeed is an
// image at that location).
int /* x */,
int /* y */)
// History system notification that the visited link database has been
// replaced. It has one SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the table
// handle. This handle is valid in the context of the renderer
IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_NewTable, base::SharedMemoryHandle)
// History system notification that a link has been added and the link
// coloring state for the given hash must be re-calculated.
IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_Add, std::vector<uint64>)
// History system notification that one or more history items have been
// deleted, which at this point means that all link coloring state must be
// re-calculated.
// Notification that the user scripts have been updated. It has one
// SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the pickled script data. This
// handle is valid in the context of the renderer.
// Sent when the user wants to search for a word on the page (find in page).
int /* request_id */,
string16 /* search_text */,
// Send from the renderer to the browser to return the script running result.
int, /* request id */
bool /* whether the script ran successfully */)
// Sent when the headers are available for a resource request.
int /* request_id */,
// Sent when cached metadata from a resource request is ready.
int /* request_id */,
std::vector<char> /* data */)
// Sent as upload progress is being made.
int /* request_id */,
int64 /* position */,
int64 /* size */)
// Sent when the request has been redirected. The receiver is expected to
// respond with either a FollowRedirect message (if the redirect is to be
// followed) or a CancelRequest message (if it should not be followed).
int /* request_id */,
GURL /* new_url */,
// Sent when some data from a resource request is ready. The handle should
// already be mapped into the process that receives this message.
int /* request_id */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* data */,
int /* data_len */)
// Sent when some data from a resource request has been downloaded to
// file. This is only called in the 'download_to_file' case and replaces
// ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived in the call sequence in that case.
int /* request_id */,
int /* data_len */)
// Sent when the request has been completed.
int /* request_id */,
net::URLRequestStatus /* status */,
std::string /* security info */,
base::Time /* completion_time */)
// Sent when user prompting is required before a ViewHostMsg_GetCookies
// message can complete. This message indicates that the renderer should
// pump messages while waiting for cookies.
// Request for the renderer to evaluate an xpath to a frame and execute a
// javascript: url in that frame's context. The message is completely
// asynchronous and no corresponding response message is sent back.
// frame_xpath contains the modified xpath notation to identify an inner
// subframe (starting from the root frame). It is a concatenation of
// number of smaller xpaths delimited by '\n'. Each chunk in the string can
// be evaluated to a frame in its parent-frame's context.
// Example: /html/body/iframe/\n/html/body/div/iframe/\n/frameset/frame[0]
// can be broken into 3 xpaths
// /html/body/iframe evaluates to an iframe within the root frame
// /html/body/div/iframe evaluates to an iframe within the level-1 iframe
// /frameset/frame[0] evaluates to first frame within the level-2 iframe
// jscript_url is the string containing the javascript: url to be executed
// in the target frame's context. The string should start with "javascript:"
// and continue with a valid JS text.
// If the fourth parameter is true the result is sent back to the renderer
// using the message ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse.
// ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse is passed the ID parameter so that the
// client can uniquely identify the request.
string16, /* frame_xpath */
string16, /* jscript_url */
int, /* ID */
bool /* If true, result is sent back. */)
// Request for the renderer to evaluate an xpath to a frame and insert css
// into that frame's document. See ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest for details on
// allowed xpath expressions.
std::wstring, /* frame_xpath */
std::string, /* css string */
std::string /* element id */)
// Log a message to the console of the target frame
string16 /* frame_xpath */,
string16 /* message */,
WebKit::WebConsoleMessage::Level /* message_level */)
// RenderViewHostDelegate::RenderViewCreated method sends this message to a
// new renderer to notify it that it will host developer tools UI and should
// set up all neccessary bindings and create DevToolsClient instance that
// will handle communication with inspected page DevToolsAgent.
// Change the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually
// changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser
// telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is.
PageZoom::Function /* function */)
// Set the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually
// changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser
// telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is.
double /* zoom_level */)
// Set the zoom level for a particular url that the renderer is in the
// process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits
// and ignored otherwise.
GURL /* url */,
double /* zoom_level */)
// Set the zoom level for a particular url, so all render views
// displaying this url can update their zoom levels to match.
GURL /* url */,
double /* zoom_level */)
// Set the content settings for a particular url that the renderer is in the
// process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits
// and ignored otherwise.
GURL /* url */,
ContentSettings /* content_settings */)
// Set the content settings for a particular url, so all render views
// displaying this host url update their content settings to match.
GURL /* url */,
ContentSettings /* content_settings */)
// Change encoding of page in the renderer.
std::string /*new encoding name*/)
// Reset encoding of page in the renderer back to default.
// Requests the renderer to reserve a range of page ids.
int /* size_of_range */)
// D&d drop target messages.
WebDropData /* drop_data */,
gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */)
gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */)
gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
gfx::Point /* screen_pt */)
// Notifies the renderer of updates in mouse position of an in-progress
// drag. if |ended| is true, then the user has ended the drag operation.
gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
bool /* ended */,
WebKit::WebDragOperation /* drag_operation */)
// Notifies the renderer that the system DoDragDrop call has ended.
// Used to tell a render view whether it should expose various bindings
// that allow JS content extended privileges. See BindingsPolicy for valid
// flag values.
int /* enabled_bindings_flags */)
// Tell the renderer to add a property to the WebUI binding object. This
// only works if we allowed WebUI bindings.
std::string /* property_name */,
std::string /* property_value_json */)
// This message starts/stop monitoring the input method status of the focused
// edit control of a renderer process.
// Parameters
// * is_active (bool)
// Indicates if an input method is active in the browser process.
// The possible actions when a renderer process receives this message are
// listed below:
// Value Action
// true Start sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState
// to notify the input method status of the focused edit control.
// false Stop sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState.
bool /* is_active */)
// This message sends a string being composed with an input method.
string16, /* text */
std::vector<WebKit::WebCompositionUnderline>, /* underlines */
int, /* selectiont_start */
int /* selection_end */)
// This message confirms an ongoing composition.
string16 /* text */)
// This passes a set of webkit preferences down to the renderer.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_UpdateWebPreferences, WebPreferences)
// Used to notify the render-view that the browser has received a reply for
// the Find operation and is interested in receiving the next one. This is
// used to prevent the renderer from spamming the browser process with
// results.
// Used to notify the render-view that we have received a target URL. Used
// to prevent target URLs spamming the browser.
// Sets the alternate error page URL (link doctor) for the renderer process.
// Install the first missing pluign.
// Tells the renderer to empty its plugin list cache, optional reloading
// pages containing plugins.
bool /* reload_pages */)
// Tells the render view to load all blocked plugins.
// Tells the render view a prerendered page is about to be displayed.
std::vector<FilePath> /* selected files */)
// Used to instruct the RenderView to go into "view source" mode.
// Get all savable resource links from current webpage, include main
// frame and sub-frame.
GURL /* url of page which is needed to save */)
// Get html data by serializing all frames of current page with lists
// which contain all resource links that have local copy.
std::vector<GURL> /* urls that have local copy */,
std::vector<FilePath> /* paths of local copy */,
FilePath /* local directory path */)
// Requests application info for the page. The renderer responds back with
// ViewHostMsg_DidGetApplicationInfo.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_GetApplicationInfo, int32 /*page_id*/)
// Requests the renderer to download the specified favicon image encode it as
// PNG and send the PNG data back ala ViewHostMsg_DidDownloadFavIcon.
int /* identifier for the request */,
GURL /* URL of the image */,
int /* Size of the image. Normally 0, but set if you have
a preferred image size to request, such as when
downloading the favicon */)
// When a renderer sends a ViewHostMsg_Focus to the browser process,
// the browser has the option of sending a ViewMsg_CantFocus back to
// the renderer.
// Instructs the renderer to invoke the frame's shouldClose method, which
// runs the onbeforeunload event handler. Expects the result to be returned
// via ViewHostMsg_ShouldClose.
// Instructs the renderer to close the current page, including running the
// onunload event handler. See the struct in render_messages.h for more.
// Expects a ClosePage_ACK message when finished, where the parameters are
// echoed back.
// Asks the renderer to send back stats on the WebCore cache broken down by
// resource types.
// Asks the renderer to send back Histograms.
int /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */)
#if defined(USE_TCMALLOC)
// Asks the renderer to send back tcmalloc stats.
// Asks the renderer to send back V8 heap stats.
// Notifies the renderer about ui theme changes
// Notifies the renderer that a paint is to be generated for the rectangle
// passed in.
gfx::Size /* The view size to be repainted */)
// Posts a message to the renderer.
std::string /* The message */,
std::string /* The origin */,
std::string /* The target*/)
// Sent to the renderer when a popup window should no longer count against
// the current popup count (either because it's not a popup or because it was
// a generated by a user action or because a constrained popup got turned
// into a full window).
// The browser sends this to a renderer process in response to a
// GpuHostMsg_EstablishGpuChannel message.
IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle to channel */,
GPUInfo /* stats about GPU process*/)
// Notifies the renderer of the appcache that has been selected for a
// a particular host. This is sent in reply to AppCacheMsg_SelectCache.
int /* host_id */,
// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache status change.
std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache event other than the
// progress event which has a seperate message.
std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache progress event.
std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
GURL /* url being processed */,
int /* total */,
int /* complete */)
// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache error event.
std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
std::string /* error_message */)
// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache logging message.
int /* host_id */,
int /* log_level */,
std::string /* message */)
// Notifies the renderer of the fact that AppCache access was blocked.
int /* host_id */,
GURL /* manifest_url */)
// Sent by the Browser process to alert a window about whether a it should
// allow a scripted window.close(). The renderer assumes every new window is a
// blocked popup until notified otherwise.
bool /* script_can_close */)
// Sent by AudioRendererHost to renderer to request an audio packet.
int /* stream id */,
// Tell the renderer process that the audio stream has been created, renderer
// process would be given a ShareMemoryHandle that it should write to from
// then on.
int /* stream id */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
uint32 /* length */)
// Tell the renderer process that a low latency audio stream has been created,
// renderer process would be given a SyncSocket that it should write to from
// then on.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
int /* stream id */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
base::SyncSocket::Handle /* socket handle */,
uint32 /* length */)
int /* stream id */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
base::FileDescriptor /* socket handle */,
uint32 /* length */)
// Notification message sent from AudioRendererHost to renderer for state
// update after the renderer has requested a Create/Start/Close.
int /* stream id */,
ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params /* new state */)
int /* stream id */,
double /* volume */)
// Notification that a move or resize renderer's containing window has
// started.
// The browser sends this message in response to all extension api calls.
int /* request_id */,
bool /* success */,
std::string /* response */,
std::string /* error */)
// This message is optionally routed. If used as a control message, it
// will call a javascript function in every registered context in the
// target process. If routed, it will be restricted to the contexts that
// are part of the target RenderView.
// If |extension_id| is non-empty, the function will be invoked only in
// contexts owned by the extension. |args| is a list of primitive Value types
// that are passed to the function.
std::string /* extension_id */,
std::string /* function_name */,
ListValue /* args */,
GURL /* event URL */)
// Tell the renderer process all known extension function names.
// TODO(aa): SetAPIPermissions, SetHostPermissions, and possibly
// UpdatePageActions should be replaced with just sending additional data in
// ExtensionLoaded. See:
// Tell the renderer process which permissions the given extension has. See
// Extension::Permissions for which elements correspond to which permissions.
std::string /* extension_id */,
std::set<std::string> /* permissions */)
// Tell the renderer process which host permissions the given extension has.
GURL /* source extension's origin */,
std::vector<URLPattern> /* URLPatterns the extension can access */)
// Tell the renderer process all known page action ids for a particular
// extension.
std::string /* extension_id */,
std::vector<std::string> /* page_action_ids */)
// Notifies the renderer that an extension was loaded in the browser.
IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_ExtensionLoaded, ViewMsg_ExtensionLoaded_Params);
// Notifies the renderer that an extension was unloaded in the browser.
IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_ExtensionUnloaded, std::string);
// Updates the scripting whitelist for extensions in the render process. This is
// only used for testing.
Extension::ScriptingWhitelist /* extenison ids */);
// Changes the text direction of the currently selected input field (if any).
WebKit::WebTextDirection /* direction */)
// Tells the renderer to clear the focused node (if any).
// Make the RenderView transparent and render it onto a custom background. The
// background will be tiled in both directions if it is not large enough.
SkBitmap /* background */)
// Reply to ViewHostMsg_RequestMove, ViewHostMsg_ShowView, and
// ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget to inform the renderer that the browser has
// processed the move. The browser may have ignored the move, but it finished
// processing. This is used because the renderer keeps a temporary cache of
// the widget position while these asynchronous operations are in progress.
// Used to instruct the RenderView to send back updates to the preferred size.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode, int /*flags*/)
string16 /* value */,
bool /* verbatim */,
int /* selection_start */,
int /* selection_end */)
string16 /* value */,
bool /* verbatim */)
gfx::Rect /* search_box_bounds */)
string16 /* value*/,
bool /* verbatim */,
int /* selection_start */,
int /* selection_end */)
// Used to tell the renderer not to add scrollbars with height and
// width below a threshold.
gfx::Size /* disable_scrollbar_size_limit */)
// Used to inform the renderer that the browser has displayed its
// requested notification.
int /* notification_id */)
// Used to inform the renderer that the browser has encountered an error
// trying to display a notification.
int /* notification_id */,
string16 /* message */)
// Informs the renderer that the one if its notifications has closed.
int /* notification_id */,
bool /* by_user */)
// Informs the renderer that one of its notifications was clicked on.
int /* notification_id */)
// Informs the renderer that the one if its notifications has closed.
int /* request_id */)
// Activate/deactivate the RenderView (i.e., set its controls' tint
// accordingly, etc.).
bool /* active */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Let the RenderView know its window has changed visibility.
bool /* visibile */)
// Let the RenderView know its window's frame has changed.
gfx::Rect /* window frame */,
gfx::Rect /* content view frame */)
// Tell the renderer that plugin IME has completed.
string16 /* text */,
int /* plugin_id */)
// Response message to ViewHostMsg_CreateShared/DedicatedWorker.
// Sent when the worker has started.
// Tell the renderer which browser window it's being attached to.
int /* id of browser window */)
// Tell the renderer which type this view is.
ViewType::Type /* view_type */)
// Notification that renderer should run some JavaScript code.
// Tell the renderer process to begin or end IPC message logging.
bool /* on or off */)
// Socket Stream messages:
// These are messages from the browser to the SocketStreamHandle on
// a renderer.
// A |socket_id| is assigned by ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_Connect.
// The Socket Stream is connected. The SocketStreamHandle should keep track
// of how much it has pending (how much it has requested to be sent) and
// shouldn't go over |max_pending_send_allowed| bytes.
int /* socket_id */,
int /* max_pending_send_allowed */)
// |data| is received on the Socket Stream.
int /* socket_id */,
std::vector<char> /* data */)
// |amount_sent| bytes of data requested by
// ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_SendData has been sent on the Socket Stream.
int /* socket_id */,
int /* amount_sent */)
// The Socket Stream is closed.
int /* socket_id */)
// SpellChecker messages.
// Passes some initialization params to the renderer's spellchecker. This can
// be called directly after startup or in (async) response to a
// RequestDictionary ViewHost message.
IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* bdict_file */,
std::vector<std::string> /* custom_dict_words */,
std::string /* language */,
bool /* auto spell correct */)
// A word has been added to the custom dictionary; update the local custom
// word list.
std::string /* word */)
// Toggle the auto spell correct functionality.
bool /* enable */)
// Executes custom context menu action that was provided from WebKit.
webkit_glue::CustomContextMenuContext /* custom_context */,
unsigned /* action */)
// Tells the renderer to translate the page contents from one language to
// another.
int /* page id */,
std::string, /* the script injected in the page */
std::string, /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code the page
is in */
std::string /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code to translate
to */)
// Tells the renderer to revert the text of translated page to its original
// contents.
int /* page id */)
// Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_RequestPermission.
int /* bridge_id */,
bool /* is_allowed */)
// Sent after ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_StartUpdating iff the user has granted
// permission and we have a position available or an error occurs (such as
// permission denied, position unavailable, etc.)
Geoposition /* geoposition */)
// Sent on process startup to indicate whether this process is running in
// incognito mode.
bool /* is_incognito_processs */)
// Enable accessibility in the renderer process.
// Relay a request from assistive technology to set focus to a given node.
int /* object id */)
// Relay a request from assistive technology to perform the default action
// on a given node.
int /* object id */)
// Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotifications
// message was processed and it can send addition notifications.
// Notification that the device's orientation has changed.
// WebFrameClient::openFileSystem response messages.
int /* request_id */,
bool /* accepted */,
std::string /* name */,
FilePath /* root_path */)
// WebFileSystem response messages.
int /* request_id */)
int /* request_id */,
int /* request_id */,
std::vector<base::FileUtilProxy::Entry> /* entries */,
bool /* has_more */)
int /* request_id */,
int64 /* byte count */,
bool /* complete */)
int /* request_id */,
base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
// The response to ViewHostMsg_AsyncOpenFile.
base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */,
IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* file descriptor */,
int /* message_id */)
// A classification model for client-side phishing detection.
// The given file contains an encoded safe_browsing::ClientSideModel
// protocol buffer.
IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* model_file */)
// Tells the renderer to begin phishing detection for the given toplevel URL
// which it has started loading.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_StartPhishingDetection, GURL)
// External popup menus.
int /* selected index, -1 means no selection */)
// Indicate whether speech input API is enabled or not.
bool /* enabled */)
// Sent in response to a ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu to let the renderer know that
// the menu has been closed.
webkit_glue::CustomContextMenuContext /* custom_context */)
// TabContents messages
// These are messages sent from the renderer to the browser process.
// Sent by the renderer when it is creating a new window. The browser creates
// a tab for it and responds with a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK. If route_id is
// MSG_ROUTING_NONE, the view couldn't be created.
int /* route_id */,
int64 /* cloned_session_storage_namespace_id */)
// Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow, except used for sub-widgets, like
// <select> dropdowns. This message is sent to the TabContents that
// contains the widget being created.
int /* opener_id */,
WebKit::WebPopupType /* popup type */,
int /* route_id */)
// Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWidget except the widget is a full screen
// window.
int /* opener_id */,
int /* route_id */)
// These three messages are sent to the parent RenderViewHost to display the
// page/widget that was created by
// CreateWindow/CreateWidget/CreateFullscreenWidget. routing_id
// refers to the id that was returned from the Create message above.
// The initial_position parameter is a rectangle in screen coordinates.
// FUTURE: there will probably be flags here to control if the result is
// in a new window.
int /* route_id */,
WindowOpenDisposition /* disposition */,
gfx::Rect /* initial_pos */,
bool /* opened_by_user_gesture */)
int /* route_id */,
gfx::Rect /* initial_pos */)
// Message to show a full screen widget.
int /* route_id */)
// Message to show a popup menu using native cocoa controls (Mac only).
// This message is sent after ViewHostMsg_ShowView to cause the RenderView
// to run in a modal fashion until it is closed.
WebKit::WebCache::UsageStats /* stats */)
// Indicates the renderer is ready in response to a ViewMsg_New or
// a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK.
// Indicates the renderer process is gone. This actually is sent by the
// browser process to itself, but keeps the interface cleaner.
int, /* this really is base::TerminationStatus */
int /* exit_code */)
// Sent by the renderer process to request that the browser close the view.
// This corresponds to the window.close() API, and the browser may ignore
// this message. Otherwise, the browser will generates a ViewMsg_Close
// message to close the view.
// Sent by the renderer process to request that the browser move the view.
// This corresponds to the window.resizeTo() and window.moveTo() APIs, and
// the browser may ignore this message.
gfx::Rect /* position */)
// Notifies the browser that a frame in the view has changed. This message
// has a lot of parameters and is packed/unpacked by functions defined in
// render_messages.h.
// Notifies the browser that we have session history information.
// page_id: unique ID that allows us to distinguish between history entries.
int32 /* page_id */,
std::string /* state */)
// Notifies the browser that a document has been loaded in a frame.
int64 /* frame_id */)
// Notifies the browser that a frame finished loading.
int64 /* frame_id */)
// Changes the title for the page in the UI when the page is navigated or the
// title changes.
// TODO(darin): use a UTF-8 string to reduce data size
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle, int32, std::wstring)
// Changes the icon url for the page in the UI.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateIconURL, int32, GURL)
// Change the encoding name of the page in UI when the page has detected
// proper encoding name.
std::string /* new encoding name */)
// Notifies the browser that we want to show a destination url for a potential
// action (e.g. when the user is hovering over a link).
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL, int32, GURL)
// Sent when the renderer starts loading the page. This corresponds to
// WebKit's notion of the throbber starting. Note that sometimes you may get
// duplicates of these during a single load.
// Sent when the renderer is done loading a page. This corresponds to WebKit's
// notion of the throbber stopping.
// Sent when the renderer main frame has made progress loading.
double /* load_progress */)
// Sent when the document element is available for the toplevel frame. This
// happens after the page starts loading, but before all resources are
// finished.
// Sent when after the onload handler has been invoked for the document
// in the toplevel frame.
int32 /* page_id */)
// Sent when the renderer loads a resource from its memory cache.
// The security info is non empty if the resource was originally loaded over
// a secure connection.
// Note: May only be sent once per URL per frame per committed load.
GURL /* url */,
std::string /* frame_origin */,
std::string /* main_frame_origin */,
std::string /* security info */)
// Sent when the renderer displays insecure content in a secure page.
// Sent when the renderer runs insecure content in a secure origin.
std::string /* security_origin */,
GURL /* target URL */);
// Sent when the renderer starts a provisional load for a frame.
int64 /* frame_id */,
bool /* true if it is the main frame */,
GURL /* url */)
// Sent when the renderer fails a provisional load with an error.
int64 /* frame_id */,
bool /* true if it is the main frame */,
int /* error_code */,
GURL /* url */,
bool /* true if the failure is the result of
navigating to a POST again and we're going to
show the POST interstitial */)
// Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize message was
// processed, and the DIB is ready for use. |tag| has the same value that
// the tag sent along with ViewMsg_PaintAtSize.
int /* tag */,
gfx::Size /* size */)
// Sent to update part of the view. In response to this message, the host
// generates a ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK message.
// Sent by the renderer when accelerated compositing is enabled or disabled to
// notify the browser whether or not is should do painting.
bool /* true if the accelerated compositor is actve */)
// Acknowledges receipt of a ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent message.
// Payload is a WebInputEvent::Type which is the type of the event, followed
// by an optional WebInputEvent which is provided only if the event was not
// processed.
// Message sent from renderer to the browser when focus changes inside the
// webpage. The parameter says whether the newly focused element needs
// keyboard input (true for textfields, text areas and content editable divs).
bool /* is_editable_node */)
// Returns the window location of the given window.
// TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
// HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
gfx::NativeViewId /* window */,
gfx::Rect /* Out: Window location */)
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_SetCursor, WebCursor)
// Result of string search in the page.
// Response to ViewMsg_Find with the results of the requested find-in-page
// search, the number of matches found and the selection rect (in screen
// coordinates) for the string found. If |final_update| is false, it signals
// that this is not the last Find_Reply message - more will be sent as the
// scoping effort continues.
int /* request_id */,
int /* number of matches */,
gfx::Rect /* selection_rect */,
int /* active_match_ordinal */,
bool /* final_update */)
// Makes a resource request via the browser.
int /* request_id */,
// Cancels a resource request with the ID given as the parameter.
int /* request_id */)
// Follows a redirect that occured for the resource request with the ID given
// as the parameter.
int /* request_id */,
bool /* has_new_first_party_for_cookies */,
GURL /* new_first_party_for_cookies */)
// Makes a synchronous resource request via the browser.
int /* request_id */,
// Used to set a cookie. The cookie is set asynchronously, but will be
// available to a subsequent ViewHostMsg_GetCookies request.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
std::string /* cookie */)
// Used to get cookies for the given URL. This may block waiting for a
// previous SetCookie message to be processed.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
std::string /* cookies */)
// Used to get raw cookie information for the given URL. This may block
// waiting for a previous SetCookie message to be processed.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
/* raw_cookies */)
// Used to delete cookie for the given URL and name
GURL /* url */,
std::string /* cookie_name */)
// Used to check if cookies are enabled for the given URL. This may block
// waiting for a previous SetCookie message to be processed.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
bool /* cookies_enabled */)
// Used to get the list of plugins
bool /* refresh*/,
std::vector<webkit::npapi::WebPluginInfo> /* plugins */)
// Return information about a plugin for the given URL and MIME
// type. If there is no matching plugin, |found| is false. If
// |enabled| in the WebPluginInfo struct is false, the plug-in is
// treated as if it was not installed at all.
// If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK, the plug-in is
// blocked by the content settings for |policy_url|. It still
// appears in navigator.plugins in Javascript though, and can be
// loaded via click-to-play.
// If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW, the domain is
// explicitly white-listed for the plug-in, or the user has chosen
// not to block nonsandboxed plugins.
// If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT, the plug-in is
// neither blocked nor white-listed, which means that it's allowed
// by default and can still be blocked if it's non-sandboxed.
// |actual_mime_type| is the actual mime type supported by the
// plugin found that match the URL given (one for each item in
// |info|).
int /* routing_id */,
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* policy_url */,
std::string /* mime_type */,
bool /* found */,
webkit::npapi::WebPluginInfo /* plugin info */,
ContentSetting /* setting */,
std::string /* actual_mime_type */)
// Requests spellcheck for a word.
string16 /* word to check */,
int /* document tag*/,
int /* misspell location */,
int /* misspell length */)
// Asks the browser for a unique document tag.
int /* the tag */)
// This message tells the spellchecker that a document, identified by an int
// tag, has been closed and all of the ignored words for that document can be
// forgotten.
int /* the tag */)
// Tells the browser to display or not display the SpellingPanel
bool /* if true, then show it, otherwise hide it*/)
// Tells the browser to update the spelling panel with the given word.
string16 /* the word to update the panel with */)
// Tells the browser that content in the current page was blocked due to the
// user's content settings.
ContentSettingsType, /* type of blocked content */
std::string /* resource identifier */)
// Tells the browser that a specific Appcache manifest in the current page
// was accessed.
GURL /* manifest url */,
bool /* blocked by policy */)
// Tells the browser that a specific Web database in the current page was
// accessed.
GURL /* origin url */,
string16 /* database name */,
string16 /* database display name */,
unsigned long /* estimated size */,
bool /* blocked by policy */)
// Initiates a download based on user actions like 'ALT+click'.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* referrer */)
// Used to go to the session history entry at the given offset (ie, -1 will
// return the "back" item).
int /* offset (from current) of history item to get */)
std::wstring /* in - alert message */,
std::wstring /* in - default prompt */,
GURL /* in - originating page URL */,
int /* in - dialog flags */,
bool /* out - success */,
std::wstring /* out - prompt field */)
// Provides the contents for the given page that was loaded recently.
GURL /* URL of the page */,
int32 /* page id */,
string16 /* page contents */,
std::string /* page ISO639_1 language code */,
bool /* whether the page can be translated */)
// Used to get the extension message bundle.
std::string /* extension id */,
SubstitutionMap /* message bundle */)
// Specifies the URL as the first parameter (a wstring) and thumbnail as
// binary data as the second parameter.
GURL /* url */,
ThumbnailScore /* score */,
SkBitmap /* bitmap */)
// Send a snapshot of the tab contents to the render host.
SkBitmap /* bitmap */)
// Notification that the url for the favicon of a site has been determined.
int32 /* page_id */,
GURL /* url of the favicon */)
// Used to tell the parent that the user right clicked on an area of the
// content area, and a context menu should be shown for it. The params
// object contains information about the node(s) that were selected when the
// user right clicked.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu, ContextMenuParams)
// Requests that the given URL be opened in the specified manner.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* referrer */,
WindowOpenDisposition /* disposition */)
// Notifies that the preferred size of the content changed.
gfx::Size /* pref_size */)
// Following message is used to communicate the values received by the
// callback binding the JS to Cpp.
// An instance of browser that has an automation host listening to it can
// have a javascript send a native value (string, number, boolean) to the
// listener in Cpp. (DomAutomationController)
std::string /* json_string */,
int /* automation_id */)
// A message from HTML-based UI. When (trusted) Javascript calls
// send(message, args), this message is sent to the browser.
GURL /* source_url */,
std::string /* message */,
std::string /* args (as a JSON string) */)
// A message for an external host.
std::string /* message */,
std::string /* origin */,
std::string /* target */)
// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
// create a plugin. The browser will create the plugin process if
// necessary, and will return a handle to the channel on success.
// On error an empty string is returned.
int /* routing_id */,
GURL /* url */,
std::string /* mime_type */,
IPC::ChannelHandle /* channel_handle */,
webkit::npapi::WebPluginInfo /* info */)
// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
// create a pepper plugin. The browser will create the plugin process if
// necessary, and will return a handle to the channel on success.
// On error an empty string is returned.
FilePath /* path */,
base::ProcessHandle /* plugin_process_handle */,
IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle to channel */)
// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to start
// a new instance of the Native Client process. The browser will launch
// the process and return a handle to an IMC channel.
std::wstring /* url for the NaCl module */,
int /* socket count */,
/* imc channel handles */,
base::ProcessHandle /* NaCl process handle */,
base::ProcessId /* NaCl process id */)
#if defined(USE_X11)
// A renderer sends this when it needs a browser-side widget for
// hosting a windowed plugin. id is the XID of the plugin window, for which
// the container is created.
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
// Destroy a plugin container previously created using CreatePluginContainer.
// id is the XID of the plugin window corresponding to the container that is
// to be destroyed.
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
// Clipboard IPC messages
// This message is used when the object list does not contain a bitmap.
ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap /* objects */)
// This message is used when the object list contains a bitmap.
// It is synchronized so that the renderer knows when it is safe to
// free the shared memory used to transfer the bitmap.
ui::Clipboard::ObjectMap /* objects */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* bitmap handle */)
std::string /* format */,
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
bool /* result */)
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
string16 /* result */)
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
std::string /* result */)
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
string16 /* markup */,
GURL /* url */)
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
bool /* result */,
std::vector<string16> /* types */,
bool /* contains filenames */)
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
string16 /* type */,
bool /* succeeded */,
string16 /* data */,
string16 /* metadata */)
ui::Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
bool /* result */,
std::vector<string16> /* filenames */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
string16 /* text */)
// Request that the browser load a font into shared memory for us.
FontDescriptor /* font to load */,
uint32 /* buffer size */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* font data */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Request that the given font be loaded by the browser so it's cached by the
// OS. Please see ChildProcessHost::PreCacheFont for details.
LOGFONT /* font data */)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// Returns WebScreenInfo corresponding to the view.
// TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
// HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
gfx::NativeViewId /* view */,
WebKit::WebScreenInfo /* results */)
// Send the tooltip text for the current mouse position to the browser.
std::wstring /* tooltip text string */,
WebKit::WebTextDirection /* text direction hint */)
// Notification that the text selection has changed.
std::string /* currently selected text */)
// Asks the browser to display the file chooser. The result is returned in a
// ViewHost_RunFileChooserResponse message.
// Used to tell the parent the user started dragging in the content area. The
// WebDropData struct contains contextual information about the pieces of the
// page the user dragged. The parent uses this notification to initiate a
// drag session at the OS level.
WebDropData /* drop_data */,
WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */,
SkBitmap /* image */,
gfx::Point /* image_offset */)
// The page wants to update the mouse cursor during a drag & drop operation.
// |is_drop_target| is true if the mouse is over a valid drop target.
WebKit::WebDragOperation /* drag_operation */)
// Tells the browser to move the focus to the next (previous if reverse is
// true) focusable element.
IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus, bool /* reverse */)
// Notification that the page has an OpenSearch description document
// associated with it.
int32 /* page_id */,
GURL /* url of OS description document */,
// Find out if the given url's security origin is installed as a search
// provider.
GURL /* page url */,
GURL /* inquiry url */,
ViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState_Params /* install */)
// Required for updating text input state.
WebKit::WebTextInputType, /* text_input_type */
gfx::Rect /* caret_rect */)
// Required for cancelling an ongoing input method composition.
// Tells the browser that the renderer is done calculating the number of
// rendered pages according to the specified settings.
int /* rendered document cookie */,
int /* number of rendered pages */)
// Sends back to the browser the rendered "printed page" that was requested by
// a ViewMsg_PrintPage message or from scripted printing. The memory handle in
// this message is already valid in the browser process.
ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage_Params /* page content */)
// The renderer wants to know the default print settings.
ViewMsg_Print_Params /* default_settings */)
// It's the renderer that controls the printing process when it is generated
// by javascript. This step is about showing UI to the user to select the
// final print settings. The output parameter is the same as
// ViewMsg_PrintPages which is executed implicitly.
/* settings chosen by the user*/)
// WebKit and JavaScript error messages to log to the console
// or debugger UI.
std::wstring, /* msg */
int32, /* line number */
std::wstring /* source id */)
// Stores new inspector setting in the profile.
std::string, /* key */
std::string /* value */)
// Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the DevToolsClient on
// DevToolsAgent->browser hop.
IPC::Message /* one of DevToolsClientMsg_XXX types */)
// Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the DevToolsAgent on
// DevToolsClient->browser hop.
IPC::Message /* one of DevToolsAgentMsg_XXX types */)
// Activates (brings to the front) corresponding dev tools window.
// Closes dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
// Attaches dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
// Detaches dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
// Updates runtime features store in devtools manager in order to support
// cross-navigation instrumentation.
std::string /* name */,
std::string /* value */)
// Send back a string to be recorded by UserMetrics.
std::string /* action */)
// Send back histograms as vector of pickled-histogram strings.
int, /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */
#if defined USE_TCMALLOC
// Send back tcmalloc stats output.
int /* pid */,
std::string /* tcmalloc debug output */)
// Sends back stats about the V8 heap.
int /* size of heap (allocated from the OS) */,
int /* bytes in use */)
// Request for a DNS prefetch of the names in the array.
// NameList is typedef'ed std::vector<std::string>
std::vector<std::string> /* hostnames */)
// Notifies when default plugin updates status of the missing plugin.
int /* status */)
// Sent by the renderer process to indicate that a plugin instance has
// crashed.
FilePath /* plugin_path */)
// Notifies when a plugin couldn't be loaded because it's outdated.
string16, /* name */
GURL /* update_url */)
// Displays a JavaScript out-of-memory message in the infobar.
// Displays a box to confirm that the user wants to navigate away from the
// page. Replies true if yes, false otherwise, the reply string is ignored,
// but is included so that we can use OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed.
GURL, /* in - originating frame URL */
std::wstring /* in - alert message */,
bool /* out - success */,
std::wstring /* out - This is ignored.*/)
std::vector<GURL> /* all savable resource links */,
std::vector<GURL> /* all referrers of resource links */,
std::vector<GURL> /* all frame links */)
GURL /* frame's url */,
std::string /* data buffer */,
int32 /* complete status */)
GURL /* url */,
int /* width */,
int /* height */,
std::string /* json_arguments */,
std::string /* json_retval */)
int32 /* page_id */,
// Sent by the renderer to implement
// Provides the result from running OnMsgShouldClose. |proceed| matches the
// return value of the the frame's shouldClose method (which includes the
// onbeforeunload handler): true if the user decided to proceed with leaving
// the page.
bool /* proceed */)
// Indicates that the current page has been closed, after a ClosePage
// message. The parameters are just echoed from the ClosePage request.
int /* Identifier of the request */,
GURL /* URL of the image */,
bool /* true if there was a network error */,
SkBitmap /* image_data */)
// Get the CPBrowsingContext associated with the renderer sending this
// message.
uint32 /* context */)
// Sent when the renderer process is done processing a DataReceived
// message.
int /* request_id */)
FilePath /* path */)
// Sent when the renderer has processed a DataDownloaded message.
int /* request_id */)
// Sent when the renderer process deletes a resource loader.
int /* request_id */)
// Sent when a provisional load on the main frame redirects.
int /* page_id */,
GURL /* last url */,
GURL /* url redirected to */)
// Sent by the renderer process to acknowledge receipt of a
// UploadProgress message.
int /* request_id */)
// Sent when the renderer changes the zoom level for a particular url, so the
// browser can update its records. If remember is true, then url is used to
// update the zoom level for all pages in that site. Otherwise, the render
// view's id is used so that only the menu is updated.
double /* zoom_level */,
bool /* remember */,
GURL /* url */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Duplicates a shared memory handle from the renderer to the browser. Then
// the renderer can flush the handle.
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* renderer handle */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
#if defined(USE_X11)
// Asks the browser to create a temporary file for the renderer to fill
// in resulting NativeMetafile in printing.
base::FileDescriptor /* temp file fd */,
int /* fd in browser*/)
int /* fd in browser */)
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
// Asks the browser to create a block of shared memory for the renderer to
// fill in and pass back to the browser.
uint32 /* buffer size */,
base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
// Provide the browser process with information about the WebCore resource
// cache.
// Notify the browser that this render process can or can't be suddenly
// terminated.
bool /* enabled */)
// Returns the window location of the window this widget is embeded.
// TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
// HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
gfx::NativeViewId /* window */,
gfx::Rect /* Out: Window location */)
// Informs the browser of a new appcache host.
int /* host_id */)
// Informs the browser of an appcache host being destroyed.
int /* host_id */)
// Initiates the cache selection algorithm for the given host.
// This is sent prior to any subresource loads. An AppCacheMsg_CacheSelected
// message will be sent in response.
// 'host_id' indentifies a specific document or worker
// 'document_url' the url of the main resource
// 'appcache_document_was_loaded_from' the id of the appcache the main
// resource was loaded from or kNoCacheId
// 'opt_manifest_url' the manifest url specified in the <html> tag if any
int /* host_id */,
GURL /* document_url */,
int64 /* appcache_document_was_loaded_from */,
GURL /* opt_manifest_url */)
// Initiates worker specific cache selection algorithm for the given host.
int /* host_id */,
int /* parent_process_id */,
int /* parent_host_id */)
int /* host_id */,
int64 /* appcache_id */)
// Informs the browser of a 'foreign' entry in an appcache.
int /* host_id */,
GURL /* document_url */,
int64 /* appcache_document_was_loaded_from */)
// Returns the status of the appcache associated with host_id.
int /* host_id */,
// Initiates an update of the appcache associated with host_id.
int /* host_id */,
bool /* success */)
// Swaps a new pending appcache, if there is one, into use for host_id.
int /* host_id */,
bool /* success */)
// Gets resource list from appcache synchronously.
int /* host_id in*/,
/* resources out */)
// Get the list of proxies to use for |url|, as a semicolon delimited list
// of "<TYPE> <HOST>:<PORT>" | "DIRECT". See also
// PluginProcessHostMsg_ResolveProxy which does the same thing.
GURL /* url */,
int /* network error */,
std::string /* proxy list */)
// Request that got sent to browser for creating an audio output stream
int /* stream_id */,
bool /* low-latency */)
// Tell the browser the audio buffer prepared for stream
// (render_view_id, stream_id) is filled and is ready to be consumed.
int /* stream_id */,
uint32 /* packet size */)
// Start buffering and play the audio stream specified by
// (render_view_id, stream_id).
int /* stream_id */)
// Pause the audio stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
int /* stream_id */)
// Discard all buffered audio data for the specified audio stream.
int /* stream_id */)
// Close an audio stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
int /* stream_id */)
// Get audio volume of the stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
int /* stream_id */)
// Set audio volume of the stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
// TODO(hclam): change this to vector if we have channel numbers other than 2.
int /* stream_id */,
double /* volume */)
// A renderer sends this message when an extension process starts an API
// request. The browser will always respond with a ViewMsg_ExtensionResponse.
// Notify the browser that the given extension added a listener to an event.
std::string /* extension_id */,
std::string /* name */)
// Notify the browser that the given extension removed a listener from an
// event.
std::string /* extension_id */,
std::string /* name */)
// Message sent from renderer to the browser to update the state of a command.
// The |command| parameter is a RenderViewCommand. The |checked_state| parameter
// is a CommandCheckedState.
int /* command */,
bool /* is_enabled */,
int /* checked_state */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// On OSX, we cannot allocated shared memory from within the sandbox, so
// this call exists for the renderer to ask the browser to allocate memory
// on its behalf. We return a file descriptor to the POSIX shared memory.
// If the |cache_in_browser| flag is |true|, then a copy of the shmem is kept
// by the browser, and it is the caller's repsonsibility to send a
// ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB message in order to release the cached shmem.
// In all cases, the caller is responsible for deleting the resulting
// TransportDIB.
size_t, /* bytes requested */
bool, /* cache in the browser */
TransportDIB::Handle /* DIB */)
// Since the browser keeps handles to the allocated transport DIBs, this
// message is sent to tell the browser that it may release them when the
// renderer is finished with them.
TransportDIB::Id /* DIB id */)
// Informs the browser that a plugin has gained or lost focus.
bool, /* focused */
int /* plugin_id */)
// Instructs the browser to start plugin IME.
// Messages related to accelerated plugins
// This is sent from the renderer to the browser to allocate a fake
// PluginWindowHandle on the browser side which is used to identify
// the plugin to the browser later when backing store is allocated
// or reallocated. |opaque| indicates whether the plugin's output is
// considered to be opaque, as opposed to translucent. This message
// is reused for rendering the accelerated compositor's output.
// |root| indicates whether the output is supposed to cover the
// entire window.
bool /* opaque */,
bool /* root */,
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
// Destroys a fake window handle previously allocated using
// AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle.
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
// This message, used on Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier (no IOSurface support),
// is sent from the renderer to the browser on behalf of the plug-in
// to indicate that a new backing store was allocated for that plug-in
// instance.
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
int32 /* width */,
int32 /* height */,
TransportDIB::Handle /* handle for the DIB */)
// This message, used on Mac OS X 10.6 and later (where IOSurface is
// supported), is sent from the renderer to the browser on behalf of the
// plug-in to indicate that a new backing store was allocated for that
// plug-in instance.
// NOTE: the original intent was to pass a mach port as the IOSurface
// identifier but it looks like that will be a lot of work. For now we pass an
// ID from IOSurfaceGetID.
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
int32 /* width */,
int32 /* height */,
uint64 /* surface_id */)
// This message notifies the browser process that the plug-in
// swapped the buffers associated with the given "window", which
// should cause the browser to redraw the various plug-ins'
// contents.
gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
uint64 /* surface_id */)
// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to create a
// worker. The browser will create the worker process if necessary, and
// will return the route id on success. On error returns MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
int /* route_id */)
// This message is sent to the browser to see if an instance of this shared
// worker already exists. If so, it returns exists == true. If a
// non-empty name is passed, also validates that the url matches the url of
// the existing worker. If a matching worker is found, the passed-in
// document_id is associated with that worker, to ensure that the worker
// stays alive until the document is detached.
// The route_id returned can be used to forward messages to the worker via
// ForwardToWorker if it exists, otherwise it should be passed in to any
// future call to CreateWorker to avoid creating duplicate workers.
bool /* exists */,
int /* route_id */,
bool /* url_mismatch */)
// A renderer sends this to the browser process when a document has been
// detached. The browser will use this to constrain the lifecycle of worker
// processes (SharedWorkers are shut down when their last associated document
// is detached).
uint64 /* document_id */)
// A message sent to the browser on behalf of a renderer which wants to show
// a desktop notification.
int /* notification_id */)
GURL /* origin */,
int /* callback_context */)
GURL /* source page */,
int /* permission_result */)
// Sent if the worker object has sent a ViewHostMsg_CreateDedicatedWorker
// message and not received a ViewMsg_WorkerCreated reply, but in the
// mean time it's destroyed. This tells the browser to not create the queued
// worker.
int /* route_id */)
// Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the worker on the renderer->browser
// hop.
IPC::Message /* message */)
// Open a channel to all listening contexts owned by the extension with
// the given ID. This always returns a valid port ID which can be used for
// sending messages. If an error occurred, the opener will be notified
// asynchronously.
int /* routing_id */,
std::string /* source_extension_id */,
std::string /* target_extension_id */,
std::string /* channel_name */,
int /* port_id */)
// Get a port handle to the given tab. The handle can be used for sending
// messages to the extension.
int /* routing_id */,
int /* tab_id */,
std::string /* extension_id */,
std::string /* channel_name */,
int /* port_id */)
// Send a message to an extension process. The handle is the value returned
// by ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelTo*.
int /* port_id */,
std::string /* message */)
// Send a message to an extension process. The handle is the value returned
// by ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelTo*.
int /* port_id */)
// Sent to notify the browser about renderer accessibility notifications.
// The browser responds with a ViewMsg_AccessibilityNotifications_ACK.
// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
// close all sockets. Used for debugging/testing.
// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
// enable or disable the cache. Used for debugging/testing.
bool /* enabled */)
// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
// clear the cache. Used for debugging/testing.
int /* result */)
// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
// enable or disable spdy. Used for debugging/testing/benchmarking.
bool /* enable */)
// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
// cache |data| associated with |url|.
GURL /* url */,
double /* expected_response_time */,
std::vector<char> /* data */)
// Opens a file asynchronously. The response returns a file descriptor
// and an error code from base/platform_file.h.
FilePath /* file path */,
int /* flags */,
int /* message_id */)
// Sent by the renderer process to acknowledge receipt of a
// ViewMsg_CSSInsertRequest message and css has been inserted into the frame.
// Notifies the browser of the language (ISO 639_1 code language, such as fr,
// en, zh...) of the current page.
std::string /* the language */)
// Notifies the browser that a page has been translated.
int, /* page id */
std::string /* the original language */,
std::string /* the translated language */,
TranslateErrors::Type /* the error type if available */)
// Socket Stream messages:
// These are messages from the SocketStreamHandle to the browser.
// Open new Socket Stream for the |socket_url| identified by |socket_id|
// in the renderer process.
// The browser starts connecting asynchronously.
// Once Socket Stream connection is established, the browser will send
// ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected back.
GURL /* socket_url */,
int /* socket_id */)
// Request to send data on the Socket Stream.
// SocketStreamHandle can send data at most |max_pending_send_allowed| bytes,
// which is given by ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected at any time.
// The number of pending bytes can be tracked by size of |data| sent
// and |amount_sent| parameter of ViewMsg_SocketStream_DataSent.
// That is, the following constraints is applied:
// (accumulated total of |data|) - (accumulated total of |amount_sent|)
// <= |max_pending_send_allowed|
// If the SocketStreamHandle ever tries to exceed the
// |max_pending_send_allowed|, the connection will be closed.
int /* socket_id */,
std::vector<char> /* data */)
// Request to close the Socket Stream.
// The browser will send ViewMsg_SocketStream_Closed back when the Socket
// Stream is completely closed.
int /* socket_id */)
// Request for cryptographic operation messages:
// These are messages from the renderer to the browser to perform a
// cryptographic operation.
// Asks the browser process to generate a keypair for grabbing a client
// certificate from a CA (<keygen> tag), and returns the signed public
// key and challenge string.
uint32 /* key size index */,
std::string /* challenge string */,
GURL /* URL of requestor */,
std::string /* signed public key and challenge */)
// The renderer has tried to spell check a word, but couldn't because no
// dictionary was available to load. Request that the browser find an
// appropriate dictionary and return it.
string16 /* word */,
int /* document tag */,
bool /* correct */)
string16 /* word */,
std::vector<string16> /* suggestions */)
// Geolocation services messages
// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| representing |host| is requesting
// permission to access geolocation position.
// This will be replied by ViewMsg_Geolocation_PermissionSet.
int /* render_view_id */,
int /* bridge_id */,
GURL /* GURL of the frame requesting geolocation */)
// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| representing |GURL| is cancelling its
// previous permission request to access geolocation position.
int /* render_view_id */,
int /* bridge_id */,
GURL /* GURL of the frame */)
// The |render_view_id| requests Geolocation service to start updating.
// This is an asynchronous call, and the browser process may eventually reply
// with the updated geoposition, or an error (access denied, location
// unavailable, etc.)
int /* render_view_id */,
GURL /* GURL of the frame requesting geolocation */,
bool /* enable_high_accuracy */)
// The |render_view_id| requests Geolocation service to stop updating.
// Note that the geolocation service may continue to fetch geolocation data
// for other origins.
int /* render_view_id */)
// Updates the minimum/maximum allowed zoom percent for this tab from the
// default values. If |remember| is true, then the zoom setting is applied to
// other pages in the site and is saved, otherwise it only applies to this
// tab.
int /* minimum_percent */,
int /* maximum_percent */,
bool /* remember */)
// Device orientation services messages:
// A RenderView requests to start receiving device orientation updates.
int /* render_view_id */)
// A RenderView requests to stop receiving device orientation updates.
int /* render_view_id */)
// FileSystem API messages
// These are messages sent from the renderer to the browser process.
// WebFrameClient::openFileSystem() message.
int /* request_id */,
GURL /* origin_url */,
fileapi::FileSystemType /* type */,
int64 /* requested_size */,
bool /* create */)
// WebFileSystem::move() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* src path */,
FilePath /* dest path */)
// WebFileSystem::copy() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* src path */,
FilePath /* dest path */)
// WebFileSystem::remove() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* path */,
bool /* recursive */)
// WebFileSystem::readMetadata() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* path */)
// WebFileSystem::create() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* path */,
bool /* exclusive */,
bool /* is_directory */,
bool /* recursive */)
// WebFileSystem::exists() messages.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* path */,
bool /* is_directory */)
// WebFileSystem::readDirectory() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* path */)
// WebFileWriter::write() message.
int /* request id */,
FilePath /* file path */,
GURL /* blob URL */,
int64 /* position */)
// WebFileWriter::truncate() message.
int /* request id */,
FilePath /* file path */,
int64 /* length */)
// Pepper's Touch() message.
int /* request_id */,
FilePath /* path */,
base::Time /* last_access_time */,
base::Time /* last_modified_time */)
// WebFileWriter::cancel() message.
int /* request id */,
int /* id of request to cancel */)
// Blob messages:
// Registers a blob URL referring to the specified blob data.
GURL /* url */,
scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::BlobData> /* blob_data */)
// Registers a blob URL referring to the blob data identified by the specified
// source URL.
GURL /* url */,
GURL /* src_url */)
// Unregister a blob URL.
IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_UnregisterBlobUrl, GURL /* url */)
// Suggest results -----------------------------------------------------------
int32 /* page_id */,
std::vector<std::string> /* suggestions */)
int32 /* page_id */,
bool /* result */)
// Client-Side Phishing Detector ---------------------------------------------
// Inform the browser that the current URL is phishing according to the
// client-side phishing detector.
GURL /* phishing_url */,
double /* phishing_score */)
// Response from ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest. The ID is the parameter supplied
// to ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest. The result has the value returned by the
// script as it's only element, one of Null, Boolean, Integer, Real, Date, or
// String.
int /* id */,
ListValue /* result */)
// Updates the content restrictions, i.e. to disable print/copy.
int /* restrictions */)
// The currently displayed PDF has an unsupported feature.
// JavaScript related messages -----------------------------------------------
// Notify the JavaScript engine in the render to change its parameters
// while performing stress testing.
int /* cmd */,
int /* param */)