blob: 814e9321c9635056b76f6284b04c1e8f3e8267d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
namespace net {
class ProxyConfig;
class ProxyResolver;
class ProxyScriptFetcher;
// InitProxyResolver is a helper class used by ProxyService to
// initialize a ProxyResolver with the PAC script data specified
// by a particular ProxyConfig.
// This involves trying to use PAC scripts in this order:
// (1) WPAD if auto-detect is on.
// (2) Custom PAC script if a URL was given.
// If no PAC script was successfully downloaded + parsed, then it fails with
// a network error. Otherwise the proxy resolver is left initialized with
// the PAC script.
// Deleting InitProxyResolver while Init() is in progress, will
// cancel the request.
class InitProxyResolver {
// |resolver|, |proxy_script_fetcher| and |net_log| must remain valid for
// the lifespan of InitProxyResolver.
InitProxyResolver(ProxyResolver* resolver,
ProxyScriptFetcher* proxy_script_fetcher,
NetLog* net_log);
// Aborts any in-progress request.
// Apply the PAC settings of |config| to |resolver_|.
int Init(const ProxyConfig& config,
CompletionCallback* callback);
enum State {
struct PacURL {
PacURL(bool auto_detect, const GURL& url)
: auto_detect(auto_detect), url(url) {}
bool auto_detect;
GURL url;
typedef std::vector<PacURL> UrlList;
// Returns ordered list of PAC urls to try for |config|.
UrlList BuildPacUrlsFallbackList(const ProxyConfig& config) const;
void OnIOCompletion(int result);
int DoLoop(int result);
void DoCallback(int result);
int DoFetchPacScript();
int DoFetchPacScriptComplete(int result);
int DoSetPacScript();
int DoSetPacScriptComplete(int result);
// Tries restarting using the next fallback PAC URL:
// |pac_urls_[++current_pac_url_index]|.
// Returns OK and rewinds the state machine when there
// is something to try, otherwise returns |error|.
int TryToFallbackPacUrl(int error);
// Gets the initial state (we skip fetching when the
// ProxyResolver doesn't |expect_pac_bytes()|.
State GetStartState() const;
// Returns the current PAC URL we are fetching/testing.
const PacURL& current_pac_url() const;
void DidCompleteInit();
void Cancel();
ProxyResolver* resolver_;
ProxyScriptFetcher* proxy_script_fetcher_;
CompletionCallbackImpl<InitProxyResolver> io_callback_;
CompletionCallback* user_callback_;
size_t current_pac_url_index_;
// Filled when the PAC script fetch completes.
string16 pac_script_;
UrlList pac_urls_;
State next_state_;
BoundNetLog net_log_;
} // namespace net